Today's News Stories

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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Comments 126-150 of 344

  • Gary Kain

    02/05/2021 03:49 PM

    It doesn't matter who you vote for. You will never, and I mean NEVER get me to believe that that senile old basement dwelling pervert legitimately got over 80 million votes. This was a totally bogus election. You may have some sway with who gets elected locally, school board, dog catcher, but the socialists will never, and I mean NEVER allow another legitimate election. We had the chance to stop this but we didn't do it. Our country is a third world shithole banana republic and you get the government you deserve. Too bad, but it's over, and I mean OVER.


    02/05/2021 03:44 PM

    Mr. Huckabee
    Watched Mike Liddell proof of stolen election then write your rep. Might want to clean it up some.
    How much more do we need .


    Just watched Mike Liddell proof of the stolen election. The evidence is incontrovertible that the election was a fraud and President Trump won.
    We the people demand that Joe Biden be immediately stripped of his fraudulent gained title and removed. That President Trump be reinstated as the true President.
    FURTHERMORE anyone standing with Biden and protecting him are to be convicted of treason.
    Randy M. Pochel

  • Ronalie Siler

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM

    They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
    unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

  • Jim Arnett

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM

    The Dems don't just tell lies, they spin lies!! Hillary was and still is one of the best. The fact that Hunter and "the big guy" were just about to be exposed and then it all just disappeared?? Silence!! The Dims are not as dim as Conservatives have assumed them to be. They are practiced at painting their truth as "the truth". They are able to outshout anything the "radical right" has to present by the sheer volume of the media. As in all previous Socialist upstarts, control the media and education, control the populations minds. The Jewish
    population was not able to push back on the government's opinion of their values and beliefs. The government was able to sway public opinion, we know the result of that campaign. GOD gave us "free will". Only when the majority seek and follow HIS WILL, will the situation improve. HE has the answers, always has had the answers, and always will have the answers. GOD will only BLESS the USA when it turns from it's own ways!! I know where you stand! GOD BLESS you and yours!!

  • Drew Jive

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM


    In reference to your discussion of a GOP party or an alternative. The GOP has been broken once the anti-God fascists began their deception. - - - - Like it or not "former" Gov and "former" Reverend of a church.
    The solution is not staying GOP nor becoming a third party, the solution appears to be history repeating itself. In the very ways King David and others had to deal with those thinking with enemy delight.
    History tells us that after WWII came to an end, Greece as example had to do battle with revolt over socialist insurgency. A civil war broke out till all Greeks "for and against" asked, "why are we fighting?" They turned their weapons upon the socialist republic of Russia in Greece and they fled for their lives.

    Our forefathers gave us wisdom in effort to protect ourselves with national laws to live by enforcing our values. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights that gave us one civil war already over ideological purposes.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    Thomas Jefferson

    We now we see the socialists attempting to subvert our military's thinking. Their job is to protect us for all sources of foreign and domestic ideologies and ideologues. God didn't give us a spirit of fear nor did He give us the media for truth.
    But he game us (those who embrace Christ) a spirit of wisdom to know better and scriptures to understand that He is in control and expects us to "think Godliness" from man made ideologies. Sometimes it calls for patience while other times, use of force.

  • Jose Mandry

    02/05/2021 03:33 PM

    I mostly agree with your comments but I am very concerned over the fact that the November 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Nobody has presented the solid evidence of fraud and nobody in a judicial position has looked at it. What exactly will prevent the Democrats from stealing every future election?

  • Sandra K Smith

    02/05/2021 03:32 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee, The old Republican Party nor a ‘new’ Republican Party will ever, I mean EVER win another election. UNLESS we are convinced that our votes count.

    The flagrant election fraud domestically and the interference of foreign countries in our election process - why vote if nothing is done about this. Anyone or any group that speaks of it is given the ‘democratic’ boot to the rear end.

    So far only (1) the Arizona State Senate and (2) Mike Lindell (documentary just released today - Absolute Truth) (3) Brannon Howze (Mary Fanning, Jovan Pulitzer, etc) have been stalwart in their pursuit of truth.

    All the RINO’s make me sick. Voting against Trump, voting against Marjorie Greene, not standing with Ted Cruz regarding the voter fraud, allowing China, Italy, Germany, Iran to interfere in our election - who the heck would waste their time voting?
    The government is suppose to keep us safe from enemies within and without but instead they are acting LIKE OUR ENEMIES. Right along with the MSM. The Hammer and Sickle.

    All eyes, all efforts should be on making every citizen aware of these acts of treason and cyber war fare. It should be stopped and people punished.

    Otherwise next election- we know our votes will not count. This I believe and I have NEVER missed voting in over 70 years. The tears I have shed over this - please help to stop the attacks.

  • charles davison

    02/05/2021 03:31 PM

    I believe a better strategy would be to beat the Rino Repubs in Primary elections. For 2022 just pick 2or 3 Senators and 4 or 5 Congressmen/ Congresswomen and concentrate on getting a candidate that can beat them. Do the same thing in 2024 and so on. President Trump could be a major leader of this movement even if he does not run again. The key is only run 1 candidate in the primary. (Not like Georgia did)

  • Darrell D Black

    02/05/2021 03:30 PM

    I do not entirely agree. Yes, there is no doubt that a third party would cause a dilution of Republicans leaving and joining the third party. However, my feeling is that up to 30% or so ..of OLD ORIGINAL DEMOCRATS..would leave the New Socialist Democrat Party. The New Socialist Democrat Party has disenfranchised the Old Democrat Party is certainly is what I hear in the midwest USA. The current Republican Party just acts like they are always scared or highly intimidated. With the right party platform of the Third Party I believe it could again attract part of the Old Democrat Party members along with Independents and others along with 50% of the current Republicans. Americans absolutely tired of the rancor in Washington. It seems to me the Republicans in Washington are so timid that they will not be right upfront and say..folks,,these Socialist Marxist New Socialist Democrats have and are opening up more illegal immigration with only the primary purpose of hopefully getting their votes to wipe out all others. But, But.....I see no one doing this. I give Senator Hawley least he is fighting....
    What I just said is not because Trump lost....just the way the ball bounces..But I am very disturbed if the Voting System in this country is not highly investigated in every state TO ASSURE AN ACCURATE ELECTIONS GOING FORWARD. This is a BIG problem in this country. I don't believe many have any positive feelings about that. I am hearing more and more people saying they aren't going to vote ever again. Whether they do or not who knows..but I know that it is in the front of the minds..should I or shouldn't I vote???

  • Sharon James

    02/05/2021 03:29 PM

    When I voted to have Bible verse at the end, I cited ending on a positive note. Now I know there is another problem having it first - I never know when I’ve reached the end of your newsletter!!

  • Errol Jones

    02/05/2021 03:28 PM

    Governor, I felt just like Steve until I read your answer: I stand corrected! I just don't know how to fight this battle, I don't understand what tools or weapons we the people have. Every single day I hear talking heads exclaiming evidence, proof, unconstitutional actions and more but nothing happens. please help me understand!

