Today's News Stories

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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  • Cindy Zapotocky

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    For over 50 years I have been active in the Republican Party of WA State, and I am more discouraged today than I have ever been. When I was chairman of the Spokane Central Committee in 2009-10, we had the Ron Paul wave come onboard the party. (Lots of young men, many veterans of the military 30-45 year olds with two kids--"Just young whipper snappers who know nothing!") Thousands of young adults wanted to get involved in conservative politics, and you know what happened. They got torched by the "old guard" retired military--Seattle trial lawyers--insurance and real estate czars. We have so little energy and boot on the ground left--just a lot of lazy money trying to buy votes and seats, which never works. It is frankly, appalling. What is your answer for this travesty Mr. Huckabee? More of the same? That's basically what you just said. In WA state, the libs are out of control nasty, and young families facing higher taxes, rotting sick perversion in their schools, loss of jobs and businesses by design, are frankly frantic. Meanwhile, "the church" sits on the sidelines, walls up, protecting their own, mum. This is just awful to watch. The current euthanasia extension bill is enough to curl your hair!!

  • Sydne Ora

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    No third party win? No one thought the CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT would ever grow to over 100+ million USA supporters. POLITICIANS like you never thought PRESIDENT TRUMP had a chance at winning. After our nations win with PRESIDENT TRUMP certain Community Organizers got busy putting in over 500 unconstitutional election legislation "laws" into various STATES and began digging up massive dead voters, printing massive fraudulent mail in ballots and installing their machines, etc.

  • vicki egli

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    You say we shouldn't form a 3rd. party and I understand the idea behind that. But when I look at the head of the Republican Party, Ronna Romney McDaniel, there is no passion, power, life behind her. She is absolutely lifeless. No Donald Trump enthusiasm. We need people like Candice Owens, Leo Terrell, Bob Woodson, black people who know how to connect with the thousands who are now voting republican. We have the same old/same old people we will never win anything again. We need that new life to offset the rhino republicans who don't amount to anything.

  • Daniel Kazup

    02/05/2021 01:06 PM

    I can't fault your logic in your response to Stephen R. about a third party. However, to keep supporting the GOP the way we have been just perpetuates the satis quo of promises not kept. Voting for the lesser of evils is not what voters want, as proven by Trump's election. Even by electing a GOP president, with a majority in both houses for years, the GOP wasn't able to accomplish what they keep promising. So how do you propose to change things?

  • Larry Ricks

    02/05/2021 01:06 PM

    Well Governor, I tried to leave a comment but after typing my little fingers to the bone, I apparently hit the 'send' button before I was finished. Or the delete button. So, let me just say, since apparently no one can 'prove' election fraud, or even if they could, they apparently can't get a court to require it, or those with power to demand it. Then how do you 'know' that the Georgia run off election outcome was the result of conservatives staying home? Maybe those votes were 'lost', 'not counted', or 'changed'. It appears no Republican official at least in Georgia , has the backbone to do something, or even say anything. Sickening. All we get are promises that 'we are taking this to the courts', or 'we're scheduled to present our case soon', 'we can demonstrate that fraud occurred'. Really, to whom? No court is interested in allowing it to be presented. And at least in this state no powerful official is demanding it.

    I'm done with this comment, it gets me too upset.

  • Cindi E Weaver

    02/05/2021 01:01 PM

    I would never vote Dem, but after this election with all the fraud, I'm not sure if I'll ever vote again. Really Mike, what's the point? They know how to rig the outcome and get away with it... they'll continue to do it. I'm so disheartened with our government right now. I know that my hope will remain in God, but as far as anyone facing any consequences from their corrupt actions here on earth, I highly doubt it. I'm certain there will be many who won't participate in any future fraudulent elections.

  • David Danielson

    02/05/2021 12:59 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    I think the third party may fragment the GOP, although will it matter with the new election bill that is being submitted. The federal elections will be so rigged that only the DNC will be elected.
    As I watch the fraud from this past election, it’s going to be extremely difficult to convince me that we will ever have fair elections. I suggest that a third party won’t matter as the GOP will only win the elections that the DNC allows them to win. Those elections will be where the RINO GOP agrees with or can be manipulated to the DNC thinking.
    It might be that the only way to defeat their movement is to follow through with “Give me liberty or give me death”.

  • Steve Wentz

    02/05/2021 12:57 PM

    I appreciate your response to Stephen R., especially in your last paragraph explaining what is necessary. I feel certain you picked up the utter frustration that most of us who vote Republican are experiencing in Stephen’s comments. \

    I have left the Republican Party and am now voting as an Independent. I left because the Republican Party fails in almost every aspect of supporting the people who elect them. They have extremely poor leadership, all resting on their pledge to be the “civil” representatives of their constituents. Well, they may be civil, but they darn well are DO NOTHING, LAZY LOUTS who do not deserve to be in their positions. I can think of only a few Senators I would vote for right now - Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Josh Harley, Lindsey Graham.

    And even then, I wonder what exactly THEY are doing to rebuild the Party.

    Perhaps it is time for you to take a dive into the fray, Dr Huckabee. Your voice and wisdom would add a lot to the mix, and maybe something would actually change on Capitol Hill.

  • Carolynn J. SCULLY

    02/05/2021 12:57 PM

    I am discouraged with Republican politics. I love having a party where I can vote in the primaries and find candidates I would really support, like you Mike. But I find way too often that those deserving of my vote have no financial backing that pushes them in front of the voter. And so they are out classed by those with deep pockets that are willing to pay back those who help them.

    As for a third party, I have considered it closely, but have come to your conclusion, Mike, that it would not give us any advantage unless we were able to bring democrats who sit on the fence over. Still it would be a long shot.

    One of the things I truly hate about the Republican party right now for me is the incessant emails and texts asking for money for every candidate across the U.S. I do not have money to support every cause. Every day I delete 5 to 10 emails and texts of that sort. They want my money but I cannot trust that my money, helping them to win,will in anyway be used to truly stand up for my convictions. I am unable.

    So, until revival comes we may never see a change.

  • Greg Cline

    02/05/2021 12:56 PM

    At this point of President Biden’s term I’m sure that a large number of voters are wishing that they had it to do over again. As for the 2024 election do you have any favorites for the Republican candidate? I have to think that there will be a lot of people that will going the other way in the next election.

  • Michael Hutch

    02/05/2021 12:56 PM

    The tale of Joe
    I'm for good paying UNION Jobs, then he cuts off the legs of 14,00 Keystone workers due to enviroment wacos. Oh let us not forget all the workers, shop/ store owners, teachers devastated by this closure.
    School closings. CDC says it is safe. UNIONS balk. Joe has buckled. Surprised?? Why.? They backed him yet not a word on job losses. Trains and Trucks can haul the oil. Billionaire Buffet Owns these and is a HUGE Joe contributor. Why is it just UNION jobs? Not every occupation is represented. I believe Unions are less the 20% of work force but HUGE Joe donors. Follow the money folks. Ever here the term Quid Pro Com? He is in their pocket

  • Anne Turner

    02/05/2021 12:55 PM

    Why do conservatives want to shoot themselves in the foot, repeatedly? The old saw of don’t throw the baby out with the bath water is still very timely. One thing conservatives must do is to strongly condemn any kind of rioting. I do think the Capitol riot was started by some radicals on the right but they are few in number. You can bet your last dollar that when Dems saw what was happening they got right in there to help out.

    I live in WV. I pray that Manchin can hold out against the pressure. If he does not, he will lose his job when he is next up for re-election. I am afraid that his life and those of his family will be threatened. The DNC machine will do ANYTHING to win.
    I imagine they will threaten to take away campaign money. I would not be surprised to see Manchin do a Lieberman.

