If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
1. More of the “Trump Effect,” or good things already happening before he even takes office.
2. So much winning: EPA reform…more likely than ever.
3. The real enemy for Democrats.
4. Chipping away at the Deep State; it’s already starting to happen.
5. Mike Huckabee addresses role as US ambassador to Israel: 'A new sheriff is in town.'
If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2022/11/trump-for-president-would-you-vote-for-him
Absolutely I and many members of our family will most definitely vote AGAIN for Donald Trump. WHY you ask? Take a good long look at everything he was able to accomplish in his four years as the leader of the greatest nation in the world, despite having the same four years under a microscope by the crooked democraps who threw everything they could at him trying to get him tossed out of office. Think what he could have actually accomplished if everyone had given him backing!!!! Long story short we had the best time going here in America when he was President— period! Vote for him again? That’s a no brainer. Vote against him?? Please don’t let people without a brain vote! Think about that!
The only President who put the ppl first and has put himself out there for abuse to show how corrupt the swamp is. He tells the truth.
PROS, Pres. Trump would get my vote due to being a "GET COMMOM SENSE THINGS DONE LEADER."
CONS, Things I do not like about Pres. Trump is him calling people names much like a spoiled brat!!!
Yes, I would vote for him because I think he is the only one that can't or won't be bought off by the swamp. Nobody in their right mind would want to drag their family through what President Trump has to go through daily. If they aren't put through the scrutiny, then they are one of the Deep State RINO's. Although, I think Desantis would make a great one also.
I would vote for Donald Trump due to the FACT he has a proven track record of boosting AMERICAN'S economy and proven that he cares for America and it's people.
I would love to, but would the democrats continue their non-stop assault on him for those 4 years, if he got elected?
I have mixed feelings as I love President Trump, but hate the constant battle from the media and left when he is in office! The vitriol is exhausting! As far as financially he did a great job and my retirement accounts did great! I would vote for him just to see it gain again and see him drain the swamp! I do worry about his age though he seems to be doing fabulous!
Donald Trump would have my vote because of his policies and accomplishments during his presidency.
He would not have my vote if another candidate has the same policies and does not dole out nicknames that are disparaging or constantly fight against others. I would like a presidential manner to be displayed.
YES. He was honorable and kept his word in office, and was good for this country. Not withstanding he loved to bait the other side, as they did him, at least he didn't LIE blatantly as did they. Vote for him again? Anyday over a commie Democrat.
Yes I would vote for him as he cares for America - he puts America first. The only exception might be if he is running against DeSantis in the primaries.
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