Today's News Stories

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 151-175 of 256

  • Mary Koch

    02/02/2021 02:39 PM

    Dear Governor:

    Your daily writings via this column have been very informative and, most of all, calming and helpful. Thank you!

    My lifetime friend has told me several times that she's "so very glad her father Clifford didn't live to see the chaos of the 2020 election.". He was a proud WWII veteran, put the flag out on his front porch almost every morning, had tremendous faith in God, and was one of the kindest men I knew. He was very concerned about the state of the US Military under former President Obama and voted for Donald Trump because he believed in making America great again, putting our citizens first and helping them should be a priority.

    Former President Trump has the right to be heard. We voters have the right to know the truth about the election, all of us.

  • Jim Dick

    02/02/2021 02:38 PM

    Governor, my earlier comment is being "reviewed". IF it is not accepted, then your team is equally guilty as FB and Twitter of limiting speech...

    If my earlier comment is approved, then feel free to delete this one.

  • Debi McClure

    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    Besides the jobs lost by executive orders, the democrats have also lessened the number of law enforcement officers with their "Defund the Police". They may say they are creating jobs for social workers but if they defund the police and replace them with public safety officers then those new jobs are coming at a much lesser pay because of a much less budget. Add in those lost jobs along with the ICE jobs and border patrol jobs they are going to get rid of and the number just keeps climbing.

  • Jim Dick

    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    To Gregg Z: you totally missed the point re the courts rejection of voting irregularity suits. There was not, I believe, one single court that reviewed evidence. Not one.

    I believe the evidence was and is significant and every citizen should want that evidence reviewed by non-partisan courts. Sad the not once did a member of the Biden crowd ask that the evidence be reviewed.


    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, in my opinion, there should have been an emergency referendum vote constructed to allow the American people to vote on whether the evidence should or should not be presented openly to us, Congress, and to the courts. Yes, an unusual idea, but this was an unusual situation, too. And are we not, We The People, the actual employers of our "leaders?"

    In fact, this referendum can still be presented for a nationwide vote!

    As you wrote it, the Dems should have no objection if all went fairly and cleanly in the election; if not, the American people deserve the truth, for only with the facts can we ever vote correctly who should act on our behalf in our Democratic Republic. Otherwise, it's like Hillary, "What difference does it make?!" Only slaves accept crumbs.

  • Pam Verhagen

    02/02/2021 02:33 PM

    I loved your response to this gentleman. If all anyone hears or reads is MSM then of course they think it’s all in Trumps head. So many people are being brainwashed and they have no clue. I thank you and others like you who keep asking the questions the MSM won’t. It’s all in Gods hands. I am trying to wait patiently to see what that plan is.

  • Carole Fahrner

    02/02/2021 02:32 PM

    Excellent response Gov. Huckabee. I pray so hard for the future of this great nation. I believe the country is so divided because nothing makes sense anymore. Wrong is right...right is wrong! Everyone is offended by something. Radical ideas are being forced on us by MSM. All I want is the truth and for Justice to be served. I will continue to pray. We are worth it!

  • Pam Lambert

    02/02/2021 02:31 PM

    I am praying for our country and for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to come out about the 2020 election. MILLIONS of Republicans believe this was a corrupt election and that President Trump won by a landslide. There is huge evidence of fraud. Some how, some way there has got to be truth shown. What is there to hide? Who can help our country get to the truth and prove the election once and for all? Thank you Gov Mike Huckabee for being a source of truth, fairness, and honesty.

  • Carol Carrone

    02/02/2021 02:31 PM

    This was a very logical and level-headed reply to a touchy letter sent to you. Thank you for bringing common sense and logic to all that is happening. God has given you great wisdom and favor and I am proud to be on the same team you are on. Keep up the good work and fight for our freedom and liberty. God bless!

  • Gary D Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:30 PM

    My wife and I totally agree with you. If the election was without fraud, why would the
    dems fight over an investigation? We have been watching what is now taking place in Maricopa County---a forensic investigation is being done even though the state supervisors did everything they could to stop it. The legislature is pressing forward, even after being taken to court as they have power over those supervisors. That was printed in one newspaper (surprise) yet the Phoenix newspaper give credit to the supervisors, saying they were requesting the investigation which was totally not true.

  • gregory p fockler

    02/02/2021 02:28 PM

    gregg z. is obviously a cnn watcher. the evidence is outstanding. we have not seen it all. to top it all off is the italian thing. rudy did an extremely bad job, but trump kept him on. gregg's statement was truly a cnn farce, and to a point blantant lies. and so you know gregg, we will never consider biden out president. i'm retired on sss. hope your life does not get turned upside down by this maggot we now have as prez, as so many will find out

  • Linda Orf Strebbing

    02/02/2021 02:26 PM

    I respectfully disagree. Everything I have read on the evidence of election fraud reports that not one judge even looked at the evidence, it was never given a chance to be ruled on. I think the judges were afraid of Antifa if it was taken up in the courts.

  • Tim Zahn

    02/02/2021 02:26 PM

    "Just the facts mame" as Sgt Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet. Here are the facts the way I see them in our last presidential election. President Trump had tens of thousands show up for his rallies as opposed to 10 when Joe Biden came out of his basement. During President Trump's term in office we had a robust economy with thousands of new jobs created putting people back to work. We had a strong military and workers were taking home more in their paychecks due to lower taxes. These are THE FACTS.
    As Deep Throat said in the movie All The President's Men, "Follow the money trail" which I believe led to payoffs to corrupt vote counters and voting machine manufacturers which were paid out by big tech companies allowing them to operate in a "business as usual" atmosphere without government interference. Add to this scenario the covid19 virus and the way draconian democratic governors used it for power control and legislation such as mail in ballots and drop boxes for ballots which spells out ELECTION FRAUD in my humble opinion.
    Just an opinion from an :Old Guy" just passing thru and watching too many old TV show reruns..

