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February 2, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Climate Porn
  • The best advice I can give
  • Understandably alarmed


Mike Huckabee



Climate porn

By Mike Huckabee

While President Biden is frantically working to destroy the entire US fuel industry and countless jobs in the name of fighting the “climate crisis,” one brave University of Colorado professor of environmental studies is trying to tell the world that those catastrophic predictions are based on obsolete data.

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. is no “climate denier” (a stupid term; nobody denies that there’s a climate, or that it changes.) He believes that human activity has an effect on the climate. But he says the doomsday scenarios about climate as an imminent threat to humanity are a result of “the unstoppable momentum of outdated science.” He writes that “responding to climate change is critically important,” but “so too is upholding the integrity of the science which helps to inform those responses.” That’s where politicians and the media are letting hyperbolic claims and panic override the “science” they claim to be following.

Pielke points out that not only are these apocalyptic predictions taken from the most extreme hypothetical scenarios, they’re also based on data about CO2 emissions and other factors that’s so far out of date that we can look at charts and see how much reality has already diverged from the predictions. He says there are now almost 17,000 peer-reviewed articles on climate change that are based on this outdated data.

In fact, rather than CO2 exponentially increasing and no action being taken to curb it (a common assumption in these studies), carbon emissions, particularly in the US, have been drastically reduced over the past 25 years. They dropped another 7% last year due to the pandemic lockdowns. He says it’s possible the world has already passed peak CO2 emissions.

Yet we keep getting these apocalyptic scare stories that he says are "untethered from the real world." He calls them “climate porn.” He also describes the current politics around climate change as “Manichean paranoia,” or a worldview “in which your opponent is considered to be malign and willfully ignorant, whereas your own side is noble and uniquely enlightened.”

Wow, does that sound familiar!

I doubt that anyone will heed his warnings because the scare stories about climate change aren't about reporting on science, they're about increasing government power and control. For all the talk about "following the science," I notice that science is only followed as long as it's useful in advancing the left's agenda. When scientific facts undermine the agenda (whether they relate to climate, gender or abortion), science goes right out the window.

Read the whole article. If you were a Keystone Pipeline worker, I’m sure you have plenty of time now.

The best advice I can give

By Mike Huckabee

I’m getting comments from people who feel discouraged and demoralized by how much power anti-American leftists have managed to seize, and how it’s being used to silence and bully anyone who dares stand up to them or even voice an opposing view. People want me to stop telling them so much bad news and offer more optimism.

Well, we’re trying, but you have to understand that part of what we do here is pass along the latest news we think you need to know, reportedly accurately and honestly, and frankly, a lot of it right now is pretty bad. There’s nothing that can be done about that, and there’s no sense in burying our heads like ostriches and pretending it doesn’t exist.

However, I hope you notice that I never advocate for conservatives to give up or go into hiding. To the contrary, I’ve urged you to stay calm and stay confident. I keep trying to remind you that while the big bullies of DC, social media and Wall Street think they have all the power, they only have as much as we allow them to. They need us more than we need them.

Today’s social media “giant” like Twitter can become tomorrow’s MySpace overnight (once described by Seth Meyers as the Internet’s abandoned playground) if we turn our backs on it. Google can’t track you, sell your data or try to brainwash you with slanted news coverage if you do your searching on DuckDuckGo. Some high-flying Wall Street hedge fund billionaires just got their wings clipped by a bunch of small investors on Reddit who decided they needed a spanking. Bed Bath & Beyond dropped MyPillow and their stock dropped 36% in one day. Even "Star Wars" movies can tank if they're filled with preachy leftist messages.

There’s a reason why we have the saying, “Get woke, go broke.”

Yes, it’s hard now, with the left flexing its power everywhere, from shutting down Parler to Biden’s hard-left executive orders to firing employees just for supporting Trump. But we’re only in Act One of this drama, where the villain is doing his worst. One thing you can always depend on with leftists: they have zero ability to think and plan long-term, and they always immediately overreach.

The inevitable backlash is already starting to boil. And not just among 75 million Trump voters, but also a lot of moderates and Democrats who thought they were getting “Unity Joe Biden” and not AOC in a blue suit and face mask. Remember, Republicans did really well in the last election on the state and local levels. Don’t get discouraged, get motivated and keep that momentum going.

As of this year, Republicans will have complete control (Governor and both houses of legislatures) in 24 states, while Democrats have only 15. Republicans have full control of the legislatures in 31 states; Democrats only 18. In terms of population, Republicans control legislatures that represent nearly 186 million Americans; Democrats less than 134 million.

