Today's News Stories

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 126-150 of 256

  • Jared Whitcomb

    02/02/2021 04:00 PM

    Thank you so much for your reason and clarity amid so much frenzy. Leading up to the election there was a lot of optimism coming from Republicans because the Democrats seemed to abandon their ground game and Republicans were accelerating theirs. Post election it all makes sense: Republicans were focused on getting votes and Democrats were focused on getting ballots. Rules were changed illegally or simply ignored and as the Democrats knew going in, it’s difficult to prove ballots are fraudulent and if they were able to get them submitted, regardless of how they looked, such as without addresses, they were likely to be counted. Did they outsmart the Republicans, albeit in a devious way? Perhaps, but it’s done and what worries me most is that Republicans may feel they need to do the same thing, especially if in-person voting is abandoned and then our entire process devolves into a pointless exercise and our republic is truly imperiled.

  • Pattie Prince

    02/02/2021 03:50 PM

    first and foremost Thank you and the readers for making the Bible Verses First!!! Thank you for all the Beautiful Artwork they are shown with...
    Thanks for all the Positives you bring to the forefront even with some very negative issues. I personally appreciate it very much as I sometimes have difficulty finding the positives.
    Keep up the good Work!
    God Bless America

  • Sm Orthmann

    02/02/2021 03:47 PM

    The evidence of election fraud needs to be shown. People need to know what there is, and we can decide! Doesn’t matter if folks present poorly, belligerently, nicely, loudly, quietly, etc. Let them talk, no fact checking over the top of their voices. Roberts did a great error in refusing to look at it.

  • Linda Hunter

    02/02/2021 03:46 PM

    I watched many people for days on TV swear to fraud in the polls they had been in and worked. They had signed affidavits to their statements that would purger them. I cannot believe there was not enough evidence to have an audit, but somebody had been sold out to the left.

  • Sid McClelland

    02/02/2021 03:36 PM

    Where is the Constitution is election law made by anyone other than State Legislatures? If governors and secretary of states can change these laws, passed by the state legislature, without any authority, what would you Governor call this?

  • Bob Thompson

    02/02/2021 03:32 PM

    My observation in the significant decline of moral and conservative values and voting for those that hold them, starts with our educational systems and universities. The many liberal and socialistic individuals who have made it into administrative positions and on school boards have steered the education of our children towards what we're seeing surface now in voting and courts.
    The agenda of the left does not include justice or a balance of presenting facts. It starts in kindergarden.

  • Julie Bodley

    02/02/2021 03:27 PM

    In response to the Christian man writing to you... My husband & I are born again spirit filled Christians & try to walk the best we can w/Jesus every day through our actions, what we say, being very willing to apologize when we make a mistake, forgiving, being willing to change, & researching & gathering facts best we can before giving an opinion or advice. It just never seizes to amaze me how uninformed & uneducated people are abt what's truly going on in our nation & the world!! Furthermore, the so called news sources they watch, read & listsn to boggles the mind!! There's really only 1 tv news source I'd watch anymore but rarely do because there's little news & I believe it's called Newsmax or such. We get our news from, &, & occassionaly glance at others. My husband & I strongly believe that President Trump had loads of evidence to present on election fraud & if you look at the truthful news you'd see it. We also are sure that once decent men/women like Pence, Barr, judges & others acted & said what they did because they saw that President Trump was not going to win & instead of fighting & having faith they lived in fear of siding w/the President & denounced him because they didn't want to have happen to them what did to Carter Page, Mike Flynn, Stone & Popodopolous & their families. They also knew from being behind the scenes that everyone involved in the Hilary Clinton & Russian gate scandal would be let off like Kevin Clinesmith was. They knew you only go to jail & are set up if your a Trump supporter, republican, conservative or Christian. Be well informed it pays. Research your sources.

  • Constance Kerber

    02/02/2021 03:26 PM

    Thank you for posting Greg Z.’s letter and your response. You newsletter is very informative.

  • g cooney

    02/02/2021 03:26 PM

    I'm a non believer of the "no leg to stand on" especially when you look at the hard stop timing from those states in question, the fact that Trump won over 90% of the bell weather counties, Trump won Ohio and Florida, and all of the antics happening at the various polling sites. The court rulings were based on narrow criteria in the court/legal system. But I don't believe for a minute it was right. It doesn't matter who appointed the judges - there was some shady stuff going down on November 3rd and carried through nearly a week. USPS is a corrupt organization that has the same tone as the VA once did before Trump brought reform there. I will NOT accept Biden or his administration ever. The new democratic party are nothing but political terrorists who have BLM and Antifa riot dogs at their beck and call to disrupt anything that stands in their way. I don't hate them. I just don't trust them or respect them so I've cancelled them. I've cancelled most of Hollywood and the entertainment industry as well - not to punish them but based on conviction - I will not support what I consider the propaganda of groupthink and "inclusivity" It's all BS.

  • Judi Hoffman

    02/02/2021 03:24 PM

    Thank you governor Huckabee for you openness and thoughtful answers. You are correct that much of America has not seen any evidence of problems with our last election because it has been so covered up by both the media and politicians. Everyone should want our elections to be free and honest and by not wanting any investigation into the election just makes it look fishy.

  • James arnold

    02/02/2021 03:23 PM

    I keep reading how the parties vote. I have never voted for a party to represent me. I vote for the person to represent me. I am resent this voting the party. Surly some one on the Yoplait party had a good bull that was voted against because the wrong party. Brought it forward.

  • Claudette Allred

    02/02/2021 03:20 PM

    I agree Mr. Huckabee with everything you just told Gregg ! But I truly believe this election was stolen along with this man made virus to take out Donald Trump . It was all planned and I for one cannot forgive these evil people known as the DEMOCRATES. I was a Democrate my whole adult life and when Obama stood up there saying we are no longer a Christian nation that was when I woke up. I pray for our country and President Trump. I'm sorry but I can never except China Joe Biden as my legal POTUS .