    I read that Biden was cracking down on Putin. Trump was quite hard on Putin snd China and N. Korea but he knew that saving face was all important to them. These are nasty people with big egos and nukes to support them. They cannot be seen as weak. Of course China has a huge rock hanging over the .Biden heads.

    There are definite signs that moderates are finding out that they voted for a pig in a poke. I see that Nikki Haley if speaking out more and more. I think she would make a fantastic President. I do not want Trump to run again. I like the things he did but his ego became out of control at the end. While he did not cause Capitol rioting, he is responsible for the Georgia loss. I am 80 snd I do not want to see Presidents over 70 when they take office.

  • Joyce Biesemeier

    02/05/2021 12:53 PM

    I can not support the whole GOP the RINOS have show themselves again. Get rid of them or the general GOP WILL NOT get another Penny from us. We will be looking very closely to primaries. However Governor Huckabee it is probable already too late since we missed the opportunity to investigate voter fraud. So the GOP seems to be satisfied with being the 2nd party. They still get the same benefits do not have to work as hard and have great retirement plans. You have my respect and a few others but sorry to say I feel pretty powerless. Most GOP EMAILS only want money not even a way to respond or even unsubscribe so they know how we really feel.

  • Jeffery L Trammell

    02/05/2021 12:52 PM

    Mike if you the existing Republican Party don't want a third party then the spineless RINO's better get on board with the majority of the party. We are tired of the Democrats disguised in Republican clothes. Either way as it stands the Democrats win.

  • Karen Broxson

    02/05/2021 12:52 PM

    I agree with you wholeheartedly on not forming a third party. It splits the votes. I think what does need to happen is, every Republican that does not vote conservative needs to be ousted. I really try to vote for non-incumbents. The McConnell’s and Romney’s need to go. We could have had the wall built in the first 2 years of President Trump’s term if it wasn’t for folks like them. Republicans need to grow a backbone and start standing up for what is right. Praying that God will have mercy on this country.

  • Rachel Smith

    02/05/2021 12:51 PM

    Thank you for what you do. Your articles are always so well written and challenging. I live in Arkansas and am THRILLED that Sarah is running for our governor! I am praying for more leaders like you to help us repair our country and move forward. Blessings to you and your family.


    02/05/2021 12:51 PM

    Gov. I think you missed Stephen R's point. We are not going to vote for this any longer. We lost our right to vote on November 3rd. We lost our right to free speech. Our government on both sides allowed this to happen....and you are talking about staying with a party that does not work for those that elected them. Neither party does. Donald Trump gave us the party we wanted in Washington, D.C. for many years, and because of that he was highjacked, impeached and even the kitchen sink thrown at him. I have already cut my ties with the Republican Party and yes, I might even vote for a Democrat just to get Roy Blunt out of office. And don't worry, he knows I feel that way as I have been telling him so for the past two years. But, do you think he will change his ways, I sure don't. Our government wants us to be beholding to them, instead of what our constitution says. We are not going to support this any longer. If we can not have a party that Stands for and by the People, then what do we care if they all go down blazing! We have no say in the matter. We can't even elect our officials any longer....they are selected for us right in front of our faces, and now we get the same old jargon...."The Democrats are doing what they always do and the Republicans are doing what they always do!" And we are supposed to just keep voting as usual and they will pick the official for us because they know what we are supposed to have, certainly not the American People. Heaven Forbid. Nope, No Sir...I do not participate any longer! Over for me as I have better things to do than worry about something I have lost all control over! Oh, and guess I better not be saying anything out loud anymore, they might just take away my Facebook page and Twitter, you can have it!

  • Corbin Douthitt

    02/05/2021 12:50 PM

    I much as I dislike the GOP, I have to agree. The last time a 3rd party won was Lincoln when the Know Nothings popped up. We have to fund our primary candidates and weed out the RINO’s. We have to quit playing the ‘we’re better than that ‘ card and play hardball politics. Hammer the Dems at every opportunity and prosecute at every chance. Good luck.

  • Tonya Baxley

    02/05/2021 12:50 PM

    Mr. Huckabee
    Your response makes a lot of sense. In a way it reminds me of the typical response conservatives have to Republicans who have shown to be weak.... They're better than the alternative. Not really though. They are the same as the alternative. The difference is that to many of us we see them as traiterous because they present to their constituents as their advocate. We know Dems are horrible and often criminal. We don't like them but we know who they are. When Republican "leaders" behave like democrats it is way worse. At this moment in time many people are done with it. We're not going to support them no matter what because at the end of the day they betrayed us. The show Republicans put on the evening of the 6th of January was a wake up call for many. We knew how Dems would behave. We expected Republicans to stand up for us. Instead, they betrayed us. They joined democrats in berating the everyday American and essentially"punishing" them because how dare the peasants bring the fight to the royalty?! I'm not saying that it's okay that people entered the building. It is not. But in no way did the fact that it happened mean that our so called leaders had a by right to falsely label every person there and those not there as terrorists. It in no way had anything to do with how they voted in regards to election integrity. The reality is many do not trust anyone in the government anymore. Our elections are done. So the problem is how do we fight? Primarying incumbents sounds great but not of our elections aren't fair. We can primary all we want. At the end of the day we have zero indication that we will have transparency in elections. We have no guarentees that there will be no fraud. So the issue that the GOP is missing STILL is that we are sick of weakness. We want fighters! We want honesty and integrity. We want them to go to Washington to fight for US, not themselves. Cheney recently said that her vote for impeachment was a personal one. I'm sorry, what?! She is there to represent her constituents. They out her there. And I think they are speaking as they have high numbers trying to recall her. They are not happy. But because she thinks she is royalty she believes she can do whatever she wants. Many people who are part of the GOP came over because of Trump. We aren't about to be loyal to a party. We are loyal to those whom fight for us, period. And the GOP is weak. So why would we under any circumstances continue to support elitist, self serving establishment politicians? The GOP is still missing the climate of the people that make up their base. So now we feel left in the cold. No options. So why not create options you're comfortable with and fight for that? What do we have to lose? An election? Well, that ships sailed. Many feel the dems will forever hold every branch of government now. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know the GOP is still not paying attention.

  • Steve P

    02/05/2021 12:48 PM

    Thanks Governor,

    I couldn't agree agree with your response more. But we really do need to get good conservative candidates to run Primary challenges to RINOs and bitter Trump haters like Romney, Cheney, Sasse, and,Oh so many others........

  • Danielle Latona

    02/05/2021 12:47 PM

    Your response to not forming a third party made a lot of sense, however, we are fed up with the Republican Party. You say run strong candidates against the RINOS? Well, you’re talking about 1/3 of the party, including Mitch McConnell. People are tired of voting just because we have to win the House and Senate, or Presidency. We have been doing that for way too long, hence why we are fed up! I don’t totally believe we lost Georgia because people didn’t go out and vote, the mail in ballot scam is what won them the election. I’m sorry to say that there is going to be a majority of people who just don’t care anymore, right or wrong, it’s a fact. President Trump was the first person EVER that I felt connected to. The first person that truly fought for us, no matter what the cost to him or his family. Very few Republicans stood up for him because they just care about their political careers and personally I sick of it. I will focus on my local and state officials for now and pray that in 2024 I will feel like we matter. If these Republicans don’t change election laws and stop the Democrats corruption, I’m afraid we are doomed! It’s more up to them than us, so maybe you can use your voice to let them know. There are a few, and I mean a few candidates that I will support, and your daughter is one of them. I will continue to donate to her campaign and do whatever else i can. I am from Florida, but I believe she will speak for and fight for the people of Arkansas like President Trump did for us. God Bless you and one of my favorites, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

  • Sam Brooks

    02/05/2021 12:45 PM

    I agree Mike. 2 things: Our dream is for the Democrat party to split into the Socialists and the Democrats, which would Greatly increase our chances of winning on a consistent basis. The same is true if the Republican party splits. The Dem's want this to make it easier for them to maintain power. We don't need to make it easy for them and the news media is baiting us to do this. I think that our best strategy is to continue fighting and VOTING. We can prevent the RINO's from being influential in the party with our votes in primaries and other state elections. Then we fight. If Trump taught us anything it is that we will have to fight, and stand strong for what our convictions are. The "infighting" has to stop and the fighting against Socialists and Communists has to continue.
    Thank you,
    Sam Brooks

  • Aaron Kashima

    02/05/2021 12:44 PM

    On this issue I agree with Stephen R.. President Trump was a unique individual and if another person like him should come on the scene he would be treated the same by our party. I see your point but I believe there’s millions of people like Stephen and myself that are totally disgusted and don’t want this to happen to another patriotic President. Sign me up for The Patriot Party !

