Today's News Stories

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 176-200 of 256

  • Joyce Tambolas

    02/02/2021 02:06 PM

    Thank you for your answer to Gregg. I agree 100% with everything you said.

  • Fred Halil Sayin

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    See Mark 5, 21-43, the story of Jairus 12 year old daughter. Jairus came to Jesus and asked for his help as his young daughter was very sick. On the journey to his place, servants came and told Jairus that his daughter died and not bother the Teacher (Jesus) anymore. Jesus told Jairus to have faith. When they got to the residence of Jairus, there were crowds of people crying and wailing. Jesus asked: "Why all this confusion?" Someone said the: " Daughter is dead". Jesus said: " She is not dead, she is asleep". They all laughed at him, so he put them all out of the temple and wet to the daughter's room with her parents and three disciples who came with Jesus. It looks like the United States is now dead, however this month of February 2021 will be the fury of February. In the song: " God Bless America" there is a verse that says:
    "... and guide her with the light from above". What happens when that light shows the lawless deeds of governmental officials most on the Left, however some on the right. Remember, there may not be any place to appeal the election in the United States, however 75 million people who supported Mr. Trump need to realize that there is a " Court of Heaven". What was the reason for the two minutes of Silence at Biden's inauguration? Could it have been guilt? Looking at former President Obama his eyes look as if he has seen a ghost- showing anxiety. By the end of February 2021, the whole world will quickly learn that the United States was asleep, not dead.

  • Pete Courtsal

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    It's people like Gregg, who have the hard evidence of MASSIVE fraud (that has been going on for decades) right before their eyes, yet because of the equally massive cover-up by the socialists and media, refuse to believe the truth and want to tell us that if we are really devoted, born-again Christians (like him), we will just accept the fraudulent results and close our eyes to the blatant evil before us. I'm reminded of the truism that for evil to triumph, good men just have to stay silent.

  • Videlle Marshall

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    I love your news letter and read every one. I have to disagree with you. You say there is no proof; only because no one wanted to look at it. The judges should have at least looked at it and ruled on its merit. People that voted for Biden can make all the excuses they want. But they were told time and time again what was going to happen. Biden is a liar through and through. And thousands of his votes were fraudulent. What can we do to change things when the Dems break the law everyday and nothing is done about it. We are already living in a communist country and nothing will change in 2022 because they will use the same tactics they are setting into place for every election I am 79, my husband is 80. We have seen our freedoms taken away for many, many years and nothing done about it. So my grandkids will now live under communism Our United States of America used to be a wonderful place to raise our kids and live under freedom. That is gone. Biden will never be my president. Never, never, never

  • Ina Chase

    02/02/2021 02:03 PM

    Thank Governor for your perfect response!

  • Dana Proudfoot

    02/02/2021 02:03 PM

    You answered Greg Z well.
    It amazes me that so many on the left think that judges rejected the evidence that President Trump’s attorneys had ready to present. I guess MSM has brainwashed those people so they believed that the evidence was SEEN and then rejected. Through my research, I know WHY the MSM didn’t want to tell the truth... we would be celebrating President Trump’s second term!

  • Beth T. Schreckengost

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    Please tell President Trump we love him! I'm still convinced of voter fraud. Biden never had an audience at his rally's. Hes evil. We need to pray them all out

  • MamawJane

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    This poor lady sounds like she gets all her News from CNN & MSNBC! So sad when someone uses a “Bible Verse” to side with Democrats who only use a Bible as a prop!

  • Adrienne Lynn Holloman

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee,
    God bless you. You are a lot kinder than I am right about now. I voted for President Trump in 2016 as well as in the Nov. 3rd election. I am a native New Yorker, and it takes a lot to surprise me. This election did it!! It's appalling how the left/liberal/socialist/
    democrats HATE President Trump more than they love America. They hate this country, and they want EVERYONE to think and believe as they do. President Trump gave the hard working citizens of this country HOPE that SOMEONE CARES about their plight. President Trump gave us hope that America is a country that is WORTHY of all its accolades. President Trump RESPECTED the Military and acknowledged their worth. President Trump kept America out of any foreign wars or skirmishes. But THAT'S not enough for the left. President Trump's family WAS NOT involved in any scandal like Biden's. President Trump SURVIVED COVID-19, but many wished that he would die. Many mocked him when HIS OWN BROTHER DIED. This man wasn't even allowed to mourn in peace. No, instead, many verbalized that "God took the wrong one." This was worse than low, but yet, MSM DID NOT denounce it. President Trump's wife was lambasted and NOT ACCEPTED. If this had happened to Obama's wife, there would have been hell to pay. I am heartbroken over the events surrounding the Nov. 3rd election. I am a born-again, Spirit filled, former US Army Officer. I am a parent of 4, and a grandparent of 1. I am a widow, and I am currently retired. I have NEVER been one to sit back and WATCH things happen. I have sent emails to President Trump to encourage him while he was in office. I have made calls to Washington, DC White House switchboard to leave messages for my state representative, as well as Sen. Ted Cruz. Before I pass away, I desire to see JUSTICE, fairness, decency, morality, and patriotism RETURN to the USA. President Trump respected the flag and the American people. President Trump DID NOT sell out our country for money. At this moment, I am relieved only because I am able to put my feelings in writing and share with you. I respect you, and I respect your daughter for her backbone of steel. I wish her well in her pursuit of the office of Governor. My faith in Christ is strong in spite of my disappointment in this election. And yes, I DO BELIEVE that there was some chicanery involved in this election. I pray daily for President Trump. I have no faith whatsoever in Joe Biden's ability to run this country nor to care about MY concerns as a citizen. I have no faith whatsoever in Kamala Harris' ability to govern ANYTHING fairly and unbiased. My opinions are based on PAST PERFORMANCE. Thank you for allowing me to voice my feelings. May God bless the USA once again.

