Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 12, 2021

Activists who caused mayhem trying to crash the joint session of Congress last week –- tragically leading to one shooting death and several other fatalities, including one policeman –- have been characterized in news reports as right-wing conspiracy theorists who identify with such groups as QAnon. It’s not the first time Trump supporters have been reportedly associated with QAnon, and when this came up once before, some readers wrote and asked us, “What is QAnon?”

Heck if I knew. Seriously, we had no idea. And those readers must not have known, either, or they wouldn’t have asked us. Judging from typical news accounts, though, Trump supporters are deep into this and other wild conspiracy theories, like the crazy belief that some people actually commit election fraud. Of course we know that’s nonsense, especially when applied to the 2020 election, which we’ve been assured was the most accurate and secure election in our nation’s history and that’s good enough for us. (Sarcasm alert.)


And since news accounts are known for giving such keen and insightful depictions of Trump supporters –- how we think, what motivates us, what we like to buy at Walmart and order at the Olive Garden –- we were frankly a little embarrassed at our ignorance about QAnon. What kind of self-respecting Trump supporters were we, not even knowing what it was, let alone not believing whatever it was they were putting out there? So we did a little very basic research and tackled the question briefly in a months-old newsletter.

After the Capitol Hill riot last week, the topic of QAnon came up again, in a particularly sad context: Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was killed by a Capitol Hill officer inside the building, reportedly at least looked into it herself.

Here’s how the AP put it: “Her Twitter account promoted mainstream conservative views but also included references to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which centers on the baseless belief that Trump had been secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of Satan-worshiping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring.”

Well, they kind of had us at “deep state enemies” but lost us at “Satan-worshiping cannibals.”

Please understand, we strongly condemn the foolish and destructive actions at the Capitol. Everyone involved should be ashamed of what they did and those who disobeyed Capitol Police, vandalized the building and led to the death and destruction should be prosecuted as fully as we called for that to happen to the Antifa and BLM rioters last summer. Their actions helped Trump’s adversaries wrongly paint the President and ALL his supporters as insurrectionists and even seditionists, giving the left an excuse to crush our civil rights, which they are now doing. Still, the AP report about Babbitt reads mostly like a hit piece, especially jarring since the woman had been killed just the day before. It includes a couple of nice remarks from her ex-husband Aaron, but otherwise paints her as a nutty Trump supporter who believed all those crazy things about the election and tweeted about gun rights and illegal immigration.

According to the AP report, “Babbitt, an Air Force veteran who identified as a Libertarian and supporter of the 2nd Amendment, frequently posted unsubstantiated views about election fraud by the President and his most extreme supporters –- activists whose conspiracy theories and unflinching support for Trump have attracted large numbers of online followers.”


Babbitt was once charged with road rage, it says, but acquitted. She reportedly supported a recall drive against California Gov. Gavin Newsome, which is at least one testament to sanity and good judgment.

Again quoting from AP: “Brian Levin, Director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, said Babbitt will be remembered as a martyr by people with a wide range of grievances spanning from disbelief in the seriousness of the pandemic to beliefs in QAnon conspiracy theories.

“‘When you have people in an alternate universe, they will take a catalytic event and spin it in a way that is most appealing to their emotions and fears, irrespective of what the facts may end up showing,’ he said.”

Well, isn’t that special. I get the impression that to such a condescending person, gun rights and legal immigration –- and Trump support –- are right up there with a cannibalistic sex trafficking ring as crazy things to believe in. And many on the left eagerly lump us all into that same alternate universe.

I’d also say that anything called the “Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism” might want to focus just a little attention on the hate and extremism coming from the left, along with those wild conspiracy theories about Trump and Putin and Russian prostitutes. Bet they won’t, though. Because those examples are perfectly normal.

Another report, this from the AIR FORCE TIMES, refers to Babbitt as an “adherent" of QAnon.

Incidentally, this report tells us that Babbitt “was part of a mob that, after being incited by President Trump’s fraudulent claims of a stolen election, overran barricades and stormed Congress...” Hold on --- one timeline of events suggests the mob could not have been listening to Trump’s speech and get there in time to cause the chaos at the Capitol when it took place. We're checking into this, but It appears these people might not have even heard Trump speak, so I’m curious to know how he “incited” them.

