Today's News Stories

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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Comments 151-175 of 344

  • Bruce Slaughter

    02/05/2021 02:22 PM

    I agree that a third party would be a disaster. But, we need to stop the “career “ politicians from staying in Washington. The reason Trump was so accepted, he was a true statesman, not a politician. We need more candidates like him! The “party” should not have such power to tell us who we CAN vote for. We need to start overhauling the party at the ground level.

  • Joe Webb

    02/05/2021 02:21 PM

    Right on, Governor. It's a mystery to me why conservatives get mad and refuse to vote, or want a third alternative when libs never seem to get caught in that trap. Even RINOs are better than dems; at least, they vote to organize the House or Senate for Republicans even if they don't vote a true conservative line. The dems always vote together. In some states, RINOs are the only Republicans who can get elected, better than a dem.

  • Jim Thomas

    02/05/2021 02:21 PM

    I think you comments about the Georgia runoff are incorrect. First of all, you speak as if what you say is the truth, when in fact, its just an opinion. Too many in the media think whatever comes from their mouths is the truth - don't be another one of them. Secondly, the two Repubs were a 1) uber rich Rino and 2) a uber rich crook/princess who increased her treasure chest at the expense of the people she was elected to serve - and - without penalty. Thirdly, you lay the entire blame for the takeover on Georgia. What about all the other states that elected Demos? Its certainly not the fault of Georgia that the Repub party had so little to offer us. Fourthly, you assume that more people voting would result in a Repub victory - merely wishful thinking.

  • Ronalie Siler

    02/05/2021 02:18 PM

    They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
    unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

  • Sam Fuller

    02/05/2021 02:18 PM

    I just wanted to leave my 2 cents worth.
    Having a third party landed the Clinton-nazis
    In the White House twice.

  • Terry Silver

    02/05/2021 02:15 PM

    I have always had the greatest respect for your opinions & insight, but in this case, I wonder if you truly grasp the anger/mistrust that those of us who have voted, for all these GOP politicians over the years have; I think I speak for many, so tired of being lied to again & again. I have voted for many years, as I believed, if you do not vote, you have no grounds to complain, but I am with Stephen R, the Republican Party as it is, is toast, useless and sadly no trust. We do not believe, look at what Blackburn and Hagerty did, they cut and ran, TN wants them gone. Every organization that Mike Pence puts his name to, is losing supporters. Start stacking these things up, one by one and there will be very little support for republicans.
    You know what Trump did, he brought pride to this country, the GOP no so much.
    Sincerely, praying for all.

  • Larry Peterson

    02/05/2021 02:13 PM

    Thank you Gov Huckabee for letting us comment.
    This is what I'd like to see the Republicans do:
    Update the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders did a fantastic job, but now we know its weaknesses.
    We could apply what we now know by: 1) Making all members of Congress including the President have 6-year terms with a 2 term limit. Right now they just wait until the next President. 2) Require a 2/3 vote both Houses to impeach the President. 3) Lock in the Supreme Court at nine Justices. 4) Make it extremely difficult to add a new state. 5) Put in safeguards against voter fraud.

  • Rich Swift

    02/05/2021 02:13 PM

    Good afternoon Govenor,
    I appreciate your newsletter and your efforts to discuss things which others won't or can't. I also wish Sarah the best in her run for office, you should be proud.

    Some items trouble me as an American, perhaps you can help. No level of lie, cheat, or steal, seems to be beyond the left and they support each other consistently. We play by the rules which is dependant on the rule of law and the expectation that government branches and agencies can be relied upon to do their jobs and be guided by our Constitution and handle issues impartially.

    The IRS, FBI, CIA, and DOJ have been weaponized with great successes. The Supreme Court is in hiding and refuses to review any facts to clear up issues. State Supreme Courts and Federal Courts don't seem to pass judgments based on our laws. The blatant biased application of prosecutorial efforts as seen in General Flynn as opposed to BLM rioters, Hunter Biden, Comey, Lois Lerner, Clinton, FBI attorneys altering evidence, voter fraud accusations, or scores of others on the left. An election system riddled with issues serious enough to call to question the legitimacy of any of them. Our education system is weaponized and politically bias. 1984 censorship. Elected officials which only seem to care about politics and not our Country.

    At what point does an American that loves America, say enough is enough. I don't see a path or plan out there which is believable or satisfactory to resolve these troubling issues. Are we just the frogs that one by one are being slowly boiled to death?

    Do we need a comprehensive plan to address the big fix or is it left to sending money and being patient to slowly trying to elect others in a possible fixed election environment. I don't see this ending well as it stands. Does anyone have a grip on this mess? My hopes are dimming.


  • Miriam R Moore

    02/05/2021 02:12 PM

    You are soooo right Gov. I can't believe that Stephen can't understand this. It's common third grade arithmetic! Voting for the other party because you don't like someone, as many have said they did, can only serve to dig ones grave deeper.
    Lets pray that these 'get back atcha' people wake up and use some common sense. They are the reason we are where we are now!