So no, we are not “all socialists now.” Democrats in DC and a handful of big cities are shoving the pendulum so far to the left that it’s bound to swing back and knock them for a loop. Biden is now giving Americans a loud wake-up call as to why they replaced him and Obama with Trump and how foolish it was to let the media convince them to trade peace, security and prosperity for “no more mean tweets.” From polls to social media to diner conversations, you can already sense the outrage growing of “this is not we signed up for.”

The best advice I can give you is to keep reading the bad news I have to send you, but don’t get depressed, get energized to change it. Let the “woke” corporations know that you will withhold your business and they will go broke. Utilize the courts to block unconstitutional executive orders and bills, and to sue the daylights out of companies and universities that fire or silence employees for exercising their rights. Find alternatives to Internet companies that hate you, and if they destroy those alternatives, find new ones (wherever there’s a profit to be made, new alternatives will arise.)

You can also let your Republicans Representatives and Senators know that you expect them to tighten voting laws and to do everything in their power to block this Democrat bill to destroy free speech and rig elections forever; and if you’re from a purple state, let your Democrat officials know that they will soon be unemployed if they vote for it.

With the Democrats exposing what they are and blowing their support already, start working and volunteering now to be ready to take back your cities, states and the US House and Senate in 2022 (and don’t fall into the trap of forming a third party, splitting the vote and reelecting Democrats with less than 50%. That’s how we got Bill Clinton, twice.) And of course, never stop praying for America to survive, revive and thrive.

Finally, do what we try to do here every day: explain, with calmness, facts and humor, why conservative policies work and leftist policies don’t. And don’t get discouraged in thinking that nobody will listen anymore. Young people are famous for rebelling against the older generation, and the current generation of leftists in Washington is giving them a stunningly bad example to rebel against. Here’s a story that might just give you some hope for the future.

Understandably alarmed

By Mike Huckabee

Former NFL defensive end Marcellus Wiley is the father of three daughters and the husband of a former collegiate athlete, and he’s understandably alarmed by President Biden’s executive order that “trans” athletes (males who “identify” as female) must be allowed to compete in girls’ sports. With the natural physical advantages males (even those who claim to be “former males”) enjoy, if this assault on both women’s rights and reality is allowed to stand, it will spell the end of girls’ school sports. In fact, we’re already seeing that, with a handful of “trans” athletes scooping up dozens of trophies and scholarships that were intended for female students. But if you dare to state obvious biological facts these days, the “party of science” denounces you as a hateful transphobe.

Of course, “hate” has nothing to do with it. I don’t hate anyone, least of all confused teenagers with gender issues. It’s not hateful to point out that athletes with male bodies have unfair advantages over female athletes such as stamina, muscle mass and upper body strength, any more than it’s hateful to notice that female Eclectus parrots are red and males are green. It’s just a basic biological fact. Here’s a leading female athlete who also dares to speak the truth on this issue:

Obviously, Marcellus Wiley feels the same way, since he’s suggested a solution that would be much more fair to everyone: create a new category of competition for transgender athletes, so that every competitor would literally be on a level playing field. Naturally, he’s getting pushback for that, although it certainly sounds fairer than the current situation Biden is forcing on students.

And here’s a question I never hear anyone answer: if there’s no difference between a “trans” athlete and an athlete competing as the gender he or she was born, why are so many males who identify as women winning girls’ sports events, but there don’t seem to be any women who identify as men winning men’s sports events?

Incidentally, this Biden executive order is yet another radical change that voters didn’t know they were signing up for, due to biased media covering up the truth to help the Democrats. It’s hard to believe many parents of girls, especially black parents, would have voted for Biden had they known what was coming, since a 2019 poll found that only 29% of Americans favored letting “trans” male athletes compete in girls’ sports, and 57 percent of blacks were opposed.

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Comments 1-25 of 52

  • Beverly Ring

    02/06/2021 05:37 PM

    I really enjoy you’re stories! Thank you for keeping us updated! God Bless

  • Paula J Casey

    02/03/2021 09:53 PM

    Keep up the good work in keeping us informed and giving us much needed hope.

  • Dennis J. Trexler

    02/03/2021 01:57 PM

    Gov. Huckabee,
    This is my first time commenting on your newsletter, so first I want to say that I appreciate the way you carry yourself in these difficult circumstances we live in America today. From the fact finding/ fact checking you and your team does to the gracious responses to your readers comments, I know you care more about being Christ-like in integrity and honesty in all things. Thank you for being a great example of holding to the truth even when there are seemingly missing pieces to a story. It is with this perspective that I want to highlight something that was a little unnerving to me because it goes against the basics of what I have stated above.