Also, the event they were interrupting was an attempt by Republicans in Congress to present their evidence, which thanks to their idiocy, was not presented and never will be.

Apparently, Babbitt had posted a photo of herself in a “QAnon” shirt. We wish we could tell you more about this group, but we –- like most Trump supporters –- are just not into that. When President Trump was asked about it by incredibly rude town hall host Savannah Guthrie last year, he said he didn’t know anything about it. “I just don’t know about QAnon,” he said.

Guthrie argued with him (!), as she did repeatedly throughout the interview. “You do know,” she said.

He insisted he did not. Then he said they were against pedophilia, but it seems he was confused and really talking about Antifa. Apparently, even President Trump didn’t know what QAnon is, or had only a vague idea.

Here’s what the NEW YORK POST said about QAnon in a comprehensive report last October.

QAnon was supposedly named for “Q,” a shadowy figure who remains anonymous. But if some of those people who stormed the Capitol and dashed conservative hopes are members of QAnon, I say the “Q” should really stand for “Quixote,” as in Don Quixote, who famously tilted at windmills.

From this we get the word “quixotic,” which means “foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of lofty ideals.” Also, “Having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed.” That foolhardiness and its tragic end are all the “Q” represents to me.


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Comments 101-125 of 152

  • Stephanie Banks

    01/12/2021 01:59 PM

    I listened to the speech over and over and heard Trump say to go to the Capital "peacefully"..
    He should not be blamed for anything that happened that day. He came out and he and Melania denounced the actions of whoever was there.
    If it's true that Special Ops were also there and took laptops perhaps, that will help Trump.
    It has been reported that Trump offered the national guard twice for the event. I hope that is true. It will later exonerate him.
    I am sad for those resigned and are no longer loyal to Trump whether in his cabinet, Graham, McConnell or others who could not accept the truth that Trump would not condone violence..
    Jury is still out, for me, regarding VP Pence.
    I understand Trump has returned to the WH, and is having good conversations with our VP.
    Let the truth come to light...
    My prayer is for 4 more Trump years...

  • Ada N Merryman

    01/12/2021 01:58 PM

    Is your newsletter really trying to push CBD oil. I have seen lots of Trump emails that are trying to use the platform to sell something. It is really a turnoff.

  • Karen Tucker

    01/12/2021 01:57 PM

    Thank you so much for standing by "we, the people". I appreciate your good advice and knowledge and look forward to always listening to you. We obviously need more people like you to stand up for real peace loving Americans who watched our Country thrive under President Trump.

  • Steve BRown

    01/12/2021 01:57 PM

    I too know little to nothing about "Qanon." However, there does seem to be some strong ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton as well as British royalty. Young girls were used for sex on Jeffrey's Island in the Caribbean. There were cameras in every room (from what I saw in a report on the findings on the island). It doesn't take a genius to figure out why they would have cameras. The film from those rooms could be used for blackmail, or the very profitable porn industry. I believe that we know only a tiny bit of all of the players involved on that island and Epstein's mansion in New York. I would guess that many high profile and rich men played in both of those locations as well as others. Epstein's death was a means to protect many powerful players with deep pockets with reputations they desire to protect. How many others have been used or died for the pleasures of the rich and powerful. In a porn movie I watched way back in 1990(not proud of this fact), I remember a man in the film who I am sure was Bill Clinton(he had sunglasses on, but had the classic nose and hair) as he became president, I remembered the film and wondered if that was him. After information came out about Epstein, I remembered that he was in the film as well. I also believe the girl in the film was likely younger than 18 years of age. The film was called "Angel's Back," she was the main female actress. I remember dialogue between Epstein and another man, kind of on the sidelines between scenes. Didn't pay much attention to them, as the young girl was very pretty and was the star of the show, but I am sure it was Bill and Jeff. I doubt you would ever find the movie(s) now as Bill Clinton probably forced Epstein to purge all evidences of him in the porn industry, before he became president. I believe now that the film I watched was likely in one of those luxury locations, and rich men were probably paying Epstein big money to have sex with these young girls. Since there is big questions about how Epstein got rich, I think he got it from selling porn on the side, or probably as his main income, but free of any taxes, as no one wants to be know as being involved in porn or paying for it. So, if Qanon is saying there is a deep state of rich men who are trying to protect themselves from connections with child trafficking, I wouldn't doubt it at all.

