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February 10, 2021

Yes, that's our Quote Of The Day, from North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer.

Next, the “Republican” Hall of Shame:

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

These are the "Republican" senators who joined all the Democrats to vote “yes” on the question of whether the “trial” of President Trump” is constitutional.

All but Sen. Cassidy had already voted, last month, to hold the “trial.” (Note: I will be placing quotation marks around the word “trial” when it comes to this thing, which is being presided over not by a judge but by a politician who's already on record that he WILL BE voting to convict and that others should do the same. There’s another term for this: kangaroo court.) Cassidy said later that the Trump team was “disorganized; they did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand.” TOWNHALL has a good analysis.

Attorney Bruce Castor's argument got low marks from Alan Dershowitz, who tweeted, "I have no idea what he is doing." I preferred David Shoen's presentation. Here's some good analysis at

Given that this is just a big fat exercise in political theater, I honestly don’t see why even some perceived oratorical shortcomings should change Sen. Cassidy's mind. No, I'm thinking it's more likely there's been some serious arm-twisting going on behind the scenes.

You've probably seen the montage of Democrat leaders such as Maxine Waters urging unrest in ways Trump never approached. If Trump can be impeached and tried over language his political enemies choose to interpret as "incitement" --- it doesn't meet the legal definition --- then these folks can be, too, for what they said over the Antifa and BLM "Summer of Love," and a much better case can be made. (And, hey, they're still in office.) Will they think about that? No.

Sen. Sasse is said to have presidential aspirations for 2024. It’s hard to imagine someone this tone deaf even being considered for President. Worse, I hate to think that someone with this little regard for the Constitution would be considered as presidential material at all.

In fact, according to THE EPOCH TIMES, Sasse is facing growing pressure from the Republican Party in Nebraska.

In Sarpy County, Nebraska’s most populous Republican-majority county, the local Republican Party has now voted to join the GOP in two other Nebraska counties in an earlier effort to condemn Sasse, as reported in the OMAHA WORLD-HERALD.

The votes of these 6 GOP senators won’t make any difference in the final outcome of Trump's "trial," as “conviction” requires a “yea” from 67 senators out of 100. At least 17 Republicans would have to vote to “convict.” (Note: we’re using quotations marks around “convict,” too.)

In the House, Liz Cheney of Wyoming is facing a huge backlash as well. Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has already traveled to Cheyenne to rally against her. “The truth is that the establishment in both parties have teamed up to screw our fellow Americans for generations,” he said. “Now, in Washington, DC, the private insider club of Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney, they want to return our government to its default setting –- enriching them, making them more powerful at our expense. But we can stop ‘em, and it starts right here in Wyoming.”

Donald Trump, Jr., said he would go to Wyoming as well to campaign against Liz Cheney. “It’s time to have a change at the top,” he said. “It’s time to have people who are going to start representing the people, not their own agenda, not their own nonsense, but their constituency.”

House Democrat impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, argued in the Senate that not trying President Trump for what they allege he did in January, right before he was going to leave office, was creating a “January exception” to the Constitution. “...You can suddenly do [it] in your last few weeks in office without facing any constitutional accountability at all,” he said.

I guess that was enough to change Sen. Cassidy’s mind about voting to go ahead with the “trial,” but all it did was show that he and the others are just willfully obtuse –- they know good and well that this is all stagecraft.

In fact, speaking of stagecraft, the Democrats were ready with a highly-produced (likely by some Hollywood friends) 14-minute "movie" that edited Trump's words and intercut them with violence to make it look as though these were related. Very deceptive and manipulative. Attorney Shoen went on Tuesday's HANNITY to blast this.

Trump attorneys told senators (while Sen. Cassidy was apparently taking a nap), that there's a way to deal with FORMER Presidents who are alleged to have committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” while in office. You treat them like any other private American citizen alleged to have committed crimes: you get an arrest warrant, go out and arrest them, charge them and put them on trial. It's a real trial; senators don't get to make up the rules. The prosecution has to put on a real case with documentation and witnesses. (Note: the House did nothing of the sort in their slapdash impeachment of Trump.)