  • Joey Lee

    02/05/2021 02:11 PM

    Gov. I'm a 27year Arky transplanted ax nted from Florida. I appreciate you. But this dont do 3rd party isnt going to cut it. People have had enough. The establishment is the same for both major parties. What I think you'll see is enough republican voters will follow away from the GOP that the establishment will officially combine and the new party, what ever you want to call it will flourish. I understand why you say it's a mistake to do it. But sir, its already been done. It's just time to make it official. There's no way the Patriot part of the conservative party will be beaten in a legitimate election. The only way is to cheat like the did in this one. I fully plan to commit to it if and when it is officially a party. This so called hodge podge of republican rinos will not get a vote from me for anything. Another party based on what our REAL PRESIDENT stands for will be wildly successful. I'm actually looking forward to it. This republican party as it stands now has got to go fir the sake of our country. Thank you sir for allowing me to participate.

  • Debbie Howard

    02/05/2021 02:10 PM

    How do we rid the party of the current GOP leadership of McConnell/McCarthy? They are totally bought by big donors. The GOP can’t go forward without divesting itself of these RINOS. They are re-elected because they have the most corporate corrupt backing. That’s why it’s so appealing to start fresh with a MAGA agenda and rid ourselves of this corruption.

  • Ed Thompson

    02/05/2021 02:10 PM

    With all due respect Sir, how do you know the republican voters in Georgia stayed home and didn’t vote? Given what has been uncovered in Michigan with the machines used to record votes, my mind says “maybe” the truth is that the vote was there but, as those machines showed, there’s a very real possibility they were tampered with when no one was looking or even when everyone was looking!! How else can you explain the strange information that every one of the twenty machines that were examined had every election they were ever used in except the one that Donald Trump “lost”? Observers were kept away from the people who were seen using the same ballot over and over again and again from a distance yet were never allowed to investigate the reason why! Talking about the Presidential election, but the same process “could have happened” in Georgia. I just don’t know. If the Republican voters in Georgia are as lazy as what the results ended up as, then truly there’s a big problem there. I just don’t know if that’s the case. And if this sounds like anything like a conspiracy theory case, well, take a look at the Presidential election here in Pennsylvania. Sorry but I’m not buying everything was on the up and up! Not now not ever!

  • Valentin Bazavan

    02/05/2021 02:06 PM

    Let's face it. there are very few true conservatives left in the Republican party, so the party has become irrelevant as far as representative of conservative values. You'll see what will happen: The democrat party will drive more and more to the left becoming a communisto-fascist party (Think about the fusion of the Stalin's Communist party with Hitler's National Socialist party and you might figure out the future of this country.)In the meantime the Republican party will move to the left to fill in the void left by the traditional Democrat party and win the praise of the leftist media The true conservatives will be slowly pushed out of the party. Look at how many never-Trumpers are Republicans, what happened lately to Marjorie Taylor Greene and how the establishment Republicans try to reestablish their control after Donald Trump. Is this what you would like? Maybe a third party is not the solution, but it's obvious that the Republican party can be considered no longer the home of conservatism. Personally, I will change my registration to Libertarian for the next election cycle, if I'll be still around.
    Valentin Bazavan
    Harrison, Idaho

  • Terrence Scott

    02/05/2021 02:05 PM

    Gov Huckabee,

    I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

    I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

    I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
    If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

    My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

    I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?

  • Lynette S

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    You listed three things; 1. I think they did create it, but that's not the reason for my comment; 2. I agree we don't want a third party it would diluted the vote to a democrat win; however... 3. A stolen election that has put a lie into the white house is clear evidence that they can and will steal any and every vote from now on... it is clear NO VOTE MATTERS. I don't take that decision lightly. I have always voted, I consider it my duty as an American citizen. This is the first time my VOTE did not matter. So I see no reason to expect it ever will again. Trump won, and yet Resident biden is in the white house. That is just Wrong.

  • Phil Winter

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    A new moderate party might draw conservative Democrats. I’m sure many are not proud of their party today

  • Michael Sumner

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    Not one of your three reasons creates a greater difficulty than taking back the party. Did you notice McConnell and other republicans backing democrats in the action against Marjorie Taylor Greene? The SC refuse to even look at the Texas case?

  • Julie Asberry

    02/05/2021 02:00 PM

    I completely understand your point, but how do we get the GOP to STICK TOGETHER like the Democrats do? How do we demand them fight as hard for each other as well as their constituents? For example how can Marjorie Taylor Greene be removed from her committee assignment, yet Eric Swalwell goes unchecked and is STILL on the foreign intelligence committee. What gives? This is the reason we are so upset at the do nothing GOP. We are tired of the hypocrisy. How can I help in my home state to primary these weak links. Signed, a concerned AMERICAN in Michigan.

  • Margaret Brown

    02/05/2021 01:57 PM

    I appreciate your news letter and you’re opinion. I also appreciate the opinion you’re readers.
    Im not sure what the complete solution would be except term limits, no pay for play , no perks and our government officials to have the same healthcare etc. that the people they “serve” have to deal with!!! Trump brought alot to light for Americans... we now know that one single individual can be a threat to their political skin, thats all these swamp creatures care about!! Life time politicians have got to go!!

