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We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→ Donate - Huck PAC

July 8, 2023

As a rock music fan, I enjoy Pink Floyd. But “We don’t need no education” is bad advice for life.

When our kids graduate school, they no longer just have to compete with each other. They now compete in a global marketplace. Not only have low-skilled jobs moved abroad where labor is cheap, but to attract new high-paying, tech-based jobs to America (or even to work online), our kids need an education as good or better than students get in China, India, Israel and other nations. Sadly, our schools are not giving them the tools they need to compete in the 21st century.

I have a friend who owns a printing business. He gives job applicants a pencil and ruler, and asks them to mark an eighth of an inch, a sixteenth of an inch and other simple measurements on a piece of paper. He tells me that no more than one out of ten even has a clue what he’s talking about. If America’s students can get a high school diploma without knowing basic fractions, then all we’re equipping them to achieve is a fraction of the American Dream.

Of course, the cry always goes up, “We need to spend more on education!” But we already spend over $550 billion a year, more than 4 percent of the gross domestic product. If money equaled results, then Washington, DC, should be crawling with junior Einsteins. DC public schools spend over $30,000 per student per year, or $10,000 more than the tuition for an in-state graduate degree from the University of Virginia. Yet DC’s reading, writing and math scores are well below the national average. Money alone doesn’t fix the problem.

Those who are obsessed with “income inequality” want to tear down those who earn more, but have no ideas for helping those who earn less. Well, here’s one: finish high school! Nearly a third of US students drop out. Over their lives, they’ll earn, on average, a quarter million dollars less than high school graduates. They’re also more likely to suffer ill health, get involved in drugs and crime, and die nine years younger. Staying in school benefits both them and society.

But if we want students to learn, then schools have to make them want to learn. To ignite their curiosity and turn them into lifelong seekers of knowledge. That takes both involved parents and competent teachers who are rewarded for good results. Kids need to be taught how to think, not just memorize standardized tests. They also need to be taught real facts and real history, not trendy racist, socialist and anti-American propaganda.

Dropping arts and music classes is the most short-sighted budget cut a school can make. Studies show that music class helps kids do better in other subjects, develop social skills, and stay in school longer. It might also improve the current dismal state of pop music. We must remember that schools exist for the students, not for the teachers’ unions or the education bureaucracy (so open the schools and stop letting the unions keep them closed.) And we need to keep most decisions about education at the state and local levels, with close parental involvement, so they’re made by people who know the students best.

If you think that doesn’t matter, look at all the home-schooled students winning academic contests. Home is as local as you can get, yet those students are more than ready to compete on the world stage. Don’t you want your kids to be?

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Comments 41-50 of 50

  • Desree Pettera

    07/07/2022 01:01 PM

    Oh you are so correct about art in schools, but everyone forgets about another part of the art world. Drawing, painting etc. I thrive on this but it was stolen from me in school.

    I was lost all my life until I picked up these brushes as an old lady.

    Schools train for a job! They forget that our souls need much more.
    Too long of a story. ??

    Desree Pettera

  • Dan Hobson

    07/07/2022 12:58 PM

    Mike, you rock! I love pink floyd too! No, really, the entire reason our society is in such rapid decline is because God has been taken out of the schools. I grew up in four foreign countries, and they all had better fundamental teachings, and were far more advanced by the 12th grade than we here in the 'States. I am terrified that we won't make muster in this country, and will have to end up the "uneducated" work force in sweat shops.

  • Ed Thompson

    07/07/2022 12:55 PM

    Hello Governor, just wanted to let you know we love your show. Spent the 4th in the north central north area of Pennsylvania, and talk about Trump county, how amazing it is to be able to talk to total strangers about the sad state of affairs in America and hear their opinions on how it has become this way. We had numerous conversations with people in restaurants and even while swimming and by a large— massive actually, majority, people are more than willing to tell anyone they voted for D. Trump and are going to do so again! Who was the one that was happy with Joe?? That would be a visitor from the Philadelphia area who was happy with her orange hair and unhappy with everyone around her! Sad about the lack of education in some people about truths.

  • dave allen

    07/07/2022 12:47 PM

    and from an newsletter the NEA is officially a social justice, pro-abortion, pro-lbtgq++++ political entity, donating $25million to leftists in the 2020 election cycle. the 'E' in NEA has everything to do with Engagement, and nothing to do with Education.

  • Connie Martin

    07/07/2022 12:38 PM

    As a veteran teacher, vocal/instrumental music, who is looking to retire in about 5 years, I can honestly say that education is not what it used to be.
    Personally we need ti get rid of standardized testing a d go back to something like the Iowa Basic Skills test and not tie teacher retention to the class test scores. It is rather unfair as I know admins that purposely give certain strong teachers lower achieving students in an effort to bring them up to grade level. Often times that does not work for the whole class and reflects badly on a good teacher.

    The only time I belonged to a teacher’s union was when I taught in an inner city school for the legal representation because the students would hotline a teacher over nothing just to get a teacher fired or ti hopefully get a monetary settlement from the school.

    I am thankfully back out in the rural districts where there is still basically a conservative Judeo-Christian mindset. But, even here I see the woke lgbt whatever mess infiltrating into the smaller rural schools. The day I am forced to use pronouns that are not the person’s born gender pronouns I will be putting in my resignation. I could retire at the end if the 22/23 school year, but would rather wait a few years.

  • Samuel L. Smith Sr.

    07/07/2022 12:18 PM

    You like rock music WOW! The first step that needs to be taken is to get the union out of education (fed.!) That will not solve the problem, yet it will go a long way in doing so. Then the people need to keep the local unions under control, and the parents need to put more say in what the rules are used to governing the schools and what the kids learn. We should dump the government school, I know that is wishful thinking for there are those must send them to these school do to their low income and single parents . The more the parents stand together and fight the better they can make a education for their kids and future generations.

  • Cathy L Burch

    07/07/2022 12:08 PM

    I enjoy your newsletter everyday. My son is a high school Math teacher only one of five of his teacher friend grads still teaching. He is now looking elsewhere. I've watched his struggles with the woke administrators, decreasing standards, & condescending instructions. Not showing up & not doing any work no student fails.

  • Bernadette K Dillon Santos

    07/07/2022 11:55 AM

    I am praying every day for me, my family and this country. We need to keep saying God Bless America my home sweet home. But we also need to say God save this country, please O Lord!

  • stephen russell

    07/07/2022 11:37 AM

    Need more Voc/Tech Ed nationwide, New & old subjects/jobs
    EV Techs
    Hybrid Service Techs
    Home Robotics Tech
    Theme Adventure Travel agent
    Lunar Hotel Mgr
    Undersea Hotel Mgr
    Aquaculture Farmer
    Hi Rise Urban Farm Tower Mgr
    Bionics Production Tech
    Smart Auto Programmer
    AI programmer

  • Lorraine F McCarthy

    12/31/2021 03:48 PM

    I totally agree!
    I also agree with the idea of meeting a student where their interest is. If you can get them engaged in learning you have a much better chance of advancing them from that point. All kids are not equaly interested in the same subjects.

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