  • Adrian J Miller

    02/05/2021 03:23 PM

    I do feel for Stephen. I hear those feelings expressed by many (including from my wife at least 10 times a day).
    I was glad you provided the examples of TR and Perot as to the consequences of third party. Actually, the Taylor-Filmore whig ticket was the last third party to have an alternate to the current parties.
    I would like to point out that the third party Libertatian presence of Jo Jorgensen gobbled up enough votes in Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia that reduced President Trump's potential for a win in those States.
    The Democratic organization had a secret labor organizer in Mile Podhorzel, who had around the clock interactions with labors normal opponents in executive Wall Street, meetings at the homes of Zuckerman and Dorsey, with Planned Parenthood (financed by the USA government), Green Peace, BLM leaders, and Neil Bradley (US Chamber of Commerce, and he strategizes with Congress daily), and others. Just show me the strategy that even remotely approaches this organization where previously competition existed; but now were strange bedfellows. (Complete plan and orchestration was presented in a recent TIME article).
    As far as "giving up" is concerned, take a look at the representatives in congress who have failed miserably to protect the Constitution despite obvious corruption. (The first sign of progression to totalitarianism if left unchecked.)
    I am taking on a new approach. Instead of sending in $$ to the party and campaigns, I am tripling the funds to educators (such as Hillsdale College), The Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, and ACLJ. I will watch for ideal representatives to congress in all States and send each of them monies. (I just had to reprimand a State senator in my State who voted for impeachment and had the audacity to request funds from me twice in the last 2 weeks. Interestingly that Senator, earlier as a State senator actually excited riots in the Nashville capital during election that caused similar damage and actual injury to legislators. Hyprocracy
    So Stephen is correct that the Republican Party is pathetic. You are correct about Third Parties. So now the challenge, what do we do?
    1. Educate through every possible process.
    2. Strong intelligent respectable collaborating Governors in all States. (Any suggestions?)
    3. Fund lawsuits that are legitimate to handcuff, jail, and remove from office
    4. Control big tech with fines, class action lawsuits, eliminating their controls over elections and voters. This can be accomplished with removal of algorithms and filters (which influenced the 2020 election beyond belief for 5 years) which would be controlled by third party review. Board members would be fined heavily and major penalties would be assessed.
    5. most importantly VOTE

  • Linda Cross

    02/05/2021 03:17 PM

    Hi Mr. Huckabee, Yes, in the past a third party was a disaster each time it was tried, but this time, it's totally different. There is so much corruption on both sides of the aisle that "We The People" don't feel confident voting for anyone anymore. One by one traitors are being exposed and exposing themselves for the corrupt criminals they are - being bought off for whatever criminal reason there is - not to mention the vast pedophilia that is throughout our government and nation and nothing is being done because Congress and the Senate are "protected" and exempt from their crimes. This has to end. No other president in the history of the USA has ever had the support of the people as Trump has and a third party will finally and rightly so destroy the Dem and Repub parties this time and you know it. Trump supporters are a movement, not necessarily a party yet and nothing is being done from within to rid our government of the corruption, so what other choice or alternative do we have? If we don't have a third party with morals, values and principles to rise up for God and country we are doomed as a nation and political parties will mean nothing as they already mean nothing. There are only a handful at best in government that are honest. We have to get back to that and give our country back to the ONE who created it which is God and tot he people. Until He is given the title of SUPREME LEADER of this nation, we are doomed! Until we go back to the morals we used to have we are done! Until we have a great revival and make this nation a Christian nation again and teach our present and future generations that there truly is a God and consequences for corruption, we are doomed as a people and as a nation. I suggest you open your eyes and see that and do what you can to support a third party that is really transparent and honest and above reproach!! I've spoken to many who have said they will never vote again. I and my family are in the midst of those who feel this way because right now we have no government, no real leaders and nothing to look forward to in the future. Until we get rid of corrupt politicians, and the evil Muslims out of our government, then we are nothing as a nation. I don't mean just Muslims, but any and all who are doing crimes against our former President and this nation we do not have a nation. It is time for the honest politicians to rise up and fight for "We The People". The White House is our house yet we aren't allowed in it nor are we allowed to have a say and that is not what the Constitution was founded on. Voters have lost faith in our government and our judicial system. What happened to Trump in this fake election and on Jan. 6th, 2021 was the most open crime ever committed in the US and the Dems and Repubs along with the Clinton's, Obama's, Gates's, Zuckerburg's, Soros and his cohorts along with many others who are running our world are going to get by with all the crimes they have done. Let's not leave out all the main stream media journalists who lie to us every sentence that comes out of their mouths or printed in a newspaper; and you have the audacity to say no 3rd party? A 3rd party is the only thing that will save this nation. Too many are out of work, starving, homeless and going without healthcare and this cannot continue and what is Congress doing about it? They are spending all their time trying to destroy Trump and it will never happen. Trump has more support now than he ever has because we see what has gone on and there is more than enough proof to show that Trump and his supporters are NOT guilty. Too many videos show the truth and you know it. Many are dying over a virus that can be cured with medication and not a vaccine and none of you are pushing that because you all are evidently getting kickbacks from Big Pharma or you'd be out there advocating for medication over this dangerous vaccine. Until we get a politician in there who is not afraid to stand up to Big Pharma and The New World Order as Trump has done, we are doomed. A mass arrest has to happen all over the world and honest politicians better throw their hats in the ring for the good guys and God or your political lives will be doomed. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, so now what are you going to do about it? 80 million plus people feel as I do. Nobody but criminals are going to be voting in the next election. Your faith is on the line as well as your political life. Where do you stand? It's time for action. So far all we have heard and seen out of our politicians is "All Talk And No Do". We don't have a whole lot to look forward to and we need a politician such as yourself to stand up and say there is medication to cure this virus, we don't need a vaccine, but you won't do that or you'd have already done it. Sorry Mr. Huckabee, it's "Put Up Or Shut Up" time if you want to help save our nation and our world and get back into God's good graces, then it's time for you to be a leader and take a stand for God and country. You asked for a comment, I gave you a book....I'm being honest and telling you how the people I know feel. We have no freedom anymore. We have become a "Communist/Socialist" nation overnight and we must rid our nation of the "Squad" by voting them out or calling them out on their crimes and getting them out of office and into prison not jail and no slaps on the wrist. They must be punished in front of the whole world and let the world see what happens to those who are against our nation and what we truly stand for. This is all I have to say. Thank you for reading this.

  • Elizabeth Brody

    02/05/2021 03:16 PM

    I agree with you Mike. Mathematically Conservatives would lose if we had a 3rd party and the left would win. My suggestion for Conservatives would be to COME OUT STRONG for the PRIMARIES. That’s where we get to chose which candidate goes to general election. Do some research on the candidates beforehand. Then when the general election comes around we have more confidence to VOTE.

  • Carole Sayer

    02/05/2021 03:16 PM

    Regarding the third party issue. I'm not sure what the difference would be if the Republicans had come out and voted in a strong way for their candidates in Georgia. Their candidates were place holders. They did not stand with President Trump when it counted, and they were spinless. What difference does it make if we elect RINOS or Dems? If the Republicans, all of them, stuck together like Dems do, then it might make a difference, but when we have "Kinzinger" style RINOS, it just doesn't matter.

  • James S Alder

    02/05/2021 03:14 PM

    Thank you for your reply to Stephen R. If there were an IQ test, he would fail. I wonder if he believes in wearing a mask and social distancing? The liberal elites of the Democratic party are trying to use the January 6 incident to demean all Republicans through the "lame" stream media. Unfortunately, those with views like Stephen and a certain new Congressman from Georgia provide them all the evidence they need. If Wyoming Republicans don't like what Liz Cheney has done, they can fix it in November 2022. Ditto for Adam Kinzinger in Illinois. But, they need to be careful not to repeat the Alabama Senate fiasco 2 years ago that allowed Doug Jones to win or the Alaska fiasco in 2010 that allowed Lisa Murkowski to remain in office.

    I am continually amazed why one of the most conservative states in the country - West Virginia - continues to elect Joe Manchin, who tries to fool his constituents that he is a moderate, but clearly reconfirmed his true beliefs yesterday. I hope they finally fix it in November 2022 also.