If the prosecution has no evidence, the judge dismisses the charges. If there is evidence, the judge proceeds to trial, in which a jury (not a bunch of partisan politicians) typically renders the verdict. Then, if found guilty, the accused must pay for their crimes. They might go to jail, or there is punishment in the form of probation, fines, etc. This would put an end to their political careers as well, which, as we all know, is the goal of this Senate “trial.”

Wait, I spoke too soon. If you're a Democrat, it's not that much of a deal to be convicted of a crime and come back to be, say, mayor of Washington, DC. Mayor Marion Barry served prison time on a cocaine conviction and was re-elected after being released. I digress.

Actually, I'm extremely proud of President Trump and his attorneys for the presentation they gave on Tuesday. These attorneys arrived late in the game; recall that another law firm had been intimidated into dropping the case. Of course, it didn’t matter what Trump's attorneys said; the vote to proceed to the "trial" was pre-ordained.

Sen. Rand Paul had already introduced a point-of-order resolution to preemptively declare the “trial” unconstitutional, but it didn’t get to a vote, as it was immediately tabled by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. That was on January 26, the same day the Senate voted to to move ahead, 55 to 45.

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy has it right: ‘I think the constitutional defects of this --- both in the House and Senate --- are overwhelming,” he told CNN before the opening arguments. “You don’t have to be Judge Judy to see the constitutional defects.” That’s why I figure that the Democrats see them, all right. They just ignore them.

Tyler O’Neil at PJ MEDIA has some good observations.

He’s also done a great job of concisely laying out the arguments Trump’s attorneys are making in his defense. These were included in their brief filed Monday.


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  • michael cull

    02/10/2021 11:42 AM

    If they can do this to Trump. why are they not impeaching elosi?

  • Cindy McRae

    02/10/2021 11:41 AM

    Interesting that our Louisiana Republican senators are at different ends of the spectrum here. I usually have a lot of respect for Senator Cassidy, a Christian physician, but I was totally shocked by his decision to side with the leftist attempt to further divide our country through this very costly waste of time impeachment of our former president.