  • Terry Vauht

    02/05/2021 01:55 PM

    Hi Mike, enjoy your newsletter.
    Now, as for a third party, I completely agree with you that republicans would never win again if splintered into a third party.
    My idea of a 3rd party is different. It would take just the right person, someone who is able to find a way to get the backing of the silent majority, America's middle of the road people. They would need to be able to resonate with both the moderate republicans and the moderate democrats.
    Then those on the farther out right and left sides can keep their respective parties but couldn't compete with a larger, moderate party.
    I doubt this will ever happen though. The media won't allow it for one thing, and neither will either of the two major parties. They wouldn't be allowed in the debates and they wouldn't get the media coverage. The reality is we are stuck with what we have now and that's too bad because we really do need a moderate party.

    As for the future, I am very concerned that the republicans are going to have a very hard time winning again. Now that the democrats have learned how to get away with stealing an election that I believe was a Trump victory it is going to take a real push to get a republican elected president. With the media now clearly involved and having an obvious bias I don't see the path for this outcome.
    I could seriously see us go down a road of one party rule with serious censorship or I guess the current term is the cancel culture.
    Recently Governor DeSantis did a great job identifying and calling out this activity in his comments to the media (
    I guess we can only hope the democrats mess things up so badly that people won't vote for them despite the media.

  • Arnetta Armstrong

    02/05/2021 01:54 PM

    You are absolutely right. Thank you for letting me know that is how this works.
    Thanks for keeping me informed
    A. B. A.

  • Susan Wilson

    02/05/2021 01:52 PM

    Thank you for your down-to-earth common sense—one party. The GOP needs to recognize and use the qualities 45 brought to both the party and to contemporary politics. He avoided tired euphemisms and totally abandoned the standard political operating system of thinking and doing the same things and expecting a different result—the definition of insanity. Instead he saw, thought, and acted outside the box, not much caring who he ran over or backed into. That’s who we need to be (minus the tweets). We need to define who we are, develop a plan, and press hard on the pedal. My agenda items are ensuring election integrity, using plain speak, I.e., a lie is a lie, and developing great candidates at all levels.

  • Paul Naleid

    02/05/2021 01:52 PM

    Gov Huckabee, I love your optimism. But at this point after yesterday and 11 congressman going against Marjorie Greene Who if you watched her press conference this morning you would say she’s the right woman for the job versus the 11th that aren’t. There are too many of them. It’s all nice to primary them but there’s a lot of money in the GOP, and I think that’s why we’re here right now. So you and Dan BonGino are wonderful, But there’s no action here. There’s a lot a nice talk, but no let’s rally the troops. We need that right now, too many people are frustrated and angry. And if you don’t start proving that this is a better decision you will lose them. So let’s see some action, I believe in you, you write well, your cohesive, action needs to speak louder than words.

  • JanC

    02/05/2021 01:51 PM

    Excellent article!!! !00% right on and thank you!!!!

  • Terrence Scott

    02/05/2021 01:47 PM

    Gov Huckabee,

    I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

    I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

    I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
    If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

    My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

    I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?

Election 2024 Coverage

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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  • Bruce Slaughter

    02/05/2021 02:22 PM

    I agree that a third party would be a disaster. But, we need to stop the “career “ politicians from staying in Washington. The reason Trump was so accepted, he was a true statesman, not a politician. We need more candidates like him! The “party” should not have such power to tell us who we CAN vote for. We need to start overhauling the party at the ground level.

  • Joe Webb

    02/05/2021 02:21 PM

    Right on, Governor. It's a mystery to me why conservatives get mad and refuse to vote, or want a third alternative when libs never seem to get caught in that trap. Even RINOs are better than dems; at least, they vote to organize the House or Senate for Republicans even if they don't vote a true conservative line. The dems always vote together. In some states, RINOs are the only Republicans who can get elected, better than a dem.

  • Jim Thomas

    02/05/2021 02:21 PM

    I think you comments about the Georgia runoff are incorrect. First of all, you speak as if what you say is the truth, when in fact, its just an opinion. Too many in the media think whatever comes from their mouths is the truth - don't be another one of them. Secondly, the two Repubs were a 1) uber rich Rino and 2) a uber rich crook/princess who increased her treasure chest at the expense of the people she was elected to serve - and - without penalty. Thirdly, you lay the entire blame for the takeover on Georgia. What about all the other states that elected Demos? Its certainly not the fault of Georgia that the Repub party had so little to offer us. Fourthly, you assume that more people voting would result in a Repub victory - merely wishful thinking.

  • Ronalie Siler

    02/05/2021 02:18 PM

    They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
    unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

  • Sam Fuller

    02/05/2021 02:18 PM

    I just wanted to leave my 2 cents worth.
    Having a third party landed the Clinton-nazis
    In the White House twice.

  • Terry Silver

    02/05/2021 02:15 PM

    I have always had the greatest respect for your opinions & insight, but in this case, I wonder if you truly grasp the anger/mistrust that those of us who have voted, for all these GOP politicians over the years have; I think I speak for many, so tired of being lied to again & again. I have voted for many years, as I believed, if you do not vote, you have no grounds to complain, but I am with Stephen R, the Republican Party as it is, is toast, useless and sadly no trust. We do not believe, look at what Blackburn and Hagerty did, they cut and ran, TN wants them gone. Every organization that Mike Pence puts his name to, is losing supporters. Start stacking these things up, one by one and there will be very little support for republicans.
    You know what Trump did, he brought pride to this country, the GOP no so much.
    Sincerely, praying for all.