    I wish all Republicans could learn only one thing: "the opposite of good is perfect". If you strive for perfection in your politicians, you will do what many in Georgia did in January and stay home. A Republican with whom you don't always agree is MUCH MUCH better than any Democrat option whether they call themselves a moderate or not. I appreciate everything you do to convey that message.

  • Larry. Reed

    02/05/2021 03:12 PM

    Your dead on about no 3rd party Gov H. We must learn from how smart the democrats are about coming together and how extremely smart they are at dividing the republicans

  • Jacki Gallagher

    02/05/2021 03:07 PM

    I would LOVE to see Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan run for president. He's intelligent, young and, most of all, he's a fighter. He would never sit back & let the left-wing radicals walk all over him. The Republicans of today are just too damned polite! We need someone who'll fight fire with fire & Jim Jordan would be the perfect person for the job!

  • Duke Mecartney

    02/05/2021 03:02 PM

    Agreed a third party would insure Democratic control, And we need to remove RINOS and chair warmers replacing them with reasonable, rational, conservative, viable and electable candidates. So those qualified should be approached and supported

  • Mary Orchard

    02/05/2021 02:55 PM

    I think switching my voter registration to a third party is a good idea, because the Democratic party politicians think they know what conservative voters are thinking and they plan their strategies accordingly. They don't seem to care about doing anything constructive, but ONLY winning the election by saying whatever will draw voters to their side.

    If all conservatives refused to answer surveys and switch registrations to a third party, the Democrats cannot so easily mask what they really believe. Additionally, if I am registered for a third party, I can still vote for Republican candidates.

    Furthermore, if Republican leaders see prior members switching their registrations, they might be wise to consider that a coded message. I am tired of being nagged for donations that I can afford only if i neglect my health.

  • Winifred Frederick

    02/05/2021 02:47 PM

    Too late. Where I live that's all people talk about. Our party let us down, we have no party.

  • Susan Fisher McClure

    02/05/2021 02:43 PM

    You have provided a good explanation but right now I will not contribute to the RNC. We did donate to individual candidates not even in our own state (CA). And in our state we contributed to the man who ran against Maxine Waters, even though we are in San Diego; not in LA County. I would rather take any money I have and actually already do, and use to mentor young people. I currently pay for and provide transportation to private art lessons to young women. Both lower incomes, one is 20 and is Hispanic and her half sister is half Hispanic and Black. I tell them I will never try to tell them how to think, to vote or religious choice; but they do know I am conservative, spiritual and pro life and the reasons. But they also know I am trying to provide them opportunities they otherwise would not have. I take them out to lunch after class (even if it means eating in car during Newsom’s strict shutdowns) and I also purchase their supplies. For the 20 year old it also meant purchasing a laptop that was capable of handling Adobe Photoshop so she could continue with her community college classes online when Covid shutdown occurred.I believe in investing in the future when the RNC seemed to be more interested in same O same O.

  • Gerald E Connally

    02/05/2021 02:41 PM

    I understand your argument and it has merit. But clearly the Republican Party is, at a minimum, in the hands of truly incompetent elitists and unprincipled hacks in most parts of the country. To even begin to have it stand for anything will take activism at a local level against intrenched interests and major money. By the time change is achieved, America as we know it will be gone, and we are close to that now. In short, you actually hold out no hope.

  • Paul Kern

    02/05/2021 02:31 PM

    I am writing even though you never respond
    True but sad that the Marxists stole the election!
    I say that because the DNC ran on the BLM platorm which was taken from Karl Marx's platform toconquer a nation from within
    At present the nation is without a true leader. The RNC is split. Disappointed that soke new Republicans have tutned into RINOs.
    The Constitution and Bill of Rights are being shredded by both parties. Both favor the the elite and going down the black hole of national bankruptcy even!
    Only the conservative Libertarians stand for the Constitution
    At this point our nation is facing the consequences of allowing God haters to take over according to Romans chapter 1
    Unless God intervenes it will dissolve and be a Marxist/Fascist colony ruled by the UN, the CCP, and George Soros.
    Maybe that us why no one has been able tofind the USA described anywhere in the Bible
    The old empires like Persia are being resurrected.
    As it has been described our nation us an experiment.
    Many willing to turn their backs on the living God and accept slavery!

  • Curth Martell

    02/05/2021 02:29 PM

    You could not be more correct. Trump has a lot of "faults" that make him easy pickings for the Dems, but he has been called "the most successful President in memory" (Conrad Black, in the National Post). He clearly did great things for the US before the pandemic (how fortunate for the Dems that that showed up...coincidence? Doubt it!). The US is on a path to perdition with this government. If Republicans care for their country, they need to get their act together and get rid of the Dems as potential government, for good, and return the States to their founding principles. I could go on, but, enough for now. Here in Canada, we have our own "cross to bear", aka. Justin Trudeau and the Fib... I mean the Liberals. C. Martell, Waterdown, Ont.

Election 2024 Coverage

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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Comments 126-150 of 344

  • Gary Kain

    02/05/2021 03:49 PM

    It doesn't matter who you vote for. You will never, and I mean NEVER get me to believe that that senile old basement dwelling pervert legitimately got over 80 million votes. This was a totally bogus election. You may have some sway with who gets elected locally, school board, dog catcher, but the socialists will never, and I mean NEVER allow another legitimate election. We had the chance to stop this but we didn't do it. Our country is a third world shithole banana republic and you get the government you deserve. Too bad, but it's over, and I mean OVER.


    02/05/2021 03:44 PM

    Mr. Huckabee
    Watched Mike Liddell proof of stolen election then write your rep. Might want to clean it up some.
    How much more do we need .


    Just watched Mike Liddell proof of the stolen election. The evidence is incontrovertible that the election was a fraud and President Trump won.
    We the people demand that Joe Biden be immediately stripped of his fraudulent gained title and removed. That President Trump be reinstated as the true President.
    FURTHERMORE anyone standing with Biden and protecting him are to be convicted of treason.
    Randy M. Pochel

  • Ronalie Siler

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM

    They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
    unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

  • Jim Arnett

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM

    The Dems don't just tell lies, they spin lies!! Hillary was and still is one of the best. The fact that Hunter and "the big guy" were just about to be exposed and then it all just disappeared?? Silence!! The Dims are not as dim as Conservatives have assumed them to be. They are practiced at painting their truth as "the truth". They are able to outshout anything the "radical right" has to present by the sheer volume of the media. As in all previous Socialist upstarts, control the media and education, control the populations minds. The Jewish
    population was not able to push back on the government's opinion of their values and beliefs. The government was able to sway public opinion, we know the result of that campaign. GOD gave us "free will". Only when the majority seek and follow HIS WILL, will the situation improve. HE has the answers, always has had the answers, and always will have the answers. GOD will only BLESS the USA when it turns from it's own ways!! I know where you stand! GOD BLESS you and yours!!

  • Drew Jive

    02/05/2021 03:42 PM


    In reference to your discussion of a GOP party or an alternative. The GOP has been broken once the anti-God fascists began their deception. - - - - Like it or not "former" Gov and "former" Reverend of a church.
    The solution is not staying GOP nor becoming a third party, the solution appears to be history repeating itself. In the very ways King David and others had to deal with those thinking with enemy delight.
    History tells us that after WWII came to an end, Greece as example had to do battle with revolt over socialist insurgency. A civil war broke out till all Greeks "for and against" asked, "why are we fighting?" They turned their weapons upon the socialist republic of Russia in Greece and they fled for their lives.