    In the "Climate Porn" article, I appreciate the links to supporting resources and sharing Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.'s perspective on old outdated data driving our focus to go green in everything. The very last line of the article seems to be insensitive. It reads "Read the whole article. If you were a Keystone Pipeline worker, I’m sure you have plenty of time now." I am not a pipeline worker that has just lost their way of supporting their family, but my heart breaks for them and to highlight the loss of their jobs is in bad taste.

    Since I know you read these comments, I know you will take this into consideration from the perspective of a brother in Christ with the heart of Philippians 4:8.

    God Bless,
    Dennis Trexler

  • Bill Balough

    02/03/2021 11:55 AM

    Hey Governor, I would love to hear your thoughts on this: in Socialist and Communist countries there is a “Party”-class and everyone else is a government slave (I think Marx referred to them as ‘useful idiots’). Now the RINOs are joining the Party to secure their own futures rather than fight for freedom (and the Trump agenda). Your thoughts?

  • Vernon Thompson

    02/03/2021 11:52 AM

    You can also let your Republicans Representatives and Senators know that you expect them to tighten voting laws and to do everything in their power to block this Democrat bill to destroy free speech and rig elections forever; and if you’re from a purple state, let your Democrat officials know that they will soon be unemployed if they vote for it.

    I will but to no avail! Unfortunately my Democrat Officials do not care what I or many like me think as they are working for the Lobbyists and donors that fill their campaign coffers. They have no fear!

  • Pat J Green

    02/03/2021 11:52 AM

    What I just don't understand is how democratic voters did not know what Biden would do with his e orders. I'm not all that Swift and I could figure it out. The B.I.B.L.E. told me so.

  • Kay DeWitt

    02/03/2021 11:51 AM


    "I'm getting comments from people who feel discouraged and demoralized by how much power anti-American leftists have managed to seize, and how it’s being used to silence and bully anyone who dares stand up to them or even voice an opposing view. People want me to stop telling them so much bad news and offer more optimism.".

    DO I SAY THAT : Nothing in..or of..this world is capable OF "demoralizing" a Christian who KNOWS Christ ! AND the power that the anti-American leftists have managed to seize is nothing compared to the power of almighty God!!!.....AND, as far as people want you to "stop telling them so much BAD news", after you TELL them the BAD news of this world that is authored by Satan, you can take off your political GOV'S hat and put on your PASTOR'S hat and tell them the GOOD news authored by the God who Who has the REAL power over our lives!

    "However, I hope you notice that I never advocate for conservatives to give up or go into hiding. To the contrary, I’ve urged you to stay calm and stay confident. I keep trying to remind you that while the big bullies of DC, social media and Wall Street think they have all the power, they only have as much as we allow them to."

    DO I SAY THAT: Christians CAN never give up standing up for the One Who HAS the real power and is also the One Who is allowing "them" to HAVE any power they have...That is, if you truly BELIEVE that God IS really in control!

    "The best advice I can give you is to keep reading the bad news I have to send you, but don’t get depressed, get energized to change it. "

    DO I SAY THAT:...The way to not GET depressed BY reading the BAD news is to make sure your life is focused ON the GOOD news...because if you ARE focused on the GOOD news of Jesus Christ then you will start seeing your earthly life as but a snap of the fingers compared to all of eternity...and, along WITH that perspective, THE thing you will care most about is wanting to hear "well done, My good and faithful servant" .....and if you REALLY love Donald Trump that is the best prayer you can pray for him. ..that he begin to care more about GOD'S "applause" than he does about " man's " applause!!!!

