Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 24, 2022

Well, that four-year vacation from American involvement in new foreign wars under Trump was nice while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Unfortunately, too many voters let the media convince them that it was important for foreign leaders to love our President, so the Mean Tweeter had to be replaced with the “moderate” lifelong politician who’s been wrong on every foreign policy issue of the previous 47 years. They failed to realize that one of the biggest omens that America is facing big trouble around the world is if our adversaries just LOOOOVE the choice we made for President.

I want our enemies to fear and respect our President, not chortle with delight at their good fortune in our choice of leaders. Right now, anyone wishing America ill is not just chortling, they’re cackling out loud and licking their chops.

In his big press conference last week, President Biden couldn’t have projected weakness more clearly if he’d borrowed the Bat Signal and emblazoned it across the sky. He’d already let the Taliban take over Afghanistan and dictate the terms of our tragic withdrawal. Iran was threatening America and Israel, and North Korea was testing hypersonic missiles, all with barely a peep from the White House.

And then, Biden stood before the entire world and admitted that he probably wouldn’t do much of anything if Russia made a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. Do you think Vladimir Putin didn’t get that “Go" signal? If Trump had sent such a message, the media would have been ablaze with “Trump is a Russian agent” headlines.

Now, we’re facing the grim consequences of having such incredible weakness in the White House. A report by UK intelligence claims that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine and install a pro-Kremlin leader, which is hardly a “minor incursion.” The White House calls it “deeply concerning,” which I’m sure has Putin quaking in his boots.


Now, as a consequence of American weakness, the winds of war are starting to blow. Biden’s advisers are reportedly suggesting that he try to clean up his mess by deploying Navy vessels and sending 3,000 to 5,000 of our troops to Eastern Europe. That is, if we have that many left after he forced out all the Trump voters, critics of his Administration, soldiers who think there are only two genders, and those who didn’t want to get vaccinated.


Meanwhile, NATO has to step up to fill the void of American leadership, so they’re sending some fighter jets and ships to Eastern Europe in hopes of deterring Russia.


But of course, Putin has a weapon he can hold over NATO that he didn’t have when Trump was in office and America was exporting oil and gas instead of begging OPEC for it. Rallying NATO might not even have been necessary had Biden not only laid out the welcome mat for Russia to invade, but strengthened Putin by greenlighting a Russian oil pipeline while targeting our own domestic energy industry for destruction, leaving European NATO nations at the mercy of Russia for oil.


All of this is setting up the game board for yet another costly, deadly foreign war that could have been prevented by simply having a strong US President that our adversaries took seriously. Unfortunately, that appears to be at least three years away. I shudder to think what the state of the world could be by then. In the meantime, China, which has already cracked down on Hong Kong and is threatening Taiwan, will undoubtedly be watching the US response to Russian aggression against Ukraine with great interest.

Sadly, Democrat “leadership” is proving to be a perfect storm of incompetence, weakness and wrongheaded policies. Many people around the world, from our own crime-plagued cities to Afghanistan and possibly soon in Ukraine, are paying the price with the loss of their rights, freedom and lives. I hope you’ll pray for them. And pray that 2024 gets here double quick. 

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Comments 41-50 of 71


    01/24/2022 02:59 PM

    Gov. Huckabee,
    I'm praying that Nov. 2022 gets here quickly. You and I still remember who is in ultimate control. Thank Heavens it's not man. Our creator , Father and God is in control, if I need to remind you. He sees the picture on a big wide screen TV. We see only an inch or so of what he sees 4-5 feet worth or more.
    He hears our prayers and our Christian brothers and sisters just need to make our petitions known more than we are. How's Keith Brilby's house doing? Please tell him a fan of his and yours has Keith's house on my prayer list.
    Praying partner,
    Peter Burnham

  • Lisa Peterson

    01/24/2022 02:52 PM

    Dear Governor,
    At the rate of this Administration is going, 2024 may be too late. With the rate that Congress is heading, it may be another steal this November's midterm elections ??. Our only real hope is what Robin Bullock said, a foreign invasion of God's intervention. Psalm 118: 8-9. Remember the "If My People " meetings that people, like Pat Boone and others did in the 70's? Why are religious leaders not doing that now?