  • Arlene Quickstrom

    02/02/2021 03:14 PM

    I have been following this election closely, along with members of my family. (If one looks for it there is proof all over the internet.) There are many different people and groups around the country and world, besides the president's legal team, who looked at the numbers from their knowledge and perspective and came up with definite, fully plausible, inconsistencies. I was astounded at the knowledge and credentials of these people, many of whom were not "political". I watched videos of their explanations, which are probably deleted by now, of mathematical inconsistencies, etc.
    On just ballot names alone, one man explained how he mathematically looked at the names used on the mail-in ballots. It showed they were manipulated because you couldn't get such a large number of certain or same names on the ballots if everyone of them were legitimate and real people. Voting also were dead people, too young to vote people (Nevada), people voting in several states, people using other people's ballots, felons, etc.
    Just the hundreds of sworn depositions alone should give one pause because these people came forward, in spite of all the hatred and animosity, to say what they saw, knowing it would put their lives, jobs, and well-being in jeopardy. There was major international interference as well as ballot stuffing and machine irregularities. It only had to be done in a few major cities in the swing states. Trump won 18 out of the 19 bell-weather counties. No one does that and loses. Most of the down-ticket races won by Republicans in their states would be considered coat-tail wins if Trump were on top, but a large number of those ballots had Biden on top. Figure that! Biden for president and all the other votes for Republican state offices! (Only God performs miracles!) Trump also had 10M or 11M more votes than he had in 2016. Another positive marker for him. Obama had 3M less votes than in his first term and still won his second term, showing that the 11M more votes are not a minor statistic.
    Money does talk! Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg put in $400M for the election alone into these swing states and cities to help the Democrats pay for drop boxes, ballot harvesting workers, salaries, etc.
    I won't even go into the voting machine fiasco and Georgia counting video. We also know that, prior to the election, the Democrats filed hundreds of lawsuits in the swing states to change voting times, requirements, counting, etc. to their advantage. Related to that fact was that a governor, attorney generaI, or election board had a say in choosing electors. Why would state legislatures in those states abdicate their sole right to select the electors? Were they aware of their duty, sleeping on the job, or paid off?
    It's just one thing after another. This may seem like circumstantial evidence, but listening to experts, as well as regular people who gave depositions, question how the election could possibly turn out the way it did given what they came up with, is enough for me. These weren't necessarily Trump people, but people who know the difference between right and wrong and who put their reputations on the line for it—like our Founding Fathers who “ . . .pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.” Now that Biden is in, all these things will get swept under the rug or put down “the memory hole” and lost.
    In my opinion, nothing short of God stepping in can save this republic from socialism, and He may well have to do it. I have put my trust in Him. He sees the big picture and knows what is happening. In spite of the bleak election results, He will prevail!
    My comments are just for you, Governor, and no one else.
    A patriot,
    Arlene Quickstrom

  • Jim Reim

    02/02/2021 03:11 PM

    PA House State Government Committee is holding weekly election hearings. Every week from Jan. 21 thru April 22. They usually start at 1:30 and run all afternoon. I turn it on and let it run, and tune in for 5-10 minutes while working. We have a legislature man named King who is taking Kathy Boockvar to task and anxious to prove or disprove the accuracy of this election. I wanted you to be aware of this.

  • Gina

    02/02/2021 03:01 PM

    Well said Governor! The American people will see what a vote for the Dems and Biden got them and will vote for the Reps next time. However, if the elections continue to be fraudulent, and mail in ballots continue, then we have become no better than Russia, China or a Banana Republic. I should know, I came from Cuba, where the heck do you go now to escape this socialist cloud that is taking over the world. My family in Spain is seeing the same thing there. God bless you and continue to speak the truth.

  • Patsy Wall

    02/02/2021 02:59 PM

    I greatly admire you and love watching reading and listening. However from where we the people sit, the voting fraud is so very evident. So in this point we disagree. I hope at some point all this is cleared up I hate to see this great country headed down the tube at the hand of Joe Biden

  • Becky Myers

    02/02/2021 02:58 PM

    Thank you Mike and I'm so happy I subscribed to you. I too am a biblical, God believing Christian and try to live according to God's word and this has been a tough trial to go through both personally and with our nation. I'm not sure at what point the election was stolen, but I do believe it was. There were witnesses, pictures and out and out deceptive people who are about changing this country. It behooves me that anyone on the left can even utter the words constitution or democracy from their mouths. I would think they would choke, but oh well. Biden is in the White House for a reason, and good thing God is my King and Lord.

  • James Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:55 PM


    People like "Gregg," who profess to be "neutral," give themselves away whenever they start to define things like "humanism" as liberalism. There is nothing humanistic about liberalism. Liberals want to live under a communistic rule. Humans want to be free to live and do as they will, and wish and dream as they want, and none of that is allowed under a communistic regime. His entire letter reeks liberalism.

    Also: He continues: "I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud." Reverend, you know as well as I do that us "rednecks" woulda said: "I'm just pissed that you can't git it through your head that this here election weren't stole by fraud." He's definitely a liberal plant. He's trying to spread discontent through the ranks of us "unlearned," redneck, uncouth, unintelligent, rabble as we would obviously believe that one of our own would espouse that the rest of us had behaved so abhorrently.

    Please excuse my rancor Reverend Huckabee, I'm just a no good, lowlife, uneducated, bumpkin, who originated in Arizona, spent his earliest years in Germany while his father worked with our "Occupational Forces" to rebuild the German Country after their defeated regime destroyed half of the world in a quest for World domination, then my family came home and lived in California (when it was a free State where one could express an opinion other than the approved Party propaganda) and made a home. My father's military service took his family around the World, across our Country and left us in South Georgia, where, of course, I became a redneck.

    I apologize to you sir, for I have just spent more words than I have uttered in the last six months venting about a letter of comment left on your website by one of the citizens of this country, whose beliefs reside left-of-center of mine. But, my feelings have been hurt multiple times over the past couple of years by those who represent them. I do not believe you have one/tenth as abrasive as they have been, nor have we (as Republicans) been one/tenth as abhorrent as they.