  • Donna L Cornell

    02/03/2021 11:44 AM


  • Vernon Thompson

    02/03/2021 11:32 AM

    My Senator is an idiot!
    September 4, 2018
    The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto
    U.S. Senate
    204 Russell Senate Office Building
    DC 20510
    Dear Senator Cortez Masto:
    Re: Your Op-Ed On Climate Change
    I saw your recent Las Vegas Sun Op-Ed “We cannot afford to ignore climate change” and read it right away hoping that you would enlighten me on the subject. I have collected articles for several years in an effort to understand the issue and what needs to be done.
    Let me say right off that I believe in climate change. If there had been no climate change we would never have had the ice age and we would be setting here now trying to figure out what to do with Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Pterodactyl who reside on our endangered species list.
    In all of the literature I have read and discussions I have observed no one has been able to offer an irrefutable argument about “Man-made Global Warming” nee Man-made Climate change. Your article is no exception. Where is the real science?
    You offered the California fires as an example. Really, an example of what? California has regular cycles of adequate rain and other periods of extended drought. When you allow CA forests to accumulate 129M dead trees, you have all the fuel you need for the destructive fires we have witnessed. In fact CA is now trying to change their regulations that have made the fires possible. They recognized the problem too late.
    California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown partnered with state lawmakers to introduce changes to the state’s policies. The bill would grant $1 billion toward forest thinning and ease regulations on cutting trees on private property, according to the LA Times.
    Offering such anecdotal evidence is almost meaningless. I could go back to the 1970s when the major concern was “Global Cooling.” Just like today the solution was more government control and regulations. Again, where is the science?
    As part of my background, I spent several years as an Engineering Economist evaluating technology solutions to improve business performance as well as developing associated strategic plans. In the process I have learned several things. First and foremost, always look at each proposal skeptically as project sponsors tend to be overly optimistic about the benefits and miss or understate the downside risks. That is much like Congressional legislation – Obamacare comes to mind!
    The data from both sides is conflicting. Any type of study work involves collecting best available facts combined with educated guesses about the trends and possible outcomes. Another thing I learned as an “Engineering Economist” is that if you want to justify an outcome it can be done. That occurs for all kinds of reasons. There have been accusations of cooking the books, selectively using or eliminating data that doesn’t support your cause. An example:
    • The New York Times teamed up with climate scientists to produce a graphic purporting to show an increase in hot days.
    • However, it’s not actually showing that, but instead TheNYT’s graphic shows an average based on climate models.
    • When compared to the observed temperature record, TheNYT’s graphic doesn’t match up.
    There is a lot of conflicting information on the subject but no real consensus – most sources have a vested interest in the outcome. Maybe they are standing in line at the Government trough waiting for free money in the form of Government grants! Ignoring science? What science? The biased science of the previous EPA? Believe me, I no longer trust my government.
    I support a clean environment and taking every reasonable, rational step to improve and keep it that way. However, I am very skeptical when I see the irrational hysteria that emanates from Washington D.C. If you can offer me some thoughtful, rational evidence to support your position, I would like to see it.
    I am all for developing a diverse set of clean energy technologies. That should be done rationally and thoughtfully. The Wind and Solar technologies that are currently deployed have a very large footprint, generally located far from the grid, have some downside risks that are ignored, and produce electricity at a cost two to three times conventional technology. As an Engineering Economist I could never justify their deployment from a cost standpoint or even after considering the supposed intangible benefits.
    I have been involved in new technologies most of my working lifetime. There are a couple of approaches to the study process. First, collect data (cost, performance, etc.) from a working installation and overlay it in the proposed environment. Second, where the technology is a brand new unknown, I support creating a smaller installation in order to collect the data necessary to properly study the application. It is also an opportunity to get the bugs out that every new technology experiences. While it takes more time, it avoids uneconomic, emotional decisions.
    Take the 3,500 acre, $2.2 Billion, Ivanpah Solar Energy Project near the CA/NV border for example. This project was supposed to produce enough electricity to power 40,000 homes. However, in its first year in service the project only produced about half of the original projection. Clouds, Jet Contrails, and Weather got in the way - again illustrating the carelessness associated with the renewable energy movement. If someone has taken a light meter to the location for a few months, they would have known their estimates were too optimistic.
    There are some questions:
    1. Who approved the project without first checking the level of sunlight in the Ivanpah area?
    2. Who are the politically connected who have benefitted from the infusion of taxpayer money?
    3. What was the original "cost to produce per megawatt" in the study used to get the project approved?
    4. What is the true current "cost to produce per megawatt?"
    The Crescent Dunes Project near Tonopah is another example. I suspect that it is also plagued by the same forces that affect Ivanpah. The project was supposed to cost about $1B (?) and uses a unique technology that uses molten salt to store heat so power can be generated 24 X 7. Crescent Dunes began operation in September 2015,[but went off-line in October 2016 due to a leak in a molten salt tank. It returned to operation in July 2017.[15] While its average monthly production was expected to exceed 40,000 MWh, it only exceeded half of that value during 3 months.
    There are some questions:
    1. Who approved the project without first checking the level of sunlight in the Tonapah?
    2. Who are the politically connected who have benefitted from the infusion of taxpayer money?
    3. What was the original "cost to produce per megawatt" in the study used to get the project approved?
    4. What is the true current "cost to produce per megawatt?"
    5. Have they been able to keep it online?
    I believe we will eventually succeed with an economic solution. I think the best bet is the photo voltaic cell because I believe that is the best chance for improved manufacturing – think computer chips. Think about a plan that has a very small footprint, i.e., allow power companies to install solar panels on residential homes and businesses.
    What is your clean energy proposal? What steps are in place to avoid more waste of taxpayer money?
    I am interested in your viewpoint and your proposals to do the right thing for the American taxpayer.
    Vernon Bill Thompson
    5839 Gushing Spring Ave.
    Las Vegas, 89131

