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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

March 8, 2022

Lately, Tesla and Starlink billionaire Elon Musk has been showing more common sense and leadership than we’re getting from our own White House. He stood up for increasing American oil production (even though he sells electric cars), and in less than a day, he provided satellite access and equipment for Ukraine to get back onto the Internet. But now, he’s drawing the line at what he sees as doing the same thing Russia is doing.


Putin signed a new law barring Russian news outlets from reporting on his war on Ukraine. In response, many governments (but not Ukraine’s, oddly) are pressuring media and Internet companies such as Starlink to ban Russian news outlets as propaganda. He tweeted, “We will not do so unless at gunpoint. Sorry to be a free speech absolutist.” He added, “And also my sympathies to the great people of Russia, who do not want this.”

I understand the impulse to ban Russian media outlets when we know they’re being forced to censor themselves and air Putin’s propaganda. But if we are aware of that in advance, wouldn’t it be useful for us to know what they’re telling their own people, so we know what we have to counter? Also, you never know when some brave journalist is going to slip in some helpful real information or make a stand that the world should see.

In America, the Founders gave us free speech and freedom of the press because they trusted the people to have enough sense to know when they were hearing garbage ideas and argue them down and reject them. When the government starts deciding whose ideas are incorrect and unworthy of being spoken, that’s the slippery slope to tyranny.

We were already sliding that way as it is. Letting our government use Russia as an excuse to outright ban certain media outlets from the public square would only move us further down the well-known path of all fanatics, who eventually become what they once claimed to hate.

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Comments 1-10 of 43

  • rodney burke

    12/31/2022 12:01 PM

    Elon only accentuates the notion that business men have mor esense than most politicians. Along with DT, Elon is showing that Americn ideal are best for America in contrast, Mitt Romneyis showing the opposite or is it just he who has no common sense and proves it every day by his words and actions.

  • Sharen Senecal

    12/31/2022 11:46 AM

    The paragraph speaking of our founding fathers should be reposted on all social media...A reminder to All USA citizens our national duties.

  • Margaret Olsen

    12/30/2022 04:11 PM

    Simply, that we need to go back to in-person voting on voting day. period. the mail-in ballots should be as rare as a polar bear in the tropics. Republicans/Conservatives just cannot stoop as low as "fixing" ballots just to win, and the 2024 election is going to be a blood bath with as many "fixings" as the dumb-rats can possibly get their hands on to make sure that Trump doesn't get back into the White House, including bribing as many people as they can to do the wrong thing and go to h-e-double-hockey-sticks right alongside them. God have mercy on us.

  • Shauna dickerson

    12/30/2022 02:22 PM

    Elon Musk for president.

  • ted r. shipman

    12/30/2022 12:59 PM

    If the world read this book "greatest book ever written", longer than the bible, but not all religion, we would have world peace. Written in over 20 languages and is totally FREE at . At the site look to the left & clk. on "read" to see 196 chapters - try a couple, you'll learn what not 1 in a million know. Email me for help anytime!

  • Bennie Pruett

    03/27/2022 11:39 PM

    You are right stop the woke and cancel, bullshit . We are the best nation on EARTH BECAUSE OF FREE SPEECH . ALSO BORDERS COME LEGALLY. ONLY CITIZENS VOTE WITH I'D..

  • Ronnie Benjamin

    03/27/2022 07:59 PM

    agree with Elon wholeheartedly! fre speech is free speech anywhere!

  • Gigi Salvador

    03/21/2022 01:48 AM

    Thank you Gov. Huckabee for sharing Elon Musk thoughts on war between Russia and Ukraine. He is a very caring person yet spoke the mighty truth, sees both sides of the aisle with opened mindedness.

  • Sarah J DAY

    03/20/2022 11:51 AM

    Elon Musk has more common sense than all of government. I would like to thank Elon for all he has and is doing for freedom. Thank you for helping Ukraine!

  • Robert A Burton Jr

    03/19/2022 09:20 PM

    I have been following "Global Warming" with interest since Fred Singer PhD came to VT in 2007 for a presentation and I bought his book. I can give you a list of climate scientists that I have followed as well. I see that all Climate initiatives are based on CO2 and a "carbon footprint" claiming that CO2 is the "gremlin-in-the-woodpile" so to speak. Here is my question: Can you or anyone you know (or can find) explain how our little CO2 molecule can do this much damage? My research can't explain that. Summary (until proven otherwise): "Fossil* fuels" (*which they aren't) cannot do that... Thanks RABurton

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