  • Thomas Forbes

    02/02/2021 01:59 PM

    According to my ballot; the election was Stolen. As for those people in Congress that are suppose to work and represent We The People. They are fighting for Power over their Dung Hill they call Washington DC. Their hatred for a man that I believe tried his best to protect us and do what is best for us and this Country. This is exactly what is going on.

    But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
    1 John 2:11 KJV

    People with all that special education they have, must not have been taught a lick of Common Sense. Do they really know Jesus?

  • Fred L. Dings

    02/02/2021 01:56 PM

    It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among multitudes of hippocrites.

    Thomas Sowell

  • Corbin L Douthitt

    02/02/2021 01:56 PM

    re: Dems and 'investigation' of election. Mike- THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. I have not heard any Democrat deny that they cheated- they just say "you can't prove it". It doesn't matter what you say about them, THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. They are in power- that's all they want. If they can get the Senate majority AND the House in 2022- the country is toast. Repercussions will be severe. People complain about how stupid politicians are- what about the people that elect them? over and over? I have NO respect for Media. I have no respect for my Government. even less for the SCOTUS. and at the bottom- is the GOP. Dems have a plan an agenda. they work to advance it. GOP? ain't got a clue beyond the next election and what will the Dems let them have. Done with the GOP.

  • Anita taylor

    02/02/2021 01:54 PM

    No one will ever convince me that this election was not rigged! I believe in accepting defeat when there is a fair race and this was not! I watched first hand my town being destroyed over the so called BLM movement which were democratic supporters in thug clothing! I am so glad it’s not the office of the President that will save us ! My trust is in the Lord! Thank you for the news letters I really enjoy reading them because I have not watched the news in 3 months! Good luck to Sarah she is a keeper!

  • Rob Jensen

    02/02/2021 01:54 PM

    You are squarely on target, Governor! Thank you for your preciceness and bold thoroughness!!!

  • Frances Bridges

    02/02/2021 01:52 PM

    I disagree with Greg. I feel he was critical of you unjustified. He apparently did not follow the news about the swing states. I am from Georgia and certainly knew about the hands if Stacy Abrams. Don’t apologize to this man. He should not even consider accepting Biden as President and what kind of Christian accepts killing Babies not counting all the other rotten dishonest behavior of Joe Biden. You facts were right on. If this man cannot see the liberals antics he is the one with the problem not you.

  • Robert P Hamilton

    02/02/2021 01:50 PM

    Very good answer Mike

  • Karen Jones

    02/02/2021 01:49 PM

    Hi Mike, I think you're great. I also know there was massive fraud. As Pelosi said several times, right in our faces, "Whatever it takes." Also read experts who showed how Biden's votes were impossible. But here's what I'm actually writing about:
    I think Republicans in Congress are losing us our country. For one thing...why don't they drag Maxine Waters into Pres Trump's "trial" and make it a DOUBLE EVENT???

  • Sharon Tatum

    02/02/2021 01:44 PM

    Thank you, Mr. Huckabee for responding to this gentleman’s comment in such a thoughtful, truthful, and to the point way. If only all of our congressman and senators had your integrity, you would not have to be questioned about your truthfulness and motives. Thank you for standing behind the truth and your convictions.

  • Charles Clay

    02/02/2021 01:44 PM

    Thoughts well done, from you and from "Gregg." Seems much of the division we are experiencing is a result of "misinformation" that both sides claim from the other, but are we all seeking the truth anymore? We seem to be focusing more on answers from "man" than the Truth that only a stronger relationship with God can give us. As we pray for our country, our leaders and ourselves, may we humbly seek the face of God, that he may "hear our prayers, and heal our land." Thank you for caring enough to devote yourself to helping us in that effort, and blessings to you and your family.
    Charles Clay

  • Rada Morgan

    02/02/2021 01:43 PM

    I agree with your response to Gregg. I too am a Christian as he describes but I’m a Christian who is fed up with crimes being committed and no penalty. Yes, there were shady things done in several states and it was shut tight so nobody could investigate. So I say if you have nothing to hide let the light shine on it and prove it. For so long we have set back on our Christian haunches and allowed a lot of this to happen. Look at abortion as an example. Where were Christians and churches when we got Roe vs Wade and then all the way up to full birth abortion? It’s time for Christians to be heard, respectfully, and not set down and shut up.
    So keep up the good word Mike because you have a lot of people who believe as you do.