  • Larry Peterson

    02/05/2021 02:13 PM

    Thank you Gov Huckabee for letting us comment.
    This is what I'd like to see the Republicans do:
    Update the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders did a fantastic job, but now we know its weaknesses.
    We could apply what we now know by: 1) Making all members of Congress including the President have 6-year terms with a 2 term limit. Right now they just wait until the next President. 2) Require a 2/3 vote both Houses to impeach the President. 3) Lock in the Supreme Court at nine Justices. 4) Make it extremely difficult to add a new state. 5) Put in safeguards against voter fraud.

  • Rich Swift

    02/05/2021 02:13 PM

    Good afternoon Govenor,
    I appreciate your newsletter and your efforts to discuss things which others won't or can't. I also wish Sarah the best in her run for office, you should be proud.

    Some items trouble me as an American, perhaps you can help. No level of lie, cheat, or steal, seems to be beyond the left and they support each other consistently. We play by the rules which is dependant on the rule of law and the expectation that government branches and agencies can be relied upon to do their jobs and be guided by our Constitution and handle issues impartially.

    The IRS, FBI, CIA, and DOJ have been weaponized with great successes. The Supreme Court is in hiding and refuses to review any facts to clear up issues. State Supreme Courts and Federal Courts don't seem to pass judgments based on our laws. The blatant biased application of prosecutorial efforts as seen in General Flynn as opposed to BLM rioters, Hunter Biden, Comey, Lois Lerner, Clinton, FBI attorneys altering evidence, voter fraud accusations, or scores of others on the left. An election system riddled with issues serious enough to call to question the legitimacy of any of them. Our education system is weaponized and politically bias. 1984 censorship. Elected officials which only seem to care about politics and not our Country.

    At what point does an American that loves America, say enough is enough. I don't see a path or plan out there which is believable or satisfactory to resolve these troubling issues. Are we just the frogs that one by one are being slowly boiled to death?

    Do we need a comprehensive plan to address the big fix or is it left to sending money and being patient to slowly trying to elect others in a possible fixed election environment. I don't see this ending well as it stands. Does anyone have a grip on this mess? My hopes are dimming.


  • Miriam R Moore

    02/05/2021 02:12 PM

    You are soooo right Gov. I can't believe that Stephen can't understand this. It's common third grade arithmetic! Voting for the other party because you don't like someone, as many have said they did, can only serve to dig ones grave deeper.
    Lets pray that these 'get back atcha' people wake up and use some common sense. They are the reason we are where we are now!

  • Joey Lee

    02/05/2021 02:11 PM

    Gov. I'm a 27year Arky transplanted ax nted from Florida. I appreciate you. But this dont do 3rd party isnt going to cut it. People have had enough. The establishment is the same for both major parties. What I think you'll see is enough republican voters will follow away from the GOP that the establishment will officially combine and the new party, what ever you want to call it will flourish. I understand why you say it's a mistake to do it. But sir, its already been done. It's just time to make it official. There's no way the Patriot part of the conservative party will be beaten in a legitimate election. The only way is to cheat like the did in this one. I fully plan to commit to it if and when it is officially a party. This so called hodge podge of republican rinos will not get a vote from me for anything. Another party based on what our REAL PRESIDENT stands for will be wildly successful. I'm actually looking forward to it. This republican party as it stands now has got to go fir the sake of our country. Thank you sir for allowing me to participate.

  • Debbie Howard

    02/05/2021 02:10 PM

    How do we rid the party of the current GOP leadership of McConnell/McCarthy? They are totally bought by big donors. The GOP can’t go forward without divesting itself of these RINOS. They are re-elected because they have the most corporate corrupt backing. That’s why it’s so appealing to start fresh with a MAGA agenda and rid ourselves of this corruption.

  • Ed Thompson

    02/05/2021 02:10 PM

    With all due respect Sir, how do you know the republican voters in Georgia stayed home and didn’t vote? Given what has been uncovered in Michigan with the machines used to record votes, my mind says “maybe” the truth is that the vote was there but, as those machines showed, there’s a very real possibility they were tampered with when no one was looking or even when everyone was looking!! How else can you explain the strange information that every one of the twenty machines that were examined had every election they were ever used in except the one that Donald Trump “lost”? Observers were kept away from the people who were seen using the same ballot over and over again and again from a distance yet were never allowed to investigate the reason why! Talking about the Presidential election, but the same process “could have happened” in Georgia. I just don’t know. If the Republican voters in Georgia are as lazy as what the results ended up as, then truly there’s a big problem there. I just don’t know if that’s the case. And if this sounds like anything like a conspiracy theory case, well, take a look at the Presidential election here in Pennsylvania. Sorry but I’m not buying everything was on the up and up! Not now not ever!

  • Valentin Bazavan

    02/05/2021 02:06 PM

    Let's face it. there are very few true conservatives left in the Republican party, so the party has become irrelevant as far as representative of conservative values. You'll see what will happen: The democrat party will drive more and more to the left becoming a communisto-fascist party (Think about the fusion of the Stalin's Communist party with Hitler's National Socialist party and you might figure out the future of this country.)In the meantime the Republican party will move to the left to fill in the void left by the traditional Democrat party and win the praise of the leftist media The true conservatives will be slowly pushed out of the party. Look at how many never-Trumpers are Republicans, what happened lately to Marjorie Taylor Greene and how the establishment Republicans try to reestablish their control after Donald Trump. Is this what you would like? Maybe a third party is not the solution, but it's obvious that the Republican party can be considered no longer the home of conservatism. Personally, I will change my registration to Libertarian for the next election cycle, if I'll be still around.
    Valentin Bazavan
    Harrison, Idaho

  • Terrence Scott

    02/05/2021 02:05 PM

    Gov Huckabee,

    I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

    I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

    I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
    If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

    My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

    I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?