  • DiAne N. Gates

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    Governor Huckabee, thank you for your well thought out and written response to Gregg Z. Coming from the South I'm sure you are familiar with the saying "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I would only amend that saying slightly..."Where there's this much smoke and shuffling wind, there's surely someone trying to put out a potential blaze."

    I am doing my best to keep my cool because I know God is in control. And, as a matter of fact, been praying that God would correct this whole pile of shenanigans in such a way that ALL would know that He alone is God and beside Him there is no other. Once we come to an understanding of that fact, we do in fact have grounds on which to rebuilt this "One nation under God," without that belief and understanding of the sovereignty of God, there will be no rebuilding...only destruction from within as Nikita Khrushchev threatened so many years ago.

  • Brian

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    I'm not afraid to say it. Yes there was full scale fraud and cheating going on. They even admitted it. They know they cheated and they don't care if we know. Gregg is one of the unknowingly misguided people who watches the "news" and believes what they tell him. I understand though because I've fallen victim to it in the past as well. The narrative is all on the Left coming from all sources. If you watched the election it was down right strange what was going on. The statistical improbability of Biden's victory alone should be enough to show you he didn't win fairly. There is proof the dominion machines stole votes from Trump and gave them to Biden. Greg are you really going to say that Trump who got 75 million votes after they stole some from him, the most in history for an incumbent, lost to a man who ran no campaign, was gifted his parties nomination over Bernie Sanders again, then garnered more votes in the history of elections? Really - more votes than Obama the first Black man to be president, which was an historic event! Don't believe the media and please think for your self. You say you are a Christian, so I implore you to ask God to give you wisdom and discernment to see what is really happening in America. The wholesale destruction of the American democracy being orchestrated by Satin himself and the left is lining up to do it willingly. Wake up America and turn back to God before this wonderful country is gone forever.

  • Linda Laws

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee:
    I am one of the 70-odd million who voted for Donald Trump in the last election, and I am also one of the many who believe he actually did win the election, as do almost all of my friends and neighbors, some of whom even live in very Liberal states or cities. I think if COVID hadn't come along it would have been a blowout for him, and whether the Chinese developed it with the purpose of stopping his re-election, I don't know. Seems possible.
    At any rate, the reason I feel that he actually won is because of the large, enthusiastic crowds that gathered to hear him any time he spoke, whereas now-President Biden drew only meager
    crowds in the few times he actually left his basement. That wild enthusiasm for President Trump is, I believe, a reflection of the fact that so many of us saw the good he was doing for the Country, in spite of his constant Twitter messages. As a matter of fact, it was irritating to me that he was so self-absorbed (and often insulting) in his tweets, so I never read any of them. I'm sure everybody in his family has told him to quit tweeting, but it's his bad habit, and he likes doing it.
    But that wasn't why I would gladly have voted for him again -- it's because he was setting so many things right that have been done wrong in the country. And all leaders have their faults -- some are womanizers like Jack Kennedy, and other Presidents have had other faults, only the Press was so much more discreet that they didn't mention them in public. However, Trump "let the chips fall where they may", and just drove a lot of people crazy with his never-held-back criticisms and personal opinions.
    Anybody who has been married for any time has realized that their spouse has some very irritating habits, but if they're in it for the long haul they forgive or at least ignore the bad habits because they realize that the good (hopefully) far outweighs the bad. I believe that is a universal experience in every culture in the world. Humans have flaws.
    In spite of and in opposition to the opinions expressed by Gregg, I believe there was great fraud in the battleground states and cities, and find that the name of the voting system, "Dominion" is quite indicative of its purpose. It did produce "dominion" over this country.
    I only pray we can overcome and eliminate the control that has resulted from this election, and that this great country will not go down to perdition on account of it. To many of us, it appears that Evil with a capital "E" has at last gained enough strength to overcome the great Good that has been this country's strength over the last 200+ years.
    May God once again bless this country and restore it to God's favor. We need Him now more than ever.

    At any rate,

  • Betty Buchanan

    02/02/2021 02:18 PM

    I'm a little disappointed as I read your consensus of the election. There is proof, even through the other countries involved, that there definitely was election fraud, through false ballots as well as rigged computers. The same happened in 2016, but they failed to estimate how many illegal voting changes they would need to make in order for Hillary to win. That is why, she was so confident she would win, and when Trump was pronounced as winner, so actually fainted, because their corruptness failed them at that time. That is why they really went overboard this time with their fraudulent system they had rigged, because they wanted to be totally sure it worked this time. People dead for 20 years re-registered and voted ? Shut down election polls to bring in invalid ballots - all for Biden, because Trump was still gaining, Foreign controlled voting machines, sending info back and forth between Italy, Germany and US. All totally legal - huh? We, the people of the USA, know better and are smarter than that. Yet our Supreme Court - FBI and Congress are so infiltrated with Communism, that they won't even allow the truth to be presented. No wonder there are violent coo's in other countries. They are dealing with the same thing. Notice - the democrats are afraid of the Police and Military, but love the Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and etc. because they are all affiliated.

  • John Phillips

    02/02/2021 02:17 PM

    I love your response to Gregg. It was thoughtful, clear-minded & even kind ( compared to Gregg's rather upset style). As, always, I support you completely, Mike, & would love to see you play an even more active role in the governance of our nation. your friend, John.