    Please excuse my rambling.

    James Johnson

  • Shirley Roberts

    02/02/2021 02:54 PM

    Please Sir, continue to diplomatically and professionally "HAMMER" the media to take a refresher course in "word choice." The media is responsible for all that's awry in our country. They (mostly the bosses) should be ashamed of how they have presented the is terribly biased, and that's just wrong journalism. (I had courses in I do have understanding in this field.) Mr. Pulitzer would shame all of them seriously. You have the position and the ability to keep reminding the journalists of their responsibilities. Thank you much. Hi and Good Luck to your daughter, Sarah...hope and pray she wins...Shirley Roberts

  • Debi McClure

    02/02/2021 02:53 PM

    I am one of the 4% who said I accept Biden as my president not because I agree with him and his policies because I don't. I do not like what he stands for, I do not like the number of executive orders/actions he has done especially if he hasn't thought them through and is only trying to cancel everything President Trump put forth in helping this country. I also believe Biden is just a puppet and not doing or making any decisions on his own. If you notice Harris is close by when Biden is signing the orders. I "accept" him only because he is sitting in the presidential chair which is more than the democrats did in 2017 for President Trump. God allowed Biden to be "elected" president for a reason and only God knows the reason. Yes I believe there were irregularities in the election. How could President Trump LOSE votes in tallying votes where you can only gain votes? How could there be more votes than voters? How could non-elected officials make election rules when only the state legislature are allowed to do that? So if someone asked me who the president of the United States is I, unfortunately, would have to answer Biden.

  • Wanda Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:48 PM

    I wish in the lifetime I have left that we could see leaders who are not compromised, not beholden, have not made back room deals or underhanded deals with enemy countries. I wish all people could be treated with respect no matter affiliation of race. There is only one race, the human race. I also believe that social media and the internet are worse for mankind’s health than any climate change or man made weapon. Why, because we have weaponized those platforms to deconstruct human interaction and face to face communication. The seeds of division, distrust and hate are all too readily germinated with a keyboard and no accountability for actions.

  • Gerald E Connally

    02/02/2021 02:46 PM

    At this point it requires a substantial leap of faith (of some sort) to conclude the elections were deeply impacted by fraud. That we are divided is an obvious point. Having taken an obligation to defend my Nation in which I still believe, I have no intention of conforming to the socialist agenda, not will I climb peacefully onto any figurative freight car.

  • William Davell

    02/02/2021 02:43 PM

    Well said, Governor. What hasn't been addressed is that the rules for voting were changed in many states not by their legislators but by executive fiat to allow votes to be counted after the deadline and to allow mail in voting which could not be authenticated. We go to other countries to monitor their elections for just these things yet we ourselves violated these two very basic principals. In addition, it is uncontroverted that voting machines were susceptible to being manipulated---we watched a live hearing in Georgia where the witness before our eyes hacked into a voting machine that was in active use by voters and communicated back and forth with machine. I'm also a born again evangelicals believer. This was not a personality contest for me. It was strictly about the issues. #1 Abortion and #2 A businessman who ran the country as a business. Time to fess up and examine what happened. I have some swamp land to sell you if you believe that Biden got 18M more legitimate votes than OBama.

  • Charles Downs

    02/02/2021 02:43 PM

    I recently sent you a video file regarding an affidavid filed re the "Stolen election"

    Please check or research the "ArmstrongEconomics" report in their POLITICS category regarding "the Italian italian defense contractor intervened "Hacked Dominion Voting systems in key states & counties . I understand YOUTUBE pulled the report and buried it like they did the Hunter Biden story.

    I'd like to hear your analysis
    Thanks, Charlie

  • Geraldine Hairgrove

    02/02/2021 02:41 PM

    I appreciate your calm quiet strength in this moment of great distress. Thank you.

Election 2024 Coverage

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 126-150 of 256

  • Jared Whitcomb

    02/02/2021 04:00 PM

    Thank you so much for your reason and clarity amid so much frenzy. Leading up to the election there was a lot of optimism coming from Republicans because the Democrats seemed to abandon their ground game and Republicans were accelerating theirs. Post election it all makes sense: Republicans were focused on getting votes and Democrats were focused on getting ballots. Rules were changed illegally or simply ignored and as the Democrats knew going in, it’s difficult to prove ballots are fraudulent and if they were able to get them submitted, regardless of how they looked, such as without addresses, they were likely to be counted. Did they outsmart the Republicans, albeit in a devious way? Perhaps, but it’s done and what worries me most is that Republicans may feel they need to do the same thing, especially if in-person voting is abandoned and then our entire process devolves into a pointless exercise and our republic is truly imperiled.

  • Pattie Prince

    02/02/2021 03:50 PM

    first and foremost Thank you and the readers for making the Bible Verses First!!! Thank you for all the Beautiful Artwork they are shown with...
    Thanks for all the Positives you bring to the forefront even with some very negative issues. I personally appreciate it very much as I sometimes have difficulty finding the positives.
    Keep up the good Work!
    God Bless America

  • Sm Orthmann

    02/02/2021 03:47 PM

    The evidence of election fraud needs to be shown. People need to know what there is, and we can decide! Doesn’t matter if folks present poorly, belligerently, nicely, loudly, quietly, etc. Let them talk, no fact checking over the top of their voices. Roberts did a great error in refusing to look at it.

  • Linda Hunter

    02/02/2021 03:46 PM

    I watched many people for days on TV swear to fraud in the polls they had been in and worked. They had signed affidavits to their statements that would purger them. I cannot believe there was not enough evidence to have an audit, but somebody had been sold out to the left.

  • Sid McClelland

    02/02/2021 03:36 PM

    Where is the Constitution is election law made by anyone other than State Legislatures? If governors and secretary of states can change these laws, passed by the state legislature, without any authority, what would you Governor call this?