  • David W Thompson

    01/24/2022 02:51 PM

    I am just wondering if impeaching Donald Trump seemed like a good idea to the Dems before, why is impeaching Biden not equally as glamorous to the rights?
    Biden is destroying the US and anyone else that wants to lean our way. Lynch him!!

  • Bill Moriarty

    01/24/2022 02:50 PM

    Opinion from Mike Flynn:
    Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: Biden Might Get Hundreds of Millions Killed Over Ukraine
    By Michael Flynn January 24, 2022 at 9:34am

    A remarkable failure of meaningful reporting about the massive military buildup in and around Ukraine in recent weeks results in most Americans having no idea how close we have been brought to armed conflict with the Russian Federation.

    Even those Americans who have sought out news about Ukraine can do little more than watch from the sidelines as those currently leading our nation inch us toward a potential catastrophe.

    ?Although going to war is the most consequential decision that a nation can make, the people are rarely consulted by the elites, who are largely immunized from the consequences of their actions. If the people were actually consulted, wars would be rare events indeed.
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    ?The rhetoric about the Ukraine conflict is out of control. President Joe Biden threatens that Russia would “pay a heavy price” for any incursion into Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of “massive consequences” for Russia. Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, “We don’t rule out first-use nuclear action.” First-use nuclear action rhetoric is not only extremely dangerous, but these types of nonsensical remarks also threaten the stability of the entire world.

    Policy wonks throw around the phrase “failure of imagination” when it comes to intelligence community failures. The entire Biden administration, along with the neocon defense and foreign policy thinks tanks in Washington, are failing to imagine the consequences of the dangers lurking in Eastern Europe currently.
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    War is not fair and is not meant to be. In fact, harking back to the failures in Afghanistan, during a recent State Department call, the following was stated: “Given that the President has said military action by Russia could come at any time. The US Government will not be in a position to evacuate US Citizens. So US citizens, currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.” A stunning statement of failure!

    ?We are again living out the maxim that “truth is the first casualty of war.” If the people are to have a chance to stop a conflagration, the first step is to resist the propaganda barrage from the establishment media and learn the truth. Only then we can demand our government stop beating the drums of war.
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    ?The Biden administration wants us to believe that Russia is seeking to regain its former greatness by overthrowing the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and replacing it with a puppet government that it would control. The neocon-dominated establishment in both of our political parties wants us to believe that the Soviet Union still exists and is inherently expansionary.

    Just as the nation was sold a hoax about Russia having elected President Donald Trump in 2016, another illusion now is being sold. Do not believe a word of it!

    ?Russia has explained repeatedly it has one core concern — Ukraine being admitted into the NATO military alliance.

    Responding to the buildup, a Russian official explained in a Tass article: “We are alarmed by reports some member-countries of NATO have stepped up the deployment of lethal weapons and military personnel to Ukraine.”

    And if Ukraine were admitted into NATO, with its strategic location, Russian knows that NATO and the U.S. could place missiles literally on its border, creating an existential threat to Russia.
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    ?While Russia’s concern is obvious, the Biden administration has never even tried to explain the existence of any vital national interest of the United States in Ukraine that could justify hostilities. For his part, Blinken has asserted the principle that Ukraine must have the right to join NATO and claimed that principle could never be compromised. The Russians understand that would likely result in nuclear weapons being placed at its doorstep — closer to Russia than Cuba is to the United States.

    ?It should be obvious that there is no equivalency of interest here. None. NATO was established to preserve the peace, and it would be a tragedy of immense proportions if its threatened Eastern expansion would become the principal cause of a devastating war.
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    ?Let’s put the current conflict into a historical context. If President John Kennedy was justified in risking war to prevent nuclear missiles from being installed in Cuba in 1961, then why exactly is Russian President Vladimir Putin being reckless in risking war to prevent NATO weapons from being installed in Ukraine in 2022? Would any great nation allow the development of such a threat on its border?

    ?The world could have been thrown into war in October 1962 if Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had not been willing to take into consideration the non-negotiable position that Kennedy was taking. Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba, and he later reciprocated Khruschev’s action by removing U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Both great nations acted responsibly, and the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully.
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    ?The events of October 1962 remind us that there are great principles that govern how great nations must treat each other to preserve the peace.