  • Frank Stewart

    02/05/2021 12:43 PM

    Governor: Loved your thoughtful responses regarding formation of a Third Party, which up until this election I would have endorsed wholeheartedly. However, I have a new (for me at least) contrary position. First: Sorry for my skepticism on the Georgia election results which infer that enough Republicans did not vote. Rightly or wrongly I strongly suspect the computerized "system" may have yielded altered end results yet again...and that future elections will be fully compromised in favor of the Liberal Democratic candidates by that very means, along with un-monitored mail-in voting. Second: while comparisons to past "third-party" Presidential elections are valid to an extent, I believe we have just past the point-of-no-return heading toward outright socialism. I firmly believe the ongoing future negative results (more negative than we have ever experienced during my lifetime) of the Biden Administration's Policies, procedures and new regulations will so financially and culturally impact and hurt all clear-minded Americans over the next few years, that a large majority of folks across all party lines will be hungry as never before for an unprecedented that thirdly: a New third Party will at last be a realistic, viable alternative to elect a President who is perceived as "middle-of-the-road", is not a Liberal Democrat, is not a Conservative Republican but simply a highly Patriotic American who values the people over the current politics. Yep...we had one of those in Trump but this time (in the interim before 2024) the main-stream media picture will change with new outlets and faces, and new major internet website carriers will be created to gradually compete with and perhaps even eventually replace Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and even to a degree that a new candidate will not be summarily maligned by them as was Trump. Thus, the two major political parties will be damaged goods, the main-stream news media will loose considerable power to control our minds and major corporations will increasingly turn back toward the unflappable appeal of true capitalism. I believe in the American Spirit, I believe in our conservative, fair-minded non-racist cultural values which cut across all socio-economic lines, and finally, I believe that those of us who are strongly faith-based can eventually turn the tide and ride the success of a new Third Party to victory. The results of which will benefit the vast majority of Americans, aside from the political Democrat and Republican swamp creatures. In my view this is in fact the perfect timing for a new Third Party to be created and to ultimately succeed.

  • Rick talley

    02/05/2021 12:43 PM

    The republicans will never win another presidential election because the democrats have now learned how to steal elections and nobody is going to challenge them.

Election 2024 Coverage

February 5, 2021

After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

From Stephen R:

You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

Are you out of your mind?

The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

Things the left would love to see from us:

1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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  • Cindy Zapotocky

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    For over 50 years I have been active in the Republican Party of WA State, and I am more discouraged today than I have ever been. When I was chairman of the Spokane Central Committee in 2009-10, we had the Ron Paul wave come onboard the party. (Lots of young men, many veterans of the military 30-45 year olds with two kids--"Just young whipper snappers who know nothing!") Thousands of young adults wanted to get involved in conservative politics, and you know what happened. They got torched by the "old guard" retired military--Seattle trial lawyers--insurance and real estate czars. We have so little energy and boot on the ground left--just a lot of lazy money trying to buy votes and seats, which never works. It is frankly, appalling. What is your answer for this travesty Mr. Huckabee? More of the same? That's basically what you just said. In WA state, the libs are out of control nasty, and young families facing higher taxes, rotting sick perversion in their schools, loss of jobs and businesses by design, are frankly frantic. Meanwhile, "the church" sits on the sidelines, walls up, protecting their own, mum. This is just awful to watch. The current euthanasia extension bill is enough to curl your hair!!

  • Sydne Ora

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    No third party win? No one thought the CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT would ever grow to over 100+ million USA supporters. POLITICIANS like you never thought PRESIDENT TRUMP had a chance at winning. After our nations win with PRESIDENT TRUMP certain Community Organizers got busy putting in over 500 unconstitutional election legislation "laws" into various STATES and began digging up massive dead voters, printing massive fraudulent mail in ballots and installing their machines, etc.

  • vicki egli

    02/05/2021 01:15 PM

    You say we shouldn't form a 3rd. party and I understand the idea behind that. But when I look at the head of the Republican Party, Ronna Romney McDaniel, there is no passion, power, life behind her. She is absolutely lifeless. No Donald Trump enthusiasm. We need people like Candice Owens, Leo Terrell, Bob Woodson, black people who know how to connect with the thousands who are now voting republican. We have the same old/same old people we will never win anything again. We need that new life to offset the rhino republicans who don't amount to anything.

  • Daniel Kazup

    02/05/2021 01:06 PM

    I can't fault your logic in your response to Stephen R. about a third party. However, to keep supporting the GOP the way we have been just perpetuates the satis quo of promises not kept. Voting for the lesser of evils is not what voters want, as proven by Trump's election. Even by electing a GOP president, with a majority in both houses for years, the GOP wasn't able to accomplish what they keep promising. So how do you propose to change things?

  • Larry Ricks

    02/05/2021 01:06 PM

    Well Governor, I tried to leave a comment but after typing my little fingers to the bone, I apparently hit the 'send' button before I was finished. Or the delete button. So, let me just say, since apparently no one can 'prove' election fraud, or even if they could, they apparently can't get a court to require it, or those with power to demand it. Then how do you 'know' that the Georgia run off election outcome was the result of conservatives staying home? Maybe those votes were 'lost', 'not counted', or 'changed'. It appears no Republican official at least in Georgia , has the backbone to do something, or even say anything. Sickening. All we get are promises that 'we are taking this to the courts', or 'we're scheduled to present our case soon', 'we can demonstrate that fraud occurred'. Really, to whom? No court is interested in allowing it to be presented. And at least in this state no powerful official is demanding it.

    I'm done with this comment, it gets me too upset.

  • Cindi E Weaver

    02/05/2021 01:01 PM

    I would never vote Dem, but after this election with all the fraud, I'm not sure if I'll ever vote again. Really Mike, what's the point? They know how to rig the outcome and get away with it... they'll continue to do it. I'm so disheartened with our government right now. I know that my hope will remain in God, but as far as anyone facing any consequences from their corrupt actions here on earth, I highly doubt it. I'm certain there will be many who won't participate in any future fraudulent elections.

  • David Danielson

    02/05/2021 12:59 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    I think the third party may fragment the GOP, although will it matter with the new election bill that is being submitted. The federal elections will be so rigged that only the DNC will be elected.
    As I watch the fraud from this past election, it’s going to be extremely difficult to convince me that we will ever have fair elections. I suggest that a third party won’t matter as the GOP will only win the elections that the DNC allows them to win. Those elections will be where the RINO GOP agrees with or can be manipulated to the DNC thinking.
    It might be that the only way to defeat their movement is to follow through with “Give me liberty or give me death”.