  • john Harmam

    01/12/2021 01:55 PM

    I love your wit and satire!
    The art of satire seems to only remain with a few. You and Larry Elder in particular.
    I am a 41 year practicing lay Buddhist, so obviously you have the wrong religion, but I still admire and respect you!

  • Lori L Taber

    01/12/2021 01:53 PM

    Why has Kamala Harris stepped down from her Senate Seat. Is that not conflict of interest to cast votes in matters and holding VP Position elect?

  • Anna Davis

    01/12/2021 01:51 PM

    Sir, I saw a video about QAnon and was agreeing with the video until the last several minutes. It accured to me that they use deceptive vocabulary. Then they went anti Jews or shall I say anti Israel. This is totally unexceptable, not God’s will.

  • Laura Vest

    01/12/2021 01:49 PM

    There have been several verified pictures/reports of BLM and Antifa dressed in MAGA garb as having broken in/let in, by Capitol police (saw the videos). Have you written about that?

  • Stephanie Banks

    01/12/2021 01:48 PM

    There is a character in the TV series "Star Trek, the Next Generation" whose name is "Q"..
    He is a fairly strong character.

  • Lynn Young

    01/12/2021 01:48 PM

    I wondered about "Q" last year too. I did some searches and discovered this person has made some predictions that have come true. Mostly about the FBI/Comey corruption and Gen. Flynn. I think it's a throw back to "Deep Throat" that the Democrats adored for taking down Nixon. Once again, they show their outrageous hypocrisy by linking anyone who was interested in "Q" to some sort of "cult", while people raised "DeepThroat" to hero status.


    01/12/2021 01:47 PM

    Hi Governor,
    Pelosi talks and she sounds to me like she is 3 sheets to the wind( alias drunk as a skunk), its amazing that her tongue still moves somewhat coherently. She needs to be recalled and figure out how much money she stole from the American public. Do an account of her tax records .

  • Jeanie Muegge

    01/12/2021 01:47 PM

    Many Americans are confused and deeply concerned that we are peaceful, law abiding, tax paying citizens and being labels as almost "terrorists." The left condones rioting, looting and actual burning of America for months and that behavior is acceptable. Everything that was "right" for so long is now "wrong" and everything that was "wrong" is now "right."

  • Chuck Blouse

    01/12/2021 01:45 PM

    I used to respect Colin Powell and I had many notes and a book that I used for a leadership class that I taught. I have thrown them all out along with my respect for him.

  • Allison Runkles

    01/12/2021 01:41 PM

    As far as I can tell, Q is military and Anons are “soldiers “ who assist in anyway they can...mainly digital soldiers.

  • Susan Siler

    01/12/2021 01:41 PM

    I believe it is imperative to check time stamps of the events - Trump’s speech and the Rush on the Capitol. Very critical. I am just beyond myself at the hate directed at Trump and his supporters i honestly believe that his exposing the deep state has caused the guilty to try anything to keep their control. It is about control and not the people. Any person that watches data trends knows the large shifts in votes for Joe Biden indicate a problem and an assignable cause must be identified! The election was fraudulent and not allowing everything to be independently audited keeps the fraud a reality rather than systematically showing Americans it was valid and making that transparent. God bless you!

  • Norma holmes

    01/12/2021 01:41 PM

    Extensive film footage of police officers in biti g demonstrators into Capitol in AWKnews on UTUBE. One sequence shows police escorting 4 white VANloads up the black construction ramps in think West foor up the white marble staircase. Officer standing on landing moving strem if protesters into second floor with his batan, face clearly visible. You sat nothing about these video clips. Puzzled!

