Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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November 23, 2022

Former Trump attorney general Bill Barr appears to be working overtime to damage Trump ahead –- far ahead –- of the 2024 GOP nomination for President. Though he says (to his credit) that he could never vote for a so-called progressive Democrat because of the damage such a person might do to the country, he is very much against Trump being the Republican nominee.

Last week, his anti-Trump rhetoric got so vehement that on Monday, we played a game called “Who Said It --- Bill Barr or Peter Strzok.” It really is quite challenging these days to tell the difference between what Barr says about Trump and what disgraced-and-fired FBI agent and Russia Hoaxer Strzok says. These were quotes from interviews that both took place on Friday, which happens to have been the day Attorney General Merrick Garland announced his appointment of Jack Smith as the new special counsel to investigate Trump over the Mar-A-Lago documents and his role in the January 6 riot. (How did you do on our quiz?)

On Monday, Barr spouted even more quotes in case we wanted to do an updated version of our game, in an op-ed for the NEW YORK POST headlined “Trump threatens to burn down the GOP, it’s time to move on.” Tell me, did Trump really threaten to burn down the GOP? I didn’t hear that, or anything close to that, and I don’t think he wants to do that, but let’s set that sensationalistic headline aside for the moment and take a thoughtful look at Barr’s commentary.


Barr does allow that Trump has strengths: he’s “clear and direct” in staking out a position (and, yes, that’s so refreshing!); he confronts difficult issues head-on; and he diagnosed and gives voice to the frustration of so many voters fed up with “progressive” Democrats, the elites and the media. Trump, like us, was sick of watching them preside over the decline of America.

Supporting Trump was an act of defiance, he points out, and that is true. Supporters liked the fact that he was over the top. “His voters felt that the left was taking a wrecking ball to the country,” he writes, “and they wanted to strike back with their own.” Also true.

Barr gives Trump credit for substantive achievements, such as “tax reform and deregulatory efforts” that “generated the strongest and most resilient economy in American history --- one that brought unprecedented progress to many marginalized Americans.” And Trump had begun to restore America’s military strength.

“[Trump] correctly identified the economic, technological and military threats to the United States posed by China’s aggressive policies,” Barr acknowledges. He brokered peace deals in the Mideast, accomplishing what many had thought impossible. He pulled us out of “ill-advised and detrimental agreements” with Russia and Iran. He finally fulfilled our promise to move our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.

Yet, with all that he’s given Trump credit for, Barr can’t settle for what he did on the issues. Trump was petty and “made everything about himself,” he says. “If Trump had run his re-election campaign on that platform,” he says, “and dialed his churlishness back just a little, he would have won. But he lost because he insisted on running a campaign centered on whipping up his “base,” with a steady diet of “red meat.” Barr thinks that Trump isn’t really interested in broadening his appeal, that he’s “content to focus on intensifying his personal hold over a faction within the party.”

“The threat is simple,” Barr says, and here’s where NYP editors got their headline: “Unless the rest of the party goes along with him, he will burn the whole house down by leading ‘his people’ out of the GOP.” “Trump’s willingness to destroy the party if he does not get his way is not based on principle,” Barr says, “but on his own supreme narcissism. His egotism makes him unable to think of a political party as anything but an extension of himself –- a cult of personality.”

Unfortunately, it seems to be personality that Barr himself is mostly looking at. He says that in 2016, he “did not see [Trump] as our party’s standard-bearer.” Trump was “grossly self-centered, lacked self-control, and almost always took his natural pugnacity too far.” He found himself “cringing at his frequently juvenile, bombastic and petulant style.” Ah, Trump’s tweets.

And he’s still uneasy with Trump’s “wrecking ball style.” Never mind that in the years since Trump was first inaugurated, and especially since he left office, we’ve seen more and more that needs a wrecking ball taken to it, notably the DOJ that Barr led for some time. (Barr says Trump “failed”; what did Barr do to purge the DOJ of the deep-state bureaucracy that plagues it?)