  • Carroll D. Brown

    02/02/2021 02:15 PM

    Like your answer to your constituents comment.

    Would you please email me your opinion of the book White Fragility?

    Thank you very much.

    Carroll D. Brown

  • Marilyn Hellmuth

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Thank you for being the calm voice of reason in our upended world. I am finding it difficult to adjust to living in what I see as a communist world. Those now in control are trying to take away our rights and control everything that is important to Americans. I appreciate your calm commentary as I try to find hope in our current situation.

  • Connie Hamrah

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Dear Gov. Mike,
    You have been accurate and thoughtful in your election analysis. Perhaps the rhetoric coming from the left over the past 6-7 years and their condemnation of conservatives has incited voters who support Trump. We the people want a president like Trump who is smart and strong. The legislatures of the swing states in question broke their own laws by allowing Gov. and sec of states to change their voting laws. That is where the voting problem began.
    Thank you for your thoughtful responses to your readers. Btw, I am an educated woman who attended two Trump rallies and would vote for him again if he runs.
    I also am a native California conservative , yes we do exist.
    Thank you .

  • Nancy Jo Braden

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Governor Huckabee-
    Thank you for a very balanced response. I agree that the evidence was never presented. This is a problem for many of us- it is not possible to trust a process when there is no real transparency. And the censorship of comments make the election results seem more suspect.

  • Pamela Tracy

    02/02/2021 02:09 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, your response to Gregg was so spot on. I pray for our nation every day because there is so much hatred, such division. I don’t see myself as Republican or Democrat, I have voted for both when I thought they would be best for our country. However, I am a Christian conservative, and I am concerned what the Biden/Harris administration is going to do to our democracy.

    My question to you is: what can we do? How can we influence Biden when it seems he is out to destroy our economy and our country single handedly (or one executive order at a time)? What good does it do to write our congressmen, when he is bypassing Congress altogether?

  • Charlene Mathe

    02/02/2021 02:08 PM

    I shared this on my Facebook page. Both letters are respectful and persuasive, I love it!
    I watched the state hearings in Georgia, Michigan and Arizona. Evidence of misconduct, ballot stuffing, and "Demon"/Dominion voting machine misreporting was overwhelming. For example, I hope you saw Jovan Pulitzer, who was never permitted to demonstrate his evidence. But this heist of our Republic could not be carried out without the gullibility of a critical mass of Americans. As Glenn Beck and others have observed, we have exchanged our Republic for an Oligarchy. If you have not read it, please get the brief 2016 book "The Engineered Downfall of America" by Michael A. Cordner.
    Charlene Mathe
    Fullerton, CA

  • Michele Sarkisian

    02/02/2021 02:07 PM

    Your response was right on target. While frustrated that the targeted 6 county fraud efforts never got a real review DESPITE sworn affidavits, testimonies, videos and real numbers showing Biden's margin was beat by a LOT (in GA. for certain) if you remove dead, out of state, duplicate, underage and felon voters, I am more concerned about the acceptance of corruption throughout government, the media, big tech, business and from pundits. Covid misinformation, the Biden laptop, Tony Bobulinski's testimony, Ukraine reports, Hillary's countless crimes, the absurd impeachments, the ability to libel and slander without consequence IF you are a Congress person, concealing truth about covid remedies and admired doctors, the FISA abuse and So Much More. I'm losing faith when so much is available but nothing happens!

Election 2024 Coverage

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 151-175 of 256

  • Mary Koch

    02/02/2021 02:39 PM

    Dear Governor:

    Your daily writings via this column have been very informative and, most of all, calming and helpful. Thank you!

    My lifetime friend has told me several times that she's "so very glad her father Clifford didn't live to see the chaos of the 2020 election.". He was a proud WWII veteran, put the flag out on his front porch almost every morning, had tremendous faith in God, and was one of the kindest men I knew. He was very concerned about the state of the US Military under former President Obama and voted for Donald Trump because he believed in making America great again, putting our citizens first and helping them should be a priority.

    Former President Trump has the right to be heard. We voters have the right to know the truth about the election, all of us.

  • Jim Dick

    02/02/2021 02:38 PM

    Governor, my earlier comment is being "reviewed". IF it is not accepted, then your team is equally guilty as FB and Twitter of limiting speech...

    If my earlier comment is approved, then feel free to delete this one.

  • Debi McClure

    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    Besides the jobs lost by executive orders, the democrats have also lessened the number of law enforcement officers with their "Defund the Police". They may say they are creating jobs for social workers but if they defund the police and replace them with public safety officers then those new jobs are coming at a much lesser pay because of a much less budget. Add in those lost jobs along with the ICE jobs and border patrol jobs they are going to get rid of and the number just keeps climbing.

  • Jim Dick

    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    To Gregg Z: you totally missed the point re the courts rejection of voting irregularity suits. There was not, I believe, one single court that reviewed evidence. Not one.

    I believe the evidence was and is significant and every citizen should want that evidence reviewed by non-partisan courts. Sad the not once did a member of the Biden crowd ask that the evidence be reviewed.


    02/02/2021 02:34 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, in my opinion, there should have been an emergency referendum vote constructed to allow the American people to vote on whether the evidence should or should not be presented openly to us, Congress, and to the courts. Yes, an unusual idea, but this was an unusual situation, too. And are we not, We The People, the actual employers of our "leaders?"

    In fact, this referendum can still be presented for a nationwide vote!

