Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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June 2, 2022

The House Judiciary Committee will hold an emergency meeting today to put together a bill that will reportedly include eight new gun control measures. It includes “proposals to raise the minimum age for purchasing a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21, ban ‘high capacity magazines,’ establish a registry for bump stocks and more.” True to form, it’s not called the “Gun Control Omnibus Act” but the “Protect Our Kids Act.” So when you hear that term, you’ll know what it actually is.


Never let it be said that we don’t listen to all sides of an issue. Here’s an op-ed by Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, detailing what he says are some small changes that could be made to gun laws and increasing support for mental health that could help reduce gun violence and prevent school shootings and that members of both parties could agree on.


I invite you to read what he has to say and tell us in the comments whether you would be willing to compromise on such measures, whether you think they would help, and why or why not.

For more, here’s Derek Hunter of Townhall.com analyzing a New York Times editorial demanding more gun control and explaining the holes in their thinking.


In his inimitable way, Kurt Schlichter explains that the problem isn’t a lack of gun laws, it’s a shortage of duty and accountability.


Finally, the uncle of one of the young victims of the Uvalde school shooting spoke out against people using their family’s name to promote more anti-gun laws. He said their own family are responsible gun owners, and they believe enhanced security at schools is a far better solution.


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Comments 41-50 of 64

  • Donna Merolle

    06/05/2022 01:41 PM

    The criminals, gang bangers and others who commit crimes will always get guns either on the street or the black market. I do agree that nobody really needs an "assault" rifle or automatic weapon and I agree that the age to buy a gun should be raised to 21. Also, thorough background checks should be the norm. I am not against guns and believe it's a person's right to own them.

  • Thaila Robertson

    06/05/2022 01:38 PM

    I am all for background checks for gun ownership. I am kind of okay with temporarily removing guns from those suspected of mental illness so severe they could be a threat to others and an immediate review from multiple doctors to permanently remove and be placed on a National list of those who are not allowed to possess a weapon. That’s about it’s far as gun regulations for me.

  • Joe Lyddon

    06/05/2022 01:30 PM

    "Finally, the uncle of one of the young victims of the Uvalde school shooting spoke out against people using their family’s name to promote more anti-gun laws. He said their own family are responsible gun owners, and they believe enhanced security at schools is a far better solution."

    I agree 200% with his statement... NOW, How do we Tell the government that we agree with this statement?
    Contacting my Senator, Fienstein, is a waste of time; her mind is drastically Made UP... as well as our Terrible House Rep.

    Looks like I am USELESS in fighting this (Another) governmental action that would NOT have saved the lives of this recent shooting!

    Thank you,
    Joe Lyddon

  • Pat Kennedy

    06/05/2022 01:16 PM

    Republicans are well versed to underestimate the resolve of the democrats, and naively continue to be surprised at what the democrats do. Playing one move chess and the other playing to win.

  • Larry W. Perkins

    06/05/2022 12:29 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee,

    There are many avenues that the marxists of the world, for many years, have been using to tear down America. Our nation has been under attack a long time. We are so blessed that our founding fathers understood what tyranny was and how it operates. They realized that the great new nation they were hands on in developing would come under attack. The first amendment is supposed to be our "guarantee" of freedom of speech, although the marxist/socialists are doing a very good job of silencing many voices who speak truth to power and cry out to make our great citizenry aware of the truth.
    The second amendment was put in place to help us protect ourselves from the tyranny we are seeing today and that I pray does not escalate over the next few months. God gave us the right to self-defense. It is such a sad story that politicians, in all their wisdom and knowledge, not to mention their extreme desire to cow-tow to the lobbyists, decided it was a great idea to make our most treasured of gifts the most unprotected. They made ALL school zones and hospitals "gun free" zones. Somewhere along the way they started de-funding police departments and not prosecuting the criminals that commit crimes. Also, the second highest ranking politician in the land sought funds to pay the bail for those criminals who were actually arrested. You just can't make this stuff up!
    If we actually valued the gift of children then, we would stop murdering them pre-birth and now, in some sick parts of our society, up to 28 days "post birth."
    We must start protecting our children and leave honest law abiding Americans alone. The 2nd amendment is what stands between freedom and absolute tyranny. Leave it alone!
    Thank you for your time in reading my heart felt thoughts on a couple of topics.

