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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

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Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 14, 2021

Wednesday, to nobody’s surprise, the House voted to impeach President Trump a second time, on grounds that he incited the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol. They were in such a rush to impeach him before he leaves office that they didn’t take time for the standard legal procedure of presenting evidence and letting him defend himself.

The vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans joining the Democrats against Trump.

One Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney, was particularly outspoken, declaring, "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

However, the FBI later announced that they had picked up evidence of plans for violence at the Capitol as early as January 5, the day before the attack, and they suspect some of the participants left the Trump rally early to pick up supplies and meet at the Capitol.


If so, that would mean that Trump’s speech, while it might have been irresponsible, did not incite the Capitol rioters, who planned their attack in advance and left before his speech to launch it.

This could mark the second time the Democrats rushed to judgement to impeach Trump, only to have their efforts collapse once they left the hyper-partisan House because they substituted partisan anger for solid legal evidence. This article explains how a Senate trial might not even happen.

Joe Biden seems to have cold feet about continuing this impeachment trial in the Senate, at least judging by his statement yesterday reminding Senators of “other urgent business” and his suggestion that they split their time between that and other things.

The fact is that by pulling this final rebuke of Trump, the House may have undercut Biden by handing the Senate a divisive, time-wasting responsibility (a trial to remove a President who’s already left office) just as Biden will be coming into office and wanting to fast-track his agenda. Mostly because they hope to ban Trump from running again, which it's doubtful the Senate has the power to do. It also tells us that for all their vilification of Trump, they still fear he might beat them in 2024.

Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats seem to think that they have put a real super-duper stain on Trump by impeaching him twice, but more so, they’ve stained themselves as rabid partisans and permanently devalued impeachment. Being “double-impeached” without proper procedure of evidence as he’s leaving office anyway is as hollow as Dean Wormer warning the frat boys in “Animal House” that they’re on “Double Secret Probation.”

Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness. By talking about impeaching Trump from the moment he was elected, then impeaching him over a phone call and having the Senate throw it out -- and then impeaching him again when he’s leaving office over a riot incitement charge that not only wouldn’t pass legal muster, but if it did, the people accusing him of it would be as guilty as he is -- they’ve reduced that most solemn of last-resort responsibilities to a nakedly partisan political ploy.

Want proof? A Georgia Republican Representative announced that she plans to introduce impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after he takes office, over corruption related to China and Ukraine.

Of course, it won’t go anywhere in a Democrat House. But as satisfying as it might be for Republicans who’ve had to put up with Trump being attacked from day one – and now accused of attempting a coup by the same people who enabled the Russian Collusion attempted coup, and of inciting violent rioters by people who’ve spent the past year defending violent rioters – do we really want a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is just a meaningless political weapon that every President can expect to get hurled at him by the other party, like a mudball?



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Comments 126-150 of 196

  • Nicki Manning

    01/14/2021 01:34 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee, there is one component that the Republican Party has been soring lacking over the fast few decades, the courage to actually stand up to the Democrauts. It is time to not just "turn the other cheek;" it is time to defend our President and our beliefs. I applaud Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green! Perhaps, by generating an impeachment on President-Elect Beijing Biden, January 21st, 2021, and continuing to do so throughout the next four years, maybe....... this might...... enact some kind of legislation that changes the structure of impeachment in the House.....i.e......enforce trial with evidence and ability for defense. In all likelihood, if the do-gooder-Republicans "turn the other cheek," again, and again, the Democrauts will continue, again and again, their same ol' playbook, when the roles are reversed once again, following the same ol' legal structure. Therefore, in order to promote a change to the Impeachment process, the same playbook needs to be thrown into the Democrauts faces, again and again, until they are hollering to change the impeachment process legal structure. Only then, will you get what you are saying: "...Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness....." The Impeachment process is not currently legally structured for this intention, even though, that was its intent. Respectfully submitted, Nicki Manning ([email protected] and 214.405.8815.) P.S. I met you at Dr. Jeffries's Sermon when you were in Dallas! You are awesome!!!

  • Violet ODell

    01/14/2021 01:34 PM

    Biden can be impeached and traitor Liz better not depend on getting re-elected.

  • Jim Reim

    01/14/2021 01:34 PM

    Yes. In this case Yes. The Democrats have nominated an unfit criminal as their candidate, then used election fraud to get him elected. I would say that merits impeachment. Lets spend 2 years and $30M investigating all this. It would be a light on the growing darkness.