  • Steve Wentz

    02/05/2021 12:57 PM

    I appreciate your response to Stephen R., especially in your last paragraph explaining what is necessary. I feel certain you picked up the utter frustration that most of us who vote Republican are experiencing in Stephen’s comments. \

    I have left the Republican Party and am now voting as an Independent. I left because the Republican Party fails in almost every aspect of supporting the people who elect them. They have extremely poor leadership, all resting on their pledge to be the “civil” representatives of their constituents. Well, they may be civil, but they darn well are DO NOTHING, LAZY LOUTS who do not deserve to be in their positions. I can think of only a few Senators I would vote for right now - Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Josh Harley, Lindsey Graham.

    And even then, I wonder what exactly THEY are doing to rebuild the Party.

    Perhaps it is time for you to take a dive into the fray, Dr Huckabee. Your voice and wisdom would add a lot to the mix, and maybe something would actually change on Capitol Hill.

  • Carolynn J. SCULLY

    02/05/2021 12:57 PM

    I am discouraged with Republican politics. I love having a party where I can vote in the primaries and find candidates I would really support, like you Mike. But I find way too often that those deserving of my vote have no financial backing that pushes them in front of the voter. And so they are out classed by those with deep pockets that are willing to pay back those who help them.

    As for a third party, I have considered it closely, but have come to your conclusion, Mike, that it would not give us any advantage unless we were able to bring democrats who sit on the fence over. Still it would be a long shot.

    One of the things I truly hate about the Republican party right now for me is the incessant emails and texts asking for money for every candidate across the U.S. I do not have money to support every cause. Every day I delete 5 to 10 emails and texts of that sort. They want my money but I cannot trust that my money, helping them to win,will in anyway be used to truly stand up for my convictions. I am unable.

    So, until revival comes we may never see a change.

  • Greg Cline

    02/05/2021 12:56 PM

    At this point of President Biden’s term I’m sure that a large number of voters are wishing that they had it to do over again. As for the 2024 election do you have any favorites for the Republican candidate? I have to think that there will be a lot of people that will going the other way in the next election.

  • Michael Hutch

    02/05/2021 12:56 PM

    The tale of Joe
    I'm for good paying UNION Jobs, then he cuts off the legs of 14,00 Keystone workers due to enviroment wacos. Oh let us not forget all the workers, shop/ store owners, teachers devastated by this closure.
    School closings. CDC says it is safe. UNIONS balk. Joe has buckled. Surprised?? Why.? They backed him yet not a word on job losses. Trains and Trucks can haul the oil. Billionaire Buffet Owns these and is a HUGE Joe contributor. Why is it just UNION jobs? Not every occupation is represented. I believe Unions are less the 20% of work force but HUGE Joe donors. Follow the money folks. Ever here the term Quid Pro Com? He is in their pocket

  • Anne Turner

    02/05/2021 12:55 PM

    Why do conservatives want to shoot themselves in the foot, repeatedly? The old saw of don’t throw the baby out with the bath water is still very timely. One thing conservatives must do is to strongly condemn any kind of rioting. I do think the Capitol riot was started by some radicals on the right but they are few in number. You can bet your last dollar that when Dems saw what was happening they got right in there to help out.

    I live in WV. I pray that Manchin can hold out against the pressure. If he does not, he will lose his job when he is next up for re-election. I am afraid that his life and those of his family will be threatened. The DNC machine will do ANYTHING to win.
    I imagine they will threaten to take away campaign money. I would not be surprised to see Manchin do a Lieberman.

    I read that Biden was cracking down on Putin. Trump was quite hard on Putin snd China and N. Korea but he knew that saving face was all important to them. These are nasty people with big egos and nukes to support them. They cannot be seen as weak. Of course China has a huge rock hanging over the .Biden heads.

    There are definite signs that moderates are finding out that they voted for a pig in a poke. I see that Nikki Haley if speaking out more and more. I think she would make a fantastic President. I do not want Trump to run again. I like the things he did but his ego became out of control at the end. While he did not cause Capitol rioting, he is responsible for the Georgia loss. I am 80 snd I do not want to see Presidents over 70 when they take office.

  • Joyce Biesemeier

    02/05/2021 12:53 PM

    I can not support the whole GOP the RINOS have show themselves again. Get rid of them or the general GOP WILL NOT get another Penny from us. We will be looking very closely to primaries. However Governor Huckabee it is probable already too late since we missed the opportunity to investigate voter fraud. So the GOP seems to be satisfied with being the 2nd party. They still get the same benefits do not have to work as hard and have great retirement plans. You have my respect and a few others but sorry to say I feel pretty powerless. Most GOP EMAILS only want money not even a way to respond or even unsubscribe so they know how we really feel.

  • Jeffery L Trammell

    02/05/2021 12:52 PM

    Mike if you the existing Republican Party don't want a third party then the spineless RINO's better get on board with the majority of the party. We are tired of the Democrats disguised in Republican clothes. Either way as it stands the Democrats win.

  • Karen Broxson

    02/05/2021 12:52 PM

    I agree with you wholeheartedly on not forming a third party. It splits the votes. I think what does need to happen is, every Republican that does not vote conservative needs to be ousted. I really try to vote for non-incumbents. The McConnell’s and Romney’s need to go. We could have had the wall built in the first 2 years of President Trump’s term if it wasn’t for folks like them. Republicans need to grow a backbone and start standing up for what is right. Praying that God will have mercy on this country.

  • Rachel Smith

    02/05/2021 12:51 PM

    Thank you for what you do. Your articles are always so well written and challenging. I live in Arkansas and am THRILLED that Sarah is running for our governor! I am praying for more leaders like you to help us repair our country and move forward. Blessings to you and your family.


    02/05/2021 12:51 PM

    Gov. I think you missed Stephen R's point. We are not going to vote for this any longer. We lost our right to vote on November 3rd. We lost our right to free speech. Our government on both sides allowed this to happen....and you are talking about staying with a party that does not work for those that elected them. Neither party does. Donald Trump gave us the party we wanted in Washington, D.C. for many years, and because of that he was highjacked, impeached and even the kitchen sink thrown at him. I have already cut my ties with the Republican Party and yes, I might even vote for a Democrat just to get Roy Blunt out of office. And don't worry, he knows I feel that way as I have been telling him so for the past two years. But, do you think he will change his ways, I sure don't. Our government wants us to be beholding to them, instead of what our constitution says. We are not going to support this any longer. If we can not have a party that Stands for and by the People, then what do we care if they all go down blazing! We have no say in the matter. We can't even elect our officials any longer....they are selected for us right in front of our faces, and now we get the same old jargon...."The Democrats are doing what they always do and the Republicans are doing what they always do!" And we are supposed to just keep voting as usual and they will pick the official for us because they know what we are supposed to have, certainly not the American People. Heaven Forbid. Nope, No Sir...I do not participate any longer! Over for me as I have better things to do than worry about something I have lost all control over! Oh, and guess I better not be saying anything out loud anymore, they might just take away my Facebook page and Twitter, you can have it!

  • Corbin Douthitt

    02/05/2021 12:50 PM

    I much as I dislike the GOP, I have to agree. The last time a 3rd party won was Lincoln when the Know Nothings popped up. We have to fund our primary candidates and weed out the RINO’s. We have to quit playing the ‘we’re better than that ‘ card and play hardball politics. Hammer the Dems at every opportunity and prosecute at every chance. Good luck.