  • Lynette S

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    You listed three things; 1. I think they did create it, but that's not the reason for my comment; 2. I agree we don't want a third party it would diluted the vote to a democrat win; however... 3. A stolen election that has put a lie into the white house is clear evidence that they can and will steal any and every vote from now on... it is clear NO VOTE MATTERS. I don't take that decision lightly. I have always voted, I consider it my duty as an American citizen. This is the first time my VOTE did not matter. So I see no reason to expect it ever will again. Trump won, and yet Resident biden is in the white house. That is just Wrong.

  • Phil Winter

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    A new moderate party might draw conservative Democrats. I’m sure many are not proud of their party today

  • Michael Sumner

    02/05/2021 02:02 PM

    Not one of your three reasons creates a greater difficulty than taking back the party. Did you notice McConnell and other republicans backing democrats in the action against Marjorie Taylor Greene? The SC refuse to even look at the Texas case?

  • Julie Asberry

    02/05/2021 02:00 PM

    I completely understand your point, but how do we get the GOP to STICK TOGETHER like the Democrats do? How do we demand them fight as hard for each other as well as their constituents? For example how can Marjorie Taylor Greene be removed from her committee assignment, yet Eric Swalwell goes unchecked and is STILL on the foreign intelligence committee. What gives? This is the reason we are so upset at the do nothing GOP. We are tired of the hypocrisy. How can I help in my home state to primary these weak links. Signed, a concerned AMERICAN in Michigan.

  • Margaret Brown

    02/05/2021 01:57 PM

    I appreciate your news letter and you’re opinion. I also appreciate the opinion you’re readers.
    Im not sure what the complete solution would be except term limits, no pay for play , no perks and our government officials to have the same healthcare etc. that the people they “serve” have to deal with!!! Trump brought alot to light for Americans... we now know that one single individual can be a threat to their political skin, thats all these swamp creatures care about!! Life time politicians have got to go!!

  • Terry Vauht

    02/05/2021 01:55 PM

    Hi Mike, enjoy your newsletter.
    Now, as for a third party, I completely agree with you that republicans would never win again if splintered into a third party.
    My idea of a 3rd party is different. It would take just the right person, someone who is able to find a way to get the backing of the silent majority, America's middle of the road people. They would need to be able to resonate with both the moderate republicans and the moderate democrats.
    Then those on the farther out right and left sides can keep their respective parties but couldn't compete with a larger, moderate party.
    I doubt this will ever happen though. The media won't allow it for one thing, and neither will either of the two major parties. They wouldn't be allowed in the debates and they wouldn't get the media coverage. The reality is we are stuck with what we have now and that's too bad because we really do need a moderate party.

    As for the future, I am very concerned that the republicans are going to have a very hard time winning again. Now that the democrats have learned how to get away with stealing an election that I believe was a Trump victory it is going to take a real push to get a republican elected president. With the media now clearly involved and having an obvious bias I don't see the path for this outcome.
    I could seriously see us go down a road of one party rule with serious censorship or I guess the current term is the cancel culture.
    Recently Governor DeSantis did a great job identifying and calling out this activity in his comments to the media (
    I guess we can only hope the democrats mess things up so badly that people won't vote for them despite the media.

  • Arnetta Armstrong

    02/05/2021 01:54 PM

    You are absolutely right. Thank you for letting me know that is how this works.
    Thanks for keeping me informed
    A. B. A.

  • Susan Wilson

    02/05/2021 01:52 PM

    Thank you for your down-to-earth common sense—one party. The GOP needs to recognize and use the qualities 45 brought to both the party and to contemporary politics. He avoided tired euphemisms and totally abandoned the standard political operating system of thinking and doing the same things and expecting a different result—the definition of insanity. Instead he saw, thought, and acted outside the box, not much caring who he ran over or backed into. That’s who we need to be (minus the tweets). We need to define who we are, develop a plan, and press hard on the pedal. My agenda items are ensuring election integrity, using plain speak, I.e., a lie is a lie, and developing great candidates at all levels.

  • Paul Naleid

    02/05/2021 01:52 PM

    Gov Huckabee, I love your optimism. But at this point after yesterday and 11 congressman going against Marjorie Greene Who if you watched her press conference this morning you would say she’s the right woman for the job versus the 11th that aren’t. There are too many of them. It’s all nice to primary them but there’s a lot of money in the GOP, and I think that’s why we’re here right now. So you and Dan BonGino are wonderful, But there’s no action here. There’s a lot a nice talk, but no let’s rally the troops. We need that right now, too many people are frustrated and angry. And if you don’t start proving that this is a better decision you will lose them. So let’s see some action, I believe in you, you write well, your cohesive, action needs to speak louder than words.