  • Steve Alberts

    02/02/2021 01:40 PM

    Will the Hunter Biden coverup ever make it to the light of day. Truly believe Joe is complicit and should be censured at least.

  • Susan Thau

    02/02/2021 01:39 PM

    Thank you, Gov. I feel your advice to be calm in the face of this loss is like a voice crying in the wilderness. I think you are right that a lot of Democrats are realizing they don't like what they got. But the way things are going, I am afraid that there will be no more elections, in 2022, or in 2024, or that the elections will be like those in Communist countries, 99% for those in power.

  • Cherise Miller

    02/02/2021 01:36 PM

    I respect Gregg's views and yours, Governor, on this whole issue; however, I do believe that the reason Trump was portrayed as having no evidence is because everytime and everything he challenged, the judges and everyone went against him. He could gain no ground as long as there were Liberal judges who continually pushed him back. There was much evidence, e-mails and videos, of election fraud. I don't understand how these vindictive and hateful people are getting away with their crimes. If I did something like that, I would be in jail. I just cannot fathom the amount of time and probably money that it took these people to plan all that they did. It would be nice if they used their brains toward something constructive to help this country and other people who have been "pen stroked" out of their jobs. This whole charade has been a Satanic venture. I am a Christian from Georgia, and I do believe God has a plan for these Satanic people. As the Bible says, "Wait on the Lord." He has a plan. God Bless You, Governor.

  • Norman Davis

    02/02/2021 01:33 PM

    Please let me know what was wrong with my comment?

  • Jason Sampsell

    02/02/2021 01:31 PM

    Governor, I agree with the points you made to reader Gregg Z. I would also add (and you may have in other posts) if there was targeted fraud in this election, and it is uninvestigated or "swept under the rug", the perpetrators of that fraud have gained valuable info on how to make this work. And they can perfect their methods in future elections, especially with a willing media turning a blind eye, if not outright championing the fraud. If half of the country is willing to wave bye-bye to honest, fair elections, we are indeed headed toward a dark season in our nation's history.
    Keep up the great work!

Election 2024 Coverage

February 2, 2021

From Gregg Z:

I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



From the Gov:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

Thanks again for writing.


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Comments 176-200 of 256

  • Joyce Tambolas

    02/02/2021 02:06 PM

    Thank you for your answer to Gregg. I agree 100% with everything you said.

  • Fred Halil Sayin

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    See Mark 5, 21-43, the story of Jairus 12 year old daughter. Jairus came to Jesus and asked for his help as his young daughter was very sick. On the journey to his place, servants came and told Jairus that his daughter died and not bother the Teacher (Jesus) anymore. Jesus told Jairus to have faith. When they got to the residence of Jairus, there were crowds of people crying and wailing. Jesus asked: "Why all this confusion?" Someone said the: " Daughter is dead". Jesus said: " She is not dead, she is asleep". They all laughed at him, so he put them all out of the temple and wet to the daughter's room with her parents and three disciples who came with Jesus. It looks like the United States is now dead, however this month of February 2021 will be the fury of February. In the song: " God Bless America" there is a verse that says:
    "... and guide her with the light from above". What happens when that light shows the lawless deeds of governmental officials most on the Left, however some on the right. Remember, there may not be any place to appeal the election in the United States, however 75 million people who supported Mr. Trump need to realize that there is a " Court of Heaven". What was the reason for the two minutes of Silence at Biden's inauguration? Could it have been guilt? Looking at former President Obama his eyes look as if he has seen a ghost- showing anxiety. By the end of February 2021, the whole world will quickly learn that the United States was asleep, not dead.

  • Pete Courtsal

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    It's people like Gregg, who have the hard evidence of MASSIVE fraud (that has been going on for decades) right before their eyes, yet because of the equally massive cover-up by the socialists and media, refuse to believe the truth and want to tell us that if we are really devoted, born-again Christians (like him), we will just accept the fraudulent results and close our eyes to the blatant evil before us. I'm reminded of the truism that for evil to triumph, good men just have to stay silent.

  • Videlle Marshall

    02/02/2021 02:05 PM

    I love your news letter and read every one. I have to disagree with you. You say there is no proof; only because no one wanted to look at it. The judges should have at least looked at it and ruled on its merit. People that voted for Biden can make all the excuses they want. But they were told time and time again what was going to happen. Biden is a liar through and through. And thousands of his votes were fraudulent. What can we do to change things when the Dems break the law everyday and nothing is done about it. We are already living in a communist country and nothing will change in 2022 because they will use the same tactics they are setting into place for every election I am 79, my husband is 80. We have seen our freedoms taken away for many, many years and nothing done about it. So my grandkids will now live under communism Our United States of America used to be a wonderful place to raise our kids and live under freedom. That is gone. Biden will never be my president. Never, never, never

  • Ina Chase

    02/02/2021 02:03 PM

    Thank Governor for your perfect response!