  • Tonya Baxley

    02/05/2021 12:50 PM

    Mr. Huckabee
    Your response makes a lot of sense. In a way it reminds me of the typical response conservatives have to Republicans who have shown to be weak.... They're better than the alternative. Not really though. They are the same as the alternative. The difference is that to many of us we see them as traiterous because they present to their constituents as their advocate. We know Dems are horrible and often criminal. We don't like them but we know who they are. When Republican "leaders" behave like democrats it is way worse. At this moment in time many people are done with it. We're not going to support them no matter what because at the end of the day they betrayed us. The show Republicans put on the evening of the 6th of January was a wake up call for many. We knew how Dems would behave. We expected Republicans to stand up for us. Instead, they betrayed us. They joined democrats in berating the everyday American and essentially"punishing" them because how dare the peasants bring the fight to the royalty?! I'm not saying that it's okay that people entered the building. It is not. But in no way did the fact that it happened mean that our so called leaders had a by right to falsely label every person there and those not there as terrorists. It in no way had anything to do with how they voted in regards to election integrity. The reality is many do not trust anyone in the government anymore. Our elections are done. So the problem is how do we fight? Primarying incumbents sounds great but not of our elections aren't fair. We can primary all we want. At the end of the day we have zero indication that we will have transparency in elections. We have no guarentees that there will be no fraud. So the issue that the GOP is missing STILL is that we are sick of weakness. We want fighters! We want honesty and integrity. We want them to go to Washington to fight for US, not themselves. Cheney recently said that her vote for impeachment was a personal one. I'm sorry, what?! She is there to represent her constituents. They out her there. And I think they are speaking as they have high numbers trying to recall her. They are not happy. But because she thinks she is royalty she believes she can do whatever she wants. Many people who are part of the GOP came over because of Trump. We aren't about to be loyal to a party. We are loyal to those whom fight for us, period. And the GOP is weak. So why would we under any circumstances continue to support elitist, self serving establishment politicians? The GOP is still missing the climate of the people that make up their base. So now we feel left in the cold. No options. So why not create options you're comfortable with and fight for that? What do we have to lose? An election? Well, that ships sailed. Many feel the dems will forever hold every branch of government now. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know the GOP is still not paying attention.

  • Steve P

    02/05/2021 12:48 PM

    Thanks Governor,

    I couldn't agree agree with your response more. But we really do need to get good conservative candidates to run Primary challenges to RINOs and bitter Trump haters like Romney, Cheney, Sasse, and,Oh so many others........

  • Danielle Latona

    02/05/2021 12:47 PM

    Your response to not forming a third party made a lot of sense, however, we are fed up with the Republican Party. You say run strong candidates against the RINOS? Well, you’re talking about 1/3 of the party, including Mitch McConnell. People are tired of voting just because we have to win the House and Senate, or Presidency. We have been doing that for way too long, hence why we are fed up! I don’t totally believe we lost Georgia because people didn’t go out and vote, the mail in ballot scam is what won them the election. I’m sorry to say that there is going to be a majority of people who just don’t care anymore, right or wrong, it’s a fact. President Trump was the first person EVER that I felt connected to. The first person that truly fought for us, no matter what the cost to him or his family. Very few Republicans stood up for him because they just care about their political careers and personally I sick of it. I will focus on my local and state officials for now and pray that in 2024 I will feel like we matter. If these Republicans don’t change election laws and stop the Democrats corruption, I’m afraid we are doomed! It’s more up to them than us, so maybe you can use your voice to let them know. There are a few, and I mean a few candidates that I will support, and your daughter is one of them. I will continue to donate to her campaign and do whatever else i can. I am from Florida, but I believe she will speak for and fight for the people of Arkansas like President Trump did for us. God Bless you and one of my favorites, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

  • Sam Brooks

    02/05/2021 12:45 PM

    I agree Mike. 2 things: Our dream is for the Democrat party to split into the Socialists and the Democrats, which would Greatly increase our chances of winning on a consistent basis. The same is true if the Republican party splits. The Dem's want this to make it easier for them to maintain power. We don't need to make it easy for them and the news media is baiting us to do this. I think that our best strategy is to continue fighting and VOTING. We can prevent the RINO's from being influential in the party with our votes in primaries and other state elections. Then we fight. If Trump taught us anything it is that we will have to fight, and stand strong for what our convictions are. The "infighting" has to stop and the fighting against Socialists and Communists has to continue.
    Thank you,
    Sam Brooks

  • Aaron Kashima

    02/05/2021 12:44 PM

    On this issue I agree with Stephen R.. President Trump was a unique individual and if another person like him should come on the scene he would be treated the same by our party. I see your point but I believe there’s millions of people like Stephen and myself that are totally disgusted and don’t want this to happen to another patriotic President. Sign me up for The Patriot Party !

  • Frank Stewart

    02/05/2021 12:43 PM

    Governor: Loved your thoughtful responses regarding formation of a Third Party, which up until this election I would have endorsed wholeheartedly. However, I have a new (for me at least) contrary position. First: Sorry for my skepticism on the Georgia election results which infer that enough Republicans did not vote. Rightly or wrongly I strongly suspect the computerized "system" may have yielded altered end results yet again...and that future elections will be fully compromised in favor of the Liberal Democratic candidates by that very means, along with un-monitored mail-in voting. Second: while comparisons to past "third-party" Presidential elections are valid to an extent, I believe we have just past the point-of-no-return heading toward outright socialism. I firmly believe the ongoing future negative results (more negative than we have ever experienced during my lifetime) of the Biden Administration's Policies, procedures and new regulations will so financially and culturally impact and hurt all clear-minded Americans over the next few years, that a large majority of folks across all party lines will be hungry as never before for an unprecedented that thirdly: a New third Party will at last be a realistic, viable alternative to elect a President who is perceived as "middle-of-the-road", is not a Liberal Democrat, is not a Conservative Republican but simply a highly Patriotic American who values the people over the current politics. Yep...we had one of those in Trump but this time (in the interim before 2024) the main-stream media picture will change with new outlets and faces, and new major internet website carriers will be created to gradually compete with and perhaps even eventually replace Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and even to a degree that a new candidate will not be summarily maligned by them as was Trump. Thus, the two major political parties will be damaged goods, the main-stream news media will loose considerable power to control our minds and major corporations will increasingly turn back toward the unflappable appeal of true capitalism. I believe in the American Spirit, I believe in our conservative, fair-minded non-racist cultural values which cut across all socio-economic lines, and finally, I believe that those of us who are strongly faith-based can eventually turn the tide and ride the success of a new Third Party to victory. The results of which will benefit the vast majority of Americans, aside from the political Democrat and Republican swamp creatures. In my view this is in fact the perfect timing for a new Third Party to be created and to ultimately succeed.

  • Rick talley

    02/05/2021 12:43 PM

    The republicans will never win another presidential election because the democrats have now learned how to steal elections and nobody is going to challenge them.

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    February 5, 2021

    After I said that if we formed a third party we’d never, ever win another presidential election, EVER, I received quite a few letters from readers who think differently. Here’s a typical one...

    From Stephen R:

    You say that you’re against a third party and that we’d never again win an election if that happens. I totally disagree! If we abandon the Republican Party in major numbers with the right candidate, I think we’d stand a better chance rather than having the same old s*** on the menu!

    What chance will the Republicans have when most of us are totally fed up with the crap that we’ve listened to for years and nothing changing (excluding President Trump)! The rest of them are just filling a seat and going along with the Democrat BS! They talk a good line when in front of the cameras, but go along with the Dems behind closed doors and to hell with their constituents! What good will the Republican Party be when 2/3 of us will not vote for another Republican candidate? I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards that are in office trying to say that they have our backs!!! I’m done!!!!

    From the Gov:

    Thanks for writing, Stephen. Obviously, our party has reached a crossroads, and it’s critically important how we decide to go forward from this point. But if I may offer some “famous last words,” I can think of none more appropriate than what you just said: “I’ll vote Democrat just to remove these spineless cowards...”

