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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 14, 2021

Wednesday, to nobody’s surprise, the House voted to impeach President Trump a second time, on grounds that he incited the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol. They were in such a rush to impeach him before he leaves office that they didn’t take time for the standard legal procedure of presenting evidence and letting him defend himself.

The vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans joining the Democrats against Trump.

One Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney, was particularly outspoken, declaring, "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

However, the FBI later announced that they had picked up evidence of plans for violence at the Capitol as early as January 5, the day before the attack, and they suspect some of the participants left the Trump rally early to pick up supplies and meet at the Capitol.


If so, that would mean that Trump’s speech, while it might have been irresponsible, did not incite the Capitol rioters, who planned their attack in advance and left before his speech to launch it.

This could mark the second time the Democrats rushed to judgement to impeach Trump, only to have their efforts collapse once they left the hyper-partisan House because they substituted partisan anger for solid legal evidence. This article explains how a Senate trial might not even happen.

Joe Biden seems to have cold feet about continuing this impeachment trial in the Senate, at least judging by his statement yesterday reminding Senators of “other urgent business” and his suggestion that they split their time between that and other things.

The fact is that by pulling this final rebuke of Trump, the House may have undercut Biden by handing the Senate a divisive, time-wasting responsibility (a trial to remove a President who’s already left office) just as Biden will be coming into office and wanting to fast-track his agenda. Mostly because they hope to ban Trump from running again, which it's doubtful the Senate has the power to do. It also tells us that for all their vilification of Trump, they still fear he might beat them in 2024.

Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats seem to think that they have put a real super-duper stain on Trump by impeaching him twice, but more so, they’ve stained themselves as rabid partisans and permanently devalued impeachment. Being “double-impeached” without proper procedure of evidence as he’s leaving office anyway is as hollow as Dean Wormer warning the frat boys in “Animal House” that they’re on “Double Secret Probation.”

Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness. By talking about impeaching Trump from the moment he was elected, then impeaching him over a phone call and having the Senate throw it out -- and then impeaching him again when he’s leaving office over a riot incitement charge that not only wouldn’t pass legal muster, but if it did, the people accusing him of it would be as guilty as he is -- they’ve reduced that most solemn of last-resort responsibilities to a nakedly partisan political ploy.

Want proof? A Georgia Republican Representative announced that she plans to introduce impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after he takes office, over corruption related to China and Ukraine.

Of course, it won’t go anywhere in a Democrat House. But as satisfying as it might be for Republicans who’ve had to put up with Trump being attacked from day one – and now accused of attempting a coup by the same people who enabled the Russian Collusion attempted coup, and of inciting violent rioters by people who’ve spent the past year defending violent rioters – do we really want a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is just a meaningless political weapon that every President can expect to get hurled at him by the other party, like a mudball?



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Comments 176-196 of 196

  • Geraldine Osborne

    01/14/2021 12:26 PM

    Why did Pence and McConnell sale out the republicans. They have destroyed the republicans party. Gerrie

  • Bill Haile Sr.

    01/14/2021 12:25 PM

    Yes. If that fraud is inaugurated then impeachment would be good news for the American people

  • Cynthia Boulet

    01/14/2021 12:22 PM

    God Bless you and our President Trump...and all true patriots of our country, praying for a return to One Nation Under God!

  • Rebecca Cook

    01/14/2021 12:22 PM

    Sorry Mike, but I have to disagree with you here. The President did not say a THING to promote the attack on the capitol and was STILL SPEAKING when it occurred. There is more and more evidence it was pre-planned and he was clueless. Where is your FAITH when it comes to POTUS. God has a plan and His will WILL BE DONE.

  • susan amundson

    01/14/2021 12:22 PM

    Granted, the Rep from GA knows it won't go anywhere but 1) it may force the McConnell to cancel the Senate trial, and Biden not wanting his dirty laundry exposed even more. 2) This will hang over his head during his whole term because she added more legs to the crime.

  • DDay

    01/14/2021 12:21 PM

    President Trump’s speech was in no way “irresponsible “. Far from it. His duty was and still is to defend America. The Democrats have staged a coup. You are acquiescing. So tell me now who is “irresponsible”?

  • Eunice LaSpisa

    01/14/2021 12:21 PM

    I never in my life have so many childish temper tantrums but so called intelligent adults.
    The whole world-with the exception of President Trumps supporters-Hate Trump.
    How does one man create such hatred?
    They do not want him to be President ever again, why? Because he was so DARN WONDERFUL AS PRESIDENT.
    I have lost faith in the Republican Party, & our process for political elections.
    I know this past 2020 election was a fraud, & so do you, but not one court backed Trump-not even the Supreme court where we had republican judges who turned on him.
    Judge Roberts should be removed from the supreme court bench-plus- all political positions should have & demand term limits.

  • David J Skeel

    01/14/2021 12:18 PM

    Mike, I disagree with you. The President was in no way irresponsible with his speech. He spoke truth to power. And this sham impeachment was a complete waste of time. The election was stolen by criminals who committed high treason. My vote was stolen. Trump should declare martial law and get this country back in order, or you can forget having a clean and fair vote from now on. We will become a one party state on January 20th and like Venezuela in a short while.

