Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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November 14, 2022

Thanks to all the readers who offered comments on the viability of another Trump run for the presidency in response to our piece, “An erratic Trump needs to clear his head and assess his role.” Hundreds of responses came in; we’ll have results and a follow-up possibly as early as tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a piece at TOWNHALL you might like to see.


President Trump has continued interjecting himself, posting about the senatorial election in Arizona.


This EPOCH TIMES piece is subscription-only, but we’ll summarize. Trump said in a post on Truth Social that “possibly corrupt” officials had “lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona” after the Senate race was called for Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly. “This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes,” he said. “They stole the election from Blake Masters. Do election over again!”

Trump complained about the long lines at the polls due to machine malfunctions and a judge’s refusal to extend voting hours. “People were forced to wait for hours,” he correctly said, “then got exhausted or had other things to do and left the voting lines by the thousands.” That last part was an assumption, but it does seem that when Democrats want the polls kept open later for one reason or another, judges typically rubber-stamp their request rather than risk being accused of disenfranchising them. Why do they not do the same when it’s the Republicans being disenfranchised?

At this writing, Masters still has not conceded the race, saying there were hundreds of thousands of pro-Republican ballots left to count. We shall see, but we know how these extended vote counts mysteriously tend to go in the end.

Masters himself said:

“If, at the end, Senator Kelly has more of them than I do, then I will congratulate him on a hard-fought victory. But voters decide, not the media; let’s count the votes,”
“For my people who knocked doors in the 115 degree heat, and for the million+ Arizonans who put their faith in me, we are going to make sure that every legal vote is counted,”

As votes continue dribbling in for the Arizona governor’s race, the impressive GOP candidate Kari Lake is so far not pushing ahead the way it had been thought she might. As of late Sunday night, victory is looking less likely. Katie Hobbs’ campaign is essentially declaring victory. You remember Katie Hobbs, the Arizona secretary of state who is in charge of...say it with me now...ELECTIONS?

“This one hurts,” says Bonchie at REDSTATE. “...Arizona would have been lucky to have a governor with a backbone who isn’t afraid to protect her constituents. Instead, they are going to get Katie Hobbs, a cowardly do-nothing whose top concerns seem to be abortion and avoiding questions...There are going to have to be questions asked about why this happened while other GOP candidates in Arizona prevailed.”


And this brings us to the main focus for today: the loss of trust in the outcomes of our elections. Leftists maintain that “saving democracy” and maintaining faith in elections means prohibiting anyone from questioning or challenging them in any way. Right...we’ll have more trust in elections by making them LESS transparent. That is so off the mark that one has to wonder if their attitude stems not from the desire to protect democracy but from the need to hide their, um, cheating.

We can do postmortems and try to come up with explanations that don’t involve fraud, but that involves a good bit of reaching. (Remember our talk about Occam’s Razor, the simplest and most obvious explanation usually being the correct one?) The explanations that are given to us don’t make sense, given everything we see. And that’s just what Wayne Allen Root says in a new column, called “You’ve been gaslighted --- Democrats just stole another election.”

Word to Google or anyone else who wants to flag this as “misinformation”: By doing the Democrat Party’s bidding, you might think you’re “saving democracy” or “preserving trust in our elections,” but you’re doing just the opposite. You need to quit with the so-called “content moderation” and just let everybody talk about this. That’s because much of what we’re seeing really does NOT makes sense, just as it didn’t in 2020. All you’re doing, Google, is taking a side, and the side you’ve taken is likely the real source of the misinformation.

Anyway, I’ll quote an excerpt from this one paragraph, which touches on many issues we’ve talked about here:

Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop…they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…”

It goes on. Congratulations, government! You’ve lied so much, you’re the reason we have so little confidence in what you say about the election. Why shouldn’t that be a lie, too? What’s to trust?

Root goes on to point out the huge disconnect between how people say they feel about the issues and the way they apparently voted. Because of all the government’s lies, it’s up to them to convince us that the results reflect the will of the voters. Just telling us we have to shut up and believe it doesn’t wash.

Pardon the cynicism, but millions of us feel just like Root when he says this:

“While also facing the worst economy in modern history…and the worst inflation in America’s history…and out of control crime…and open borders…and failing schools…and polls showing 75% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction…Yet Biden beat all of that?

“If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.”

Root’s piece is a must-read. No matter how it is labeled, it’s not “misinformation” –- it’s one knowledgable person’s opinion, an opinion that millions of Americans share and have good reason to believe. The government, “colluding” closely with Big Tech as we now know, is working to silence this point of view. If our own commentary gets flagged, it’ll just prove my point.

Root goes on to show that, to his mind, the proof of a rigged election in a number of states simply comes from looking at Florida, which did it right. Florida has laws that discourage cheating: voter ID required, strict laws (prison time!) against voter fraud, no universal mail-in ballots sent out, no drop-boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted days after Election Day, and “no counting for days until the desired results is achieved by the Democrat Party.”

Paul Simon wrote the song “50 Ways to Leave your Lover.” I’d say there might be 50 ways to rig an election. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. These don’t necessarily involve hacking voting machines –- although they could, as voting machines are demonstrably hackable. When the FBI hid the evidence of Hunter Biden’s highly incriminating laptop, assisted by 51 former intel officials who claimed the story had the “classic earmarks of Russian disinformation” (give me a break), it could be argued that that in itself was election-rigging. Similarly, when Democrats hid Pennsylvania Senator-elect John Fetterman’s cognitive issues by saying he was unimpaired and refusing to allow a debate until well after early voting had started, that was rigging an election, too. If they could be this dishonest, I don’t put anything past them.