  • Dana Proudfoot

    02/02/2021 02:03 PM

    You answered Greg Z well.
    It amazes me that so many on the left think that judges rejected the evidence that President Trump’s attorneys had ready to present. I guess MSM has brainwashed those people so they believed that the evidence was SEEN and then rejected. Through my research, I know WHY the MSM didn’t want to tell the truth... we would be celebrating President Trump’s second term!

  • Beth T. Schreckengost

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    Please tell President Trump we love him! I'm still convinced of voter fraud. Biden never had an audience at his rally's. Hes evil. We need to pray them all out

  • MamawJane

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    This poor lady sounds like she gets all her News from CNN & MSNBC! So sad when someone uses a “Bible Verse” to side with Democrats who only use a Bible as a prop!

  • Adrienne Lynn Holloman

    02/02/2021 02:00 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee,
    God bless you. You are a lot kinder than I am right about now. I voted for President Trump in 2016 as well as in the Nov. 3rd election. I am a native New Yorker, and it takes a lot to surprise me. This election did it!! It's appalling how the left/liberal/socialist/
    democrats HATE President Trump more than they love America. They hate this country, and they want EVERYONE to think and believe as they do. President Trump gave the hard working citizens of this country HOPE that SOMEONE CARES about their plight. President Trump gave us hope that America is a country that is WORTHY of all its accolades. President Trump RESPECTED the Military and acknowledged their worth. President Trump kept America out of any foreign wars or skirmishes. But THAT'S not enough for the left. President Trump's family WAS NOT involved in any scandal like Biden's. President Trump SURVIVED COVID-19, but many wished that he would die. Many mocked him when HIS OWN BROTHER DIED. This man wasn't even allowed to mourn in peace. No, instead, many verbalized that "God took the wrong one." This was worse than low, but yet, MSM DID NOT denounce it. President Trump's wife was lambasted and NOT ACCEPTED. If this had happened to Obama's wife, there would have been hell to pay. I am heartbroken over the events surrounding the Nov. 3rd election. I am a born-again, Spirit filled, former US Army Officer. I am a parent of 4, and a grandparent of 1. I am a widow, and I am currently retired. I have NEVER been one to sit back and WATCH things happen. I have sent emails to President Trump to encourage him while he was in office. I have made calls to Washington, DC White House switchboard to leave messages for my state representative, as well as Sen. Ted Cruz. Before I pass away, I desire to see JUSTICE, fairness, decency, morality, and patriotism RETURN to the USA. President Trump respected the flag and the American people. President Trump DID NOT sell out our country for money. At this moment, I am relieved only because I am able to put my feelings in writing and share with you. I respect you, and I respect your daughter for her backbone of steel. I wish her well in her pursuit of the office of Governor. My faith in Christ is strong in spite of my disappointment in this election. And yes, I DO BELIEVE that there was some chicanery involved in this election. I pray daily for President Trump. I have no faith whatsoever in Joe Biden's ability to run this country nor to care about MY concerns as a citizen. I have no faith whatsoever in Kamala Harris' ability to govern ANYTHING fairly and unbiased. My opinions are based on PAST PERFORMANCE. Thank you for allowing me to voice my feelings. May God bless the USA once again.

  • Thomas Forbes

    02/02/2021 01:59 PM

    According to my ballot; the election was Stolen. As for those people in Congress that are suppose to work and represent We The People. They are fighting for Power over their Dung Hill they call Washington DC. Their hatred for a man that I believe tried his best to protect us and do what is best for us and this Country. This is exactly what is going on.

    But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
    1 John 2:11 KJV

    People with all that special education they have, must not have been taught a lick of Common Sense. Do they really know Jesus?

  • Fred L. Dings

    02/02/2021 01:56 PM

    It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among multitudes of hippocrites.

    Thomas Sowell

  • Corbin L Douthitt

    02/02/2021 01:56 PM

    re: Dems and 'investigation' of election. Mike- THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. I have not heard any Democrat deny that they cheated- they just say "you can't prove it". It doesn't matter what you say about them, THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. They are in power- that's all they want. If they can get the Senate majority AND the House in 2022- the country is toast. Repercussions will be severe. People complain about how stupid politicians are- what about the people that elect them? over and over? I have NO respect for Media. I have no respect for my Government. even less for the SCOTUS. and at the bottom- is the GOP. Dems have a plan an agenda. they work to advance it. GOP? ain't got a clue beyond the next election and what will the Dems let them have. Done with the GOP.

  • Anita taylor

    02/02/2021 01:54 PM

    No one will ever convince me that this election was not rigged! I believe in accepting defeat when there is a fair race and this was not! I watched first hand my town being destroyed over the so called BLM movement which were democratic supporters in thug clothing! I am so glad it’s not the office of the President that will save us ! My trust is in the Lord! Thank you for the news letters I really enjoy reading them because I have not watched the news in 3 months! Good luck to Sarah she is a keeper!

  • Rob Jensen

    02/02/2021 01:54 PM

    You are squarely on target, Governor! Thank you for your preciceness and bold thoroughness!!!