  • William Fuhrer

    02/03/2021 11:29 AM

    Infiltration of demonstration: Do or did any demonstrations have in place a system where infiltration can not occur. Lessons not learned: Seems like politicians are willing to cover their backsides with an over load of security but Mayors have not removed disruptive forces from their cities from past demonstrations and are not using intelligence resources to keep the streets of New York City safe

  • Ken Lawyer

    02/03/2021 11:27 AM

    Being an "old school" teacher and coach and specifically a Biology teacher and both a girls and boys basketball/track coach, I find it hard to wrap my mind around the reasoning of those who insist on following the transgender platform. As I read in one of your aforementioned articles regarding science, this particular "politically correct" argument on transgender athletes just doesn't meet the muster. For some reason there are judges (who by the way are often appointed and not elected) find it prudent to support the minority in number belief that identifying as a transgender is acceptable. Either they don't have female children or they believe in ignoring biological science and believe in psychological sciences that are often filled with unfounded hypotheses or they themselves emote toward homosexuality. I was born into a family with 4 of my siblings were female and I the only male. Plus, I have two children of my own who are both female. Based on my educational background in which I majored in Biology, I find it profoundly educationally ignorant of those supporters of transgender athletes, as well as, those who suddenly and emotionally decide they are of the opposite sex. We have got to stop appointing and/or electing people who are educationally, emotionally, and sexually inept and then given a position of judgment of ruling on so-called constitutional law. With Biden's administration touting "Equity" you can be sure that it won't be long until one of his appointed politically correct minions will be heralded as a Nobel Peace Prize nominee for supporting the Transgender Flip Flopper - Trans today Bi tomorrow.

  • Ann Atwell

    02/03/2021 11:21 AM

    Just read that Biden opened borders to all illegal immigrants . Can the border states not put these people back on a bus and send them back where they came from. Joe Biden might think he has all authority but governors of states should have the authority to say who comes into their states. If a governor cannot make that decision then why do we bother to have governors. Joe Biden is "Hitler" reincarnated.

  • Marty Brown

    02/03/2021 10:51 AM

    If the Dems are wanting to get rid of fossil fuel, why not go with ethanol. Much cleaner burning and a renewable source. This is how they can put genetically engineered food to good use.

  • Deborah martin

    02/03/2021 10:13 AM

    Wouldn't this impeachment next week be a good time for trump's lawyers to set up a big screen and put the constitution up there. Time to teach America what the constitution says...I think we've forgotten the wording. Our inalienable rights given to us by God our creator. And fought for by our forefathers. Pls if u can on your site. Teach us about our constitution. Thank you.

  • Stephen K Lentz

    02/03/2021 10:13 AM

    "Republicans control legislatures that represent nearly 186 million Americans; Democrats less than 134 million."

    Those numbers "might" be true but how did the jackasses get the white house and senate and keep the house "IF" that is true???

    AND just because the rinos are "in charge" does not mean they are doing ANYTHING to stop the lib turds agendas!!

    rinos and jackasses are the biggest enemy to America that we have today. The jackasses and rinos are only there to feed their huge arrogant obnoxious narcissistic obscene egos and stuff corrupt cash into their pockets!! Do you really think that I believe these rinos and jackasses would work FOR the country for a measily $175.000 a YEAR?? They are only doing it because all the kickbacks they get makes them multimillionaires in a few short years. I have voted in every election since I was 21 (I am now 70) and the last number of elections I have had to vote for the "lessor of 2 evils" BUT in todays political climate it is impossible to determine who that is. The jackasses keep pushing their "agendas" and voter fraud, the majority of the sheeple eat the BS the lib turds are pushing and the rinos do nothing to stop them!! THAT is why I don't believe I will ever waste my time, gas, stamp or ink on bothering to vote. It is impossible to know if my vote ever makes it to were it is supposed to go or if it was changed by the jackasses for their crook!!! All I hear is the same old rhetoric from you rinos but YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING to back up those empty words!!!