    As you wrote it, the Dems should have no objection if all went fairly and cleanly in the election; if not, the American people deserve the truth, for only with the facts can we ever vote correctly who should act on our behalf in our Democratic Republic. Otherwise, it's like Hillary, "What difference does it make?!" Only slaves accept crumbs.

  • Pam Verhagen

    02/02/2021 02:33 PM

    I loved your response to this gentleman. If all anyone hears or reads is MSM then of course they think it’s all in Trumps head. So many people are being brainwashed and they have no clue. I thank you and others like you who keep asking the questions the MSM won’t. It’s all in Gods hands. I am trying to wait patiently to see what that plan is.

  • Carole Fahrner

    02/02/2021 02:32 PM

    Excellent response Gov. Huckabee. I pray so hard for the future of this great nation. I believe the country is so divided because nothing makes sense anymore. Wrong is right...right is wrong! Everyone is offended by something. Radical ideas are being forced on us by MSM. All I want is the truth and for Justice to be served. I will continue to pray. We are worth it!

  • Pam Lambert

    02/02/2021 02:31 PM

    I am praying for our country and for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to come out about the 2020 election. MILLIONS of Republicans believe this was a corrupt election and that President Trump won by a landslide. There is huge evidence of fraud. Some how, some way there has got to be truth shown. What is there to hide? Who can help our country get to the truth and prove the election once and for all? Thank you Gov Mike Huckabee for being a source of truth, fairness, and honesty.

  • Carol Carrone

    02/02/2021 02:31 PM

    This was a very logical and level-headed reply to a touchy letter sent to you. Thank you for bringing common sense and logic to all that is happening. God has given you great wisdom and favor and I am proud to be on the same team you are on. Keep up the good work and fight for our freedom and liberty. God bless!

  • Gary D Johnson

    02/02/2021 02:30 PM

    My wife and I totally agree with you. If the election was without fraud, why would the
    dems fight over an investigation? We have been watching what is now taking place in Maricopa County---a forensic investigation is being done even though the state supervisors did everything they could to stop it. The legislature is pressing forward, even after being taken to court as they have power over those supervisors. That was printed in one newspaper (surprise) yet the Phoenix newspaper give credit to the supervisors, saying they were requesting the investigation which was totally not true.

  • gregory p fockler

    02/02/2021 02:28 PM

    gregg z. is obviously a cnn watcher. the evidence is outstanding. we have not seen it all. to top it all off is the italian thing. rudy did an extremely bad job, but trump kept him on. gregg's statement was truly a cnn farce, and to a point blantant lies. and so you know gregg, we will never consider biden out president. i'm retired on sss. hope your life does not get turned upside down by this maggot we now have as prez, as so many will find out

  • Linda Orf Strebbing

    02/02/2021 02:26 PM

    I respectfully disagree. Everything I have read on the evidence of election fraud reports that not one judge even looked at the evidence, it was never given a chance to be ruled on. I think the judges were afraid of Antifa if it was taken up in the courts.

  • Tim Zahn

    02/02/2021 02:26 PM

    "Just the facts mame" as Sgt Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet. Here are the facts the way I see them in our last presidential election. President Trump had tens of thousands show up for his rallies as opposed to 10 when Joe Biden came out of his basement. During President Trump's term in office we had a robust economy with thousands of new jobs created putting people back to work. We had a strong military and workers were taking home more in their paychecks due to lower taxes. These are THE FACTS.
    As Deep Throat said in the movie All The President's Men, "Follow the money trail" which I believe led to payoffs to corrupt vote counters and voting machine manufacturers which were paid out by big tech companies allowing them to operate in a "business as usual" atmosphere without government interference. Add to this scenario the covid19 virus and the way draconian democratic governors used it for power control and legislation such as mail in ballots and drop boxes for ballots which spells out ELECTION FRAUD in my humble opinion.
    Just an opinion from an :Old Guy" just passing thru and watching too many old TV show reruns..

  • DiAne N. Gates

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    Governor Huckabee, thank you for your well thought out and written response to Gregg Z. Coming from the South I'm sure you are familiar with the saying "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I would only amend that saying slightly..."Where there's this much smoke and shuffling wind, there's surely someone trying to put out a potential blaze."

    I am doing my best to keep my cool because I know God is in control. And, as a matter of fact, been praying that God would correct this whole pile of shenanigans in such a way that ALL would know that He alone is God and beside Him there is no other. Once we come to an understanding of that fact, we do in fact have grounds on which to rebuilt this "One nation under God," without that belief and understanding of the sovereignty of God, there will be no rebuilding...only destruction from within as Nikita Khrushchev threatened so many years ago.

  • Brian

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    I'm not afraid to say it. Yes there was full scale fraud and cheating going on. They even admitted it. They know they cheated and they don't care if we know. Gregg is one of the unknowingly misguided people who watches the "news" and believes what they tell him. I understand though because I've fallen victim to it in the past as well. The narrative is all on the Left coming from all sources. If you watched the election it was down right strange what was going on. The statistical improbability of Biden's victory alone should be enough to show you he didn't win fairly. There is proof the dominion machines stole votes from Trump and gave them to Biden. Greg are you really going to say that Trump who got 75 million votes after they stole some from him, the most in history for an incumbent, lost to a man who ran no campaign, was gifted his parties nomination over Bernie Sanders again, then garnered more votes in the history of elections? Really - more votes than Obama the first Black man to be president, which was an historic event! Don't believe the media and please think for your self. You say you are a Christian, so I implore you to ask God to give you wisdom and discernment to see what is really happening in America. The wholesale destruction of the American democracy being orchestrated by Satin himself and the left is lining up to do it willingly. Wake up America and turn back to God before this wonderful country is gone forever.