  • Bob Thompson

    02/02/2021 03:32 PM

    My observation in the significant decline of moral and conservative values and voting for those that hold them, starts with our educational systems and universities. The many liberal and socialistic individuals who have made it into administrative positions and on school boards have steered the education of our children towards what we're seeing surface now in voting and courts.
    The agenda of the left does not include justice or a balance of presenting facts. It starts in kindergarden.

  • Julie Bodley

    02/02/2021 03:27 PM

    In response to the Christian man writing to you... My husband & I are born again spirit filled Christians & try to walk the best we can w/Jesus every day through our actions, what we say, being very willing to apologize when we make a mistake, forgiving, being willing to change, & researching & gathering facts best we can before giving an opinion or advice. It just never seizes to amaze me how uninformed & uneducated people are abt what's truly going on in our nation & the world!! Furthermore, the so called news sources they watch, read & listsn to boggles the mind!! There's really only 1 tv news source I'd watch anymore but rarely do because there's little news & I believe it's called Newsmax or such. We get our news from, &, & occassionaly glance at others. My husband & I strongly believe that President Trump had loads of evidence to present on election fraud & if you look at the truthful news you'd see it. We also are sure that once decent men/women like Pence, Barr, judges & others acted & said what they did because they saw that President Trump was not going to win & instead of fighting & having faith they lived in fear of siding w/the President & denounced him because they didn't want to have happen to them what did to Carter Page, Mike Flynn, Stone & Popodopolous & their families. They also knew from being behind the scenes that everyone involved in the Hilary Clinton & Russian gate scandal would be let off like Kevin Clinesmith was. They knew you only go to jail & are set up if your a Trump supporter, republican, conservative or Christian. Be well informed it pays. Research your sources.

  • Constance Kerber

    02/02/2021 03:26 PM

    Thank you for posting Greg Z.’s letter and your response. You newsletter is very informative.

  • g cooney

    02/02/2021 03:26 PM

    I'm a non believer of the "no leg to stand on" especially when you look at the hard stop timing from those states in question, the fact that Trump won over 90% of the bell weather counties, Trump won Ohio and Florida, and all of the antics happening at the various polling sites. The court rulings were based on narrow criteria in the court/legal system. But I don't believe for a minute it was right. It doesn't matter who appointed the judges - there was some shady stuff going down on November 3rd and carried through nearly a week. USPS is a corrupt organization that has the same tone as the VA once did before Trump brought reform there. I will NOT accept Biden or his administration ever. The new democratic party are nothing but political terrorists who have BLM and Antifa riot dogs at their beck and call to disrupt anything that stands in their way. I don't hate them. I just don't trust them or respect them so I've cancelled them. I've cancelled most of Hollywood and the entertainment industry as well - not to punish them but based on conviction - I will not support what I consider the propaganda of groupthink and "inclusivity" It's all BS.

  • Judi Hoffman

    02/02/2021 03:24 PM

    Thank you governor Huckabee for you openness and thoughtful answers. You are correct that much of America has not seen any evidence of problems with our last election because it has been so covered up by both the media and politicians. Everyone should want our elections to be free and honest and by not wanting any investigation into the election just makes it look fishy.

  • James arnold

    02/02/2021 03:23 PM

    I keep reading how the parties vote. I have never voted for a party to represent me. I vote for the person to represent me. I am resent this voting the party. Surly some one on the Yoplait party had a good bull that was voted against because the wrong party. Brought it forward.

  • Claudette Allred

    02/02/2021 03:20 PM

    I agree Mr. Huckabee with everything you just told Gregg ! But I truly believe this election was stolen along with this man made virus to take out Donald Trump . It was all planned and I for one cannot forgive these evil people known as the DEMOCRATES. I was a Democrate my whole adult life and when Obama stood up there saying we are no longer a Christian nation that was when I woke up. I pray for our country and President Trump. I'm sorry but I can never except China Joe Biden as my legal POTUS .

  • Arlene Quickstrom

    02/02/2021 03:14 PM

    I have been following this election closely, along with members of my family. (If one looks for it there is proof all over the internet.) There are many different people and groups around the country and world, besides the president's legal team, who looked at the numbers from their knowledge and perspective and came up with definite, fully plausible, inconsistencies. I was astounded at the knowledge and credentials of these people, many of whom were not "political". I watched videos of their explanations, which are probably deleted by now, of mathematical inconsistencies, etc.
    On just ballot names alone, one man explained how he mathematically looked at the names used on the mail-in ballots. It showed they were manipulated because you couldn't get such a large number of certain or same names on the ballots if everyone of them were legitimate and real people. Voting also were dead people, too young to vote people (Nevada), people voting in several states, people using other people's ballots, felons, etc.
    Just the hundreds of sworn depositions alone should give one pause because these people came forward, in spite of all the hatred and animosity, to say what they saw, knowing it would put their lives, jobs, and well-being in jeopardy. There was major international interference as well as ballot stuffing and machine irregularities. It only had to be done in a few major cities in the swing states. Trump won 18 out of the 19 bell-weather counties. No one does that and loses. Most of the down-ticket races won by Republicans in their states would be considered coat-tail wins if Trump were on top, but a large number of those ballots had Biden on top. Figure that! Biden for president and all the other votes for Republican state offices! (Only God performs miracles!) Trump also had 10M or 11M more votes than he had in 2016. Another positive marker for him. Obama had 3M less votes than in his first term and still won his second term, showing that the 11M more votes are not a minor statistic.
    Money does talk! Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg put in $400M for the election alone into these swing states and cities to help the Democrats pay for drop boxes, ballot harvesting workers, salaries, etc.
    I won't even go into the voting machine fiasco and Georgia counting video. We also know that, prior to the election, the Democrats filed hundreds of lawsuits in the swing states to change voting times, requirements, counting, etc. to their advantage. Related to that fact was that a governor, attorney generaI, or election board had a say in choosing electors. Why would state legislatures in those states abdicate their sole right to select the electors? Were they aware of their duty, sleeping on the job, or paid off?
    It's just one thing after another. This may seem like circumstantial evidence, but listening to experts, as well as regular people who gave depositions, question how the election could possibly turn out the way it did given what they came up with, is enough for me. These weren't necessarily Trump people, but people who know the difference between right and wrong and who put their reputations on the line for it—like our Founding Fathers who “ . . .pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.” Now that Biden is in, all these things will get swept under the rug or put down “the memory hole” and lost.
    In my opinion, nothing short of God stepping in can save this republic from socialism, and He may well have to do it. I have put my trust in Him. He sees the big picture and knows what is happening. In spite of the bleak election results, He will prevail!
    My comments are just for you, Governor, and no one else.
    A patriot,
    Arlene Quickstrom