  • Bernice Caldwell

    01/12/2021 01:38 PM

    I truly believe that most true supporters for Trump where there to cause no harm. I do believe that there where people from the left and way left that may have cause and or started this. I do not suppose what happened but if you think about it it was bound to. Because all of what has went on the 8 months or longer. But now they want law and their order. I’m so thankful I’m saved by the grace of God and don’t have to really be worried by all this. Thank you Mike for all you do and have done for the American People

  • Sherrill Hudson

    01/12/2021 01:38 PM

    So you are saying there was not MASSIVE voter and election fraud in this last election?

  • Timmy Kelly

    01/12/2021 01:32 PM

    Hi Mike - There's a group on CloutHub. You can see some of their comments.
    God Bless,

  • Rebecca Kitchen

    01/12/2021 01:31 PM

    Thanks for delving into this...I, too, had no idea what QAnon was or meant.
    Love the way you just 'talk' with us in your articles! Means alot.

    Thanks for 'almost' describing this sly group....who don't seem to know what they are, either! Hoping for more pleasant days in the future, but not sure if it will happen.

    Will continue to read and enjoy your articles!!!

  • Janis Moss

    01/12/2021 01:27 PM

    I see there is an ad for Target at the bottom of the newsletter. In light of the thing recently announced by the media about certain large corporations shunning our great president Donald Trump, and threatening many retributions about him and the republican party....would you do an article about those Corporations, naming them, and any other names that their businesses use (ie, many gas stations have other names, companies own several chains, etc.) I plan to not use them in the future in the hopes that they will suffer some economic losses. With enough people doing that , they may get the message that us 75 million "deplorables" spend money too! Thank you, Janis Moss

  • Sara Smith

    01/12/2021 01:26 PM

    Where is Pelosi & why hasn’t she presided in House this week?

  • Kenny Gardner

    01/12/2021 01:25 PM

    Hello Governor! First let me say I am not a conspiracist. However my Dad once told me that TRUTH usually lies in the middle. The Great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, speaking from the Fictional Sherlock Holmes, basically said that if you look into something and you weigh out all the negatives, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the Truth. So is Q real? Do not know. Are there Satanic powerful people in this World pulling strings, having influence in orchestrating events? Yes. Bible makes that clear when talking about Principalities. Now is child sex rings running our Government? Probably not. HOWEVER we have the Left’s obsession with homosexuality, transgenderism( mocking the God who made us), promiscuous sex, drug use etc would the propensity be there to do worse? Fair question. The HATE from the Left clues one to understand there is WAY MORE than politics at play. Fair assessment. It has been rumored for decades about the Rothschild’s and their ilk. Now Facts that we DO know. There ARE Globalists who want to take over. Are all evil per se? No. Many maybe well intentioned. We know it is a lie that these policies will make life better. Humanism based political policies have PROVEN disastrous. Now the Father of ALL LIES IS WHO? Satan. There is more going on now than politics. Mass genocide is acceptable( abortion at any and all terms), all Biblical institutions are mocked as are those who adhere to it as well as persecuted. Wise men thinking like fools! Nothing new. Still it is ramping up as our Society is being destroyed and we ourselves are helping it! Lack of Faith, too lazy to research, debate and critically think. Now if one weighs ALL these things together it makes a conclusion not to quickly dismiss theories whether it be Qanon or anything. Many things of course are crazy because an objective mind can rule out things. Yet there are things we cannot rule out. Here is the one; why does the Left HATE Trump? Politics? No Clinton, Bill said many of the same things. Dems wanted jobs here, so they said, wanted protection etc. The Elite want at us. That is a Fact! To silence those who do not want to go along. Trump IS correct. They are after US he is in the way. Now when dealing with any and ALL conspiracy theories that ALL has to be weighed in. Lots of so called conspiracy theories in History have proven true, a lot have not. Never dismiss out of hand.

  • Cathy Cornforth

    01/12/2021 01:24 PM

    Luke 6:31

    Its hard enough times w/out feeling we can't understand the word of God, or figure out how to translate it. May I..."and just as you want men to do you, you also do to them likewise".
    How about two Bible versions? Thx!

  • Vikki Wehe

    01/12/2021 01:22 PM

    FYI, your link to the Babylon Bee sent me to a 404, link not found message

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