  • James K Mills

    02/10/2021 11:40 AM

    If the 'rats could find a way to do it, they would pack the senate vote the way we're not supposed to talk about how someone packed the November 3 election vote. Maybe they can institute mail-in voting for senators who don't want to show up for fear of covid-19 or maybe because they're afraid some of their colleagues may be carrying pistols and prepared to start shooting on the senate floor. Or they may suggest installing those made-in-China voting machines. Or were they made in Venezuela or Germany? I can't remember. Maybe it was all of the above. How about ballot harvesting from the senators? Maybe the 'rats can get dead senators to vote in their favor. There are 100 senators... a possible 101 votes in case of a tie and the VP Kamala Harris gets to vote. She'd LOVE that... except they need a 2/3 majority to convict on impeachment. So if they have a 66-34 vote, does that mean Kamala gets to vote, too? Anything to get to 67 votes, right? Maybe they can pay the rino senators with free phones, houses, extra income, cars... all taken from some middle-class family that they can find some way to evict and confiscate. Then again, aren't all politicians rich once they're in-office in Washington and thereby less susceptible to... dare we say the word?... Let's spell it. 'rats can't spell very well... B.R.I.B.E.S.?
    So it's a foregone conclusion that there aren't enough rino's who are willing to vote to convict an ex-president. Trump will be acquitted... again. But you don't think that will be the end of it, do you? Criminal charges will come next. Most of the people in the House and Senate are lawyers, after all. And civil charges. They'll probably even find something to charge Melania and Barron with? Criminal abetting for supporting the ex-president? Taking money from the government? Money that the 'rats feel should be in THEIR pockets? How about all the cheating deals Trump made during his lifetime? Oh. Alleged cheating. They could keep Mr. Trump in court for years. Decades. And after he passes this mortal coil there will be all of his descendants to pursue. Plus, as I may have mentioned, most of the 'rats are lawyers. They'll be sure to bring lawsuits against Trump in Hell. Of course, Trump is favored of God, so he won't be there... but some of his lawyers will be there to defend, I'm sure.
    I suspect the 'rats may pull a Ron Stone on Mr. Trump. SWAT and FBI agents will storm Mar-a-lago at 2 A.M. and arrest Mr. Trump and all his family, support staff and pets (whom they will charge with conspiracy and other charges to be determined).
    This notion of re-education for nearly 80-million Americans who voted for Trump worries me, though. Will it be like FDR's detention camps for anyone of Asian descent? They couldn't tell the difference between Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Siam or a dozen other nationalities, so they just locked up everyone that vaguely looked Asian. Or so I was told... it was before my time. But are they going to go door to door and ask, "Did you vote for Trump?" I don't want to lie, but it was a secret ballot... we don't have to proudly say, "Yes, I did!" And then be hauled off in handcuffs and a straight jacket. Even if you don't admit to voting for Mr. Trump, it should be on record that I am a registered Republican who voted in primary elections as a republican. That will be enough for the 'rats to arrest anyone so registered and send them to re-education camps to be brainwashed... er... re-educated.
    And after that then they will be coming after all conservatives and Christians. If you're a Christian you MUST be a Trump-supporter. Abetting the criminal. Conspiring to insurrection against the lawful Democrat overlords... er... administration. I will NOT deny Jesus Christ. I will openly say that I am a follower of Jesus. It will be entertaining, for a moment at least, to watch their faces turn red and hear them start shouting about how "THERE IS NO JESUS!" -- I wonder if Bill Maher will show up in-person?... Or maybe they'll shout "THERE IS NO GOD BUT KAMALA!" (Or maybe Chuck or Nancy?). It will be short-lived entertainment, though. I fear the things I have described above WILL come to pass. Just look at China and North Korea. The 'rats seem bound and determined to turn America into the next China, bowing and scraping to their Chinese owners.
    Maybe we should move to Australia and scrounge a living from the outback? Nah. They'll probably follow us there, too. How about we pray for Jesus to come and take us all home. I'm certain the 'rats will NOT show up in Heaven. They may storm the gates, but I think one angel can handle all the 'rats in America. Send an angel, Lord? Please?

  • Judy Campbell

    02/10/2021 11:27 AM

    Despite what the world has done against Donald Trump, the Lord God Almighty shall continue to protect him and his family. This is because, whether or not people will accept that he is a Christian, God knows his heart and mind. Just like all true Christians, when we come to the Lord and receive the salvation that He suffered, died and was resurrected for.

    Psalm 91:14-15 (ESV):
    14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
        I will protect him, because he knows my name.
    15 When he calls to me, I will answer him;
        I will be with him in trouble;
        I will rescue him and honor him.”

    Those who continue to try to destroy Donald Trump, they shall find that God’s Hand of Justice for Donald Trump shall come down upon his enemies. 1 John 3:15: “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”

    Isaiah 13:11 (ESV):
    “I will punish the world for its evil,
        and the wicked for their iniquity;
    I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant,
        and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless.”

    Almighty God has promised to repay for their evil.
    Romans 12:19 (ESV): “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

  • Richard James Burge

    02/10/2021 11:20 AM

    Same comment I always make.

    Representatives should stop moaning and complaining about Biden and do something.

    In the words of Elvis, "a little less talking and a lot more action".