  • Frances Bridges

    02/02/2021 01:52 PM

    I disagree with Greg. I feel he was critical of you unjustified. He apparently did not follow the news about the swing states. I am from Georgia and certainly knew about the hands if Stacy Abrams. Don’t apologize to this man. He should not even consider accepting Biden as President and what kind of Christian accepts killing Babies not counting all the other rotten dishonest behavior of Joe Biden. You facts were right on. If this man cannot see the liberals antics he is the one with the problem not you.

  • Robert P Hamilton

    02/02/2021 01:50 PM

    Very good answer Mike

  • Karen Jones

    02/02/2021 01:49 PM

    Hi Mike, I think you're great. I also know there was massive fraud. As Pelosi said several times, right in our faces, "Whatever it takes." Also read experts who showed how Biden's votes were impossible. But here's what I'm actually writing about:
    I think Republicans in Congress are losing us our country. For one thing...why don't they drag Maxine Waters into Pres Trump's "trial" and make it a DOUBLE EVENT???

  • Sharon Tatum

    02/02/2021 01:44 PM

    Thank you, Mr. Huckabee for responding to this gentleman’s comment in such a thoughtful, truthful, and to the point way. If only all of our congressman and senators had your integrity, you would not have to be questioned about your truthfulness and motives. Thank you for standing behind the truth and your convictions.

  • Charles Clay

    02/02/2021 01:44 PM

    Thoughts well done, from you and from "Gregg." Seems much of the division we are experiencing is a result of "misinformation" that both sides claim from the other, but are we all seeking the truth anymore? We seem to be focusing more on answers from "man" than the Truth that only a stronger relationship with God can give us. As we pray for our country, our leaders and ourselves, may we humbly seek the face of God, that he may "hear our prayers, and heal our land." Thank you for caring enough to devote yourself to helping us in that effort, and blessings to you and your family.
    Charles Clay

  • Rada Morgan

    02/02/2021 01:43 PM

    I agree with your response to Gregg. I too am a Christian as he describes but I’m a Christian who is fed up with crimes being committed and no penalty. Yes, there were shady things done in several states and it was shut tight so nobody could investigate. So I say if you have nothing to hide let the light shine on it and prove it. For so long we have set back on our Christian haunches and allowed a lot of this to happen. Look at abortion as an example. Where were Christians and churches when we got Roe vs Wade and then all the way up to full birth abortion? It’s time for Christians to be heard, respectfully, and not set down and shut up.
    So keep up the good word Mike because you have a lot of people who believe as you do.

  • Steve Alberts

    02/02/2021 01:40 PM

    Will the Hunter Biden coverup ever make it to the light of day. Truly believe Joe is complicit and should be censured at least.

  • Susan Thau

    02/02/2021 01:39 PM

    Thank you, Gov. I feel your advice to be calm in the face of this loss is like a voice crying in the wilderness. I think you are right that a lot of Democrats are realizing they don't like what they got. But the way things are going, I am afraid that there will be no more elections, in 2022, or in 2024, or that the elections will be like those in Communist countries, 99% for those in power.

  • Cherise Miller

    02/02/2021 01:36 PM

    I respect Gregg's views and yours, Governor, on this whole issue; however, I do believe that the reason Trump was portrayed as having no evidence is because everytime and everything he challenged, the judges and everyone went against him. He could gain no ground as long as there were Liberal judges who continually pushed him back. There was much evidence, e-mails and videos, of election fraud. I don't understand how these vindictive and hateful people are getting away with their crimes. If I did something like that, I would be in jail. I just cannot fathom the amount of time and probably money that it took these people to plan all that they did. It would be nice if they used their brains toward something constructive to help this country and other people who have been "pen stroked" out of their jobs. This whole charade has been a Satanic venture. I am a Christian from Georgia, and I do believe God has a plan for these Satanic people. As the Bible says, "Wait on the Lord." He has a plan. God Bless You, Governor.

  • Norman Davis

    02/02/2021 01:33 PM

    Please let me know what was wrong with my comment?

  • Jason Sampsell

    02/02/2021 01:31 PM

    Governor, I agree with the points you made to reader Gregg Z. I would also add (and you may have in other posts) if there was targeted fraud in this election, and it is uninvestigated or "swept under the rug", the perpetrators of that fraud have gained valuable info on how to make this work. And they can perfect their methods in future elections, especially with a willing media turning a blind eye, if not outright championing the fraud. If half of the country is willing to wave bye-bye to honest, fair elections, we are indeed headed toward a dark season in our nation's history.
    Keep up the great work!

Message from Mike Huckabee

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    Latest News

    February 2, 2021

    From Gregg Z:

    I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

    I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

    The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between Democrat & Republican control.

    In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

    It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).



    From the Gov:

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and reasonable letter. What we were doing with this poll was essentially “taking the temperature” of the approximately half of the country who watched from the sidelines as the election results played out, just to see where we are. Now we know.

    If you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you know I’ve never made the claim that the election was “stolen” or decided by “widespread fraud.” (There is some actual evidence of targeted fraud, but did it decide the election? We’d like to know.) I’ve quoted others who have make those claims, and many readers have made them in the “comments” section, but what I personally have tried to do is bring you factual information about how the election was conducted and what people think about it, people on both sides. The fact that so many believe the election was stolen, and do have reason (as opposed to proof), is a reality that it makes no sense to ignore. It can’t just be swept under the rug.