As we noted on Monday, Barr said he thinks the special counsel will likely have enough evidence to indict Trump on charges related to his possession of documents at Mar-A-Lago. Never mind that the President has THE final authority over what documents are classified or declassified, which means the raid should never have taken place. Barr, of all people, should know this, so imagine the case of Trump Derangement Syndrome he must have to be able to ignore something so basic. He also seems to have ignored the blatantly partisan choice of this particular prosecutor; so far he’s said nothing.

Perhaps Barr is projecting his own TDS onto the voters when he says Trump himself lost the 2020 election and risks losing it all for the GOP in 2024. That seems to be his main concern about re-nominating the former President. He accuses Trump of tailoring his campaigning to his base --- that's such a condescending term, “base” --- and supplying them with the “red meat” they need. Sorry, I don’t agree. I and millions of others who supported Trump were not looking for “red meat.” If he wants to know why we voted for Trump, he should just look back at what he wrote himself about Trump’s strengths.

Many factors influenced the 2020 election. Covid, perhaps more than anything, and the logistical changes to the election process for which covid was the mere pretext, greatly affected the outcome. The collusion between the deep state and the dishonest media that suppressed stories damaging to Joe Biden was another huge factor. We don’t need to re-hash all that right now. For Barr to blame Trump’s loss in 2020 on his personal style is incredibly simplistic.

I think most of us in the GOP are taking a wait-and-see approach to the 2024 election; after all, it’s still two years away. We need to look at every candidate, and Trump might or might not be our eventual nominee. On the issues, though, we have consensus that he was a superb President. And given all the dark forces that have tried to take him down, it’s amazing –- almost superhuman –- that he is still standing and going strong. Perhaps he’s even learned to tone down his bombast when he sees it getting in the way of a particular goal. But Barr is trying so hard right now to talk us out of supporting him, one has to wonder if there’s something else behind it.

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Comments 61-70 of 107

  • Lisa Barnes

    11/23/2022 01:54 PM

    Bill Barr works for the Bush regime which includes Romney, McConnell, Ryan, Cheney, etc. George W is the self appointed godfather of the Republican establishment. They kiss his ring. I voted for both Bush presidents and my family did not fare well financially or in any other way. Although I do not always care for President Trump's comments, most recently those regarding Governor DeSantis, the morale in this country was high and hopeful. More dangerous than the left and Democrats, are the Republicans. And may I add, many faith leaders can be included in this group. They misrepresent God and scripture to promote their self righteous agenda. George W Bush and his family are such with accolades all around. It's a country club. John Piper is one of these "faith" leaders. He fraudulently misrepresented the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in an article from February 17, 2020. He did not document them as originally written. He wrote them in his own words. These are the type of individuals that are more destructive to our freedom and liberty. They are all in the same limo. Thank you for taking my comments.

  • Mavis Pemberton

    11/23/2022 01:48 PM

    My question why do you give Barr a never Trumper such a platform. He I never trusted. Don't care what he thinks. I know Trump is God's David. I am on the winning side. Period.

  • Dobbin Callahan

    11/23/2022 01:43 PM

    I am not a fan of Bill Barr, but I totally agree with him. I voted for Trump twice, but will not support him in the primaries and cannot imagine voting for him if nominated.
    All of Trump's bombastic faults have come to increased, and several candidates have all of the good attributes he used to display without the immense negatives.
    I am glad he was president, but we have far better choices now.

