Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 5:51 PM, October 17


1. Both sides are reacting to Kamala Harris' interview with Brett Baier.

2. Jonathan Turley's latest column is all about Kamala Harris surrogate, Liz Cheney.

3. The plagiarism scandal around Kamala Harris' 2009 book is growing.

4. ABC debate moderators may have "fact-checked" President Trump over his claims about crime, but it turns out he was right.

5. Mike Huckabee is raising the alarm about apathy among Christian voters.

6. The Left's hysterical attacks against Trump are bordering on hilarious now.

7. 2020 Throwback: Jack Smith's latest court filing against President Trump is his wildest yet





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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August 4, 2021

For the last couple of days, we’ve been following Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s attempt to stop contractors hired by the federal government from transporting “noncitizens” (illegals) from the border to other parts of Texas, where those infected with COVID-19 can spread it throughout the state and beyond. The case was presented on Monday before the U.S. District Court in El Paso, and the feds won this round, obtaining a temporary restraining order against Abbott. LEGAL INSURRECTION has a very good analysis of what took place, by William A. Jacobson.


Gov. Abbott had signed Executive Order GA-37 to minimize the “potentially catastrophic effect on public health in Texas” caused by the confluence of the migrant crisis and the pandemic. Texas was facing two surges at the same time: a COVID-19 surge and an illegal immigration surge, and he had to do something to protect the citizens of his state. There is precedent for his standing up to the federal government in such a situation, in the case of Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts: “Upon the principle of self-defense, of paramount necessity, a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”

But the DOJ sued, claiming the Texas order infringed on federal control of immigration. Here are the details, also from William Jacobson, including the full texts of the order from Gov. Abbott, AG Garland’s complaint, and a letter sent by Abbott in response, helpfully suggesting some actions the Biden administration could take to avoid a “constitutional showdown.” But such a showdown seems to be exactly what they want.


One of those suggestions was to “simply enforce the existing federal immigration laws and stop admitting migrants who are not authorized by Congress to be admitted. That would substantially reduce the importation of COVID-19 while also fulfilling the government’s role to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.” Seems simple enough. Of course, we know that this is not President Biden’s goal at all, or he would do it.

“How much does the Biden administration love the illegal migration taking place at the southern border?” Jacobson asks. “Biden has encouraged people to come here illegally, and to send their children here illegally in dangerous conditions, by offering a de facto sanctuary nation. So important is protecting this migration to the Biden administration that it trumps the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.”

With that last sentence, Jacobson nails the reason for this whole mess: twisted, toxic politics. We see quite clearly what this administration's actual priorities are, and it’s infuriating. We’ve done our part for a year and a half with the masks and distancing and social isolation and kids at home and business-crushing lockdowns and now shots, only to see that those in charge, in the end, care nothing for our safety. That’s a strong statement, I know, but it’s obviously much more important to them to bus in illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands from a part of the world where the virus is rampant. Come on in, healthy or sick, the Biden administration tells its new “noncitizens”; Biden and his Justice Department want you here so much that they’re willing to let you spread the virus from sea to shining sea if you happen to be infected. They just know you’ll vote Democrat, and they want you to keep pouring in till the country is solid blue.

Jacobson finds the federal government’s argument presented Monday to be without merit. The U.S. government, he says, “seeks to judicially nullify GA-37 through a blunderbuss and sweeping application of preemption and intergovernmental immunity.”

[From Oxford Dictionaries –- blun-der-buss (noun) an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision: “economists resort too quickly to the blunderbuss of regulation”]

So Attorney General Merrick Garland is using a big ol' blunderbuss to keep Gov. Abbott from protecting the people of his state from the rampant spread of COVID-19. And so far, it’s working. A DOJ lawyer argued that Abbott’s order would disrupt a network of government-paid contractors transporting migrants and cause a backup --- “chaos.” You know what’s already causing chaos? Biden’s border policy.

The next step now is for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to file responsive papers, in which he’ll acknowledge that, yes, the feds control immigration but will then argue that their non-enforcement of federal law is creating a health crisis in Texas. This is not an attempt to regulate immigration but to regulate public health during a pandemic. Also, the reasoning goes, there is no infringement on federal immigration because Texas isn’t deporting people. To put it another way, they’re just “stopping the spread,” as we can’t stop the spread of COVID without stopping the spread of migrants who carry it.