  • JanC

    02/05/2021 01:51 PM

    Excellent article!!! !00% right on and thank you!!!!

  • Terrence Scott

    02/05/2021 01:47 PM

    Gov Huckabee,

    I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

    I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

    I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
    If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

    My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

    I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    February 5, 2021

    After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

    From Stephen R:

    You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

    What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

    From the Gov:

    Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

    Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

    Are you out of your mind?

    The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

    Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

    But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

    That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

    When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

    Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

    Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

    Things the left would love to see from us:

    1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

    2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

    3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

    We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

    But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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    Comments 151-175 of 344

    • Bruce Slaughter

      02/05/2021 02:22 PM

      I agree that a third party would be a disaster. But, we need to stop the “career “ politicians from staying in Washington. The reason Trump was so accepted, he was a true statesman, not a politician. We need more candidates like him! The “party” should not have such power to tell us who we CAN vote for. We need to start overhauling the party at the ground level.

    • Joe Webb

      02/05/2021 02:21 PM

      Right on, Governor. It's a mystery to me why conservatives get mad and refuse to vote, or want a third alternative when libs never seem to get caught in that trap. Even RINOs are better than dems; at least, they vote to organize the House or Senate for Republicans even if they don't vote a true conservative line. The dems always vote together. In some states, RINOs are the only Republicans who can get elected, better than a dem.

    • Jim Thomas

      02/05/2021 02:21 PM

      I think you comments about the Georgia runoff are incorrect. First of all, you speak as if what you say is the truth, when in fact, its just an opinion. Too many in the media think whatever comes from their mouths is the truth - don't be another one of them. Secondly, the two Repubs were a 1) uber rich Rino and 2) a uber rich crook/princess who increased her treasure chest at the expense of the people she was elected to serve - and - without penalty. Thirdly, you lay the entire blame for the takeover on Georgia. What about all the other states that elected Demos? Its certainly not the fault of Georgia that the Repub party had so little to offer us. Fourthly, you assume that more people voting would result in a Repub victory - merely wishful thinking.

    • Ronalie Siler

      02/05/2021 02:18 PM

      They say Liz Cheney voted her conscience. Where is her conscience that the whole process she voted for is
      unconstitutionall ? I doubt that she voted the way her supporters expected her to vote. The same goes for the other 9 that voted for the impeachment. They need to be replaced with strong loyal Republicans. The turn coats in Congress is just like having a Democrat posing as a Republican .

    • Sam Fuller

      02/05/2021 02:18 PM

      I just wanted to leave my 2 cents worth.
      Having a third party landed the Clinton-nazis
      In the White House twice.

    • Terry Silver

      02/05/2021 02:15 PM

      I have always had the greatest respect for your opinions & insight, but in this case, I wonder if you truly grasp the anger/mistrust that those of us who have voted, for all these GOP politicians over the years have; I think I speak for many, so tired of being lied to again & again. I have voted for many years, as I believed, if you do not vote, you have no grounds to complain, but I am with Stephen R, the Republican Party as it is, is toast, useless and sadly no trust. We do not believe, look at what Blackburn and Hagerty did, they cut and ran, TN wants them gone. Every organization that Mike Pence puts his name to, is losing supporters. Start stacking these things up, one by one and there will be very little support for republicans.
      You know what Trump did, he brought pride to this country, the GOP no so much.
      Sincerely, praying for all.

    • Larry Peterson

      02/05/2021 02:13 PM

      Thank you Gov Huckabee for letting us comment.
      This is what I'd like to see the Republicans do:
      Update the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders did a fantastic job, but now we know its weaknesses.
      We could apply what we now know by: 1) Making all members of Congress including the President have 6-year terms with a 2 term limit. Right now they just wait until the next President. 2) Require a 2/3 vote both Houses to impeach the President. 3) Lock in the Supreme Court at nine Justices. 4) Make it extremely difficult to add a new state. 5) Put in safeguards against voter fraud.

    • Rich Swift

      02/05/2021 02:13 PM

      Good afternoon Govenor,
      I appreciate your newsletter and your efforts to discuss things which others won't or can't. I also wish Sarah the best in her run for office, you should be proud.

      Some items trouble me as an American, perhaps you can help. No level of lie, cheat, or steal, seems to be beyond the left and they support each other consistently. We play by the rules which is dependant on the rule of law and the expectation that government branches and agencies can be relied upon to do their jobs and be guided by our Constitution and handle issues impartially.

      The IRS, FBI, CIA, and DOJ have been weaponized with great successes. The Supreme Court is in hiding and refuses to review any facts to clear up issues. State Supreme Courts and Federal Courts don't seem to pass judgments based on our laws. The blatant biased application of prosecutorial efforts as seen in General Flynn as opposed to BLM rioters, Hunter Biden, Comey, Lois Lerner, Clinton, FBI attorneys altering evidence, voter fraud accusations, or scores of others on the left. An election system riddled with issues serious enough to call to question the legitimacy of any of them. Our education system is weaponized and politically bias. 1984 censorship. Elected officials which only seem to care about politics and not our Country.

      At what point does an American that loves America, say enough is enough. I don't see a path or plan out there which is believable or satisfactory to resolve these troubling issues. Are we just the frogs that one by one are being slowly boiled to death?