  • Stephen Ernest Mitchell

    11/23/2022 01:42 PM

    You Republicans infuriate me ! You stabbed President Trump in the back , and continue to do it . You never fully accepted him as President because he wasn't a politician ( THANK GOD ) , and he wasn't of the " GOOD OLD BOY NETWORK " ! Now Former " Attorney General " Barr wants to continually berate him . Barr's phony investigation led nowhere , and then he hands it off to Graham , and it dies somewhere , never to be heard from again . I don't trust politicians , regardless of which party they represent . That's one of the reasons that I voted for President Trump , and I believe why a lot more people voted for him . President Trump has a valid reason to be angry and upset , he got a royal shafting from both parties , and the media , and it wasn't deserved . Is he brash , egotistical , narcistic ? Yes , maybe . Who's the biggest egotist , narcistic president we've ever had ? Barry Obama ! Trump believes , loves and wants the best for America , and so do I ! I'm tired of you phony politicians ruining my country and then having endless committees to investigate why it's falling apart ! Look in the mirror !

  • Jan Hynes Morehouse

    11/23/2022 01:40 PM

    My husband and I voted for Trump in the first Primaries - even tho we couldn't believe we did it - we liked his stance on pretty much all policy. We voted for him for president - twice. We think he did a great job - he did things no one has been able to do before. And I wish he were our president now - I think we could have avoided all of the turmoil that has ensued in our country with Biden and his crazy evil court. We don't even know exactly who is running our country. However, I honestly doubt that we would be able to vote for him again - (unless he wins the primary - in that case we would) Although we believe most everything he has said or predicted has come true - and I believe he has been smeared and lied about and treated totally unjustly - he is so hated by the left - and so many of the Republicans who just can't excuse his Jr Hi boy comments and behavior anymore. I wish he could stick to the point - and stop tearing DeSantis and others apart - they are on the same side - he is turning off so many people like myself - and already has my democratic friends (who are more conservative) who would die before voting for him - but probably would vote for a "DeSantis" candidate. We need a grown up version of Trump - can he do that? thanks for listening - praying for our country. You are honestly one of the few politicians who I can say I trust.

  • William Hu

    11/23/2022 01:35 PM

    Thank you for your neutral position to look at issues. President Trump 's amazing historical achievements are even greater than those od President Reagan, but so is his strong-willed personality that caused many to dislike him, which is rather unfortunate. Yet President Trump is not fighting deep-state corruption because of his ego. He has been brave to take on political corruption, which is a good versus evil issue. It matters not just USA but all the peoples who care about what is right or wrong. Barr appears to have been affected by TDS, as you have pointed out. Barr, indeed, has blindsided by his personal dislike of Trump, he couldn't see the great and serious wrongs done and are still doing. He seems to be sincere in trying to neutral and spoke his personal opinions, but his statements are potentially damaging to President Trump's efforts to bring about desperately needed political reform to the USA, which has been regarded as the light house of the world until now. Very sad...

  • Anthony Campetella

    11/23/2022 01:30 PM

    Of Course there is someone behind it! It is Bush jr and Cheney. Cheney is upset how GOP treated
    his daughter. Bush Jr is just a fool, speaking of which, how can anyone be friends with bill Clinton.
    If BARR did his job, the Biden Cartel would be in jail. The other person being paid by Bush Jr and
    Cheney is Paul Ryan. Another Loser!!! So Mr Huckabee, there is the team that trying to take down
    Trump and the country. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • Dawn Street

    11/23/2022 01:29 PM

    PS I hope Donald Trump succeeds in burning the house down. Somebody has to do it. DC is a nasty, ungodly place. I would love to see our Capitol relocated to a more central location without all the fal de rol and fiddle dee dee Masonic/Luciferian symbols. We need a brand new House and Senate. White House has been sullied and abused. Abandon DC and let it become a Tourist Trap like Disney World but full of museums of what it was.

  • Deb Fazzi

    11/23/2022 01:25 PM

    Terrific piece, governor. It's so nice to read your words of reason amidst the lunacy!

  • Dawn Street

    11/23/2022 01:24 PM

    When Donald Trump chose Bill Barr, I wondered why he chose him. I did not trust him from the start. I hoped he would do what was required but he was an abject disappointment and I could see he did not have the heart for the job. Deep State cojones. Not surprised he is still plunging the proverbial "knife in the back". He will continue to be a problem. Some people just love to be critics and to be in the spotlight. He has some issues.

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