In a statement on July 30, Paxton accused the Biden administration of abandoning its duty to safeguard the border and vowed to protect Gov. Abbott’s executive order in court. He says he and the governor “will work together to keep President Biden out of Texas’ business.” We should all count ourselves as Texans in spirit today.

The temporary restraining order goes until 8AM on August 13, “or until such later date as may be extended by the Court or agreed upon by the parties.” That's the specific date and time set for the hearing on the request for a preliminary injunction against Gov. Abbott’s order. In the meantime, presumably the buses will continue to run.

Jacobson agrees that Biden’s malfeasance is “outrageous,” but he says Texas still has “an uphill fight.”

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Comments 41-50 of 63

  • Bud Amey

    08/04/2021 11:34 AM

    Governor Abbott needs to get an injunction against the Biden Administration continuing his assertion, arguing States Rights (sovereignty and safety) are being violated by the Federal government's posture on the TEXAS border ... it is, after all, not only the US border but it is the TEXAS border! We are right to protect our citizen's.

  • Edie Faylor

    08/04/2021 11:26 AM

    Thank you for your wonderful newsletter, enjoy it each and every day. I am absolutely disgusted and discouraged about the theft of the presidency and how Biden is now the puppet doing other people's bidding. Is this Obama's third term? Biden is the laughing stock of the world and Kamala is equally bad with her cackle and stupid comments. Will Pelosi step in as the VP if Kamala is promoted to President? The situation at the border is a disgrace and other than turning them all back, there doesn't seem to be a workable solution.

  • Cynthia Hubbard

    08/04/2021 11:25 AM

    The Democrats are using Illegal immigration to build their Democratic voter base period. They do not care about legal citizens or our rights.

  • Marnie Fitzgerald

    08/04/2021 11:25 AM

    First off, I love reading you twice a day emails. This message is a little long winded, but these are things that are bothering me and many people we know, Democrats and Republicans a like.

    It's blatantly obvious the only way to stop the tyrannical government is succession. If Texas and Florida succeeded I'm 100% sure many states would follow suit. We are tired of the constant lies and destruction of our country by Washington's EXTREME overreach into the lives of the citizenry. We are tired of these pocket lining civil servants in Washington stealing from the citizenry. Look at the infrastructure bill, with amnesty for illegals and mileage tax. Shut this corrupt COMMUNISM down now!

    As for Covid, not once is natural immunity being addressed in regards to Covid. I have been following every article written since Covid and have archived all of them. They "claim" they are following science. There's nothing but deceit even regarding the origin. Fauci needs to be indited for gain of function use. The actual restrictions are causing more harm than good. Look how Sweden is handling Covid. The entire farce and playing God with a gene therapy jab is a sin. Stop living in fear. Being locked up like an animal is not living it's being a prisoner and merely existing for the purpose of mental anguish being dealt out by our elected communist officials.

    As for the unwanted trespassers, it is FULLY Texas' right to stop illegal immigration coming across their borders. What about E-Verify? None of these illegals can verify anything. It is also to my understanding they are sick with Covid and unvaccinated. Why in the pictures are we seeing no just Hispanics coming across the border but Africans? What about the safety of communities being attacked by criminals and terrorists? State law supersedes a tyrannical government any day especially when it comes to the safety of their citizenry. This is not about helping the unfortunate. These people are dressed better than most Americans. Some of the clothing and shoes they are wearing costs $100. Go to these countries and find out who is paying the way, buying the fancy duds and telling them to come here. This isn't about caring. The government could care less about the unintelligent and the poor's well-being. They only want their voters. This is an invasion! When most get here and they find out what communist and socialism is happening they realize that they ran from this, end up returning or voting conservative, except in misinformed states like AZ, California, NY. Unfortunately we can't afford another 3 million+ people in here right now especially with all businesses still screaming about Covid lock downs and restrictions.