    What I definitely can say is that the election rules were turned upside down in key states and that it was a very opaque process, as opposed to the completely transparent process it should have been. And that causes a natural skepticism.

    That begs the question, why wouldn’t the Democrats WANT to allow a full investigation, to make the process fully transparent, as a way of bringing the country together and ending this massive doubt that Biden was the duly-elected President? Why did they go to court in multiple states to slam the lid down on that process? This causes even more natural skepticism.

    The courts simply didn’t want to be involved in this and washed their hands of it, so to speak. They “found” reasons not to look at those cases. Most of the dismissals had nothing to do with the evidence that might have been presented, as they never got that far.

    Now Trump reportedly wants to use the impeachment trial as an opportunity to present some of that evidence, and he’s running into problems with attorneys who don’t want to use their legal defense in that way. He has some new representation now, so it’ll be interesting to see if he does it. If he has the goods, it might be a way to make the Democrats sorry they made the ridiculous decision to try him after he was gone. And we might actually get to see evidence. On the other hand, would Sen. Patrick Leahy, presiding in place of Chief Justice John Roberts (who declined), find a way to keep his attorneys from presenting it? He’d certainly stop them if he could. But this would cause even more natural skepticism.

    You’re right that this is a divided nation. I do think, though, that much of that division is because of what people hear on the news and, well, just about everywhere. We’re constantly warned about “misinformation” on the right, but it demonstrably exists in huge steaming piles on the left, and there’s also a great deal that goes unreported. This affects the way people vote. Recall the poll in which a substantial percentage of Biden supporters –- enough to possibly have changed the election outcome –- said that if they’d known about the Biden family’s dealings with the Chinese, they wouldn’t have voted for him.

    Also, many who voted for Biden are shocked now at his shutting down of the Keystone Pipeline with the stroke of a pen, among the 40 (!) Executive Orders he signed his first week. Some of these voters hadn’t been paying attention, others had been watching CNN and MSNBC or getting their news preselected by Facebook and Google, and many just “didn’t like Trump” or had heard he was "a dictator," but this is NOT what they thought they voted for. Yes, we’re divided, but I don’t believe it’s true that half the country is as far-left as the people now in office. Those people aren't "liberals" --- they truly are radicals.

    It certainly hasn’t been my intention to promote conspiracy theories, which exist on both the left and right. We are all about evidence here, and we also want to work through the system even though it seems increasingly that the deck is stacked against us. Did you read my answer to reader Loren in the Monday Evening Edition, about examining our own conduct, pulling together and keeping our cool as we work towards 2022? It works in this context as well.

    Thanks again for writing.


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    Comments 176-200 of 256

    • Joyce Tambolas

      02/02/2021 02:06 PM

      Thank you for your answer to Gregg. I agree 100% with everything you said.

    • Fred Halil Sayin

      02/02/2021 02:05 PM

      See Mark 5, 21-43, the story of Jairus 12 year old daughter. Jairus came to Jesus and asked for his help as his young daughter was very sick. On the journey to his place, servants came and told Jairus that his daughter died and not bother the Teacher (Jesus) anymore. Jesus told Jairus to have faith. When they got to the residence of Jairus, there were crowds of people crying and wailing. Jesus asked: "Why all this confusion?" Someone said the: " Daughter is dead". Jesus said: " She is not dead, she is asleep". They all laughed at him, so he put them all out of the temple and wet to the daughter's room with her parents and three disciples who came with Jesus. It looks like the United States is now dead, however this month of February 2021 will be the fury of February. In the song: " God Bless America" there is a verse that says:
      "... and guide her with the light from above". What happens when that light shows the lawless deeds of governmental officials most on the Left, however some on the right. Remember, there may not be any place to appeal the election in the United States, however 75 million people who supported Mr. Trump need to realize that there is a " Court of Heaven". What was the reason for the two minutes of Silence at Biden's inauguration? Could it have been guilt? Looking at former President Obama his eyes look as if he has seen a ghost- showing anxiety. By the end of February 2021, the whole world will quickly learn that the United States was asleep, not dead.

    • Pete Courtsal

      02/02/2021 02:05 PM

      It's people like Gregg, who have the hard evidence of MASSIVE fraud (that has been going on for decades) right before their eyes, yet because of the equally massive cover-up by the socialists and media, refuse to believe the truth and want to tell us that if we are really devoted, born-again Christians (like him), we will just accept the fraudulent results and close our eyes to the blatant evil before us. I'm reminded of the truism that for evil to triumph, good men just have to stay silent.