  • Linda Laws

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee:
    I am one of the 70-odd million who voted for Donald Trump in the last election, and I am also one of the many who believe he actually did win the election, as do almost all of my friends and neighbors, some of whom even live in very Liberal states or cities. I think if COVID hadn't come along it would have been a blowout for him, and whether the Chinese developed it with the purpose of stopping his re-election, I don't know. Seems possible.
    At any rate, the reason I feel that he actually won is because of the large, enthusiastic crowds that gathered to hear him any time he spoke, whereas now-President Biden drew only meager
    crowds in the few times he actually left his basement. That wild enthusiasm for President Trump is, I believe, a reflection of the fact that so many of us saw the good he was doing for the Country, in spite of his constant Twitter messages. As a matter of fact, it was irritating to me that he was so self-absorbed (and often insulting) in his tweets, so I never read any of them. I'm sure everybody in his family has told him to quit tweeting, but it's his bad habit, and he likes doing it.
    But that wasn't why I would gladly have voted for him again -- it's because he was setting so many things right that have been done wrong in the country. And all leaders have their faults -- some are womanizers like Jack Kennedy, and other Presidents have had other faults, only the Press was so much more discreet that they didn't mention them in public. However, Trump "let the chips fall where they may", and just drove a lot of people crazy with his never-held-back criticisms and personal opinions.
    Anybody who has been married for any time has realized that their spouse has some very irritating habits, but if they're in it for the long haul they forgive or at least ignore the bad habits because they realize that the good (hopefully) far outweighs the bad. I believe that is a universal experience in every culture in the world. Humans have flaws.
    In spite of and in opposition to the opinions expressed by Gregg, I believe there was great fraud in the battleground states and cities, and find that the name of the voting system, "Dominion" is quite indicative of its purpose. It did produce "dominion" over this country.
    I only pray we can overcome and eliminate the control that has resulted from this election, and that this great country will not go down to perdition on account of it. To many of us, it appears that Evil with a capital "E" has at last gained enough strength to overcome the great Good that has been this country's strength over the last 200+ years.
    May God once again bless this country and restore it to God's favor. We need Him now more than ever.

    At any rate,

  • Betty Buchanan

    02/02/2021 02:18 PM

    I'm a little disappointed as I read your consensus of the election. There is proof, even through the other countries involved, that there definitely was election fraud, through false ballots as well as rigged computers. The same happened in 2016, but they failed to estimate how many illegal voting changes they would need to make in order for Hillary to win. That is why, she was so confident she would win, and when Trump was pronounced as winner, so actually fainted, because their corruptness failed them at that time. That is why they really went overboard this time with their fraudulent system they had rigged, because they wanted to be totally sure it worked this time. People dead for 20 years re-registered and voted ? Shut down election polls to bring in invalid ballots - all for Biden, because Trump was still gaining, Foreign controlled voting machines, sending info back and forth between Italy, Germany and US. All totally legal - huh? We, the people of the USA, know better and are smarter than that. Yet our Supreme Court - FBI and Congress are so infiltrated with Communism, that they won't even allow the truth to be presented. No wonder there are violent coo's in other countries. They are dealing with the same thing. Notice - the democrats are afraid of the Police and Military, but love the Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and etc. because they are all affiliated.

  • John Phillips

    02/02/2021 02:17 PM

    I love your response to Gregg. It was thoughtful, clear-minded & even kind ( compared to Gregg's rather upset style). As, always, I support you completely, Mike, & would love to see you play an even more active role in the governance of our nation. your friend, John.

  • Carroll D. Brown

    02/02/2021 02:15 PM

    Like your answer to your constituents comment.

    Would you please email me your opinion of the book White Fragility?

    Thank you very much.

    Carroll D. Brown

  • Marilyn Hellmuth

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Thank you for being the calm voice of reason in our upended world. I am finding it difficult to adjust to living in what I see as a communist world. Those now in control are trying to take away our rights and control everything that is important to Americans. I appreciate your calm commentary as I try to find hope in our current situation.

  • Connie Hamrah

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Dear Gov. Mike,
    You have been accurate and thoughtful in your election analysis. Perhaps the rhetoric coming from the left over the past 6-7 years and their condemnation of conservatives has incited voters who support Trump. We the people want a president like Trump who is smart and strong. The legislatures of the swing states in question broke their own laws by allowing Gov. and sec of states to change their voting laws. That is where the voting problem began.
    Thank you for your thoughtful responses to your readers. Btw, I am an educated woman who attended two Trump rallies and would vote for him again if he runs.
    I also am a native California conservative , yes we do exist.
    Thank you .

  • Nancy Jo Braden

    02/02/2021 02:12 PM

    Governor Huckabee-
    Thank you for a very balanced response. I agree that the evidence was never presented. This is a problem for many of us- it is not possible to trust a process when there is no real transparency. And the censorship of comments make the election results seem more suspect.

  • Pamela Tracy

    02/02/2021 02:09 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, your response to Gregg was so spot on. I pray for our nation every day because there is so much hatred, such division. I don’t see myself as Republican or Democrat, I have voted for both when I thought they would be best for our country. However, I am a Christian conservative, and I am concerned what the Biden/Harris administration is going to do to our democracy.

    My question to you is: what can we do? How can we influence Biden when it seems he is out to destroy our economy and our country single handedly (or one executive order at a time)? What good does it do to write our congressmen, when he is bypassing Congress altogether?