    Daily we see our Constitutional rights being destroyed by these elected officials who swore and oath to protect us. At this time, they are doing nothing but usurping the Constitution at every turn while pitting races against races, religions against religions, rich against poor. This is a big distraction of all what is taking place. perfect example is Cuomo so people don;t pay attention to the infrastructure bill, what's happening with AZ, PA and GA with the fraudulent election ballots. EVERYONE I talk to knows the Silver-alert guy in Washington didn't legally get elected. This is why they want to further impose more lock downs and restrictions. Pitting the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. (Yet another way to divide people). Facts are now pointing to most getting Covid are vaccinated. Super-spreaders? Possibly. If it's not them or the natural immunity unvaxed, then it's got to be coming from the illegals.

  • Anne Turner

    08/04/2021 11:14 AM

    As I understand it there are laws on the books, passed by Congress, and duly signed by a sitting President which prohibit open borders, which is what we have now. I doubt very much that all of those people are in imminent threat in their homelands. They are, for the most part coming to better their life. I support immigration. We have plenty of room for more people coming in after being vetted legally. Our President is violating law. Is that not an impeachable offense? The way things are going I am fearful that the 22 election will not result in a GOP takeover of Congress. There is too much illegal voting and most people simply do not know what is happening because the media keeps such a tight rein on information that might harm the DNC agenda. However, if the GOP should prevail impeachment proceedings should begin. Out n of kindness perhaps the use of the 25th Amendment could prevail. If Harris did not close the border, she could be impeached forp not upholding the laws. If the liberals where really so concerned about people who are truly suffering and in danger they would welcome the Cubans. I still cannot believe that the majority of Americans are buying into the liberal hypocrisy, cheating, incongruity, etc. it simply does not make sense in a any way to crack down on Covid in freedom limiting ways, and bring more of it in across the Southern border. Will it take another 9-11? I pray not. But we are cruising for a bruising. How did we ever come to this?

  • Ellie Klipp

    08/04/2021 11:13 AM

    How sad when a political party deems it necessary to cheat and push illegality (under the false claim of "humanitarian concern") to bolster their status and future voting rolls.

    God bless those fighting to protect the legitimate laws passed by Congress to defend our borders.

  • Daniel Passer

    08/04/2021 11:06 AM

    Might it be helpful to create and circulate a petition in Texas for Texans to sign, so that they can document their support and approval of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's actions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Texans?

  • James Evart

    08/04/2021 11:05 AM

    Let's hold it right there: "But the DOJ sued, claiming the Texas order infringed on federal control of immigration." The FEDs are NOT enforcing IMMIGRATION law but breaking it by ILLEGALLY aiding and abetting the ILLEGAL entry and dissemination of ILLEGAL ALIENS into this country. The Federal Government, particularly the current Administration (the Executive Branch) of this government needs to SHOW CAUSE for their actions in bringing on this catastrophe and charges need to be filed against this administration as accessories to this CRIME of erasing our southern border, along with the laws enacted by Congress in allowing ILLEGAL aliens total access to our country while irresponsibly putting our own CITIZENS into harms way.
    What's WRONG with the [REPUBLICANS] in office? The Democrats have the temerity and the arrogance to hold President Trump hostage over the slightest nuance through impeachment and the disgustingly biased media, while conservatives daintily sit on their hands trying to be so proper and not offend the delicate sensibilities of tyrants who are ripping this country apart?
    You lawmakers and judges. get in there and FIGHT to save this country from the treasonous and ruiness policies and actions of an obviously socialist/Marxist movement by the Left!

  • Catherine McIntyre

    08/04/2021 11:00 AM

    Allowing illegal entry into Texas is against federal LAW which only Congress can make. Therefore, the federal administration is wrong to order the TX governor to prevent illegal entry. In the military, no one must obey an illegal order- and that is a defense in court martial trials. If given an illegal order (even by court order) , the TX governor has a DUTY to disobey! Biden needs to be charged with treason - as well as his appointees who are carrying out illegal orders. My 2 cents.

  • Annelle Bowman

    08/04/2021 10:53 AM

    When are the people of the USA going to stand up and say enough is enough. This not only effects Texas but all of us. Biden and his administration is. Slowly killing all of us. The price of food, gas, the whole cost of living is hurting everyone. We need to stop the madness-all of us.

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