  • Barbara Whitfield

    02/10/2021 10:54 AM

    Hi Mike,
    I've been a fan of yours for years!
    Here's an article I just wrote for Stillness in the Storm.
    Love to you and your family (Yes, I am a supporter of Sarah's -- we live in Georgia -- "one state over"

    Divine Law: The Life Review
    Barbara Harris Whitfield RT

    I just finished listening to Justin Deschamps talk on Trump’s trump card and the secret of law (2-8-2021 Stillness in the Storm.) I left this comment:

    “Thank you, Justin! You have explained so much.

    “And, you have inspired me to write about the Divine Law that must prevail over this whole horrible nightmare we have been living through. And I won't write from a religious viewpoint because I’ve never been a religious person. In fact, before my Near-Death Experience I was an atheist -- I'm going to rely on my research into the Near-Death Experience (NDE) -- specifically the Life Review.

    “Just imagine Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Obama, Biden, Harris and the rest of the cabal when they die -- reliving their evil deeds through the eyes and heart of everyone they hurt.

    “As someone who experienced a NDE with a Life Review and then became a researcher on the after effects of NDEs in a Medical School setting -- I have mostly been observing Pelosi, maybe because we are the same age within two years. Her anger, her nastiness has come through as we've watched the evil destroy her.

    “In her Life Review, Pelosi will "be" everyone she has hurt and feel what they felt because of her. In earth time it could take as long to get through her Life Review as Hitler's (who is probably still in it.)”

    This is a hateful pattern that Pelosi has developed and will see it repeated over and over while she relives it. She will watch as she “losses” it – she will watch herself go deeper into the farce and expand her attacks, lies and deceptions.


    My colleague and supervisor during my six years of research at the University of Connecticut Medical School (1985-1991) Bruce Greyson MD is the author of After (St. Martins Press) a new book summarizing all the research on Near-Death Experiences including his 40 years worth. It will be released on March 2rd. Dr. Greyson was the editor of the scholarly journal The Journal of Near-Death Studies and director of research for The International Association for Near-Death Studies during most of the 40 years.