  • Jim Reim

    02/02/2021 03:11 PM

    PA House State Government Committee is holding weekly election hearings. Every week from Jan. 21 thru April 22. They usually start at 1:30 and run all afternoon. I turn it on and let it run, and tune in for 5-10 minutes while working. We have a legislature man named King who is taking Kathy Boockvar to task and anxious to prove or disprove the accuracy of this election. I wanted you to be aware of this.

  • Gina

    02/02/2021 03:01 PM

    Well said Governor! The American people will see what a vote for the Dems and Biden got them and will vote for the Reps next time. However, if the elections continue to be fraudulent, and mail in ballots continue, then we have become no better than Russia, China or a Banana Republic. I should know, I came from Cuba, where the heck do you go now to escape this socialist cloud that is taking over the world. My family in Spain is seeing the same thing there. God bless you and continue to speak the truth.

  • Patsy Wall

    02/02/2021 02:59 PM

    I greatly admire you and love watching reading and listening. However from where we the people sit, the voting fraud is so very evident. So in this point we disagree. I hope at some point all this is cleared up I hate to see this great country headed down the tube at the hand of Joe Biden

  • Becky Myers

    02/02/2021 02:58 PM

    Thank you Mike and I'm so happy I subscribed to you. I too am a biblical, God believing Christian and try to live according to God's word and this has been a tough trial to go through both personally and with our nation. I'm not sure at what point the election was stolen, but I do believe it was. There were witnesses, pictures and out and out deceptive people who are about changing this country. It behooves me that anyone on the left can even utter the words constitution or democracy from their mouths. I would think they would choke, but oh well. Biden is in the White House for a reason, and good thing God is my King and Lord.

  • James Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:55 PM


    People like "Gregg," who profess to be "neutral," give themselves away whenever they start to define things like "humanism" as liberalism. There is nothing humanistic about liberalism. Liberals want to live under a communistic rule. Humans want to be free to live and do as they will, and wish and dream as they want, and none of that is allowed under a communistic regime. His entire letter reeks liberalism.

    Also: He continues: "I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud." Reverend, you know as well as I do that us "rednecks" woulda said: "I'm just pissed that you can't git it through your head that this here election weren't stole by fraud." He's definitely a liberal plant. He's trying to spread discontent through the ranks of us "unlearned," redneck, uncouth, unintelligent, rabble as we would obviously believe that one of our own would espouse that the rest of us had behaved so abhorrently.

    Please excuse my rancor Reverend Huckabee, I'm just a no good, lowlife, uneducated, bumpkin, who originated in Arizona, spent his earliest years in Germany while his father worked with our "Occupational Forces" to rebuild the German Country after their defeated regime destroyed half of the world in a quest for World domination, then my family came home and lived in California (when it was a free State where one could express an opinion other than the approved Party propaganda) and made a home. My father's military service took his family around the World, across our Country and left us in South Georgia, where, of course, I became a redneck.

    I apologize to you sir, for I have just spent more words than I have uttered in the last six months venting about a letter of comment left on your website by one of the citizens of this country, whose beliefs reside left-of-center of mine. But, my feelings have been hurt multiple times over the past couple of years by those who represent them. I do not believe you have one/tenth as abrasive as they have been, nor have we (as Republicans) been one/tenth as abhorrent as they.

    Please excuse my rambling.

    James Johnson

  • Shirley Roberts

    02/02/2021 02:54 PM

    Please Sir, continue to diplomatically and professionally "HAMMER" the media to take a refresher course in "word choice." The media is responsible for all that's awry in our country. They (mostly the bosses) should be ashamed of how they have presented the is terribly biased, and that's just wrong journalism. (I had courses in I do have understanding in this field.) Mr. Pulitzer would shame all of them seriously. You have the position and the ability to keep reminding the journalists of their responsibilities. Thank you much. Hi and Good Luck to your daughter, Sarah...hope and pray she wins...Shirley Roberts

  • Debi McClure

    02/02/2021 02:53 PM

    I am one of the 4% who said I accept Biden as my president not because I agree with him and his policies because I don't. I do not like what he stands for, I do not like the number of executive orders/actions he has done especially if he hasn't thought them through and is only trying to cancel everything President Trump put forth in helping this country. I also believe Biden is just a puppet and not doing or making any decisions on his own. If you notice Harris is close by when Biden is signing the orders. I "accept" him only because he is sitting in the presidential chair which is more than the democrats did in 2017 for President Trump. God allowed Biden to be "elected" president for a reason and only God knows the reason. Yes I believe there were irregularities in the election. How could President Trump LOSE votes in tallying votes where you can only gain votes? How could there be more votes than voters? How could non-elected officials make election rules when only the state legislature are allowed to do that? So if someone asked me who the president of the United States is I, unfortunately, would have to answer Biden.

  • Wanda Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:48 PM

    I wish in the lifetime I have left that we could see leaders who are not compromised, not beholden, have not made back room deals or underhanded deals with enemy countries. I wish all people could be treated with respect no matter affiliation of race. There is only one race, the human race. I also believe that social media and the internet are worse for mankind’s health than any climate change or man made weapon. Why, because we have weaponized those platforms to deconstruct human interaction and face to face communication. The seeds of division, distrust and hate are all too readily germinated with a keyboard and no accountability for actions.

