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Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

July 4, 2023

I’ve been astounded recently by the way the left has been so successful at using the phrase “hate speech” and the fear of school shootings to convince young people to demand that their own First and Second Amendment rights be taken away.

Somehow, they have managed to bamboozle a large slice of the young generation into simultaneously believing that they are wise and mature enough to start voting and even writing laws at 16; yet they are so childish and irresponsible, they can’t be trusted to touch a firearm until they’re 21, or to hear an opposing opinion without rushing to a safe space to cuddle a puppy and schmoosh Play-Doh.

When young people don’t know their rights, where those rights came from, and how much was sacrificed to secure them, it’s easy to convince them to trade them away for empty promises of comfort and security. This is the basis of all those quotes warning not to sell your birthright for a mess of pottage, a bit of advice so ancient and universal that it dates back to Esau in Genesis 25: 29-34. But leftists are still counting on young people not knowing it (no wonder they want to ban the Bible from schools.)

These days, students are taught an ugly, twisted and totally negative perversion of American history. They’re taught to hate their own magnificent heritage, and they don’t learn the most basic facts (or even what the word “pottage” means), let alone all the great stories you discover when you dig into real American history. This seems like the perfect week for a lesson in how America came to be born. And I’ll try to put it into terms they can relate to.

Maybe – possibly – today’s students vaguely recognize the name Paul Revere (although they might believe he was a slave trader. I certainly doubt they had to memorize the poem, the way we did.) But how many know there was another heroic midnight rider who warned that the British were coming, only this one was a teenage girl from Duchess County, New York?

She’s just one of many American heroes that kids don’t learn about because modern textbooks scrub history of everything interesting or inspiring in favor of leftist social and political agendas that downgrade America. They depict this as a land of nothing but racism and oppression, not as a land where people of good will have struggled and sacrificed for generations, constantly working to improve things by establishing justice, securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity and creating a “more perfect union” (note that in the original foundational document, the writers made it clear that nothing’s perfect, but we would strive always to keep working together toward perfection.)

Kids, American history is not a list of personal grievances against people who’ve been dead for 200 years. It’s everything that ever happened to everyone before you came on the scene. Seek it out. It can be pretty interesting, and you can actually learn things from it.

For instance: listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of…Sybil Ludington? Movies these days are filled with unrealistic fictional depictions of "girl power," but Sybil was the real article. As the oldest of 11 children, she had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age. She was barely 16 on the night of April 26, 1777. She had just tucked all her siblings into bed when, suddenly, there came an urgent knock at the door. It was a messenger, coming to warn her father, Col. Henry Ludington, that British troops were invading.

His troops weren’t expecting an attack and were scattered all over the countryside. Gathering them meant a dangerous ride over pitch black roads, through enemy soldiers, wild animals and hostile Indians (sorry: “Indigenous Peoples.”) Understandably, the messenger refused an order to go. But Sybil volunteered. Her father protested, but she pointed out that only she knew where all his men lived. As any father of a strong-willed daughter will recognize, he’d long since learned that arguing with her was futile. So Sybil mounted up and rode off.

It was a rainy night. The British had already set nearby Danbury, Connecticut, on fire, and the flames cast an eerie, red glow on the fog. It spurred Sybil on as she galloped from house to house, banging on doors and shouting that the British were coming. According to legend, at one point, a highway robber tried to intercept Sybil, but she raised her father’s musket and sent him running. Yet another reason why teenagers should think twice before demanding that the Second Amendment be taken away from them.

By dawn, Sybil and her horse were cold, wet and exhausted. She’d roused over 400 troops, who joined the Battle of Ridgefield and helped drive the British all the way back to Long Island Sound. Gen. Washington personally honored Sybil for her heroism.

Today, there are historic markers all along her route, and statues of her in New York and Washington (if they haven’t been torn down by historical illiterates.) But I’ll bet most young people never even heard of Sybil Ludington, a teenager much like them, except she knew what really happened during the American Revolution. Maybe it’s because nobody wrote a famous poem about her midnight ride -- even though her ride was over twice as long as Paul Revere’s. Let’s hope someone turns her story into a hip-hop musical so they’ll finally learn about it.

(Since originally writing this, I decided I should mention that some revisionist historians have labored mightily to try to debunk this story, but the best they’ve come up with is to claim they can’t find documentation of her ride. Too bad Sybil didn’t record it on her iPhone. In a comment that says more about contemporary “historians” than it does about actual American history, one wrote, “Sybil's ride embraces the mythical meanings and values expressed in the country's founding. As an individual, she represents Americans' persistent need to find and create heroes who embody prevalent attitudes and beliefs.” I’d say that when you start out with the attitude that our nation’s Founders’ values were “mythical,” it tends to give you a persistent need to tear down American heroes. But that’s not actually history, now, is it?)

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Comments 41-48 of 48

  • June Slemp

    07/04/2022 03:22 PM

    Thanks! We were trying to remember her name just the other day... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
    Long may it continue...

  • Anne Turner

    07/04/2022 02:57 PM

    Any of us that had a traditional education, I am 81, had not heard of the young woman. I suspect that is because of women’s place in society at the time. In the same way we did not hear if Ada Lovelace. Perhaps there are other women you could bring to our attention. Conservatives are sooooo anti woman! Riiiight?

  • Fiorella Weaver

    07/04/2022 01:45 PM

    Wonderful story about Sybil Ludington. But please correct the name confusion. At what point did she become Sarah? Was that her name also? I wanted to send it to my grandchild, but I thought you should address the two different names. Thanks!

  • Sharon Stein

    07/04/2022 01:34 PM

    I enjoy your newsletters. They are very informative.
    We just returned from a 3 week trip to Europe. We were shocked to know that the shopkeepers and hotels do not accept US dollars, and if you want to get change at any of the "change" outlets, they charge 20%. We never had to take Euros on our trips, but this time it was a whole new thing. Also, most of them do not speak English as before. Thanks a lot Biden!

  • Tom Kline

    07/04/2022 01:20 PM

    I’m 69, educated when “real” history was taught in our schools,
    and I don’t think I had ever heard of Sybil Ludington.
    Thank you for educating me!

  • Nanci R. fisher

    07/04/2022 12:54 PM

    What a beautiful story of Sybil Ludington’s ride to alert the troops of the British invasion! I’ll be 82 in August and no not recall ever hearing that story. Thank you.

  • Mark Mittelstaedt

    07/04/2022 12:17 PM

    Ain't just teenyboppers who haven't heard of Miss Ludington. BTW, I emailed you for YEARS that the "Steele dossier" ( and I use the term VERY loosely ) was complete, made up BullSchiff. I suppose you had to give some credence to it, given all the soi-disant experts who weighed in...but...I spent my career selling, everything from ladies' shoes to exotic technical instrumentation. Tens of millions worth. I knew at first reading it was complete caca - got a great laugh out of it, actually. Nice to see you're finally coming around to my way of...interpreting such claptrap ;-}

  • Jim Greer

    07/04/2022 11:21 AM

    Well Mike l know what you’re saying about today’s young people not having a lot of understanding of history. However… l have to admit l’m 74 and l’ve never heard of Sybil Ludington! Makes we wonder how much - or how little - we really do know about our history.

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