    Vote Democrat? With all due respect, Stephen, I have six words for you:

    Are you out of your mind?

    The reason we have such a disaster in the U.S. Senate now is that Georgia Republicans, fed up by the Nov. 3 outcome, refused to vote Republican, staying home on the day of the senatorial run-off elections and giving their state two of the most radical left-wing senators ever to be on the ballot, and that’s saying something. We know now that if they had come out for the Republican candidates in numbers comparable to their November 3 turnout, they would have kept the Senate out of the hands of radical leftists. Gosh, I hope all those fed-up conservative Georgia voters are happy now.

    Let’s do some basic math. Right now, the two major parties, in terms of numbers, are pretty evenly split. If the 2/3 of Republicans who, as you say, are thoroughly fed up and refuse to vote for another Republican DO vote for a third party candidate instead, that will give the third party candidate a whopping 2/3 of what the anti-Democrat vote would have been otherwise. The Republican gets the other 1/3. These two parties will split about half the total vote.

    But the Democrats get almost all of the other half, which means they WIN, as all they need is a plurality. Obviously, 1/3 of the Republican vote isn’t going to get us squat. But even 2/3 of that vote isn’t going to get us squat, either. One thing about Democrats: they do stick together. And if they stick together and we fragment, with no more than 2/3 of our vote going to any one candidate, guess which party wins?

    That’s right, the Democrats, every time. Go to the head of the class.

    When Democrat Party candidate Bill Clinton won in 1992, he got a whopping 43 percent of the popular vote. The other two major candidates, Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and Independent Party candidate and Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, essentially split the rest; that “giant sucking sound” you heard was Perot sucking up 19 percent of the vote (the most a third party candidate has ever received, but it translated into ZERO electoral votes). So victory went to Clinton, the Democrat. Some analysts said that Clinton would’ve beaten Bush anyway, but we don’t know about that. A huge number of conservative Republicans rejected a second Bush term and voted for Perot, giving us the Democrats.

    Let’s go farther back in history, to when former President Teddy Roosevelt tried a comeback with a third party, the Bull Moose Party. In 1912, a group of Republicans dissatisfied with President William Howard Taft formed the Bull Moose Party specifically for TR to run again. (He supposedly had said he was “fit as a bull moose” to run again.) The Bull Moose Party was “progressive” for the time and favored such new-fangled ideas as women’s suffrage, direct election of U.S. senators, and various social reforms. Roosevelt ran on what he called the “Square Deal,” based on fair business competition and more welfare programs for the needy.

    Anyway, his candidacy divided the Republican Party, and Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily won. Would you like to hear about Woodrow Wilson and his administration? That’s a topic for another day, but for now let’s just say it would have been much better if TR hadn’t divided the Republican Party and let Wilson and his pals glide into the Oval Office.

    Things the left would love to see from us:

    1) An uprising. In fact, the Capitol breach played into their hands so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would have had to create it; make of that statement what you will. The Capitol incident gave the left all the excuse they needed to label every one of us a “domestic terrorist” and start taking our rights away. As frustrated as you might be, DO NOT give them any more reason to do that. Believe me, they are just waiting for this.

    2) A third party. The left would LOVE this. Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a third party is not going to have the “ground game” of the well-oiled machine that is the Democrat Party. All this will do is split the Republican Party vote and ensure Democrat victories time after time. I know many of you don’t want to hear this, but it’s the hard truth.

    3) Giving up. Some conservatives are now saying the fight is over and we have lost. Why bother voting if the elections are rigged? Why bother tweeting if you’ll just be banned? Just stay home and wait for the end. But this would be a gift to the left. When you give up, they push even harder.

    We have to fix our party, from the inside. We do have a few outstanding incumbents, but for the RINOS, we have to find solid, articulate conservative candidates for primary challenges. That’s what the “progressives” in the Democrat Party did, through organizations such as Justice Democrats, the group that recruited AOC. Democrats organize like mad, and if they aren’t satisfied with their incumbents, they challenge them. This is what we’re going to have to do with our own who fail to represent our views and values. Perhaps Trump could help with this. We must go into every race with the strongest ticket we can find, work like our freedom depends on it (because it does) and be assertive poll watchers!

    But, again, the worst thing conservatives can do is split off and form a third party. Don’t even think about it!


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    • Cindy Zapotocky

      02/05/2021 01:15 PM

      For over 50 years I have been active in the Republican Party of WA State, and I am more discouraged today than I have ever been. When I was chairman of the Spokane Central Committee in 2009-10, we had the Ron Paul wave come onboard the party. (Lots of young men, many veterans of the military 30-45 year olds with two kids--"Just young whipper snappers who know nothing!") Thousands of young adults wanted to get involved in conservative politics, and you know what happened. They got torched by the "old guard" retired military--Seattle trial lawyers--insurance and real estate czars. We have so little energy and boot on the ground left--just a lot of lazy money trying to buy votes and seats, which never works. It is frankly, appalling. What is your answer for this travesty Mr. Huckabee? More of the same? That's basically what you just said. In WA state, the libs are out of control nasty, and young families facing higher taxes, rotting sick perversion in their schools, loss of jobs and businesses by design, are frankly frantic. Meanwhile, "the church" sits on the sidelines, walls up, protecting their own, mum. This is just awful to watch. The current euthanasia extension bill is enough to curl your hair!!

    • Sydne Ora

      02/05/2021 01:15 PM

      No third party win? No one thought the CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT would ever grow to over 100+ million USA supporters. POLITICIANS like you never thought PRESIDENT TRUMP had a chance at winning. After our nations win with PRESIDENT TRUMP certain Community Organizers got busy putting in over 500 unconstitutional election legislation "laws" into various STATES and began digging up massive dead voters, printing massive fraudulent mail in ballots and installing their machines, etc.

    • vicki egli

      02/05/2021 01:15 PM

      You say we shouldn't form a 3rd. party and I understand the idea behind that. But when I look at the head of the Republican Party, Ronna Romney McDaniel, there is no passion, power, life behind her. She is absolutely lifeless. No Donald Trump enthusiasm. We need people like Candice Owens, Leo Terrell, Bob Woodson, black people who know how to connect with the thousands who are now voting republican. We have the same old/same old people we will never win anything again. We need that new life to offset the rhino republicans who don't amount to anything.

    • Daniel Kazup

      02/05/2021 01:06 PM

      I can't fault your logic in your response to Stephen R. about a third party. However, to keep supporting the GOP the way we have been just perpetuates the satis quo of promises not kept. Voting for the lesser of evils is not what voters want, as proven by Trump's election. Even by electing a GOP president, with a majority in both houses for years, the GOP wasn't able to accomplish what they keep promising. So how do you propose to change things?

    • Larry Ricks

      02/05/2021 01:06 PM

      Well Governor, I tried to leave a comment but after typing my little fingers to the bone, I apparently hit the 'send' button before I was finished. Or the delete button. So, let me just say, since apparently no one can 'prove' election fraud, or even if they could, they apparently can't get a court to require it, or those with power to demand it. Then how do you 'know' that the Georgia run off election outcome was the result of conservatives staying home? Maybe those votes were 'lost', 'not counted', or 'changed'. It appears no Republican official at least in Georgia , has the backbone to do something, or even say anything. Sickening. All we get are promises that 'we are taking this to the courts', or 'we're scheduled to present our case soon', 'we can demonstrate that fraud occurred'. Really, to whom? No court is interested in allowing it to be presented. And at least in this state no powerful official is demanding it.

      I'm done with this comment, it gets me too upset.