  • Gerald E Connally

    02/02/2021 02:46 PM

    At this point it requires a substantial leap of faith (of some sort) to conclude the elections were deeply impacted by fraud. That we are divided is an obvious point. Having taken an obligation to defend my Nation in which I still believe, I have no intention of conforming to the socialist agenda, not will I climb peacefully onto any figurative freight car.

  • William Davell

    02/02/2021 02:43 PM

    Well said, Governor. What hasn't been addressed is that the rules for voting were changed in many states not by their legislators but by executive fiat to allow votes to be counted after the deadline and to allow mail in voting which could not be authenticated. We go to other countries to monitor their elections for just these things yet we ourselves violated these two very basic principals. In addition, it is uncontroverted that voting machines were susceptible to being manipulated---we watched a live hearing in Georgia where the witness before our eyes hacked into a voting machine that was in active use by voters and communicated back and forth with machine. I'm also a born again evangelicals believer. This was not a personality contest for me. It was strictly about the issues. #1 Abortion and #2 A businessman who ran the country as a business. Time to fess up and examine what happened. I have some swamp land to sell you if you believe that Biden got 18M more legitimate votes than OBama.

  • Charles Downs

    02/02/2021 02:43 PM

    I recently sent you a video file regarding an affidavid filed re the "Stolen election"

    Please check or research the "ArmstrongEconomics" report in their POLITICS category regarding "the Italian italian defense contractor intervened "Hacked Dominion Voting systems in key states & counties . I understand YOUTUBE pulled the report and buried it like they did the Hunter Biden story.

    I'd like to hear your analysis
    Thanks, Charlie

  • Geraldine Hairgrove

    02/02/2021 02:41 PM

    I appreciate your calm quiet strength in this moment of great distress. Thank you.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    February 2, 2021

    From Gregg Z:

    I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

    I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

    The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

    In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

    It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



    From the Gov:

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

    If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

    What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

    That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

    The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

    Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

    You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

    Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

    It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

    Thanks again for writing.


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    Comments 126-150 of 256

    • Jared Whitcomb

      02/02/2021 04:00 PM

      Thank you so much for your reason and clarity amid so much frenzy. Leading up to the election there was a lot of optimism coming from Republicans because the Democrats seemed to abandon their ground game and Republicans were accelerating theirs. Post election it all makes sense: Republicans were focused on getting votes and Democrats were focused on getting ballots. Rules were changed illegally or simply ignored and as the Democrats knew going in, it’s difficult to prove ballots are fraudulent and if they were able to get them submitted, regardless of how they looked, such as without addresses, they were likely to be counted. Did they outsmart the Republicans, albeit in a devious way? Perhaps, but it’s done and what worries me most is that Republicans may feel they need to do the same thing, especially if in-person voting is abandoned and then our entire process devolves into a pointless exercise and our republic is truly imperiled.

    • Pattie Prince

      02/02/2021 03:50 PM

      first and foremost Thank you and the readers for making the Bible Verses First!!! Thank you for all the Beautiful Artwork they are shown with...
      Thanks for all the Positives you bring to the forefront even with some very negative issues. I personally appreciate it very much as I sometimes have difficulty finding the positives.
      Keep up the good Work!
      God Bless America

    • Sm Orthmann

      02/02/2021 03:47 PM

      The evidence of election fraud needs to be shown. People need to know what there is, and we can decide! Doesn’t matter if folks present poorly, belligerently, nicely, loudly, quietly, etc. Let them talk, no fact checking over the top of their voices. Roberts did a great error in refusing to look at it.

    • Linda Hunter

      02/02/2021 03:46 PM

      I watched many people for days on TV swear to fraud in the polls they had been in and worked. They had signed affidavits to their statements that would purger them. I cannot believe there was not enough evidence to have an audit, but somebody had been sold out to the left.

    • Sid McClelland

      02/02/2021 03:36 PM

      Where is the Constitution is election law made by anyone other than State Legislatures? If governors and secretary of states can change these laws, passed by the state legislature, without any authority, what would you Governor call this?

    • Bob Thompson

      02/02/2021 03:32 PM

      My observation in the significant decline of moral and conservative values and voting for those that hold them, starts with our educational systems and universities. The many liberal and socialistic individuals who have made it into administrative positions and on school boards have steered the education of our children towards what we're seeing surface now in voting and courts.
      The agenda of the left does not include justice or a balance of presenting facts. It starts in kindergarden.

    • Julie Bodley

      02/02/2021 03:27 PM

      In response to the Christian man writing to you... My husband & I are born again spirit filled Christians & try to walk the best we can w/Jesus every day through our actions, what we say, being very willing to apologize when we make a mistake, forgiving, being willing to change, & researching & gathering facts best we can before giving an opinion or advice. It just never seizes to amaze me how uninformed & uneducated people are abt what's truly going on in our nation & the world!! Furthermore, the so called news sources they watch, read & listsn to boggles the mind!! There's really only 1 tv news source I'd watch anymore but rarely do because there's little news & I believe it's called Newsmax or such. We get our news from, &, & occassionaly glance at others. My husband & I strongly believe that President Trump had loads of evidence to present on election fraud & if you look at the truthful news you'd see it. We also are sure that once decent men/women like Pence, Barr, judges & others acted & said what they did because they saw that President Trump was not going to win & instead of fighting & having faith they lived in fear of siding w/the President & denounced him because they didn't want to have happen to them what did to Carter Page, Mike Flynn, Stone & Popodopolous & their families. They also knew from being behind the scenes that everyone involved in the Hilary Clinton & Russian gate scandal would be let off like Kevin Clinesmith was. They knew you only go to jail & are set up if your a Trump supporter, republican, conservative or Christian. Be well informed it pays. Research your sources.

    • Constance Kerber

      02/02/2021 03:26 PM

      Thank you for posting Greg Z.’s letter and your response. You newsletter is very informative.