  • Michael Griffey

    01/14/2021 12:18 PM

    Did you realize that when links to stories you reference on your newsletter are clicked, that it takes you to a page that says "Server Not Found"? Are they censoring you now too. Has happened to me all this week.

  • Celia Tumlin

    01/14/2021 12:17 PM

    With all respect Governor I don’t think it was a mistake to go to Washington to rally around our president. I’m not for rioting that I feel had nothing to do with people that love our country and love our President. You know I didn’t even vote for him until the run off. And the left went nuts. Now we have all sat on our hands and talked about what the left is doing they don’t even care to hide anything. Because they are above the law period. So I think it’s a shame that everyone is telling us what terrible people we are for marching to Washington to show ourselves and support for our President because there is absolutely nothing we can do. They have a Woodstock summer fest. While we are out of control right wing fanatics. And have gotten our President impeached for a second time by marching and rallying around the president. So I will do what I did for 8 years before not listen to the government work until I either can’t afford gas or my business closes. And when the put up the fences I’m sure somebody will be sure and tell me.

  • Mary Rentz

    01/14/2021 12:13 PM

    There is something I've wondered about for a very long time. Is Nancy Pelosi as crazy as she looks!

  • Shirley Milford

    01/14/2021 12:08 PM

    Impeachment for Trump for inciting riots?? A friend has asked ... "Why was impeachment of Kamala Harris NEVER mentioned when cities across America were experiencing rioting, looting and BURNING which she encouraged and stated in a televised interview that she hoped they would continue! Alas, instead of impeachment, she is chosen to run for VP... Why?" I do not know...

  • Cathy Thompson

    01/14/2021 12:01 PM

    I am so sick of the things this country has done to it's own President! It's a disgrace and I think it is going to come back to bite each and every one who had a hand in all the hateful and evil things that have been done against President Trump. Some people have to be very ignorant not to see the real picture. I am just a common senior citizen on Social Security, but I thank my God that I do have some common sense!

  • Charles Costa

    01/14/2021 12:00 PM

    Thanks for being such a great supporter for both America and the Republicans and what they stand for! President Trump has gotten a raw deal since day one of his inauguration! There will come a time over the next four years when America wishes they had him as president! As it stands, America's future is looking dim! Then again, God is in control of this country!

  • George Donahue

    01/14/2021 12:00 PM

    I am sick to death with the sewer that is Washington DC. Republicans are no better than other party and I hold them in as much contempt. I’ve voted republican all my life. No more. I’m done with all of it. I will never vote for an incumbent again. If a third part candidate is not on the ballot, I’ll not vote. You’ll say this plays into their hands. At this point I don’t care. I’ll no longer, in anyway support, the status quo.

    Yours is the last conservative site I subscribe to and I’m very close to pulling the pug on you too. I’ve tuned out talk radio (satellite radio) because, as with you, it’s all talk and no solutions. I’m looking for directions not a constant re-hash of what happened. I know what happened. We all know what happened but you people, ie: republicans haven’t the intelligence, the will or the balls (not sure which and pardon my language) to do anything about it. It’s shameful and disgusting and I’m done with it. All of it.

    I’ll continue to monitor the news through my own sources. I won’t be hold my breath waiting for change.

    I feel I have a stake in this country having fought for it but unfortunately mine is but a voice screaming in the wasteland that this country is becoming while those fools on the hill dither about impeachment. What a joke.

    George Donahue
    Sunset Beach,NC

  • Lynnette Lyttle

    01/14/2021 11:54 AM

    I am a Wyoming voter and the people of WY who voted for Cheney are outraged that she isn't representing us-she is representing herself and she is WRONG. We intend to get rid of her. She has no idea how angry we are that we will NOT FORGET

  • Dottie Bringle

    01/14/2021 11:40 AM

    I appreciate your common sense approach to All the craziness

  • Donna R Reed

    01/14/2021 11:08 AM

    I hope they continuously file impeachment on Biden until Harris takes over (probably not long). Then switch and file impeachment on Harris. Turn about is fair play.

  • Mary Williams

    01/14/2021 11:08 AM

    Gov Huckabee, thank you for letting me voice my opinion because I believe that is one Freedom that is about to be taken away along with the rest of our Freedoms. I have been writing to my DC Representative and Senators to protect those freedoms at all costs. I believe the latest probe by the Democrats to impeach The President is that he Represents “WeThePeople”, the Democrats and big tech want to take us down, because we have the power to Stop them. If they win in this impeachment this Nation is lost. We need people who will fight for the People because to get to the people they have to go through President Trump. We need help but who can we call on, only God and the will of masses of people. I believe the Capital roots was a set up by Washington elites, msm media, and Big tech to help “get Trump”.
    I hope you will join WeThePeople and get word out what is happening.
    God Bless America

  • Ann Ault

    01/14/2021 10:54 AM

    Right on, as always, Gov. Huckabee!! And GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE!! The world cannot impeach HIM!! EVER! As the old Broadway show (circa '70's NYC) said: "Your Arms Too Short to Box With GOD!!"

  • Ronda Shallow

    01/14/2021 10:52 AM

    Please try and give me one good reason most Democraps are criminals and they never go to jail?

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