      Do we need a comprehensive plan to address the big fix or is it left to sending money and being patient to slowly trying to elect others in a possible fixed election environment. I don't see this ending well as it stands. Does anyone have a grip on this mess? My hopes are dimming.


    • Miriam R Moore

      02/05/2021 02:12 PM

      You are soooo right Gov. I can't believe that Stephen can't understand this. It's common third grade arithmetic! Voting for the other party because you don't like someone, as many have said they did, can only serve to dig ones grave deeper.
      Lets pray that these 'get back atcha' people wake up and use some common sense. They are the reason we are where we are now!

    • Joey Lee

      02/05/2021 02:11 PM

      Gov. I'm a 27year Arky transplanted ax nted from Florida. I appreciate you. But this dont do 3rd party isnt going to cut it. People have had enough. The establishment is the same for both major parties. What I think you'll see is enough republican voters will follow away from the GOP that the establishment will officially combine and the new party, what ever you want to call it will flourish. I understand why you say it's a mistake to do it. But sir, its already been done. It's just time to make it official. There's no way the Patriot part of the conservative party will be beaten in a legitimate election. The only way is to cheat like the did in this one. I fully plan to commit to it if and when it is officially a party. This so called hodge podge of republican rinos will not get a vote from me for anything. Another party based on what our REAL PRESIDENT stands for will be wildly successful. I'm actually looking forward to it. This republican party as it stands now has got to go fir the sake of our country. Thank you sir for allowing me to participate.

    • Debbie Howard

      02/05/2021 02:10 PM

      How do we rid the party of the current GOP leadership of McConnell/McCarthy? They are totally bought by big donors. The GOP can’t go forward without divesting itself of these RINOS. They are re-elected because they have the most corporate corrupt backing. That’s why it’s so appealing to start fresh with a MAGA agenda and rid ourselves of this corruption.

    • Ed Thompson

      02/05/2021 02:10 PM

      With all due respect Sir, how do you know the republican voters in Georgia stayed home and didn’t vote? Given what has been uncovered in Michigan with the machines used to record votes, my mind says “maybe” the truth is that the vote was there but, as those machines showed, there’s a very real possibility they were tampered with when no one was looking or even when everyone was looking!! How else can you explain the strange information that every one of the twenty machines that were examined had every election they were ever used in except the one that Donald Trump “lost”? Observers were kept away from the people who were seen using the same ballot over and over again and again from a distance yet were never allowed to investigate the reason why! Talking about the Presidential election, but the same process “could have happened” in Georgia. I just don’t know. If the Republican voters in Georgia are as lazy as what the results ended up as, then truly there’s a big problem there. I just don’t know if that’s the case. And if this sounds like anything like a conspiracy theory case, well, take a look at the Presidential election here in Pennsylvania. Sorry but I’m not buying everything was on the up and up! Not now not ever!

    • Valentin Bazavan

      02/05/2021 02:06 PM

      Let's face it. there are very few true conservatives left in the Republican party, so the party has become irrelevant as far as representative of conservative values. You'll see what will happen: The democrat party will drive more and more to the left becoming a communisto-fascist party (Think about the fusion of the Stalin's Communist party with Hitler's National Socialist party and you might figure out the future of this country.)In the meantime the Republican party will move to the left to fill in the void left by the traditional Democrat party and win the praise of the leftist media The true conservatives will be slowly pushed out of the party. Look at how many never-Trumpers are Republicans, what happened lately to Marjorie Taylor Greene and how the establishment Republicans try to reestablish their control after Donald Trump. Is this what you would like? Maybe a third party is not the solution, but it's obvious that the Republican party can be considered no longer the home of conservatism. Personally, I will change my registration to Libertarian for the next election cycle, if I'll be still around.
      Valentin Bazavan
      Harrison, Idaho

    • Terrence Scott

      02/05/2021 02:05 PM

      Gov Huckabee,

      I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

      I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

      I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
      If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

      My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

      I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?

    • Lynette S

      02/05/2021 02:02 PM

      You listed three things; 1. I think they did create it, but that's not the reason for my comment; 2. I agree we don't want a third party it would diluted the vote to a democrat win; however... 3. A stolen election that has put a lie into the white house is clear evidence that they can and will steal any and every vote from now on... it is clear NO VOTE MATTERS. I don't take that decision lightly. I have always voted, I consider it my duty as an American citizen. This is the first time my VOTE did not matter. So I see no reason to expect it ever will again. Trump won, and yet Resident biden is in the white house. That is just Wrong.

    • Phil Winter

      02/05/2021 02:02 PM

      A new moderate party might draw conservative Democrats. I’m sure many are not proud of their party today

    • Michael Sumner

      02/05/2021 02:02 PM

      Not one of your three reasons creates a greater difficulty than taking back the party. Did you notice McConnell and other republicans backing democrats in the action against Marjorie Taylor Greene? The SC refuse to even look at the Texas case?

    • Julie Asberry

      02/05/2021 02:00 PM

      I completely understand your point, but how do we get the GOP to STICK TOGETHER like the Democrats do? How do we demand them fight as hard for each other as well as their constituents? For example how can Marjorie Taylor Greene be removed from her committee assignment, yet Eric Swalwell goes unchecked and is STILL on the foreign intelligence committee. What gives? This is the reason we are so upset at the do nothing GOP. We are tired of the hypocrisy. How can I help in my home state to primary these weak links. Signed, a concerned AMERICAN in Michigan.