    • Videlle Marshall

      02/02/2021 02:05 PM

      I love your news letter and read every one. I have to disagree with you. You say there is no proof; only because no one wanted to look at it. The judges should have at least looked at it and ruled on its merit. People that voted for Biden can make all the excuses they want. But they were told time and time again what was going to happen. Biden is a liar through and through. And thousands of his votes were fraudulent. What can we do to change things when the Dems break the law everyday and nothing is done about it. We are already living in a communist country and nothing will change in 2022 because they will use the same tactics they are setting into place for every election I am 79, my husband is 80. We have seen our freedoms taken away for many, many years and nothing done about it. So my grandkids will now live under communism Our United States of America used to be a wonderful place to raise our kids and live under freedom. That is gone. Biden will never be my president. Never, never, never

    • Ina Chase

      02/02/2021 02:03 PM

      Thank Governor for your perfect response!

    • Dana Proudfoot

      02/02/2021 02:03 PM

      You answered Greg Z well.
      It amazes me that so many on the left think that judges rejected the evidence that President Trump’s attorneys had ready to present. I guess MSM has brainwashed those people so they believed that the evidence was SEEN and then rejected. Through my research, I know WHY the MSM didn’t want to tell the truth... we would be celebrating President Trump’s second term!

    • Beth T. Schreckengost

      02/02/2021 02:00 PM

      Please tell President Trump we love him! I'm still convinced of voter fraud. Biden never had an audience at his rally's. Hes evil. We need to pray them all out

    • MamawJane

      02/02/2021 02:00 PM

      This poor lady sounds like she gets all her News from CNN & MSNBC! So sad when someone uses a “Bible Verse” to side with Democrats who only use a Bible as a prop!

    • Adrienne Lynn Holloman

      02/02/2021 02:00 PM

      Dear Gov. Huckabee,
      God bless you. You are a lot kinder than I am right about now. I voted for President Trump in 2016 as well as in the Nov. 3rd election. I am a native New Yorker, and it takes a lot to surprise me. This election did it!! It's appalling how the left/liberal/socialist/
      democrats HATE President Trump more than they love America. They hate this country, and they want EVERYONE to think and believe as they do. President Trump gave the hard working citizens of this country HOPE that SOMEONE CARES about their plight. President Trump gave us hope that America is a country that is WORTHY of all its accolades. President Trump RESPECTED the Military and acknowledged their worth. President Trump kept America out of any foreign wars or skirmishes. But THAT'S not enough for the left. President Trump's family WAS NOT involved in any scandal like Biden's. President Trump SURVIVED COVID-19, but many wished that he would die. Many mocked him when HIS OWN BROTHER DIED. This man wasn't even allowed to mourn in peace. No, instead, many verbalized that "God took the wrong one." This was worse than low, but yet, MSM DID NOT denounce it. President Trump's wife was lambasted and NOT ACCEPTED. If this had happened to Obama's wife, there would have been hell to pay. I am heartbroken over the events surrounding the Nov. 3rd election. I am a born-again, Spirit filled, former US Army Officer. I am a parent of 4, and a grandparent of 1. I am a widow, and I am currently retired. I have NEVER been one to sit back and WATCH things happen. I have sent emails to President Trump to encourage him while he was in office. I have made calls to Washington, DC White House switchboard to leave messages for my state representative, as well as Sen. Ted Cruz. Before I pass away, I desire to see JUSTICE, fairness, decency, morality, and patriotism RETURN to the USA. President Trump respected the flag and the American people. President Trump DID NOT sell out our country for money. At this moment, I am relieved only because I am able to put my feelings in writing and share with you. I respect you, and I respect your daughter for her backbone of steel. I wish her well in her pursuit of the office of Governor. My faith in Christ is strong in spite of my disappointment in this election. And yes, I DO BELIEVE that there was some chicanery involved in this election. I pray daily for President Trump. I have no faith whatsoever in Joe Biden's ability to run this country nor to care about MY concerns as a citizen. I have no faith whatsoever in Kamala Harris' ability to govern ANYTHING fairly and unbiased. My opinions are based on PAST PERFORMANCE. Thank you for allowing me to voice my feelings. May God bless the USA once again.

    • Thomas Forbes

      02/02/2021 01:59 PM

      According to my ballot; the election was Stolen. As for those people in Congress that are suppose to work and represent We The People. They are fighting for Power over their Dung Hill they call Washington DC. Their hatred for a man that I believe tried his best to protect us and do what is best for us and this Country. This is exactly what is going on.

      But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
      1 John 2:11 KJV

      People with all that special education they have, must not have been taught a lick of Common Sense. Do they really know Jesus?

    • Fred L. Dings

      02/02/2021 01:56 PM

      It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among multitudes of hippocrites.

      Thomas Sowell

    • Corbin L Douthitt

      02/02/2021 01:56 PM

      re: Dems and 'investigation' of election. Mike- THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. I have not heard any Democrat deny that they cheated- they just say "you can't prove it". It doesn't matter what you say about them, THEY. DO. NOT. CARE. They are in power- that's all they want. If they can get the Senate majority AND the House in 2022- the country is toast. Repercussions will be severe. People complain about how stupid politicians are- what about the people that elect them? over and over? I have NO respect for Media. I have no respect for my Government. even less for the SCOTUS. and at the bottom- is the GOP. Dems have a plan an agenda. they work to advance it. GOP? ain't got a clue beyond the next election and what will the Dems let them have. Done with the GOP.