  • John Marshall

    01/14/2021 01:33 PM

    Hi Governor, thanks for your newsletter and daily prayer which I just signed up for with hopes for a reasonable perspective and source of information and encouragement during this cold hazy winter.

    One thing I am curious about... did the politicians recently push big tech to silence their political rivals (e.g. Trump)? Or, did the big tech CEO's make their own decisions to censor POTUS without direct urgings or recent strong persuasions from partisan politicians who were obviously in favor of these actions?

    Looking forward to tomorrow's prayer. Today the message was your reminder about forgiveness.


  • Connie Wilson

    01/14/2021 01:32 PM

    Dear Governor, love your columns and your show! I usually agree with you 100%; but on the impeachment of Biden I am not completely sure. Wouldn't that give us Harris sooner? That's something to consider. Your thoughts?

  • Dennis Patrick

    01/14/2021 01:32 PM

    Biden does not have the balls to go against Pelosi. He was probably given a warning from the Democratic Party not to interfere. He should be called the Puppet President.
    Being a cradle Catholic I can not fully understand how both Biden and Pelosi who are supposedly Catholic can support abortion in any term. It makes me sick to think about these two as leaders in our country

  • Kathy Hallmark

    01/14/2021 01:30 PM

    Like most sane American citizens, I am sick of all of Ms Pelosi's stupidity. It has been said since 2016 that the establishment politicians did not want a President Trump because they knew that they could not control him, that he was not going to play their games their way. That is one of the reasons he was elected. This latest stunt of Ms Pelosi and Ms Cheney is nothing but vengeance, which is God's.
    Is there any one who will bring forward all the many Democraps who urged the paid rioters to riot all of 2020? Ms Pelosi would not allow a bill to come up for a vote to give seniors a SS raise. Instead, Ms Pelosi used money from SS to fund the first impeachment circus/witch hunt.
    I'm extremely frustrated, as are many others. HELP!

  • Jerrilyn Spence

    01/14/2021 01:29 PM

    If the senate waits to vote on president trump impeachment until after the Joe by inauguration won't the senate vote to impeach trump?

  • Al Tisovic

    01/14/2021 01:25 PM

    It would be interesting to see how long the senate could hold up Biden’s appointments and programs by holding a extended trial, ending in acquittal of course.
    Anything that slows Biden down is beneficial to our country.

  • Mike Wheeler

    01/14/2021 01:24 PM

    Thank you Gov Huckabee. Great insights. If conservatives don’t react out of anger we will easily win the hearts of Americans very soon. The circus is in the public eye. We need to stay off the stage


    01/14/2021 01:21 PM

    Pelosi and her CCP followers will be remembered as the "Kindergarten impeachment" gang and as the party who HATED the "working class" and "small business" so much - they refused to help them during the COVID 19 pandemic

  • James Parker

    01/14/2021 01:21 PM

    When you fail to follow your own rules, then you reap the consequences. The Georgia representative, MGT, is giving them a taste of their own medicine.

  • Donna Crosswait

    01/14/2021 01:19 PM

    My spelling OCD can’t handle it anymore. There is no e in the middle of the word judgment.

    Love your newsletters and never miss reading them twice a day.

  • Gennifer Horan

    01/14/2021 01:17 PM

    Impeachment has become weaponized by Democrats. Just like watching all summer the “ peaceful protesters” were never held accountable... and now since the Capitol (a federal building) was breeched it become a Huge ugly mess, that like every second day, is blamed on Mr. Trump. Yes, I do believe in what goes around comes around... when Biden is 25th by Harris... I hope her days are terrifying to her “ person of color”. Give me a break! For all that has happened in the last decade...
    I for one am nauseated by the double standard and infuriated by government that I could spit.
    I do not understand how MY country can go down the toilet so quickly.... and yes I believe in gender identity.

  • Witold Mital

    01/14/2021 01:15 PM

    Another impeachment against Biden is really great idea.

    Most people does not undertand that representative by voting to impech president Trump do not really impeach him (the idea that they need only 50% votes is really stupid). As we know they only send message to senate to really impeach him. The problem is that everybody is saying that he ws already impeach but it is not true. He was never removed from office.

    The problem is not only with word impechment, good example is unlimited. Mobile companies are selling us plans which are unlimited however after reaching some level of usage they eighter shut us off or limit the usage.

    People needs to understand that representative do not impeach anybody. Senators do.