And it’s not “conspiracy theory” to say so. Concerns about elections must be taken seriously. Whoever dismissively calls them "baseless" is the real threat to democracy.

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Comments 61-70 of 70

  • Dorothy Caroline Pierce

    11/14/2022 03:19 PM

    I so appreciate your news letter and also we watch your show on TV! I was hoping that you would have won the Presidential election, you and Dr. Ben Carson would have made a good team. I did vote for Trump and I have to say He did a good job of helping this country and it's people. I think he might not get it next time because of his comments and attitude. I agree that he might be good as a backup or something for DeSantis! It is frightening some of the "characters" that apparently were chosen! I believe that all of this is happening because the good Lord is trying to get our attention and things will even get worse before people start to wake up and fight back. But we have to believe that the Lord is in control of the whole world and does not want our children being start what they are being start in schools and so many of us suffering with inflation. Also all these millions of illegals coming through the borders and carrying, who knows what kind of diseases and the government giving them everything free!! This is idea of putting them up on a cruise ship is totally ridiculous!! I am so glad we have people like you who on top of everything and get the word out and our real Christians! So happy for your daughter Sarah!! Thanks for listening and God Bless you and your family!

  • Howard Hagans

    11/14/2022 03:13 PM

    Hi Mike: I agree with everything you said about the elections. My question is, what do we do about it? I didn't realize how corrupt the elections were until Obama was elected the second time. Somebody has to take action or we will never win again. Anybody in their right mind would never vote for their system, and they know it. They have to cheat to win. Who blows the trumpet???

  • Sharon Libkie

    11/14/2022 02:56 PM

    I live in Michigan. I pray that God will have mercy on us all

  • Paul Russ

    11/14/2022 02:53 PM

    “If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.”

    Meanwhile, the morons at Fox News, including surprisingly Mark Levin, backpedaling with every excuse in the book as to why THEY NEVER PREDICTED A RED WAVE and WHY A RED WAVE WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Nonsense. What is mathematically impossible is the beating Republicans took and which is still worsening as the vote drags on forever. Always an advantage to Democrats somehow. Remember in 2020, Biden said, "Election not over til last vote counted." In 2022, Biden said final election results would take a long time to determine. Amazingly, Pelosi stated that Democrats would maintain control of Congress. She says that she is not leaving Congress, and she will be proven to be correct. She will be the next Speaker.

    Meanwhile, Trump still the bad man. But Pence and others try to destroy him. For once, the GOP leadership needs to seek solidarity and disband their circular firing squad. The only thing the mainstream Republicans (read Pence, McConnell, McCarthy, etc.) are good at is losing elections. Republicans cannot stand to win. Winning must be counterintuitive.

  • Fio Weaver

    11/14/2022 02:18 PM

    The election was rigged. The more they drag out counting the more obvious it becomes. Trump is right. No wonder all these self-righteous individuals start having second thoughts about him. Don't follow into the trap, Governor! Keep speaking out against the cabal. Trump knows what he is doing.

  • Mike Tierney

    11/14/2022 01:59 PM

    Why is it, do you think, that every election a Republican loses is somehow tainted? If they win, it is just what was supposed to happen. Kari Lake is a wing nut candidate that lost touch with the voters. Sometimes you need to be realistic and not promote every conspiracy theory out there. Maybe in regional elections that works (Boebert for example)?

  • Patrick Canan

    11/14/2022 01:57 PM

    It is the government's job to run fair, transparent elections that make voting convenient. It's the responsibility of election workers to verify the authenticity of the votes and voters. It is the responsibility of citizens who doubt the vote to bring their evidence to the courts to be authenticated and weighed.
    A loss can be appealed, but in the courts; not by an insistent POTUS to "just find 11,780 votes", not by antifa in the streets, not by a mob seeking to kill the vice president, and not by fear-mongering on the internet.
    Occam's Razor would argue against Italian military satellites flipping millions of votes from Trump to Biden, and when that theory was brought to court it joined the many supposed conspiracies that were thrown out for lack of evidence.
    Let's get real. When the votes have been counted and authenticated it is the responsibility of candidates to humbly accept victory or graciously acknowledge defeat. THAT is how a democracy endures. Beginning with the example set by George Washington, it has been by the willingness to relinquish power that America has stood as the greatest of democracies.
    There will always be a next election, and we know that the pendulum inevitably swings. America's fatigue showed last Tuesday. We need a strong Republican party that is not mired down in spite and self-pity.
    Let's move on. Poor losers do not make good candidates. We need strong conservatives who will look forward to 2024 and who will not get mired down relitigating 2020 and 2022.

  • Nellie McPherson

    11/14/2022 01:18 PM

    I’m so glad you said all of that. I had already seen the direct evidence on another source, and I believe the election was fraudulent!

  • Sherie Bolick

    11/14/2022 01:13 PM

    Trumps boisterous rhetoric has to stop! He lost my support before his comments about the great Governor DeSantis! I live in Indiana but I have read Ron DeSantis’ resume! He is in every way qualified for the highest office of our land! I pray he runs for President in 2024! He has my vote and I am a faithful voter!

    IF, and it’s a big IF, the elections were true, It is possible that Trumps big mouth has fired up more dems to get out and vote!

    I do understand that more republicans voted. However, we still lost!! Why??

    I am eternally grateful that my security is in Jesus the Messiah my LORD and not my government. I do want to live in my true America though until I go to my eternal home! ??

  • Bonnie Corning

    11/14/2022 01:04 PM

    I think Mitch McConnell deserves as much blame as Donald Trump. He was willing to sacrifice the senate to keep from giving Trump a “win” and we are the ones suffering. I think they both need to go.

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