    • Anita taylor

      02/02/2021 01:54 PM

      No one will ever convince me that this election was not rigged! I believe in accepting defeat when there is a fair race and this was not! I watched first hand my town being destroyed over the so called BLM movement which were democratic supporters in thug clothing! I am so glad it’s not the office of the President that will save us ! My trust is in the Lord! Thank you for the news letters I really enjoy reading them because I have not watched the news in 3 months! Good luck to Sarah she is a keeper!

    • Rob Jensen

      02/02/2021 01:54 PM

      You are squarely on target, Governor! Thank you for your preciceness and bold thoroughness!!!

    • Frances Bridges

      02/02/2021 01:52 PM

      I disagree with Greg. I feel he was critical of you unjustified. He apparently did not follow the news about the swing states. I am from Georgia and certainly knew about the hands if Stacy Abrams. Don’t apologize to this man. He should not even consider accepting Biden as President and what kind of Christian accepts killing Babies not counting all the other rotten dishonest behavior of Joe Biden. You facts were right on. If this man cannot see the liberals antics he is the one with the problem not you.

    • Robert P Hamilton

      02/02/2021 01:50 PM

      Very good answer Mike

    • Karen Jones

      02/02/2021 01:49 PM

      Hi Mike, I think you're great. I also know there was massive fraud. As Pelosi said several times, right in our faces, "Whatever it takes." Also read experts who showed how Biden's votes were impossible. But here's what I'm actually writing about:
      I think Republicans in Congress are losing us our country. For one thing...why don't they drag Maxine Waters into Pres Trump's "trial" and make it a DOUBLE EVENT???

    • Sharon Tatum

      02/02/2021 01:44 PM

      Thank you, Mr. Huckabee for responding to this gentleman’s comment in such a thoughtful, truthful, and to the point way. If only all of our congressman and senators had your integrity, you would not have to be questioned about your truthfulness and motives. Thank you for standing behind the truth and your convictions.

    • Charles Clay

      02/02/2021 01:44 PM

      Thoughts well done, from you and from "Gregg." Seems much of the division we are experiencing is a result of "misinformation" that both sides claim from the other, but are we all seeking the truth anymore? We seem to be focusing more on answers from "man" than the Truth that only a stronger relationship with God can give us. As we pray for our country, our leaders and ourselves, may we humbly seek the face of God, that he may "hear our prayers, and heal our land." Thank you for caring enough to devote yourself to helping us in that effort, and blessings to you and your family.
      Charles Clay

    • Rada Morgan

      02/02/2021 01:43 PM

      I agree with your response to Gregg. I too am a Christian as he describes but I’m a Christian who is fed up with crimes being committed and no penalty. Yes, there were shady things done in several states and it was shut tight so nobody could investigate. So I say if you have nothing to hide let the light shine on it and prove it. For so long we have set back on our Christian haunches and allowed a lot of this to happen. Look at abortion as an example. Where were Christians and churches when we got Roe vs Wade and then all the way up to full birth abortion? It’s time for Christians to be heard, respectfully, and not set down and shut up.
      So keep up the good word Mike because you have a lot of people who believe as you do.

    • Steve Alberts

      02/02/2021 01:40 PM

      Will the Hunter Biden coverup ever make it to the light of day. Truly believe Joe is complicit and should be censured at least.

    • Susan Thau

      02/02/2021 01:39 PM

      Thank you, Gov. I feel your advice to be calm in the face of this loss is like a voice crying in the wilderness. I think you are right that a lot of Democrats are realizing they don't like what they got. But the way things are going, I am afraid that there will be no more elections, in 2022, or in 2024, or that the elections will be like those in Communist countries, 99% for those in power.

    • Cherise Miller

      02/02/2021 01:36 PM

      I respect Gregg's views and yours, Governor, on this whole issue; however, I do believe that the reason Trump was portrayed as having no evidence is because everytime and everything he challenged, the judges and everyone went against him. He could gain no ground as long as there were Liberal judges who continually pushed him back. There was much evidence, e-mails and videos, of election fraud. I don't understand how these vindictive and hateful people are getting away with their crimes. If I did something like that, I would be in jail. I just cannot fathom the amount of time and probably money that it took these people to plan all that they did. It would be nice if they used their brains toward something constructive to help this country and other people who have been "pen stroked" out of their jobs. This whole charade has been a Satanic venture. I am a Christian from Georgia, and I do believe God has a plan for these Satanic people. As the Bible says, "Wait on the Lord." He has a plan. God Bless You, Governor.

    • Norman Davis

      02/02/2021 01:33 PM

      Please let me know what was wrong with my comment?

    • Jason Sampsell

      02/02/2021 01:31 PM

      Governor, I agree with the points you made to reader Gregg Z. I would also add (and you may have in other posts) if there was targeted fraud in this election, and it is uninvestigated or "swept under the rug", the perpetrators of that fraud have gained valuable info on how to make this work. And they can perfect their methods in future elections, especially with a willing media turning a blind eye, if not outright championing the fraud. If half of the country is willing to wave bye-bye to honest, fair elections, we are indeed headed toward a dark season in our nation's history.
      Keep up the great work!