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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 24, 2022

Well, that four-year vacation from American involvement in new foreign wars under Trump was nice while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Unfortunately, too many voters let the media convince them that it was important for foreign leaders to love our President, so the Mean Tweeter had to be replaced with the “moderate” lifelong politician who’s been wrong on every foreign policy issue of the previous 47 years. They failed to realize that one of the biggest omens that America is facing big trouble around the world is if our adversaries just LOOOOVE the choice we made for President.

I want our enemies to fear and respect our President, not chortle with delight at their good fortune in our choice of leaders. Right now, anyone wishing America ill is not just chortling, they’re cackling out loud and licking their chops.

In his big press conference last week, President Biden couldn’t have projected weakness more clearly if he’d borrowed the Bat Signal and emblazoned it across the sky. He’d already let the Taliban take over Afghanistan and dictate the terms of our tragic withdrawal. Iran was threatening America and Israel, and North Korea was testing hypersonic missiles, all with barely a peep from the White House.

And then, Biden stood before the entire world and admitted that he probably wouldn’t do much of anything if Russia made a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. Do you think Vladimir Putin didn’t get that “Go" signal? If Trump had sent such a message, the media would have been ablaze with “Trump is a Russian agent” headlines.

Now, we’re facing the grim consequences of having such incredible weakness in the White House. A report by UK intelligence claims that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine and install a pro-Kremlin leader, which is hardly a “minor incursion.” The White House calls it “deeply concerning,” which I’m sure has Putin quaking in his boots.

Now, as a consequence of American weakness, the winds of war are starting to blow. Biden’s advisers are reportedly suggesting that he try to clean up his mess by deploying Navy vessels and sending 3,000 to 5,000 of our troops to Eastern Europe. That is, if we have that many left after he forced out all the Trump voters, critics of his Administration, soldiers who think there are only two genders, and those who didn’t want to get vaccinated.

Meanwhile, NATO has to step up to fill the void of American leadership, so they’re sending some fighter jets and ships to Eastern Europe in hopes of deterring Russia.

But of course, Putin has a weapon he can hold over NATO that he didn’t have when Trump was in office and America was exporting oil and gas instead of begging OPEC for it. Rallying NATO might not even have been necessary had Biden not only laid out the welcome mat for Russia to invade, but strengthened Putin by greenlighting a Russian oil pipeline while targeting our own domestic energy industry for destruction, leaving European NATO nations at the mercy of Russia for oil.

All of this is setting up the game board for yet another costly, deadly foreign war that could have been prevented by simply having a strong US President that our adversaries took seriously. Unfortunately, that appears to be at least three years away. I shudder to think what the state of the world could be by then. In the meantime, China, which has already cracked down on Hong Kong and is threatening Taiwan, will undoubtedly be watching the US response to Russian aggression against Ukraine with great interest.

Sadly, Democrat “leadership” is proving to be a perfect storm of incompetence, weakness and wrongheaded policies. Many people around the world, from our own crime-plagued cities to Afghanistan and possibly soon in Ukraine, are paying the price with the loss of their rights, freedom and lives. I hope you’ll pray for them. And pray that 2024 gets here double quick. 

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Comments 51-60 of 71

  • Cathy s

    01/24/2022 02:13 PM

    It's sad how Biden has been so incompetent. I do pray for him. I pray God will open his eyes to the truth.

  • Floyd A Unger

    01/24/2022 02:06 PM

    Thank you. We must stay out. I wonder….will France be a participant? Will Russia be afraid of the EU military might? Hmmmm ??

  • Tom Qualman

    01/24/2022 02:06 PM

    Spot on Governor!
    Sometimes we have to speak honestly about the America last situation we are in with obiden. You did.


    01/24/2022 01:52 PM

    From our internal divisions, to those on the world stage, America is at it's most crucial turning point since the 1800's. It's hard to remain optimistic at this point in time. Even November seems light years away in terms of elections. We all need to pray to God to help us in this bleak hour. There are days I can barely turn on the news, and yet I still hold out hope for America to turn this ship around. Thank God for politicians and commentators like yourself who seek to hold us up. Please keep up the good work.

  • Zan Baldwin

    01/24/2022 01:45 PM

    I believe the the Biden administration in particular and the democrats in general are doing and getting exactly what they want. Instead of being incompetent I truly believe Biden is simply anti-American along with his party, and they are doing all of this (shut downs, remote learning, mask and vaccine mandates, weakening and decreasing our military) to bring this country down in order for the great reset to happen. They are doing exactly what's necessary to set up a one world government and propel us into the tribulation. This may make me sound like a nutter, but the democrats are fulfilling Bible prophecy and making everything the Bible says about end times a reality. Jesus come soon, please.

  • Joe Wallace

    01/24/2022 01:41 PM

    This very bad as Putin will not be deterred by Biden. IMO, this has all been planned and is now coming to fruition.

  • Tom Webster

    01/24/2022 01:29 PM

    If the Ukraine would sign a peace treaty with Russia, stating that they would never join NATO and Russia guaranteeing to never invade, then this whole thing would be over. We do not want them in NATO anyway, cause that would mean we are committed to enter the battle if they ever are invaded, which we do not want to do, we do not want to send our children to die for Ukraine. They have the power to end this dispute between two large powers by just standing up for themselves.

  • Denns Davis

    01/24/2022 01:27 PM

    You mean foreign Dictatorships are the ones who love biden, the rest despise this idiot and his administration of criminals. Not sure why Hunter and Joe not in prison for Treason. Dealings with China not including Ukraine were treasonous acts. We need to hold elected officials accountable to the OATH OF OFFICE. There should be strict consequences when and elected official does not keep the oath he pledge to. One thing is it should fall under perjury (lying under oath that you took).
    It slays me how these people get away with murder plus.

  • Carolyn Durga

    01/24/2022 01:20 PM

    I think all external countries who wish to destroy or control us (Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran...) will create havoc at the same time as they know we cannot easily handle all of this at once with our current weak Washington, DC. officials. I do not call them leaders as I know real leaders. None of the DC Dems and some of the GOP even begin to measure up. Whoever tells Biden what to say or do is intent on destroying us from the inside at the same time.

  • Samuel L. Smith Sr.

    01/24/2022 01:01 PM

    Although Biden may stand up and defend how we left Afghanistan but by tell our people to leave Ukraine he is saying he wrong on how we left Afghanistan! He is know were ready to deal with Russia! And there is all but know talk about China going into Taiwan, he can't China is he buddy. And do not forget North Korea, you can beat that they may see this as opportunity to go into South Korea? We can blame Biden all we want which we should, yet do not forget what his advisers are telling him and all those who voted for him and that 47% who say he is doing a good job which they need to be in the nut house with him, all of these people are at fault and should share the blame with him! Let's hope by the grace of God that we can make it to November and the GOP can take the House and Senate back and have enough votes to override any veto he might put forward!

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