    He writes in his chapter on the Life Review:
    “Among all the participants in my research, a quarter reported a life review. Some experiencers told me that their entire lives flashed before their eyes, from birth to the present or in reverse order. Others said that they were able to view different scenes from their lives at will. The vast majority described this life review as more vivid than ordinary memories. Some experiencers told me that they were shown images from their past, as on a movie screen or on pages in a book. But many… reported that they reexperienced these past events as if they were still happening, with all the original sensations and feelings.
    “Three-fourths of those who had a life review said that it changed their ideas of what things are important in life. Half of those who had a life review experienced a sense of judgment, most often judging themselves, about the rightness or wrongness of their actions. And more than half experienced these past events not only through their own eyes, but also … from the viewpoints of others, feeling those other people’s emotions as well as their own.”
    My Life Review
    I had an NDE at age thirty-two when I suffered respiratory complications while immobilized after back surgery. In the research, I described a Life Review in which I reexperienced abusive childhood events from the perspective of other people involved:
    “As I left my body, I again went out into the darkness. Looking down and off to the right, I saw myself in a bubble—in the circle bed—crying. Then I looked up and to the left, and I saw my one-year-old self in another bubble— face down in my crib—crying just as hard. I decided I didn’t want to be the thirty-two-year-old Barbara anymore; I’d go to the baby. As I moved away from my thirty-two-year-old body in the circle bed, I felt as though I released myself from this lifetime. As I did, I became aware of an Energy that was wrapping itself around me and going through me, permeating me, holding up every molecule of my being.
    (Please understand that until this exact moment, I was an atheist.)
    “In every scene of my Life Review, I could feel again what I had felt at various times in my life. And I could feel everything everyone else felt as a consequence of my actions. Some of it felt good and some of it felt awful. All of this translated into knowledge, and I learned—oh, how I learned! The information was flowing at an incredible breakneck speed that probably would have burned me up if it weren’t for the extraordinary Energy holding me. The information came in, and then love neutralized my judgments against myself. I received all information about every scene—my perceptions and feelings— and anyone else’s perceptions and feelings who were in the scene. There was no good and no bad. There was only me and my loved ones from this life trying to be, or just trying to survive.
    “I went to the baby I was seeing to my upper left in the darkness. Picture the baby being in a bubble and that bubble in the center of a cloud of thousands and thousands of bubbles. In each bubble was another scene in my life. As I moved toward the baby, it was as though I was bobbing through the bubbles. At the same time there was a linear sequence in which I relived thirty-two years of my life. I could hear myself saying, ‘No wonder, no wonder.’ I now believe my ‘no wonders’ meant ‘No wonder you are the way you are now. Look what was done to you when you were a little girl.’
    “My mother had been dependent on drugs, angry, and abusive. I saw all this childhood trauma again, in my Life Review, but I didn’t see it in little bits and pieces, the way I had remembered it as an adult. I saw and experienced it just as I had lived it at the time it first happened. Not only was I me, I was also my mother. And my dad. And my brother. We were all one. I now felt my mother’s pain and neglect from her childhood. She wasn’t trying to be mean. She didn’t know how to be loving or kind. She didn’t know how to love. She didn’t understand what life is really all about. And she was still angry from her own childhood, angry because they were poor and because her father had grand mal seizures almost every day until he died when she was eleven. And then she was angry because he left her.
    “Everything came flooding back. I witnessed my brother’s rage at my mother’s abuse, and then his turning around and giving it to me. I saw how we were all connected in this dance that started with my mother. I saw how her physical body expressed her emotional pain. I could hear myself saying, ‘No wonder, no wonder.’ I could now feel that she abused me because she hated herself.
    “I saw how I had given up myself in order to survive. I forgot that I was a child. I became my mother’s mother. I suddenly knew that my mother had had the same thing happen to her in her childhood. She took care of her father during his seizures, and as a child she gave herself up to take care of him. As children, she and I both became anything and everything others needed. As my Life Review continued, I also saw my mother’s soul, how painful her life was, how lost she was. In my Life Review I saw she was a good person caught in helplessness. I saw her beauty, her humanity, and her needs that had gone unattended to in her own childhood. I loved her and understood her. We may have been trapped, but we were still souls connected in our dance of life by an Energy source that had created us.
    “As my Life Review continued, I got married and had my own children and saw that I was on the edge of repeating the cycle of abuse and trauma that I had experienced as a child. I was becoming like my mother. As my life unfolded before my eyes, I witnessed how severely I had treated myself because that was the behavior shown and taught to me as a child. I realized that the only big mistake I had made in my life of thirty-two years was that I had never learned to love myself.”
    Making Sense of the Life Review
    Greyson concludes his comments on the Life Review, “How do we make sense of a life review? For the past half century, “life review therapy”—a guided, systematic, thorough review of major life events—has been a major tool for counselors working with people at the end of their lives. It can help people cope with loss, guilt, conflict, or defeat, and find meaning in their lives and in their accomplishments. This closure can be critical in helping people face death more peacefully.”
    So, I have lived through this After my Life Review and it has helped me incredibly. I am not afraid to die. I will have a hard time detaching from my loved ones, but also look forward to detaching from a body that is longer “useable.” And, with a great deal of faith, look forward to coming back!
    But what about Pelosi and the cabal?
    They are in so deep to their lies and deceptions plus other human and Divine Laws they have broken. What will their Life Reviews be like? Pretty damn painful!
    I’m usually not a vengeful person. I learned not to be in my Life Review. But I wish Pelosi and the cabal a Life Review with the understandings and feelings she and the rest of them have put us all through.
    As “Spiritual” and good as I try to be every day of my life after my NDE and Life Review, I still believe in my heart that Pelosi’s hate needs to be confronted by Spiritual Justice. So again, I wish Pelosi and every member of the cabal, a Life Review.
    Barbara Harris Whitfield

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