  • Ross Sanders

    06/05/2022 11:12 AM

    Hi Governor ! I have been a life-long advocate of our 2nd amendment as was my father a world war 2 vet who received the bronze star for bravery. I must say at this time that assault weapons have never been in my or my fathers home and I feel that anyone wishing to purchase one must go through an extensive back ground check. Then prove the weapons are locked away from anyone who would attempt to get t5hem. Those are my thoughts anyways! Thank you for your work and I hope and pray your daughters succeeds in her run for governor! God bless!

  • David Langdon

    06/04/2022 04:36 AM

    More gun laws are not the answer. A criminal doesn't buy a gun lawfully most of the time so passing more laws only make it more difficult for law abiding people to buy guns. As for background checks for all gun sales it's a good idea but couldn't be enforced for private sells. All that would do is increase illegal gun sales. The 2A is pretty clear it states plainly it shall not be impeded. Having school liaison officers could help building security and would make schools harder targets but that alone is only part of the solution. Guns are not the problem, it's a cultural and moral problem that's been building since the 1960's and is now coming to a head. Until these problems are addressed these shootings will continue to happen.

  • Mike Tritle

    06/03/2022 03:05 PM

    Since these shooters are inherent lawbreakers (Murder, discharge of a firearm within city limits, attempted murder, purchase of a firearm w/o proper identification, purchase and/or ownership of a firearm by mentally unstable/felons/spouse abusers, and more are all illegal) and obviously do not care about law and order, no additional or redundant gun control laws will deter their actions. Since they obviously have no regard for human life, if they intend to kill, they will find a way.

    The solution to this lies in the reversal of the societal breakdown of respect for life, for fellow man, for self discipline, for acceptance of responsibility and for the attitude the world owes everyone equal happiness. School discipline is out the window, parents have become BFF's instead of parents, have deferred responsibility for upbringing to the school system and the school system has all but eliminated discinaplary action against students for fear of parental legal action. Add to that, the catch and release policies of so many cities and rampant one sided unprosecuted government corruption has sent the message that crime is just a part of life. Those with weak minds, lousy upbringing, and high expectations leading to inevitable dissapointment, will assume it is for them to take things violent.

    When parents teach right and wrong
    When schools retake charge of discipline
    When Government follows through on law enforcement
    When Government corruption is equally procecuted
    When society says, "Enough!"

    Only then will the current problem reduce itself.

    When bad is good, good is ridiculed and deviance celebrated, chaos will result.

  • Mike Boson

    06/03/2022 02:38 PM

    We must become a country of Hard Targets like Israel. No compromise on the 2nd Amendment.

  • Angelo Privetera

    06/03/2022 11:53 AM

    I’m not a gun fanatic or member of the NRA.
    I think we can all agree that there is no right of criminals or people with serious mental illness to own weapons, but the devil is in the details. First of all, how would that be managed? We have learned the government is not responsible either before or after the fact. Background checks are a bad joke. To do an effective background check takes more than filling out a piece of paper and having no recent arrests. A perfect example is that an 18 year old with obvious problems was able to buy guns easily. A check wit associates or look at his social media would have revealed problems. The background document submitted should contain a release to access social media, health, and other data. Secondly HIPPA laws preventing access to medical
    information need to be waived, and any Red Flag data should be adjudicated. Thirdly, where is the punishment for the criminals who get guns, violate the law over and over, and never stay in jail. Where is the court making sure that bad guys are severely punished, especially for those who use guns in commission of a crime? Finally, no one trusts big government. They wast to focus on technicalities and details like what the gun looks like, what kind of magazine is used, suing the gun maker, and how many bullets you can have, but don’t really try to address the problem they are trying to solve. They are the real problem.

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