    Our forefathers gave us wisdom in effort to protect ourselves with national laws to live by enforcing our values. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights that gave us one civil war already over ideological purposes.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    Thomas Jefferson

    We now we see the socialists attempting to subvert our military's thinking. Their job is to protect us for all sources of foreign and domestic ideologies and ideologues. God didn't give us a spirit of fear nor did He give us the media for truth.
    But he game us (those who embrace Christ) a spirit of wisdom to know better and scriptures to understand that He is in control and expects us to "think Godliness" from man made ideologies. Sometimes it calls for patience while other times, use of force.

  • Jose Mandry

    02/05/2021 03:33 PM

    I mostly agree with your comments but I am very concerned over the fact that the November 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Nobody has presented the solid evidence of fraud and nobody in a judicial position has looked at it. What exactly will prevent the Democrats from stealing every future election?

  • Sandra K Smith

    02/05/2021 03:32 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee, The old Republican Party nor a ‘new’ Republican Party will ever, I mean EVER win another election. UNLESS we are convinced that our votes count.

    The flagrant election fraud domestically and the interference of foreign countries in our election process - why vote if nothing is done about this. Anyone or any group that speaks of it is given the ‘democratic’ boot to the rear end.

    So far only (1) the Arizona State Senate and (2) Mike Lindell (documentary just released today - Absolute Truth) (3) Brannon Howze (Mary Fanning, Jovan Pulitzer, etc) have been stalwart in their pursuit of truth.

    All the RINO’s make me sick. Voting against Trump, voting against Marjorie Greene, not standing with Ted Cruz regarding the voter fraud, allowing China, Italy, Germany, Iran to interfere in our election - who the heck would waste their time voting?
    The government is suppose to keep us safe from enemies within and without but instead they are acting LIKE OUR ENEMIES. Right along with the MSM. The Hammer and Sickle.

    All eyes, all efforts should be on making every citizen aware of these acts of treason and cyber war fare. It should be stopped and people punished.

    Otherwise next election- we know our votes will not count. This I believe and I have NEVER missed voting in over 70 years. The tears I have shed over this - please help to stop the attacks.

  • charles davison

    02/05/2021 03:31 PM

    I believe a better strategy would be to beat the Rino Repubs in Primary elections. For 2022 just pick 2or 3 Senators and 4 or 5 Congressmen/ Congresswomen and concentrate on getting a candidate that can beat them. Do the same thing in 2024 and so on. President Trump could be a major leader of this movement even if he does not run again. The key is only run 1 candidate in the primary. (Not like Georgia did)

  • Darrell D Black

    02/05/2021 03:30 PM

    I do not entirely agree. Yes, there is no doubt that a third party would cause a dilution of Republicans leaving and joining the third party. However, my feeling is that up to 30% or so ..of OLD ORIGINAL DEMOCRATS..would leave the New Socialist Democrat Party. The New Socialist Democrat Party has disenfranchised the Old Democrat Party is certainly is what I hear in the midwest USA. The current Republican Party just acts like they are always scared or highly intimidated. With the right party platform of the Third Party I believe it could again attract part of the Old Democrat Party members along with Independents and others along with 50% of the current Republicans. Americans absolutely tired of the rancor in Washington. It seems to me the Republicans in Washington are so timid that they will not be right upfront and say..folks,,these Socialist Marxist New Socialist Democrats have and are opening up more illegal immigration with only the primary purpose of hopefully getting their votes to wipe out all others. But, But.....I see no one doing this. I give Senator Hawley least he is fighting....
    What I just said is not because Trump lost....just the way the ball bounces..But I am very disturbed if the Voting System in this country is not highly investigated in every state TO ASSURE AN ACCURATE ELECTIONS GOING FORWARD. This is a BIG problem in this country. I don't believe many have any positive feelings about that. I am hearing more and more people saying they aren't going to vote ever again. Whether they do or not who knows..but I know that it is in the front of the minds..should I or shouldn't I vote???

  • Sharon James

    02/05/2021 03:29 PM

    When I voted to have Bible verse at the end, I cited ending on a positive note. Now I know there is another problem having it first - I never know when I’ve reached the end of your newsletter!!

  • Errol Jones

    02/05/2021 03:28 PM

    Governor, I felt just like Steve until I read your answer: I stand corrected! I just don't know how to fight this battle, I don't understand what tools or weapons we the people have. Every single day I hear talking heads exclaiming evidence, proof, unconstitutional actions and more but nothing happens. please help me understand!

  • Adrian J Miller

    02/05/2021 03:23 PM

    I do feel for Stephen. I hear those feelings expressed by many (including from my wife at least 10 times a day).
    I was glad you provided the examples of TR and Perot as to the consequences of third party. Actually, the Taylor-Filmore whig ticket was the last third party to have an alternate to the current parties.
    I would like to point out that the third party Libertatian presence of Jo Jorgensen gobbled up enough votes in Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia that reduced President Trump's potential for a win in those States.
    The Democratic organization had a secret labor organizer in Mile Podhorzel, who had around the clock interactions with labors normal opponents in executive Wall Street, meetings at the homes of Zuckerman and Dorsey, with Planned Parenthood (financed by the USA government), Green Peace, BLM leaders, and Neil Bradley (US Chamber of Commerce, and he strategizes with Congress daily), and others. Just show me the strategy that even remotely approaches this organization where previously competition existed; but now were strange bedfellows. (Complete plan and orchestration was presented in a recent TIME article).
    As far as "giving up" is concerned, take a look at the representatives in congress who have failed miserably to protect the Constitution despite obvious corruption. (The first sign of progression to totalitarianism if left unchecked.)
    I am taking on a new approach. Instead of sending in $$ to the party and campaigns, I am tripling the funds to educators (such as Hillsdale College), The Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, and ACLJ. I will watch for ideal representatives to congress in all States and send each of them monies. (I just had to reprimand a State senator in my State who voted for impeachment and had the audacity to request funds from me twice in the last 2 weeks. Interestingly that Senator, earlier as a State senator actually excited riots in the Nashville capital during election that caused similar damage and actual injury to legislators. Hyprocracy
    So Stephen is correct that the Republican Party is pathetic. You are correct about Third Parties. So now the challenge, what do we do?
    1. Educate through every possible process.
    2. Strong intelligent respectable collaborating Governors in all States. (Any suggestions?)
    3. Fund lawsuits that are legitimate to handcuff, jail, and remove from office
    4. Control big tech with fines, class action lawsuits, eliminating their controls over elections and voters. This can be accomplished with removal of algorithms and filters (which influenced the 2020 election beyond belief for 5 years) which would be controlled by third party review. Board members would be fined heavily and major penalties would be assessed.
    5. most importantly VOTE