  • Curt VandePolder

    01/14/2021 01:14 PM

    Both impeachments should be a stain on the Democratic Klan! I hate to call them a party, more of a lynch mob. I think starting the talk about impeaching Biden is a good thing, but a better idea is to impeach Pelosi and Schumer. Both have had talk and rhetoric worse than DJT. I am so sick of the arrogance of the left it wants to make me puke! Please help the Republican Party get back on track to taking back congress...if that is going to be even possible after what the Democrats propose to do.

  • Koleen Hansen

    01/14/2021 01:14 PM

    Contrary to the two impeachments by the partisan Congress that absolutely had no substance, an impeachment of Biden for corruption related to China and Ukraine actually has fundamental evidence. And I could actually see Pelosi and the rest of her corrupt minions going along with it for two reasons. 1. It would move Biden out of the way a put Harris in as President which make her the first "woman of color" as President. And who would become VP? Probably either Pelosi herself or Michelle Obama. (Obama 2.0) 2. It would "prove" their "willingness" to impeach "one of their own" while only doing so with a "throw-away president".

  • Mary Houser

    01/14/2021 01:13 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee
    I am trying to process the fact that people are saying Pres. Trump was responsible for the riot at the Capital by using words that promoted violence. I have read and reread the speech, listened to it in it's entirety and cannot find any form of hate, call for violence, disruptiveness, etc. Nothing he said was unconstitutional, illegal, or malicious. Yet even conservative and usually truth speaking news outlets are saying the opposite. Can you show me or explain where these "words" are coming from? I am really not getting this dialogue. Thank you. Sincerely, Mary Houser

  • Carol Freeman

    01/14/2021 01:13 PM

    I am glad someone is filing impeachment on Biden. I think it should be on Harris as well for inviting and validating riots this summer. Nobody who supported violent rioters by posting bail out funds should be running this country. Democrats are only making me support Trump and his family more by their terroristic games. Yes I believe the Dems and the left are terrorist since they inflict fear onto Trump staff and supporters.

  • Lee Myszak

    01/14/2021 01:11 PM

    Since the move would only be symbolic I hope she will not move forward. It only lowers us to the Democratic level We are so much better than that To honor President Trump we must remain the honorable decent people that we are and not follow the actions of the fake Republicans who voted to impeach

  • Constance Oyama

    01/14/2021 01:10 PM

    President Trump is not impeached cause the left scums did not go through the Constitution.
    The left Pelosi the scumbag needs to burn her signature on the impeachment document. If anyone needs to be impeached is half of the Dems included Fraud Biden and Fraud Harris.
    75 Million will stick with President Trump and we can get rid of these lowlife Dems and Lowlife Republicans who impeached him.

  • Janis Hook

    01/14/2021 01:09 PM

    I do not want to see this abuse of impeachment. That is what it is. Abuse of power is what the Democrats are doing which needs to be ended quickly or the Country is will be China.

  • kurt beier

    01/14/2021 01:09 PM

    Here is a thought you should put forth to some of the republican Congress members:

    If the Dems want to impeach Trump for his speech on Jan 6th, that they then must be consistent to remove anyone from office who as a USA representative who used their platform and implied that any United States citizen should do anything beyond peaceful protest or who defended unpeaceful actions such as burning and looting. That would pretty much remove about 99% of all Dems including their leadership of Nancy and Schumer followed by video of them saying worse things than Trump ever said and asking why they should remain in office by the standards they now want to uphold?.

    Sadly, you have dem celebrities with massive followings that have called for acts of absolute violence against any one who doesn't agree with them (conservatives), including blowing up the White House, who are celebrated, but if a conservative wants to stand his ground, not to suppress others rights, but to defend his own right from being suppressed, he is condemned. It is absolute insanity.

  • Margot Plummer

    01/14/2021 01:08 PM

    Since the Communists have invaded, yesterday I changed my voter affiliation to Independent from Republican. There are too many RINOS in the Republican party. Look at Mitt Romney! And I voted for him. I remember the debate where he let Obama run over him. He's a lot like John Hickenlooper, no spine.

  • Colleen Bitts

    01/14/2021 01:06 PM

    First and foremost I am very frustrated at the constant blaming of Trump for others actions! How he spoke in Washington on January 6 isn't any different than any of his other rallies. This, to me, seems to have been a premeditated and organized plot developed by the democratic deep state. Now that I have had time to step back and piece together some facts, I can see that this was a plan to try and get people to turn on Trump. Look at the timeline.....he was still giving his speech while they were breaking through the capitol gates. Also video shows the police opening the gates as well as a policeman going up the steps with "protestors" right behind him! I don't know of any cop that would turn his back on a perpetrator during an active crime scene. So many things don't add up!!! Plus who comes to a rally with a ladder?

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