    • g cooney

      02/02/2021 03:26 PM

      I'm a non believer of the "no leg to stand on" especially when you look at the hard stop timing from those states in question, the fact that Trump won over 90% of the bell weather counties, Trump won Ohio and Florida, and all of the antics happening at the various polling sites. The court rulings were based on narrow criteria in the court/legal system. But I don't believe for a minute it was right. It doesn't matter who appointed the judges - there was some shady stuff going down on November 3rd and carried through nearly a week. USPS is a corrupt organization that has the same tone as the VA once did before Trump brought reform there. I will NOT accept Biden or his administration ever. The new democratic party are nothing but political terrorists who have BLM and Antifa riot dogs at their beck and call to disrupt anything that stands in their way. I don't hate them. I just don't trust them or respect them so I've cancelled them. I've cancelled most of Hollywood and the entertainment industry as well - not to punish them but based on conviction - I will not support what I consider the propaganda of groupthink and "inclusivity" It's all BS.

    • Judi Hoffman

      02/02/2021 03:24 PM

      Thank you governor Huckabee for you openness and thoughtful answers. You are correct that much of America has not seen any evidence of problems with our last election because it has been so covered up by both the media and politicians. Everyone should want our elections to be free and honest and by not wanting any investigation into the election just makes it look fishy.

    • James arnold

      02/02/2021 03:23 PM

      I keep reading how the parties vote. I have never voted for a party to represent me. I vote for the person to represent me. I am resent this voting the party. Surly some one on the Yoplait party had a good bull that was voted against because the wrong party. Brought it forward.

    • Claudette Allred

      02/02/2021 03:20 PM

      I agree Mr. Huckabee with everything you just told Gregg ! But I truly believe this election was stolen along with this man made virus to take out Donald Trump . It was all planned and I for one cannot forgive these evil people known as the DEMOCRATES. I was a Democrate my whole adult life and when Obama stood up there saying we are no longer a Christian nation that was when I woke up. I pray for our country and President Trump. I'm sorry but I can never except China Joe Biden as my legal POTUS .

    • Arlene Quickstrom

      02/02/2021 03:14 PM

      I have been following this election closely, along with members of my family. (If one looks for it there is proof all over the internet.) There are many different people and groups around the country and world, besides the president's legal team, who looked at the numbers from their knowledge and perspective and came up with definite, fully plausible, inconsistencies. I was astounded at the knowledge and credentials of these people, many of whom were not "political". I watched videos of their explanations, which are probably deleted by now, of mathematical inconsistencies, etc.
      On just ballot names alone, one man explained how he mathematically looked at the names used on the mail-in ballots. It showed they were manipulated because you couldn't get such a large number of certain or same names on the ballots if everyone of them were legitimate and real people. Voting also were dead people, too young to vote people (Nevada), people voting in several states, people using other people's ballots, felons, etc.
      Just the hundreds of sworn depositions alone should give one pause because these people came forward, in spite of all the hatred and animosity, to say what they saw, knowing it would put their lives, jobs, and well-being in jeopardy. There was major international interference as well as ballot stuffing and machine irregularities. It only had to be done in a few major cities in the swing states. Trump won 18 out of the 19 bell-weather counties. No one does that and loses. Most of the down-ticket races won by Republicans in their states would be considered coat-tail wins if Trump were on top, but a large number of those ballots had Biden on top. Figure that! Biden for president and all the other votes for Republican state offices! (Only God performs miracles!) Trump also had 10M or 11M more votes than he had in 2016. Another positive marker for him. Obama had 3M less votes than in his first term and still won his second term, showing that the 11M more votes are not a minor statistic.
      Money does talk! Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg put in $400M for the election alone into these swing states and cities to help the Democrats pay for drop boxes, ballot harvesting workers, salaries, etc.
      I won't even go into the voting machine fiasco and Georgia counting video. We also know that, prior to the election, the Democrats filed hundreds of lawsuits in the swing states to change voting times, requirements, counting, etc. to their advantage. Related to that fact was that a governor, attorney generaI, or election board had a say in choosing electors. Why would state legislatures in those states abdicate their sole right to select the electors? Were they aware of their duty, sleeping on the job, or paid off?
      It's just one thing after another. This may seem like circumstantial evidence, but listening to experts, as well as regular people who gave depositions, question how the election could possibly turn out the way it did given what they came up with, is enough for me. These weren't necessarily Trump people, but people who know the difference between right and wrong and who put their reputations on the line for it—like our Founding Fathers who “ . . .pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.” Now that Biden is in, all these things will get swept under the rug or put down “the memory hole” and lost.
      In my opinion, nothing short of God stepping in can save this republic from socialism, and He may well have to do it. I have put my trust in Him. He sees the big picture and knows what is happening. In spite of the bleak election results, He will prevail!
      My comments are just for you, Governor, and no one else.
      A patriot,
      Arlene Quickstrom

    • Jim Reim

      02/02/2021 03:11 PM

      PA House State Government Committee is holding weekly election hearings. Every week from Jan. 21 thru April 22. They usually start at 1:30 and run all afternoon. I turn it on and let it run, and tune in for 5-10 minutes while working. We have a legislature man named King who is taking Kathy Boockvar to task and anxious to prove or disprove the accuracy of this election. I wanted you to be aware of this.

    • Gina

      02/02/2021 03:01 PM

      Well said Governor! The American people will see what a vote for the Dems and Biden got them and will vote for the Reps next time. However, if the elections continue to be fraudulent, and mail in ballots continue, then we have become no better than Russia, China or a Banana Republic. I should know, I came from Cuba, where the heck do you go now to escape this socialist cloud that is taking over the world. My family in Spain is seeing the same thing there. God bless you and continue to speak the truth.