  • Linda Cross

    02/05/2021 03:17 PM

    Hi Mr. Huckabee, Yes, in the past a third party was a disaster each time it was tried, but this time, it's totally different. There is so much corruption on both sides of the aisle that "We The People" don't feel confident voting for anyone anymore. One by one traitors are being exposed and exposing themselves for the corrupt criminals they are - being bought off for whatever criminal reason there is - not to mention the vast pedophilia that is throughout our government and nation and nothing is being done because Congress and the Senate are "protected" and exempt from their crimes. This has to end. No other president in the history of the USA has ever had the support of the people as Trump has and a third party will finally and rightly so destroy the Dem and Repub parties this time and you know it. Trump supporters are a movement, not necessarily a party yet and nothing is being done from within to rid our government of the corruption, so what other choice or alternative do we have? If we don't have a third party with morals, values and principles to rise up for God and country we are doomed as a nation and political parties will mean nothing as they already mean nothing. There are only a handful at best in government that are honest. We have to get back to that and give our country back to the ONE who created it which is God and tot he people. Until He is given the title of SUPREME LEADER of this nation, we are doomed! Until we go back to the morals we used to have we are done! Until we have a great revival and make this nation a Christian nation again and teach our present and future generations that there truly is a God and consequences for corruption, we are doomed as a people and as a nation. I suggest you open your eyes and see that and do what you can to support a third party that is really transparent and honest and above reproach!! I've spoken to many who have said they will never vote again. I and my family are in the midst of those who feel this way because right now we have no government, no real leaders and nothing to look forward to in the future. Until we get rid of corrupt politicians, and the evil Muslims out of our government, then we are nothing as a nation. I don't mean just Muslims, but any and all who are doing crimes against our former President and this nation we do not have a nation. It is time for the honest politicians to rise up and fight for "We The People". The White House is our house yet we aren't allowed in it nor are we allowed to have a say and that is not what the Constitution was founded on. Voters have lost faith in our government and our judicial system. What happened to Trump in this fake election and on Jan. 6th, 2021 was the most open crime ever committed in the US and the Dems and Repubs along with the Clinton's, Obama's, Gates's, Zuckerburg's, Soros and his cohorts along with many others who are running our world are going to get by with all the crimes they have done. Let's not leave out all the main stream media journalists who lie to us every sentence that comes out of their mouths or printed in a newspaper; and you have the audacity to say no 3rd party? A 3rd party is the only thing that will save this nation. Too many are out of work, starving, homeless and going without healthcare and this cannot continue and what is Congress doing about it? They are spending all their time trying to destroy Trump and it will never happen. Trump has more support now than he ever has because we see what has gone on and there is more than enough proof to show that Trump and his supporters are NOT guilty. Too many videos show the truth and you know it. Many are dying over a virus that can be cured with medication and not a vaccine and none of you are pushing that because you all are evidently getting kickbacks from Big Pharma or you'd be out there advocating for medication over this dangerous vaccine. Until we get a politician in there who is not afraid to stand up to Big Pharma and The New World Order as Trump has done, we are doomed. A mass arrest has to happen all over the world and honest politicians better throw their hats in the ring for the good guys and God or your political lives will be doomed. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, so now what are you going to do about it? 80 million plus people feel as I do. Nobody but criminals are going to be voting in the next election. Your faith is on the line as well as your political life. Where do you stand? It's time for action. So far all we have heard and seen out of our politicians is "All Talk And No Do". We don't have a whole lot to look forward to and we need a politician such as yourself to stand up and say there is medication to cure this virus, we don't need a vaccine, but you won't do that or you'd have already done it. Sorry Mr. Huckabee, it's "Put Up Or Shut Up" time if you want to help save our nation and our world and get back into God's good graces, then it's time for you to be a leader and take a stand for God and country. You asked for a comment, I gave you a book....I'm being honest and telling you how the people I know feel. We have no freedom anymore. We have become a "Communist/Socialist" nation overnight and we must rid our nation of the "Squad" by voting them out or calling them out on their crimes and getting them out of office and into prison not jail and no slaps on the wrist. They must be punished in front of the whole world and let the world see what happens to those who are against our nation and what we truly stand for. This is all I have to say. Thank you for reading this.

  • Elizabeth Brody

    02/05/2021 03:16 PM

    I agree with you Mike. Mathematically Conservatives would lose if we had a 3rd party and the left would win. My suggestion for Conservatives would be to COME OUT STRONG for the PRIMARIES. That’s where we get to chose which candidate goes to general election. Do some research on the candidates beforehand. Then when the general election comes around we have more confidence to VOTE.

  • Carole Sayer

    02/05/2021 03:16 PM

    Regarding the third party issue. I'm not sure what the difference would be if the Republicans had come out and voted in a strong way for their candidates in Georgia. Their candidates were place holders. They did not stand with President Trump when it counted, and they were spinless. What difference does it make if we elect RINOS or Dems? If the Republicans, all of them, stuck together like Dems do, then it might make a difference, but when we have "Kinzinger" style RINOS, it just doesn't matter.

  • James S Alder

    02/05/2021 03:14 PM

    Thank you for your reply to Stephen R. If there were an IQ test, he would fail. I wonder if he believes in wearing a mask and social distancing? The liberal elites of the Democratic party are trying to use the January 6 incident to demean all Republicans through the "lame" stream media. Unfortunately, those with views like Stephen and a certain new Congressman from Georgia provide them all the evidence they need. If Wyoming Republicans don't like what Liz Cheney has done, they can fix it in November 2022. Ditto for Adam Kinzinger in Illinois. But, they need to be careful not to repeat the Alabama Senate fiasco 2 years ago that allowed Doug Jones to win or the Alaska fiasco in 2010 that allowed Lisa Murkowski to remain in office.

    I am continually amazed why one of the most conservative states in the country - West Virginia - continues to elect Joe Manchin, who tries to fool his constituents that he is a moderate, but clearly reconfirmed his true beliefs yesterday. I hope they finally fix it in November 2022 also.

    I wish all Republicans could learn only one thing: "the opposite of good is perfect". If you strive for perfection in your politicians, you will do what many in Georgia did in January and stay home. A Republican with whom you don't always agree is MUCH MUCH better than any Democrat option whether they call themselves a moderate or not. I appreciate everything you do to convey that message.

  • Larry. Reed

    02/05/2021 03:12 PM

    Your dead on about no 3rd party Gov H. We must learn from how smart the democrats are about coming together and how extremely smart they are at dividing the republicans

  • Jacki Gallagher

    02/05/2021 03:07 PM

    I would LOVE to see Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan run for president. He's intelligent, young and, most of all, he's a fighter. He would never sit back & let the left-wing radicals walk all over him. The Republicans of today are just too damned polite! We need someone who'll fight fire with fire & Jim Jordan would be the perfect person for the job!

  • Duke Mecartney

    02/05/2021 03:02 PM

    Agreed a third party would insure Democratic control, And we need to remove RINOS and chair warmers replacing them with reasonable, rational, conservative, viable and electable candidates. So those qualified should be approached and supported

  • Mary Orchard

    02/05/2021 02:55 PM

    I think switching my voter registration to a third party is a good idea, because the Democratic party politicians think they know what conservative voters are thinking and they plan their strategies accordingly. They don't seem to care about doing anything constructive, but ONLY winning the election by saying whatever will draw voters to their side.

    If all conservatives refused to answer surveys and switch registrations to a third party, the Democrats cannot so easily mask what they really believe. Additionally, if I am registered for a third party, I can still vote for Republican candidates.

    Furthermore, if Republican leaders see prior members switching their registrations, they might be wise to consider that a coded message. I am tired of being nagged for donations that I can afford only if i neglect my health.

  • Winifred Frederick

    02/05/2021 02:47 PM

    Too late. Where I live that's all people talk about. Our party let us down, we have no party.

  • Susan Fisher McClure

    02/05/2021 02:43 PM

    You have provided a good explanation but right now I will not contribute to the RNC. We did donate to individual candidates not even in our own state (CA). And in our state we contributed to the man who ran against Maxine Waters, even though we are in San Diego; not in LA County. I would rather take any money I have and actually already do, and use to mentor young people. I currently pay for and provide transportation to private art lessons to young women. Both lower incomes, one is 20 and is Hispanic and her half sister is half Hispanic and Black. I tell them I will never try to tell them how to think, to vote or religious choice; but they do know I am conservative, spiritual and pro life and the reasons. But they also know I am trying to provide them opportunities they otherwise would not have. I take them out to lunch after class (even if it means eating in car during Newsom’s strict shutdowns) and I also purchase their supplies. For the 20 year old it also meant purchasing a laptop that was capable of handling Adobe Photoshop so she could continue with her community college classes online when Covid shutdown occurred.I believe in investing in the future when the RNC seemed to be more interested in same O same O.