  • Charlene Mathe

    02/02/2021 02:08 PM

    I shared this on my Facebook page. Both letters are respectful and persuasive, I love it!
    I watched the state hearings in Georgia, Michigan and Arizona. Evidence of misconduct, ballot stuffing, and "Demon"/Dominion voting machine misreporting was overwhelming. For example, I hope you saw Jovan Pulitzer, who was never permitted to demonstrate his evidence. But this heist of our Republic could not be carried out without the gullibility of a critical mass of Americans. As Glenn Beck and others have observed, we have exchanged our Republic for an Oligarchy. If you have not read it, please get the brief 2016 book "The Engineered Downfall of America" by Michael A. Cordner.
    Charlene Mathe
    Fullerton, CA

  • Michele Sarkisian

    02/02/2021 02:07 PM

    Your response was right on target. While frustrated that the targeted 6 county fraud efforts never got a real review DESPITE sworn affidavits, testimonies, videos and real numbers showing Biden's margin was beat by a LOT (in GA. for certain) if you remove dead, out of state, duplicate, underage and felon voters, I am more concerned about the acceptance of corruption throughout government, the media, big tech, business and from pundits. Covid misinformation, the Biden laptop, Tony Bobulinski's testimony, Ukraine reports, Hillary's countless crimes, the absurd impeachments, the ability to libel and slander without consequence IF you are a Congress person, concealing truth about covid remedies and admired doctors, the FISA abuse and So Much More. I'm losing faith when so much is available but nothing happens!

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    February 2, 2021

    From Gregg Z:

    I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

    I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

    The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

    In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

    It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



    From the Gov:

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

    If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

    What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

    That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

    The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

    Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

    You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

    Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

    It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

    Thanks again for writing.


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    Comments 151-175 of 256

    • Mary Koch

      02/02/2021 02:39 PM

      Dear Governor:

      Your daily writings via this column have been very informative and, most of all, calming and helpful. Thank you!

      My lifetime friend has told me several times that she's "so very glad her father Clifford didn't live to see the chaos of the 2020 election.". He was a proud WWII veteran, put the flag out on his front porch almost every morning, had tremendous faith in God, and was one of the kindest men I knew. He was very concerned about the state of the US Military under former President Obama and voted for Donald Trump because he believed in making America great again, putting our citizens first and helping them should be a priority.

      Former President Trump has the right to be heard. We voters have the right to know the truth about the election, all of us.

    • Jim Dick

      02/02/2021 02:38 PM

      Governor, my earlier comment is being "reviewed". IF it is not accepted, then your team is equally guilty as FB and Twitter of limiting speech...

      If my earlier comment is approved, then feel free to delete this one.

    • Debi McClure

      02/02/2021 02:34 PM

      Besides the jobs lost by executive orders, the democrats have also lessened the number of law enforcement officers with their "Defund the Police". They may say they are creating jobs for social workers but if they defund the police and replace them with public safety officers then those new jobs are coming at a much lesser pay because of a much less budget. Add in those lost jobs along with the ICE jobs and border patrol jobs they are going to get rid of and the number just keeps climbing.

    • Jim Dick

      02/02/2021 02:34 PM

      To Gregg Z: you totally missed the point re the courts rejection of voting irregularity suits. There was not, I believe, one single court that reviewed evidence. Not one.

      I believe the evidence was and is significant and every citizen should want that evidence reviewed by non-partisan courts. Sad the not once did a member of the Biden crowd ask that the evidence be reviewed.


      02/02/2021 02:34 PM

      Gov. Huckabee, in my opinion, there should have been an emergency referendum vote constructed to allow the American people to vote on whether the evidence should or should not be presented openly to us, Congress, and to the courts. Yes, an unusual idea, but this was an unusual situation, too. And are we not, We The People, the actual employers of our "leaders?"

      In fact, this referendum can still be presented for a nationwide vote!

      As you wrote it, the Dems should have no objection if all went fairly and cleanly in the election; if not, the American people deserve the truth, for only with the facts can we ever vote correctly who should act on our behalf in our Democratic Republic. Otherwise, it's like Hillary, "What difference does it make?!" Only slaves accept crumbs.

    • Pam Verhagen

      02/02/2021 02:33 PM

      I loved your response to this gentleman. If all anyone hears or reads is MSM then of course they think it’s all in Trumps head. So many people are being brainwashed and they have no clue. I thank you and others like you who keep asking the questions the MSM won’t. It’s all in Gods hands. I am trying to wait patiently to see what that plan is.

    • Carole Fahrner

      02/02/2021 02:32 PM

      Excellent response Gov. Huckabee. I pray so hard for the future of this great nation. I believe the country is so divided because nothing makes sense anymore. Wrong is right...right is wrong! Everyone is offended by something. Radical ideas are being forced on us by MSM. All I want is the truth and for Justice to be served. I will continue to pray. We are worth it!

    • Pam Lambert

      02/02/2021 02:31 PM

      I am praying for our country and for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to come out about the 2020 election. MILLIONS of Republicans believe this was a corrupt election and that President Trump won by a landslide. There is huge evidence of fraud. Some how, some way there has got to be truth shown. What is there to hide? Who can help our country get to the truth and prove the election once and for all? Thank you Gov Mike Huckabee for being a source of truth, fairness, and honesty.

    • Carol Carrone

      02/02/2021 02:31 PM

      This was a very logical and level-headed reply to a touchy letter sent to you. Thank you for bringing common sense and logic to all that is happening. God has given you great wisdom and favor and I am proud to be on the same team you are on. Keep up the good work and fight for our freedom and liberty. God bless!