    • Cindi E Weaver

      02/05/2021 01:01 PM

      I would never vote Dem, but after this election with all the fraud, I'm not sure if I'll ever vote again. Really Mike, what's the point? They know how to rig the outcome and get away with it... they'll continue to do it. I'm so disheartened with our government right now. I know that my hope will remain in God, but as far as anyone facing any consequences from their corrupt actions here on earth, I highly doubt it. I'm certain there will be many who won't participate in any future fraudulent elections.

    • David Danielson

      02/05/2021 12:59 PM

      Governor Huckabee,
      I think the third party may fragment the GOP, although will it matter with the new election bill that is being submitted. The federal elections will be so rigged that only the DNC will be elected.
      As I watch the fraud from this past election, it’s going to be extremely difficult to convince me that we will ever have fair elections. I suggest that a third party won’t matter as the GOP will only win the elections that the DNC allows them to win. Those elections will be where the RINO GOP agrees with or can be manipulated to the DNC thinking.
      It might be that the only way to defeat their movement is to follow through with “Give me liberty or give me death”.

    • Steve Wentz

      02/05/2021 12:57 PM

      I appreciate your response to Stephen R., especially in your last paragraph explaining what is necessary. I feel certain you picked up the utter frustration that most of us who vote Republican are experiencing in Stephen’s comments. \

      I have left the Republican Party and am now voting as an Independent. I left because the Republican Party fails in almost every aspect of supporting the people who elect them. They have extremely poor leadership, all resting on their pledge to be the “civil” representatives of their constituents. Well, they may be civil, but they darn well are DO NOTHING, LAZY LOUTS who do not deserve to be in their positions. I can think of only a few Senators I would vote for right now - Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Josh Harley, Lindsey Graham.

      And even then, I wonder what exactly THEY are doing to rebuild the Party.

      Perhaps it is time for you to take a dive into the fray, Dr Huckabee. Your voice and wisdom would add a lot to the mix, and maybe something would actually change on Capitol Hill.

    • Carolynn J. SCULLY

      02/05/2021 12:57 PM

      I am discouraged with Republican politics. I love having a party where I can vote in the primaries and find candidates I would really support, like you Mike. But I find way too often that those deserving of my vote have no financial backing that pushes them in front of the voter. And so they are out classed by those with deep pockets that are willing to pay back those who help them.

      As for a third party, I have considered it closely, but have come to your conclusion, Mike, that it would not give us any advantage unless we were able to bring democrats who sit on the fence over. Still it would be a long shot.

      One of the things I truly hate about the Republican party right now for me is the incessant emails and texts asking for money for every candidate across the U.S. I do not have money to support every cause. Every day I delete 5 to 10 emails and texts of that sort. They want my money but I cannot trust that my money, helping them to win,will in anyway be used to truly stand up for my convictions. I am unable.

      So, until revival comes we may never see a change.

    • Greg Cline

      02/05/2021 12:56 PM

      At this point of President Biden’s term I’m sure that a large number of voters are wishing that they had it to do over again. As for the 2024 election do you have any favorites for the Republican candidate? I have to think that there will be a lot of people that will going the other way in the next election.

    • Michael Hutch

      02/05/2021 12:56 PM

      The tale of Joe
      I'm for good paying UNION Jobs, then he cuts off the legs of 14,00 Keystone workers due to enviroment wacos. Oh let us not forget all the workers, shop/ store owners, teachers devastated by this closure.
      School closings. CDC says it is safe. UNIONS balk. Joe has buckled. Surprised?? Why.? They backed him yet not a word on job losses. Trains and Trucks can haul the oil. Billionaire Buffet Owns these and is a HUGE Joe contributor. Why is it just UNION jobs? Not every occupation is represented. I believe Unions are less the 20% of work force but HUGE Joe donors. Follow the money folks. Ever here the term Quid Pro Com? He is in their pocket

    • Anne Turner

      02/05/2021 12:55 PM

      Why do conservatives want to shoot themselves in the foot, repeatedly? The old saw of don’t throw the baby out with the bath water is still very timely. One thing conservatives must do is to strongly condemn any kind of rioting. I do think the Capitol riot was started by some radicals on the right but they are few in number. You can bet your last dollar that when Dems saw what was happening they got right in there to help out.

      I live in WV. I pray that Manchin can hold out against the pressure. If he does not, he will lose his job when he is next up for re-election. I am afraid that his life and those of his family will be threatened. The DNC machine will do ANYTHING to win.
      I imagine they will threaten to take away campaign money. I would not be surprised to see Manchin do a Lieberman.

      I read that Biden was cracking down on Putin. Trump was quite hard on Putin snd China and N. Korea but he knew that saving face was all important to them. These are nasty people with big egos and nukes to support them. They cannot be seen as weak. Of course China has a huge rock hanging over the .Biden heads.

      There are definite signs that moderates are finding out that they voted for a pig in a poke. I see that Nikki Haley if speaking out more and more. I think she would make a fantastic President. I do not want Trump to run again. I like the things he did but his ego became out of control at the end. While he did not cause Capitol rioting, he is responsible for the Georgia loss. I am 80 snd I do not want to see Presidents over 70 when they take office.

    • Joyce Biesemeier

      02/05/2021 12:53 PM

      I can not support the whole GOP the RINOS have show themselves again. Get rid of them or the general GOP WILL NOT get another Penny from us. We will be looking very closely to primaries. However Governor Huckabee it is probable already too late since we missed the opportunity to investigate voter fraud. So the GOP seems to be satisfied with being the 2nd party. They still get the same benefits do not have to work as hard and have great retirement plans. You have my respect and a few others but sorry to say I feel pretty powerless. Most GOP EMAILS only want money not even a way to respond or even unsubscribe so they know how we really feel.

    • Jeffery L Trammell

      02/05/2021 12:52 PM

      Mike if you the existing Republican Party don't want a third party then the spineless RINO's better get on board with the majority of the party. We are tired of the Democrats disguised in Republican clothes. Either way as it stands the Democrats win.

    • Karen Broxson

      02/05/2021 12:52 PM

      I agree with you wholeheartedly on not forming a third party. It splits the votes. I think what does need to happen is, every Republican that does not vote conservative needs to be ousted. I really try to vote for non-incumbents. The McConnell’s and Romney’s need to go. We could have had the wall built in the first 2 years of President Trump’s term if it wasn’t for folks like them. Republicans need to grow a backbone and start standing up for what is right. Praying that God will have mercy on this country.

    • Rachel Smith

      02/05/2021 12:51 PM

      Thank you for what you do. Your articles are always so well written and challenging. I live in Arkansas and am THRILLED that Sarah is running for our governor! I am praying for more leaders like you to help us repair our country and move forward. Blessings to you and your family.


      02/05/2021 12:51 PM

      Gov. I think you missed Stephen R's point. We are not going to vote for this any longer. We lost our right to vote on November 3rd. We lost our right to free speech. Our government on both sides allowed this to happen....and you are talking about staying with a party that does not work for those that elected them. Neither party does. Donald Trump gave us the party we wanted in Washington, D.C. for many years, and because of that he was highjacked, impeached and even the kitchen sink thrown at him. I have already cut my ties with the Republican Party and yes, I might even vote for a Democrat just to get Roy Blunt out of office. And don't worry, he knows I feel that way as I have been telling him so for the past two years. But, do you think he will change his ways, I sure don't. Our government wants us to be beholding to them, instead of what our constitution says. We are not going to support this any longer. If we can not have a party that Stands for and by the People, then what do we care if they all go down blazing! We have no say in the matter. We can't even elect our officials any longer....they are selected for us right in front of our faces, and now we get the same old jargon...."The Democrats are doing what they always do and the Republicans are doing what they always do!" And we are supposed to just keep voting as usual and they will pick the official for us because they know what we are supposed to have, certainly not the American People. Heaven Forbid. Nope, No Sir...I do not participate any longer! Over for me as I have better things to do than worry about something I have lost all control over! Oh, and guess I better not be saying anything out loud anymore, they might just take away my Facebook page and Twitter, you can have it!

