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January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!  I can’t speak for you, but I’m glad we’re moving out of 2022.  Highest inflation in over 40 years, fuel prices double from when Donald Trump was President, interest rates climbing, a border that is easier to get through than a wet paper towel, and a lazy and irresponsible media that lies to you every day and pretends they are telling you the truth.

But one thing that has been a wonderful part of 2022 is that my wife and I started the year with 2 wonderful new puppies.  We actually got them the week between Christmas and New Year’s. 

Gumbo is a Cavalier King Charles/Bichon mix and Bandit is a Shi-Tzu/Bichon mix.  They aren’t blood brothers, but don’t tell them that.  They are virtually inseparable. The love to wrestle, chase each other, and sometimes make big messes.  But these boys have brought a lot of joy to our lives in a year that otherwise would have been at times rather depressing.

I often say “I wouldn’t live in a world without dogs,” and I really mean it.  During the past year, these 2 guys have taken more of my time than I had, caused me to do a lot of cleaning up behind them, replacing things they chewed up, and trying to figure out what they’re barking at.   But through it all, they have given a level of loyalty I sure never experienced in politics, and a steadfast love that is a true taste of God’s unfailing love for us. 

You may wonder why I’d start my 2023 newsletter talking about my dogs.  And the honest answer is, “Because I could!” 

But there’s method to the madness.  I’m convinced that dogs bring people together.  It’s hard to frown when looking into the eyes of a puppy.  It’s hard to think about harsh divisions in our nation and world when holding a puppy in your lap. So I just think a lot of our problems would be solved if people got a dog.  Maybe Democrats and Republicans would still disagree, but not be hateful about it.  And dogs can teach us a lot about being patient as well as grateful for even the smallest thing, like a tiny treat. 

I don’t mean to imply that all of 2022 has been unpleasant.  Our daughter got elected Governor of Arkansas and will sit in the old seat I sat in.  She will be sworn in in less than 2 weeks and start her own journey of leading our state.  We’re proud of all three of our children, but they have their own lives and careers.  We do as much baby-sitting of our 7 grandchildren as we are allowed, but when they aren’t there, having the dogs fills the house with activity, love, and of course noise.  Lots of noise.

Some of our friends thought we were crazy to get two dogs at the same time, but it just doubled our delight to watch them grow, play, and show us their unconditional love.  So, we’re starting 2023 with hope and anticipation and year-old puppies that got us through this past year.  From Janet and me and Gumbo and Bandit, Happy New Year, and may God give you a great year, and maybe a puppy of your own!

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  • Glenda east

    01/02/2023 02:50 PM

    Happy for you and those precious babies.

  • Keith Brooks

    01/02/2023 02:45 PM

    Could not agree with you more Mike! Glad to see 2022 in the rear view mirror. My wife and I had our share of health situations during 2022 (I'm 68 and Kerry my wife is 65). We are retired and living in the great state of Florida on the Withlachoochi River.
    Perhaps even more than the heath scares is watching our great country falling behind in so many areas. I do not need to list the problems as you write proficiently on each.
    Congratulations on Sarah's winning the governor seat as I'm sure y'all are very proud parents.
    Let's get some intelligent folks to change our dire direction.
    Happy New Year!

  • Deborah W Metzler

    01/02/2023 02:35 PM

    Happy New Year! I enjoyed your story very much and appreciate the joy you bring to the world.

  • steve citron

    01/02/2023 02:12 PM

    I lost my male Queensland Heeler to lung cancer, and seizures last year.
    He was 13 yrs old, and with his full sister, whom my late Wife and I rescued
    14 yrs ago, made our lives complete as we are both now in our mid 70's, were
    and ARE our kids.
    I still have my female, "Jondy", who at 14 still loves to go for roams in the desert where we live, and keeps the horses from too much mischief.
    In fact when Linda left us, I relied on "Jondy" just like the good fiend that she is, who comforted me, as she mourned her Brother "Jake" and the fun they had roaming around the property and desert with us.
    Her patience, and love, make me want to be around people less, and animals more !!

  • Trent Hughes

    01/02/2023 02:07 PM

    We have a new dog also...she is a 3 year old Golden Retriever (not good at retrieving) and she has brought sooo much happiness to my wife and I. Yes they are a lot of work, worth every second of the work. Always happy to see you, tail wagging and smiling eyes....we love her!

  • Marshall McCall

    01/02/2023 01:58 PM

    Please post pictures of your dogs!

  • Jane Canfield

    01/02/2023 01:35 PM

    I think you have hit upon a wonderful idea! Namely, that I can't think of the name of the program where people bring in companion dogs into settings like nursing facilities, schools and the like. Why not do that in the Senate and House?
    I think by getting two pups at the same time was a good idea! We adopted a year and half old pup and about a year later we got an older dog. They are the best of buddies and if we had only known, would have done it much sooner!!
    Blessings for 2023!

  • Patricia Meyer

    01/02/2023 01:17 PM

    Gov. Huckabee…Let me first say Congratulations on your daughter’s Victory as Governor of Arkansas. Can’t even imagine how proud you and your wife are.
    In reading your newsletter today where you spoke of you puppies, I was so able to identify. I too in the last year had to raise a Shih Tzu puppy. Oh my goodness, the work involved was enormous. I’m 74 now. I’ve had Shih Tzu puppies in the past and never remember the work involved. I guess because of my age now. I do think I must have gotten the Alpha dog from his litter. He totally controls my life. I love him like crazy and he’s the cutest thing ever. (Spoiled) I saw your puppies on the ad with your wife. They really are adorable. My boy is named Jonah (taken from the Bible) (the one that passed away was Jacob). Well I wish you the greatest and Happiest New Year to you and your family. Thank you for keeping the TRUTH flowing and in such a humorous way. God Bless You.

  • John J Romer

    01/02/2023 12:46 PM

    Happy New year to you and your family (Even the 4 legged ones. I know what you mean, I have my part BassettHound/Border Collie He is 41/2 years old and his name is "Little Man" Hei is my Buddy and I would be lost without him. Like you folks, I had "Growing Pains" I've had him since he was 71/2 weeks. If I had every extension cord I have bought in those 4+ years They would stretch halfway across Texas. Thank God he grew out of that.

  • Jane Willeman

    01/02/2023 12:41 PM

    I really enjoy seeing you on NewsMax TV Sunday evenings. Your show is refreshing. Thanks for sharing your pups with us. I wish you and yours the best year yet.

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