  • Gerald E Connally

    02/05/2021 02:41 PM

    I understand your argument and it has merit. But clearly the Republican Party is, at a minimum, in the hands of truly incompetent elitists and unprincipled hacks in most parts of the country. To even begin to have it stand for anything will take activism at a local level against intrenched interests and major money. By the time change is achieved, America as we know it will be gone, and we are close to that now. In short, you actually hold out no hope.

  • Paul Kern

    02/05/2021 02:31 PM

    I am writing even though you never respond
    True but sad that the Marxists stole the election!
    I say that because the DNC ran on the BLM platorm which was taken from Karl Marx's platform toconquer a nation from within
    At present the nation is without a true leader. The RNC is split. Disappointed that soke new Republicans have tutned into RINOs.
    The Constitution and Bill of Rights are being shredded by both parties. Both favor the the elite and going down the black hole of national bankruptcy even!
    Only the conservative Libertarians stand for the Constitution
    At this point our nation is facing the consequences of allowing God haters to take over according to Romans chapter 1
    Unless God intervenes it will dissolve and be a Marxist/Fascist colony ruled by the UN, the CCP, and George Soros.
    Maybe that us why no one has been able tofind the USA described anywhere in the Bible
    The old empires like Persia are being resurrected.
    As it has been described our nation us an experiment.
    Many willing to turn their backs on the living God and accept slavery!

  • Curth Martell

    02/05/2021 02:29 PM

    You could not be more correct. Trump has a lot of "faults" that make him easy pickings for the Dems, but he has been called "the most successful President in memory" (Conrad Black, in the National Post). He clearly did great things for the US before the pandemic (how fortunate for the Dems that that showed up...coincidence? Doubt it!). The US is on a path to perdition with this government. If Republicans care for their country, they need to get their act together and get rid of the Dems as potential government, for good, and return the States to their founding principles. I could go on, but, enough for now. Here in Canada, we have our own "cross to bear", aka. Justin Trudeau and the Fib... I mean the Liberals. C. Martell, Waterdown, Ont.

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    February 5, 2021

    After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

    From Stephen R:

    You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

    What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

    From the Gov:

    Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

    Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

    Are you out of your mind?

    The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

    Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

    But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

    That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

    When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

    Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

    Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

    Things the left would love to see from us:

    1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

    2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

    3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

    We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

    But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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    Comments 126-150 of 344

    • Gary Kain

      02/05/2021 03:49 PM

      It doesn't matter who you vote for. You will never, and I mean NEVER get me to believe that that senile old basement dwelling pervert legitimately got over 80 million votes. This was a totally bogus election. You may have some sway with who gets elected locally, school board, dog catcher, but the socialists will never, and I mean NEVER allow another legitimate election. We had the chance to stop this but we didn't do it. Our country is a third world shithole banana republic and you get the government you deserve. Too bad, but it's over, and I mean OVER.

    • RANDY Martin POCHEL

      02/05/2021 03:44 PM

      Mr. Huckabee
      Watched Mike Liddell proof of stolen election then write your rep. Might want to clean it up some.
      How much more do we need .


      Just watched Mike Liddell proof of the stolen election. The evidence is incontrovertible that the election was a fraud and President Trump won.
      We the people demand that Joe Biden be immediately stripped of his fraudulent gained title and removed. That President Trump be reinstated as the true President.
      FURTHERMORE anyone standing with Biden and protecting him are to be convicted of treason.
      Randy M. Pochel

    • Ronalie Siler

      02/05/2021 03:42 PM

      They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
      unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

    • Jim Arnett

      02/05/2021 03:42 PM

      The Dems don't just tell lies, they spin lies!! Hillary was and still is one of the best. The fact that Hunter and "the big guy" were just about to be exposed and then it all just disappeared?? Silence!! The Dims are not as dim as Conservatives have assumed them to be. They are practiced at painting their truth as "the truth". They are able to outshout anything the "radical right" has to present by the sheer volume of the media. As in all previous Socialist upstarts, control the media and education, control the populations minds. The Jewish
      population was not able to push back on the government's opinion of their values and beliefs. The government was able to sway public opinion, we know the result of that campaign. GOD gave us "free will". Only when the majority seek and follow HIS WILL, will the situation improve. HE has the answers, always has had the answers, and always will have the answers. GOD will only BLESS the USA when it turns from it's own ways!! I know where you stand! GOD BLESS you and yours!!

    • Drew Jive

      02/05/2021 03:42 PM


      In reference to your discussion of a GOP party or an alternative. The GOP has been broken once the anti-God fascists began their deception. - - - - Like it or not "former" Gov and "former" Reverend of a church.
      The solution is not staying GOP nor becoming a third party, the solution appears to be history repeating itself. In the very ways King David and others had to deal with those thinking with enemy delight.
      History tells us that after WWII came to an end, Greece as example had to do battle with revolt over socialist insurgency. A civil war broke out till all Greeks "for and against" asked, "why are we fighting?" They turned their weapons upon the socialist republic of Russia in Greece and they fled for their lives.

      Our forefathers gave us wisdom in effort to protect ourselves with national laws to live by enforcing our values. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights that gave us one civil war already over ideological purposes.

      The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
      Thomas Jefferson

      We now we see the socialists attempting to subvert our military's thinking. Their job is to protect us for all sources of foreign and domestic ideologies and ideologues. God didn't give us a spirit of fear nor did He give us the media for truth.
      But he game us (those who embrace Christ) a spirit of wisdom to know better and scriptures to understand that He is in control and expects us to "think Godliness" from man made ideologies. Sometimes it calls for patience while other times, use of force.

    • Jose Mandry

      02/05/2021 03:33 PM

      I mostly agree with your comments but I am very concerned over the fact that the November 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Nobody has presented the solid evidence of fraud and nobody in a judicial position has looked at it. What exactly will prevent the Democrats from stealing every future election?

    • Sandra K Smith

      02/05/2021 03:32 PM

      Dear Gov. Huckabee, The old Republican Party nor a ‘new’ Republican Party will ever, I mean EVER win another election. UNLESS we are convinced that our votes count.

      The flagrant election fraud domestically and the interference of foreign countries in our election process - why vote if nothing is done about this. Anyone or any group that speaks of it is given the ‘democratic’ boot to the rear end.

      So far only (1) the Arizona State Senate and (2) Mike Lindell (documentary just released today - Absolute Truth) (3) Brannon Howze (Mary Fanning, Jovan Pulitzer, etc) have been stalwart in their pursuit of truth.

      All the RINO’s make me sick. Voting against Trump, voting against Marjorie Greene, not standing with Ted Cruz regarding the voter fraud, allowing China, Italy, Germany, Iran to interfere in our election - who the heck would waste their time voting?
      The government is suppose to keep us safe from enemies within and without but instead they are acting LIKE OUR ENEMIES. Right along with the MSM. The Hammer and Sickle.

      All eyes, all efforts should be on making every citizen aware of these acts of treason and cyber war fare. It should be stopped and people punished.

      Otherwise next election- we know our votes will not count. This I believe and I have NEVER missed voting in over 70 years. The tears I have shed over this - please help to stop the attacks.