    Part of my training as an Army officer was to study The Law of Nations by Emer de Vattel. This historic work was instrumental in guiding the Founders of our nation as it declared independence from England and charted our own course in the world. It takes principles of natural law and applies those principles to nations. It is a remarkable book.

    Two of the principles set out in that book are of critical importance right now, and our foreign policy masters need reminding from time to time of these principles.

    First, “Every nation … has … a right to prevent other nations from obstructing her preservation … that is, to preserve herself from all injuries … called the right to security … It is safest to prevent the evil, when it can be prevented.” This principle is the basis for the Monroe Doctrine and was exactly Kennedy’s response to the threat of Russian missiles in Cuba.
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    Second, “Every nation is obliged to cultivate the friendship of other nations, and carefully to avoid whatever might kindle their enmity against her.” De Vattel then added: “Wise and prudent nations often pursue this line of conduct from views of direct and present interest; a more noble, more general, and less direct interest, is too rarely the motive of politicians.”

    All parties involved must seek to re-identify and apply those natural law principles to the current crisis before the world slips off into the abyss. While politicians generally double down on overblown rhetoric, there is still hope statesmen will arise, act responsibly and preserve the peace.

    The United States and the Russian Federation are great nations. However, these great nations each have thousands of nuclear weapons that could kill hundreds of millions.

    With those as the stakes, it would be wise for Biden and Blinken to listen to what Putin is saying and consider why Russia believes its vital national interests are at risk. If the United States has no comparable national interest to that of Russia, that should be the basis for de-escalation.
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    My strongest recommendation for consideration by those deciding the potential fate of humanity is to listen again to something George Washington, our first president, said about politics and war: “[B]e honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others, meddling as little as possible in their affairs where our own are not involved. If this maxim was generally adopted, wars would cease …”

    I am not pollyannish that war will forever cease; I am by nature a warrior. I do believe, however, from time to time, to be a nation at peace, we must return to our faith and our forefathers to remind ourselves what the real consequences of wars cause.

    War is not fair — it is not meant to be — and a looming war with Russia would be anything but fair. Take that to the bank, if you can find one after a nuclear exchange.

    The views expressed in this opinion article are those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website. If you are interested in contributing an Op-Ed to The Western Journal, you can learn about our submission guidelines and process here.

  • Judith Kemp

    01/24/2022 02:47 PM

    Why can this administration not be brought up on treason charges? Seems all anybody is doing is mouthing off and just letting them slide.

  • Thomas Bolcar

    01/24/2022 02:42 PM

    It's going to be one hell of a mess to clean up for the next president. No DC insider is capable. There's one guy with experience and a track record of success. His name is Donald Trump. He may be our last chance.

  • Sherry and Gary Glascock

    01/24/2022 02:37 PM

    It looks like the ones in office as Democrats are followers of the evil one and not God. They have turned away God from our country and holding the killers and druggies up to worship instead. I am proud of our Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders and all our Service men and women who protect us as best they can, even giving their lives for us who are unworthy. Jesus gave his life for us to be saved and so do these people. I praise and thank them all.

  • Wende Prettyman

    01/24/2022 02:33 PM

    I so appreciate and look forward to your emails and utube!
    I seriously suspect that though B makes “stupid remarks” such as “here are 18 things, Putin, not to hack!”, that these remarks are given to yell to all, “Here’s America, come and take it!” He has sold us out right from the beginning and continues to do so! Still not sure who is running this “show” but the intent is the same!
    O always hated America, could be him, but no matter who, it’s just too obvious!
    Leave 80 billion dollars of weapons to make a quick getaway! No, they were left so our enemies would have them!
    Again you give hope through Jesus and speak truth! Thank you so much
    Wende Prettyman

  • Rick Wilkins

    01/24/2022 02:18 PM

    I didn't vote for our current president.

  • Skip Milam

    01/24/2022 02:13 PM

    Your article is sad, but too true, Mike. Before the last election I lived under the illusion that voters were smart enough to think for themselves, evaluate the facts independently of media propaganda and Democrat lies and vote as informed citizens. Sadly, I was wrong and now everyone is paying for many peoples willingness to be led like cattle. The very thing the Democrats were hoping would happen. “Lie, cheat, steal an election, it won’t matter, because people are to stupid to see through the propaganda. SAD!

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