    • Gary D Johnson

      02/02/2021 02:30 PM

      My wife and I totally agree with you. If the election was without fraud, why would the
      dems fight over an investigation? We have been watching what is now taking place in Maricopa County---a forensic investigation is being done even though the state supervisors did everything they could to stop it. The legislature is pressing forward, even after being taken to court as they have power over those supervisors. That was printed in one newspaper (surprise) yet the Phoenix newspaper give credit to the supervisors, saying they were requesting the investigation which was totally not true.

    • gregory p fockler

      02/02/2021 02:28 PM

      gregg z. is obviously a cnn watcher. the evidence is outstanding. we have not seen it all. to top it all off is the italian thing. rudy did an extremely bad job, but trump kept him on. gregg's statement was truly a cnn farce, and to a point blantant lies. and so you know gregg, we will never consider biden out president. i'm retired on sss. hope your life does not get turned upside down by this maggot we now have as prez, as so many will find out

    • Linda Orf Strebbing

      02/02/2021 02:26 PM

      I respectfully disagree. Everything I have read on the evidence of election fraud reports that not one judge even looked at the evidence, it was never given a chance to be ruled on. I think the judges were afraid of Antifa if it was taken up in the courts.

    • Tim Zahn

      02/02/2021 02:26 PM

      "Just the facts mame" as Sgt Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet. Here are the facts the way I see them in our last presidential election. President Trump had tens of thousands show up for his rallies as opposed to 10 when Joe Biden came out of his basement. During President Trump's term in office we had a robust economy with thousands of new jobs created putting people back to work. We had a strong military and workers were taking home more in their paychecks due to lower taxes. These are THE FACTS.
      As Deep Throat said in the movie All The President's Men, "Follow the money trail" which I believe led to payoffs to corrupt vote counters and voting machine manufacturers which were paid out by big tech companies allowing them to operate in a "business as usual" atmosphere without government interference. Add to this scenario the covid19 virus and the way draconian democratic governors used it for power control and legislation such as mail in ballots and drop boxes for ballots which spells out ELECTION FRAUD in my humble opinion.
      Just an opinion from an :Old Guy" just passing thru and watching too many old TV show reruns..

    • DiAne N. Gates

      02/02/2021 02:20 PM

      Governor Huckabee, thank you for your well thought out and written response to Gregg Z. Coming from the South I'm sure you are familiar with the saying "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I would only amend that saying slightly..."Where there's this much smoke and shuffling wind, there's surely someone trying to put out a potential blaze."

      I am doing my best to keep my cool because I know God is in control. And, as a matter of fact, been praying that God would correct this whole pile of shenanigans in such a way that ALL would know that He alone is God and beside Him there is no other. Once we come to an understanding of that fact, we do in fact have grounds on which to rebuilt this "One nation under God," without that belief and understanding of the sovereignty of God, there will be no rebuilding...only destruction from within as Nikita Khrushchev threatened so many years ago.

    • Brian

      02/02/2021 02:20 PM

      I'm not afraid to say it. Yes there was full scale fraud and cheating going on. They even admitted it. They know they cheated and they don't care if we know. Gregg is one of the unknowingly misguided people who watches the "news" and believes what they tell him. I understand though because I've fallen victim to it in the past as well. The narrative is all on the Left coming from all sources. If you watched the election it was down right strange what was going on. The statistical improbability of Biden's victory alone should be enough to show you he didn't win fairly. There is proof the dominion machines stole votes from Trump and gave them to Biden. Greg are you really going to say that Trump who got 75 million votes after they stole some from him, the most in history for an incumbent, lost to a man who ran no campaign, was gifted his parties nomination over Bernie Sanders again, then garnered more votes in the history of elections? Really - more votes than Obama the first Black man to be president, which was an historic event! Don't believe the media and please think for your self. You say you are a Christian, so I implore you to ask God to give you wisdom and discernment to see what is really happening in America. The wholesale destruction of the American democracy being orchestrated by Satin himself and the left is lining up to do it willingly. Wake up America and turn back to God before this wonderful country is gone forever.

    • Linda Laws

      02/02/2021 02:20 PM

      Dear Governor Huckabee:
      I am one of the 70-odd million who voted for Donald Trump in the last election, and I am also one of the many who believe he actually did win the election, as do almost all of my friends and neighbors, some of whom even live in very Liberal states or cities. I think if COVID hadn't come along it would have been a blowout for him, and whether the Chinese developed it with the purpose of stopping his re-election, I don't know. Seems possible.
      At any rate, the reason I feel that he actually won is because of the large, enthusiastic crowds that gathered to hear him any time he spoke, whereas now-President Biden drew only meager
      crowds in the few times he actually left his basement. That wild enthusiasm for President Trump is, I believe, a reflection of the fact that so many of us saw the good he was doing for the Country, in spite of his constant Twitter messages. As a matter of fact, it was irritating to me that he was so self-absorbed (and often insulting) in his tweets, so I never read any of them. I'm sure everybody in his family has told him to quit tweeting, but it's his bad habit, and he likes doing it.
      But that wasn't why I would gladly have voted for him again -- it's because he was setting so many things right that have been done wrong in the country. And all leaders have their faults -- some are womanizers like Jack Kennedy, and other Presidents have had other faults, only the Press was so much more discreet that they didn't mention them in public. However, Trump "let the chips fall where they may", and just drove a lot of people crazy with his never-held-back criticisms and personal opinions.
      Anybody who has been married for any time has realized that their spouse has some very irritating habits, but if they're in it for the long haul they forgive or at least ignore the bad habits because they realize that the good (hopefully) far outweighs the bad. I believe that is a universal experience in every culture in the world. Humans have flaws.
      In spite of and in opposition to the opinions expressed by Gregg, I believe there was great fraud in the battleground states and cities, and find that the name of the voting system, "Dominion" is quite indicative of its purpose. It did produce "dominion" over this country.
      I only pray we can overcome and eliminate the control that has resulted from this election, and that this great country will not go down to perdition on account of it. To many of us, it appears that Evil with a capital "E" has at last gained enough strength to overcome the great Good that has been this country's strength over the last 200+ years.
      May God once again bless this country and restore it to God's favor. We need Him now more than ever.