    • Patsy Wall

      02/02/2021 02:59 PM

      I greatly admire you and love watching reading and listening. However from where we the people sit, the voting fraud is so very evident. So in this point we disagree. I hope at some point all this is cleared up I hate to see this great country headed down the tube at the hand of Joe Biden

    • Becky Myers

      02/02/2021 02:58 PM

      Thank you Mike and I'm so happy I subscribed to you. I too am a biblical, God believing Christian and try to live according to God's word and this has been a tough trial to go through both personally and with our nation. I'm not sure at what point the election was stolen, but I do believe it was. There were witnesses, pictures and out and out deceptive people who are about changing this country. It behooves me that anyone on the left can even utter the words constitution or democracy from their mouths. I would think they would choke, but oh well. Biden is in the White House for a reason, and good thing God is my King and Lord.

    • James Johnson

      02/02/2021 02:55 PM


      People like "Gregg," who profess to be "neutral," give themselves away whenever they start to define things like "humanism" as liberalism. There is nothing humanistic about liberalism. Liberals want to live under a communistic rule. Humans want to be free to live and do as they will, and wish and dream as they want, and none of that is allowed under a communistic regime. His entire letter reeks liberalism.

      Also: He continues: "I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud." Reverend, you know as well as I do that us "rednecks" woulda said: "I'm just pissed that you can't git it through your head that this here election weren't stole by fraud." He's definitely a liberal plant. He's trying to spread discontent through the ranks of us "unlearned," redneck, uncouth, unintelligent, rabble as we would obviously believe that one of our own would espouse that the rest of us had behaved so abhorrently.

      Please excuse my rancor Reverend Huckabee, I'm just a no good, lowlife, uneducated, bumpkin, who originated in Arizona, spent his earliest years in Germany while his father worked with our "Occupational Forces" to rebuild the German Country after their defeated regime destroyed half of the world in a quest for World domination, then my family came home and lived in California (when it was a free State where one could express an opinion other than the approved Party propaganda) and made a home. My father's military service took his family around the World, across our Country and left us in South Georgia, where, of course, I became a redneck.

      I apologize to you sir, for I have just spent more words than I have uttered in the last six months venting about a letter of comment left on your website by one of the citizens of this country, whose beliefs reside left-of-center of mine. But, my feelings have been hurt multiple times over the past couple of years by those who represent them. I do not believe you have one/tenth as abrasive as they have been, nor have we (as Republicans) been one/tenth as abhorrent as they.

      Please excuse my rambling.

      James Johnson

    • Shirley Roberts

      02/02/2021 02:54 PM

      Please Sir, continue to diplomatically and professionally "HAMMER" the media to take a refresher course in "word choice." The media is responsible for all that's awry in our country. They (mostly the bosses) should be ashamed of how they have presented the is terribly biased, and that's just wrong journalism. (I had courses in I do have understanding in this field.) Mr. Pulitzer would shame all of them seriously. You have the position and the ability to keep reminding the journalists of their responsibilities. Thank you much. Hi and Good Luck to your daughter, Sarah...hope and pray she wins...Shirley Roberts

    • Debi McClure

      02/02/2021 02:53 PM

      I am one of the 4% who said I accept Biden as my president not because I agree with him and his policies because I don't. I do not like what he stands for, I do not like the number of executive orders/actions he has done especially if he hasn't thought them through and is only trying to cancel everything President Trump put forth in helping this country. I also believe Biden is just a puppet and not doing or making any decisions on his own. If you notice Harris is close by when Biden is signing the orders. I "accept" him only because he is sitting in the presidential chair which is more than the democrats did in 2017 for President Trump. God allowed Biden to be "elected" president for a reason and only God knows the reason. Yes I believe there were irregularities in the election. How could President Trump LOSE votes in tallying votes where you can only gain votes? How could there be more votes than voters? How could non-elected officials make election rules when only the state legislature are allowed to do that? So if someone asked me who the president of the United States is I, unfortunately, would have to answer Biden.

    • Wanda Johnson

      02/02/2021 02:48 PM

      I wish in the lifetime I have left that we could see leaders who are not compromised, not beholden, have not made back room deals or underhanded deals with enemy countries. I wish all people could be treated with respect no matter affiliation of race. There is only one race, the human race. I also believe that social media and the internet are worse for mankind’s health than any climate change or man made weapon. Why, because we have weaponized those platforms to deconstruct human interaction and face to face communication. The seeds of division, distrust and hate are all too readily germinated with a keyboard and no accountability for actions.

    • Gerald E Connally

      02/02/2021 02:46 PM

      At this point it requires a substantial leap of faith (of some sort) to conclude the elections were deeply impacted by fraud. That we are divided is an obvious point. Having taken an obligation to defend my Nation in which I still believe, I have no intention of conforming to the socialist agenda, not will I climb peacefully onto any figurative freight car.

    • William Davell

      02/02/2021 02:43 PM

      Well said, Governor. What hasn't been addressed is that the rules for voting were changed in many states not by their legislators but by executive fiat to allow votes to be counted after the deadline and to allow mail in voting which could not be authenticated. We go to other countries to monitor their elections for just these things yet we ourselves violated these two very basic principals. In addition, it is uncontroverted that voting machines were susceptible to being manipulated---we watched a live hearing in Georgia where the witness before our eyes hacked into a voting machine that was in active use by voters and communicated back and forth with machine. I'm also a born again evangelicals believer. This was not a personality contest for me. It was strictly about the issues. #1 Abortion and #2 A businessman who ran the country as a business. Time to fess up and examine what happened. I have some swamp land to sell you if you believe that Biden got 18M more legitimate votes than OBama.

    • Charles Downs

      02/02/2021 02:43 PM

      I recently sent you a video file regarding an affidavid filed re the "Stolen election"

      Please check or research the "ArmstrongEconomics" report in their POLITICS category regarding "the Italian italian defense contractor intervened "Hacked Dominion Voting systems in key states & counties . I understand YOUTUBE pulled the report and buried it like they did the Hunter Biden story.

      I'd like to hear your analysis
      Thanks, Charlie

    • Geraldine Hairgrove

      02/02/2021 02:41 PM

      I appreciate your calm quiet strength in this moment of great distress. Thank you.