    • Margaret Brown

      02/05/2021 01:57 PM

      I appreciate your news letter and you’re opinion. I also appreciate the opinion you’re readers.
      Im not sure what the complete solution would be except term limits, no pay for play , no perks and our government officials to have the same healthcare etc. that the people they “serve” have to deal with!!! Trump brought alot to light for Americans... we now know that one single individual can be a threat to their political skin, thats all these swamp creatures care about!! Life time politicians have got to go!!

    • Terry Vauht

      02/05/2021 01:55 PM

      Hi Mike, enjoy your newsletter.
      Now, as for a third party, I completely agree with you that republicans would never win again if splintered into a third party.
      My idea of a 3rd party is different. It would take just the right person, someone who is able to find a way to get the backing of the silent majority, America's middle of the road people. They would need to be able to resonate with both the moderate republicans and the moderate democrats.
      Then those on the farther out right and left sides can keep their respective parties but couldn't compete with a larger, moderate party.
      I doubt this will ever happen though. The media won't allow it for one thing, and neither will either of the two major parties. They wouldn't be allowed in the debates and they wouldn't get the media coverage. The reality is we are stuck with what we have now and that's too bad because we really do need a moderate party.

      As for the future, I am very concerned that the republicans are going to have a very hard time winning again. Now that the democrats have learned how to get away with stealing an election that I believe was a Trump victory it is going to take a real push to get a republican elected president. With the media now clearly involved and having an obvious bias I don't see the path for this outcome.
      I could seriously see us go down a road of one party rule with serious censorship or I guess the current term is the cancel culture.
      Recently Governor DeSantis did a great job identifying and calling out this activity in his comments to the media (
      I guess we can only hope the democrats mess things up so badly that people won't vote for them despite the media.

    • Arnetta Armstrong

      02/05/2021 01:54 PM

      You are absolutely right. Thank you for letting me know that is how this works.
      Thanks for keeping me informed
      A. B. A.

    • Susan Wilson

      02/05/2021 01:52 PM

      Thank you for your down-to-earth common sense—one party. The GOP needs to recognize and use the qualities 45 brought to both the party and to contemporary politics. He avoided tired euphemisms and totally abandoned the standard political operating system of thinking and doing the same things and expecting a different result—the definition of insanity. Instead he saw, thought, and acted outside the box, not much caring who he ran over or backed into. That’s who we need to be (minus the tweets). We need to define who we are, develop a plan, and press hard on the pedal. My agenda items are ensuring election integrity, using plain speak, I.e., a lie is a lie, and developing great candidates at all levels.

    • Paul Naleid

      02/05/2021 01:52 PM

      Gov Huckabee, I love your optimism. But at this point after yesterday and 11 congressman going against Marjorie Greene Who if you watched her press conference this morning you would say she’s the right woman for the job versus the 11th that aren’t. There are too many of them. It’s all nice to primary them but there’s a lot of money in the GOP, and I think that’s why we’re here right now. So you and Dan BonGino are wonderful, But there’s no action here. There’s a lot a nice talk, but no let’s rally the troops. We need that right now, too many people are frustrated and angry. And if you don’t start proving that this is a better decision you will lose them. So let’s see some action, I believe in you, you write well, your cohesive, action needs to speak louder than words.

    • JanC

      02/05/2021 01:51 PM

      Excellent article!!! !00% right on and thank you!!!!

    • Terrence Scott

      02/05/2021 01:47 PM

      Gov Huckabee,

      I agree that a ‘third’ party has no chance of winning against the well glued democratic party. I also agree that they are intent on bringing America to its knees just as obama's wish was and is to punish our country for its colonialist past and diminish our existence to the level of a third world country through socialism while the ‘elitists’ maintain their rule.

      I am retired which afforded me the opportunity to follow the news intently over the last 30 months, so much so as to be unhealthy with inner rage, over what the left is doing to our country. That being said, I now find myself feeling so discouraged that I wish there were an island for a peaceful retreat, where I could live the rest of my life as I believed it would be back when I was 20’ish. An impossible wish at 68, even for ‘a never give up Marine’.

      I know of the many, many people who pay no attention to what is really going on in our world, the folks who voted for biden just because they don’t ‘like’ Trump. All the children who have been brain-washed in our universities, the professional athletes, actors, news propagandists.
      If the left is successful in fulfilling their dreams do all of the above think they have a chance in hell of being included in the club of elites ? Unfortunately for them, they too, will become peasants right along with we the ‘deplorable’ people. There will be only so much room for the ‘elites’. My favorite saying is “you can’t fix stupid”, how can so many be so stupid ?

      My original intent in writing is to ask your thought’s on a positive directive of actions I might look into based on what you promote towards trying to achieve our conservative goals in the area of winning elections with sound conservative candidates. I fortunately live in what is deemed ‘the most conservative county in America, Donley County, Texas, represented by the newly elected Ronny Jackson. Needless to say our voting runs on conservative lines.

      I exist on less than $17k annual income so donation’s to good candidates is very limited, especially to candidates in other states. What other activities are available to me in an effort to promote a safe return to the America we used to know and love ?