    • Corbin Douthitt

      02/05/2021 12:50 PM

      I much as I dislike the GOP, I have to agree. The last time a 3rd party won was Lincoln when the Know Nothings popped up. We have to fund our primary candidates and weed out the RINO’s. We have to quit playing the ‘we’re better than that ‘ card and play hardball politics. Hammer the Dems at every opportunity and prosecute at every chance. Good luck.

    • Tonya Baxley

      02/05/2021 12:50 PM

      Mr. Huckabee
      Your response makes a lot of sense. In a way it reminds me of the typical response conservatives have to Republicans who have shown to be weak.... They're better than the alternative. Not really though. They are the same as the alternative. The difference is that to many of us we see them as traiterous because they present to their constituents as their advocate. We know Dems are horrible and often criminal. We don't like them but we know who they are. When Republican "leaders" behave like democrats it is way worse. At this moment in time many people are done with it. We're not going to support them no matter what because at the end of the day they betrayed us. The show Republicans put on the evening of the 6th of January was a wake up call for many. We knew how Dems would behave. We expected Republicans to stand up for us. Instead, they betrayed us. They joined democrats in berating the everyday American and essentially"punishing" them because how dare the peasants bring the fight to the royalty?! I'm not saying that it's okay that people entered the building. It is not. But in no way did the fact that it happened mean that our so called leaders had a by right to falsely label every person there and those not there as terrorists. It in no way had anything to do with how they voted in regards to election integrity. The reality is many do not trust anyone in the government anymore. Our elections are done. So the problem is how do we fight? Primarying incumbents sounds great but not of our elections aren't fair. We can primary all we want. At the end of the day we have zero indication that we will have transparency in elections. We have no guarentees that there will be no fraud. So the issue that the GOP is missing STILL is that we are sick of weakness. We want fighters! We want honesty and integrity. We want them to go to Washington to fight for US, not themselves. Cheney recently said that her vote for impeachment was a personal one. I'm sorry, what?! She is there to represent her constituents. They out her there. And I think they are speaking as they have high numbers trying to recall her. They are not happy. But because she thinks she is royalty she believes she can do whatever she wants. Many people who are part of the GOP came over because of Trump. We aren't about to be loyal to a party. We are loyal to those whom fight for us, period. And the GOP is weak. So why would we under any circumstances continue to support elitist, self serving establishment politicians? The GOP is still missing the climate of the people that make up their base. So now we feel left in the cold. No options. So why not create options you're comfortable with and fight for that? What do we have to lose? An election? Well, that ships sailed. Many feel the dems will forever hold every branch of government now. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know the GOP is still not paying attention.

    • Steve P

      02/05/2021 12:48 PM

      Thanks Governor,

      I couldn't agree agree with your response more. But we really do need to get good conservative candidates to run Primary challenges to RINOs and bitter Trump haters like Romney, Cheney, Sasse, and,Oh so many others........

    • Danielle Latona

      02/05/2021 12:47 PM

      Your response to not forming a third party made a lot of sense, however, we are fed up with the Republican Party. You say run strong candidates against the RINOS? Well, you’re talking about 1/3 of the party, including Mitch McConnell. People are tired of voting just because we have to win the House and Senate, or Presidency. We have been doing that for way too long, hence why we are fed up! I don’t totally believe we lost Georgia because people didn’t go out and vote, the mail in ballot scam is what won them the election. I’m sorry to say that there is going to be a majority of people who just don’t care anymore, right or wrong, it’s a fact. President Trump was the first person EVER that I felt connected to. The first person that truly fought for us, no matter what the cost to him or his family. Very few Republicans stood up for him because they just care about their political careers and personally I sick of it. I will focus on my local and state officials for now and pray that in 2024 I will feel like we matter. If these Republicans don’t change election laws and stop the Democrats corruption, I’m afraid we are doomed! It’s more up to them than us, so maybe you can use your voice to let them know. There are a few, and I mean a few candidates that I will support, and your daughter is one of them. I will continue to donate to her campaign and do whatever else i can. I am from Florida, but I believe she will speak for and fight for the people of Arkansas like President Trump did for us. God Bless you and one of my favorites, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

    • Sam Brooks

      02/05/2021 12:45 PM

      I agree Mike. 2 things: Our dream is for the Democrat party to split into the Socialists and the Democrats, which would Greatly increase our chances of winning on a consistent basis. The same is true if the Republican party splits. The Dem's want this to make it easier for them to maintain power. We don't need to make it easy for them and the news media is baiting us to do this. I think that our best strategy is to continue fighting and VOTING. We can prevent the RINO's from being influential in the party with our votes in primaries and other state elections. Then we fight. If Trump taught us anything it is that we will have to fight, and stand strong for what our convictions are. The "infighting" has to stop and the fighting against Socialists and Communists has to continue.
      Thank you,
      Sam Brooks

    • Aaron Kashima

      02/05/2021 12:44 PM

      On this issue I agree with Stephen R.. President Trump was a unique individual and if another person like him should come on the scene he would be treated the same by our party. I see your point but I believe there’s millions of people like Stephen and myself that are totally disgusted and don’t want this to happen to another patriotic President. Sign me up for The Patriot Party !

    • Frank Stewart

      02/05/2021 12:43 PM

      Governor: Loved your thoughtful responses regarding formation of a Third Party, which up until this election I would have endorsed wholeheartedly. However, I have a new (for me at least) contrary position. First: Sorry for my skepticism on the Georgia election results which infer that enough Republicans did not vote. Rightly or wrongly I strongly suspect the computerized "system" may have yielded altered end results yet again...and that future elections will be fully compromised in favor of the Liberal Democratic candidates by that very means, along with un-monitored mail-in voting. Second: while comparisons to past "third-party" Presidential elections are valid to an extent, I believe we have just past the point-of-no-return heading toward outright socialism. I firmly believe the ongoing future negative results (more negative than we have ever experienced during my lifetime) of the Biden Administration's Policies, procedures and new regulations will so financially and culturally impact and hurt all clear-minded Americans over the next few years, that a large majority of folks across all party lines will be hungry as never before for an unprecedented that thirdly: a New third Party will at last be a realistic, viable alternative to elect a President who is perceived as "middle-of-the-road", is not a Liberal Democrat, is not a Conservative Republican but simply a highly Patriotic American who values the people over the current politics. Yep...we had one of those in Trump but this time (in the interim before 2024) the main-stream media picture will change with new outlets and faces, and new major internet website carriers will be created to gradually compete with and perhaps even eventually replace Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and even to a degree that a new candidate will not be summarily maligned by them as was Trump. Thus, the two major political parties will be damaged goods, the main-stream news media will loose considerable power to control our minds and major corporations will increasingly turn back toward the unflappable appeal of true capitalism. I believe in the American Spirit, I believe in our conservative, fair-minded non-racist cultural values which cut across all socio-economic lines, and finally, I believe that those of us who are strongly faith-based can eventually turn the tide and ride the success of a new Third Party to victory. The results of which will benefit the vast majority of Americans, aside from the political Democrat and Republican swamp creatures. In my view this is in fact the perfect timing for a new Third Party to be created and to ultimately succeed.

    • Rick talley

      02/05/2021 12:43 PM

      The republicans will never win another presidential election because the democrats have now learned how to steal elections and nobody is going to challenge them.