    • charles davison

      02/05/2021 03:31 PM

      I believe a better strategy would be to beat the Rino Repubs in Primary elections. For 2022 just pick 2or 3 Senators and 4 or 5 Congressmen/ Congresswomen and concentrate on getting a candidate that can beat them. Do the same thing in 2024 and so on. President Trump could be a major leader of this movement even if he does not run again. The key is only run 1 candidate in the primary. (Not like Georgia did)

    • Darrell D Black

      02/05/2021 03:30 PM

      I do not entirely agree. Yes, there is no doubt that a third party would cause a dilution of Republicans leaving and joining the third party. However, my feeling is that up to 30% or so ..of OLD ORIGINAL DEMOCRATS..would leave the New Socialist Democrat Party. The New Socialist Democrat Party has disenfranchised the Old Democrat Party is certainly is what I hear in the midwest USA. The current Republican Party just acts like they are always scared or highly intimidated. With the right party platform of the Third Party I believe it could again attract part of the Old Democrat Party members along with Independents and others along with 50% of the current Republicans. Americans absolutely tired of the rancor in Washington. It seems to me the Republicans in Washington are so timid that they will not be right upfront and say..folks,,these Socialist Marxist New Socialist Democrats have and are opening up more illegal immigration with only the primary purpose of hopefully getting their votes to wipe out all others. But, But.....I see no one doing this. I give Senator Hawley least he is fighting....
      What I just said is not because Trump lost....just the way the ball bounces..But I am very disturbed if the Voting System in this country is not highly investigated in every state TO ASSURE AN ACCURATE ELECTIONS GOING FORWARD. This is a BIG problem in this country. I don't believe many have any positive feelings about that. I am hearing more and more people saying they aren't going to vote ever again. Whether they do or not who knows..but I know that it is in the front of the minds..should I or shouldn't I vote???

    • Sharon James

      02/05/2021 03:29 PM

      When I voted to have Bible verse at the end, I cited ending on a positive note. Now I know there is another problem having it first - I never know when I’ve reached the end of your newsletter!!

    • Errol Jones

      02/05/2021 03:28 PM

      Governor, I felt just like Steve until I read your answer: I stand corrected! I just don't know how to fight this battle, I don't understand what tools or weapons we the people have. Every single day I hear talking heads exclaiming evidence, proof, unconstitutional actions and more but nothing happens. please help me understand!

    • Adrian J Miller

      02/05/2021 03:23 PM

      I do feel for Stephen. I hear those feelings expressed by many (including from my wife at least 10 times a day).
      I was glad you provided the examples of TR and Perot as to the consequences of third party. Actually, the Taylor-Filmore whig ticket was the last third party to have an alternate to the current parties.
      I would like to point out that the third party Libertatian presence of Jo Jorgensen gobbled up enough votes in Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia that reduced President Trump's potential for a win in those States.
      The Democratic organization had a secret labor organizer in Mile Podhorzel, who had around the clock interactions with labors normal opponents in executive Wall Street, meetings at the homes of Zuckerman and Dorsey, with Planned Parenthood (financed by the USA government), Green Peace, BLM leaders, and Neil Bradley (US Chamber of Commerce, and he strategizes with Congress daily), and others. Just show me the strategy that even remotely approaches this organization where previously competition existed; but now were strange bedfellows. (Complete plan and orchestration was presented in a recent TIME article).
      As far as "giving up" is concerned, take a look at the representatives in congress who have failed miserably to protect the Constitution despite obvious corruption. (The first sign of progression to totalitarianism if left unchecked.)
      I am taking on a new approach. Instead of sending in $$ to the party and campaigns, I am tripling the funds to educators (such as Hillsdale College), The Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, and ACLJ. I will watch for ideal representatives to congress in all States and send each of them monies. (I just had to reprimand a State senator in my State who voted for impeachment and had the audacity to request funds from me twice in the last 2 weeks. Interestingly that Senator, earlier as a State senator actually excited riots in the Nashville capital during election that caused similar damage and actual injury to legislators. Hyprocracy
      So Stephen is correct that the Republican Party is pathetic. You are correct about Third Parties. So now the challenge, what do we do?
      1. Educate through every possible process.
      2. Strong intelligent respectable collaborating Governors in all States. (Any suggestions?)
      3. Fund lawsuits that are legitimate to handcuff, jail, and remove from office
      4. Control big tech with fines, class action lawsuits, eliminating their controls over elections and voters. This can be accomplished with removal of algorithms and filters (which influenced the 2020 election beyond belief for 5 years) which would be controlled by third party review. Board members would be fined heavily and major penalties would be assessed.
      5. most importantly VOTE

    • Linda Cross

      02/05/2021 03:17 PM

      Hi Mr. Huckabee, Yes, in the past a third party was a disaster each time it was tried, but this time, it's totally different. There is so much corruption on both sides of the aisle that "We The People" don't feel confident voting for anyone anymore. One by one traitors are being exposed and exposing themselves for the corrupt criminals they are - being bought off for whatever criminal reason there is - not to mention the vast pedophilia that is throughout our government and nation and nothing is being done because Congress and the Senate are "protected" and exempt from their crimes. This has to end. No other president in the history of the USA has ever had the support of the people as Trump has and a third party will finally and rightly so destroy the Dem and Repub parties this time and you know it. Trump supporters are a movement, not necessarily a party yet and nothing is being done from within to rid our government of the corruption, so what other choice or alternative do we have? If we don't have a third party with morals, values and principles to rise up for God and country we are doomed as a nation and political parties will mean nothing as they already mean nothing. There are only a handful at best in government that are honest. We have to get back to that and give our country back to the ONE who created it which is God and tot he people. Until He is given the title of SUPREME LEADER of this nation, we are doomed! Until we go back to the morals we used to have we are done! Until we have a great revival and make this nation a Christian nation again and teach our present and future generations that there truly is a God and consequences for corruption, we are doomed as a people and as a nation. I suggest you open your eyes and see that and do what you can to support a third party that is really transparent and honest and above reproach!! I've spoken to many who have said they will never vote again. I and my family are in the midst of those who feel this way because right now we have no government, no real leaders and nothing to look forward to in the future. Until we get rid of corrupt politicians, and the evil Muslims out of our government, then we are nothing as a nation. I don't mean just Muslims, but any and all who are doing crimes against our former President and this nation we do not have a nation. It is time for the honest politicians to rise up and fight for "We The People". The White House is our house yet we aren't allowed in it nor are we allowed to have a say and that is not what the Constitution was founded on. Voters have lost faith in our government and our judicial system. What happened to Trump in this fake election and on Jan. 6th, 2021 was the most open crime ever committed in the US and the Dems and Repubs along with the Clinton's, Obama's, Gates's, Zuckerburg's, Soros and his cohorts along with many others who are running our world are going to get by with all the crimes they have done. Let's not leave out all the main stream media journalists who lie to us every sentence that comes out of their mouths or printed in a newspaper; and you have the audacity to say no 3rd party? A 3rd party is the only thing that will save this nation. Too many are out of work, starving, homeless and going without healthcare and this cannot continue and what is Congress doing about it? They are spending all their time trying to destroy Trump and it will never happen. Trump has more support now than he ever has because we see what has gone on and there is more than enough proof to show that Trump and his supporters are NOT guilty. Too many videos show the truth and you know it. Many are dying over a virus that can be cured with medication and not a vaccine and none of you are pushing that because you all are evidently getting kickbacks from Big Pharma or you'd be out there advocating for medication over this dangerous vaccine. Until we get a politician in there who is not afraid to stand up to Big Pharma and The New World Order as Trump has done, we are doomed. A mass arrest has to happen all over the world and honest politicians better throw their hats in the ring for the good guys and God or your political lives will be doomed. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, so now what are you going to do about it? 80 million plus people feel as I do. Nobody but criminals are going to be voting in the next election. Your faith is on the line as well as your political life. Where do you stand? It's time for action. So far all we have heard and seen out of our politicians is "All Talk And No Do". We don't have a whole lot to look forward to and we need a politician such as yourself to stand up and say there is medication to cure this virus, we don't need a vaccine, but you won't do that or you'd have already done it. Sorry Mr. Huckabee, it's "Put Up Or Shut Up" time if you want to help save our nation and our world and get back into God's good graces, then it's time for you to be a leader and take a stand for God and country. You asked for a comment, I gave you a book....I'm being honest and telling you how the people I know feel. We have no freedom anymore. We have become a "Communist/Socialist" nation overnight and we must rid our nation of the "Squad" by voting them out or calling them out on their crimes and getting them out of office and into prison not jail and no slaps on the wrist. They must be punished in front of the whole world and let the world see what happens to those who are against our nation and what we truly stand for. This is all I have to say. Thank you for reading this.