      At any rate,

    • Betty Buchanan

      02/02/2021 02:18 PM

      I'm a little disappointed as I read your consensus of the election. There is proof, even through the other countries involved, that there definitely was election fraud, through false ballots as well as rigged computers. The same happened in 2016, but they failed to estimate how many illegal voting changes they would need to make in order for Hillary to win. That is why, she was so confident she would win, and when Trump was pronounced as winner, so actually fainted, because their corruptness failed them at that time. That is why they really went overboard this time with their fraudulent system they had rigged, because they wanted to be totally sure it worked this time. People dead for 20 years re-registered and voted ? Shut down election polls to bring in invalid ballots - all for Biden, because Trump was still gaining, Foreign controlled voting machines, sending info back and forth between Italy, Germany and US. All totally legal - huh? We, the people of the USA, know better and are smarter than that. Yet our Supreme Court - FBI and Congress are so infiltrated with Communism, that they won't even allow the truth to be presented. No wonder there are violent coo's in other countries. They are dealing with the same thing. Notice - the democrats are afraid of the Police and Military, but love the Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and etc. because they are all affiliated.

    • John Phillips

      02/02/2021 02:17 PM

      I love your response to Gregg. It was thoughtful, clear-minded & even kind ( compared to Gregg's rather upset style). As, always, I support you completely, Mike, & would love to see you play an even more active role in the governance of our nation. your friend, John.

    • Carroll D. Brown

      02/02/2021 02:15 PM

      Like your answer to your constituents comment.

      Would you please email me your opinion of the book White Fragility?

      Thank you very much.

      Carroll D. Brown

    • Marilyn Hellmuth

      02/02/2021 02:12 PM

      Governor Huckabee,
      Thank you for being the calm voice of reason in our upended world. I am finding it difficult to adjust to living in what I see as a communist world. Those now in control are trying to take away our rights and control everything that is important to Americans. I appreciate your calm commentary as I try to find hope in our current situation.

    • Connie Hamrah

      02/02/2021 02:12 PM

      Dear Gov. Mike,
      You have been accurate and thoughtful in your election analysis. Perhaps the rhetoric coming from the left over the past 6-7 years and their condemnation of conservatives has incited voters who support Trump. We the people want a president like Trump who is smart and strong. The legislatures of the swing states in question broke their own laws by allowing Gov. and sec of states to change their voting laws. That is where the voting problem began.
      Thank you for your thoughtful responses to your readers. Btw, I am an educated woman who attended two Trump rallies and would vote for him again if he runs.
      I also am a native California conservative , yes we do exist.
      Thank you .

    • Nancy Jo Braden

      02/02/2021 02:12 PM

      Governor Huckabee-
      Thank you for a very balanced response. I agree that the evidence was never presented. This is a problem for many of us- it is not possible to trust a process when there is no real transparency. And the censorship of comments make the election results seem more suspect.

    • Pamela Tracy

      02/02/2021 02:09 PM

      Gov. Huckabee, your response to Gregg was so spot on. I pray for our nation every day because there is so much hatred, such division. I don’t see myself as Republican or Democrat, I have voted for both when I thought they would be best for our country. However, I am a Christian conservative, and I am concerned what the Biden/Harris administration is going to do to our democracy.

      My question to you is: what can we do? How can we influence Biden when it seems he is out to destroy our economy and our country single handedly (or one executive order at a time)? What good does it do to write our congressmen, when he is bypassing Congress altogether?

    • Charlene Mathe

      02/02/2021 02:08 PM

      I shared this on my Facebook page. Both letters are respectful and persuasive, I love it!
      I watched the state hearings in Georgia, Michigan and Arizona. Evidence of misconduct, ballot stuffing, and "Demon"/Dominion voting machine misreporting was overwhelming. For example, I hope you saw Jovan Pulitzer, who was never permitted to demonstrate his evidence. But this heist of our Republic could not be carried out without the gullibility of a critical mass of Americans. As Glenn Beck and others have observed, we have exchanged our Republic for an Oligarchy. If you have not read it, please get the brief 2016 book "The Engineered Downfall of America" by Michael A. Cordner.
      Charlene Mathe
      Fullerton, CA

    • Michele Sarkisian

      02/02/2021 02:07 PM

      Your response was right on target. While frustrated that the targeted 6 county fraud efforts never got a real review DESPITE sworn affidavits, testimonies, videos and real numbers showing Biden's margin was beat by a LOT (in GA. for certain) if you remove dead, out of state, duplicate, underage and felon voters, I am more concerned about the acceptance of corruption throughout government, the media, big tech, business and from pundits. Covid misinformation, the Biden laptop, Tony Bobulinski's testimony, Ukraine reports, Hillary's countless crimes, the absurd impeachments, the ability to libel and slander without consequence IF you are a Congress person, concealing truth about covid remedies and admired doctors, the FISA abuse and So Much More. I'm losing faith when so much is available but nothing happens!