  • Chelsea Martin

    02/03/2021 09:41 AM

    Professor Roger Pielke Jr. - God bless the man in his pending search for a new job. He's committed the Cardinal thought-crime of contradicting the established Party Dogma, and will no doubt be accused of racism, sexism, "violence," economic extremism, Trumpism, and domestic-terrorists style insurrection by next Tuesday. By Wednesday he will likely be either forced to recant or pushed into resignation. Perhaps if he holds out he can go and work with Dr. Peter Ridd of Australia. His capital crime, if I recall correctly, was denying the imminent demise of The Great Barrier Reef based on actual science instead of Progressive-Academic fear mongering cultivated to promote leftist ideological control. As I understand it, Free Speech and intellectual integrity didn't work too well for him Down Under, either.

    Perhaps in an effort to promote some conservative hope and positivity during our march to Soviet-Style collectivism you could do a segment on courageous academics standing up despite threats, indoctrination and their imminent cancellation?

  • Linda Smith

    02/03/2021 09:34 AM

    Thank you for letting us hear the truth of what is going on. I don't listen to any of the news stations anymore, unless it's on the biblical stations or reading your news letters. Thank you for keeping us informed. I hope with all my heart the real Americans don't get caught up in the meanness of what is going on that they bring another party in. We might have problems now, but with true faith it will straighten out. Praise God, He is still in control, we just have to trust Him.

  • Linda Kalehoff

    02/03/2021 09:25 AM

    Of course there has been climate change or else we would be still living in the ice age. There’s also climate change during every year, it’s called Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall. Again, this is all about conning and controlling the population.

  • Carey Stegall

    02/03/2021 09:23 AM

    Hi Gov.,
    I believe if you check into it more closely, the huge drop in the stock price for Bed, Bath and Beyond (BBBY) was a result of the Reddit WallStreetBets rebellion and not as a result of the protest you cited the other day. BBBY was one of those companies that was targeted (shorted) by hedge funds and pounced upon by the Robinhood bandits. The price moved up quickly and then dropped quickly, just like Gamestop, AMC and others. Of course, I applaud the peaceful protest of those who spoke up against "woke" decisions about My Pillow's CEO. They set a great example of how to exercise free speech in a peaceful manner. Best to you and Janet, and to gubernatorial candidate Sarah and her family.

  • Carol Jean Shafer

    02/03/2021 09:12 AM

    I always enjoy reading or hearing your opinion and words of wisdom about what is going on in our America right now. However, I do not agree with the "transgender" category in sports. Being a Christian , goes against Gods' words concerning "man lying down with man"...God called it an "abomination." I believe that since God does not approve of this to even consider having a competition in sports with only "trangenders", would be condoning their behavior and going against what God has decided about it. I won't do that so I guess that would have to be a "nay" from me.

  • Marsha Sander

    02/03/2021 09:11 AM

    We are told in Nahum, verse 1:7, “The Lord is good. A strong hold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

    A great reminder from the Bible in this morning Bible Study. Live humbly, listen, trust and obey the lord. Only the name above all names, Jesus, should our knees bow in heaven and earth and our tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord to glorify God our Father. AMEN!

    I am going to have a GREAT day! I pray others do, too.

    Thank you, Gov. Huckabee

  • Elizabeth Talley

    02/03/2021 08:53 AM


  • Elizabeth Crouse

    02/03/2021 08:51 AM

    Thank you. I am 87 and concerned but not defeated. What is going on and against the Bible and will be defeated. God is still in control. We are standing up against evil laws and supporting Leaders who know and support constitution.

  • Kathy murphy

    02/03/2021 08:50 AM

    Thank you.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/03/2021 08:39 AM

    Best Advice:
    What can we do to combat Big Tech & lefitsts United?
    Ideas, visions etc.
    Need a roadmap for.
    Do others feel same as you?
    Id help ALL.
    Love DeSantis to fine Big Tech Hoorah Yes.
    I favor the Ds for the Leftists: Demoralize, destabalize, disinform, deny, delay,.
    Give them False Information back.
    If I encounter a troll Ill blame Big Tech & take actions there with them,
    Throw ball back at them.
    etc etc.

    Share,, Fwd

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