    • Elizabeth Brody

      02/05/2021 03:16 PM

      I agree with you Mike. Mathematically Conservatives would lose if we had a 3rd party and the left would win. My suggestion for Conservatives would be to COME OUT STRONG for the PRIMARIES. That’s where we get to chose which candidate goes to general election. Do some research on the candidates beforehand. Then when the general election comes around we have more confidence to VOTE.

    • Carole Sayer

      02/05/2021 03:16 PM

      Regarding the third party issue. I'm not sure what the difference would be if the Republicans had come out and voted in a strong way for their candidates in Georgia. Their candidates were place holders. They did not stand with President Trump when it counted, and they were spinless. What difference does it make if we elect RINOS or Dems? If the Republicans, all of them, stuck together like Dems do, then it might make a difference, but when we have "Kinzinger" style RINOS, it just doesn't matter.

    • James S Alder

      02/05/2021 03:14 PM

      Thank you for your reply to Stephen R. If there were an IQ test, he would fail. I wonder if he believes in wearing a mask and social distancing? The liberal elites of the Democratic party are trying to use the January 6 incident to demean all Republicans through the "lame" stream media. Unfortunately, those with views like Stephen and a certain new Congressman from Georgia provide them all the evidence they need. If Wyoming Republicans don't like what Liz Cheney has done, they can fix it in November 2022. Ditto for Adam Kinzinger in Illinois. But, they need to be careful not to repeat the Alabama Senate fiasco 2 years ago that allowed Doug Jones to win or the Alaska fiasco in 2010 that allowed Lisa Murkowski to remain in office.

      I am continually amazed why one of the most conservative states in the country - West Virginia - continues to elect Joe Manchin, who tries to fool his constituents that he is a moderate, but clearly reconfirmed his true beliefs yesterday. I hope they finally fix it in November 2022 also.

      I wish all Republicans could learn only one thing: "the opposite of good is perfect". If you strive for perfection in your politicians, you will do what many in Georgia did in January and stay home. A Republican with whom you don't always agree is MUCH MUCH better than any Democrat option whether they call themselves a moderate or not. I appreciate everything you do to convey that message.

    • Larry. Reed

      02/05/2021 03:12 PM

      Your dead on about no 3rd party Gov H. We must learn from how smart the democrats are about coming together and how extremely smart they are at dividing the republicans

    • Jacki Gallagher

      02/05/2021 03:07 PM

      I would LOVE to see Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan run for president. He's intelligent, young and, most of all, he's a fighter. He would never sit back & let the left-wing radicals walk all over him. The Republicans of today are just too damned polite! We need someone who'll fight fire with fire & Jim Jordan would be the perfect person for the job!

    • Duke Mecartney

      02/05/2021 03:02 PM

      Agreed a third party would insure Democratic control, And we need to remove RINOS and chair warmers replacing them with reasonable, rational, conservative, viable and electable candidates. So those qualified should be approached and supported

    • Mary Orchard

      02/05/2021 02:55 PM

      I think switching my voter registration to a third party is a good idea, because the Democratic party politicians think they know what conservative voters are thinking and they plan their strategies accordingly. They don't seem to care about doing anything constructive, but ONLY winning the election by saying whatever will draw voters to their side.

      If all conservatives refused to answer surveys and switch registrations to a third party, the Democrats cannot so easily mask what they really believe. Additionally, if I am registered for a third party, I can still vote for Republican candidates.

      Furthermore, if Republican leaders see prior members switching their registrations, they might be wise to consider that a coded message. I am tired of being nagged for donations that I can afford only if i neglect my health.

    • Winifred Frederick

      02/05/2021 02:47 PM

      Too late. Where I live that's all people talk about. Our party let us down, we have no party.

    • Susan Fisher McClure

      02/05/2021 02:43 PM

      You have provided a good explanation but right now I will not contribute to the RNC. We did donate to individual candidates not even in our own state (CA). And in our state we contributed to the man who ran against Maxine Waters, even though we are in San Diego; not in LA County. I would rather take any money I have and actually already do, and use to mentor young people. I currently pay for and provide transportation to private art lessons to young women. Both lower incomes, one is 20 and is Hispanic and her half sister is half Hispanic and Black. I tell them I will never try to tell them how to think, to vote or religious choice; but they do know I am conservative, spiritual and pro life and the reasons. But they also know I am trying to provide them opportunities they otherwise would not have. I take them out to lunch after class (even if it means eating in car during Newsom’s strict shutdowns) and I also purchase their supplies. For the 20 year old it also meant purchasing a laptop that was capable of handling Adobe Photoshop so she could continue with her community college classes online when Covid shutdown occurred.I believe in investing in the future when the RNC seemed to be more interested in same O same O.

    • Gerald E Connally

      02/05/2021 02:41 PM

      I understand your argument and it has merit. But clearly the Republican Party is, at a minimum, in the hands of truly incompetent elitists and unprincipled hacks in most parts of the country. To even begin to have it stand for anything will take activism at a local level against intrenched interests and major money. By the time change is achieved, America as we know it will be gone, and we are close to that now. In short, you actually hold out no hope.

    • Paul Kern

      02/05/2021 02:31 PM

      I am writing even though you never respond
      True but sad that the Marxists stole the election!
      I say that because the DNC ran on the BLM platorm which was taken from Karl Marx's platform toconquer a nation from within
      At present the nation is without a true leader. The RNC is split. Disappointed that soke new Republicans have tutned into RINOs.
      The Constitution and Bill of Rights are being shredded by both parties. Both favor the the elite and going down the black hole of national bankruptcy even!
      Only the conservative Libertarians stand for the Constitution
      At this point our nation is facing the consequences of allowing God haters to take over according to Romans chapter 1
      Unless God intervenes it will dissolve and be a Marxist/Fascist colony ruled by the UN, the CCP, and George Soros.
      Maybe that us why no one has been able tofind the USA described anywhere in the Bible
      The old empires like Persia are being resurrected.
      As it has been described our nation us an experiment.
      Many willing to turn their backs on the living God and accept slavery!

    • Curth Martell

      02/05/2021 02:29 PM

      You could not be more correct. Trump has a lot of "faults" that make him easy pickings for the Dems, but he has been called "the most successful President in memory" (Conrad Black, in the National Post). He clearly did great things for the US before the pandemic (how fortunate for the Dems that that showed up...coincidence? Doubt it!). The US is on a path to perdition with this government. If Republicans care for their country, they need to get their act together and get rid of the Dems as potential government, for good, and return the States to their founding principles. I could go on, but, enough for now. Here in Canada, we have our own "cross to bear", aka. Justin Trudeau and the Fib... I mean the Liberals. C. Martell, Waterdown, Ont.