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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

August 22, 2022



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 



With gratitude,




11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

Fed up to the eyeballs

I’m just about fed up to the eyeballs with the Democrats spinning that if Republicans criticize the outrageous politicization and weaponization of the DOJ and FBI that we’re “attacking law enforcement.” The fact is that they're the "Defund the Police" Party and we're the "Defend the Police" Party, and nothing has changed. It's not an attack on the police to call out bad apples. For instance, I defend the police in general, but I've always said that if an officer abuses his or her power, they should face the full legal repercussions because that's not only a crime in itself, it's a breach of public trust and it undermines respect for all their fellow officers. 

Likewise, no Republican I know blames rank-and-file FBI agents who deal with actual criminals for the unprecedented and unconstitutional actions of a group of corrupt swamp dwellers in the top reaches of the agency. Agents who have spoken anonymously are making it clear that they are just as upset as millions of other Americans are at the way the entrenched bureaucratic leadership is destroying their agency's reputation.

And if you don’t think it’s just a small handful of rotten apples at the top causing the problems, then why do the same names keep popping up over and over and over? Of all the people who could have appeared on MSNBC to defend the FBI's integrity and impartiality, could they find nobody more appropriate than Peter "anti-Trump insurance policy" Strzok? And why do we keep hearing that some prominent figure is in charge of the latest controversial action that’s devolving into a scandal when that same person was in charge of the last one and should have been prosecuted, or at the very least, fired?

Here’s the latest example of how small this incestuous back-scratching circle is. Right now, the FBI’s reputation is taking a beating in the trial of two men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The men’s attorneys just finished their first week of the defense, and they’re making a pretty convincing case (just as two others did when they were acquitted) that the plot was actually implemented by the FBI, which manipulated and entrapped the men into going along with it.

At this link... has a lot more details on this plot and the ensuing trials. But here’s a detail that should raise some eyebrows (although it won’t among liberal media members, and not just because of all the botox):

The head of the FBI Detroit Field Office when this entrapment plot was allegedly cooked up was a man named Steven D’Antuono. I’ll give you three guesses who is now running the Washington, DC, FBI field office that raided former President Trump’s home and is “investigating” January 6th, and two of the guesses don’t count.

If you wonder why so many people no longer trust the FBI, don't accuse them of undermining the rule of law. Look at the so-called "leadership" that's undermining their own agency's reputation. 

Hysterical reactionaries

The titans of Silicon Valley seem to believe they are wise enough to tell us all how to live. Maybe they should tend to their own backyard first, and stop being the kind of hysterical reactionaries who would call the police to arrest a four-year-old for not wearing a facemask in school.

“We’ve Had Enough” Department

In a welcome development, the Kettle Moraine, Wisconsin, School Board voted to ban BLM and Gay Pride flags from classrooms.

This is a bipartisan ban that also includes “We Back the Badge” flags and other more conservative political and religious messaging. It also bars teachers from including their “preferred pronouns” in emails. The idea is that school should be for teaching academic subjects, not promoting personal views that other students might disagree with.

Naturally, the ACLU is threatening action against the school board. Their attorney Christine Donahoe said, "If you have a policy that says ‘nothing political,’ does that mean you can’t have a sign up that says, ‘Support our Troops’ or ‘Believe Women’ or ‘Save the Planet?’ By some people’s definitions, all of those things are political." (I would say that by any honest definition, yes, all of those things are political.) "It really looks like targeted attacks at specific viewpoints, like LGBT communities, or welcome and safe spaces to students of color.”

Hard to believe I have to explain these things to an attorney, but here goes: barring the discussion of personal political views in a classroom that’s supposed to be dedicated to teaching particular subjects such as math, science or literature is not an attack on anyone. You can hold and express any views you want, but that doesn’t mean you get to express them anywhere you like. Start making a speech about gay rights in the middle of a movie and you’ll be thrown out of the theater because that’s an inappropriate forum. Expecting every student to abide by the same standard of conduct and not inflict their personal views on others while they’re trying to learn is NOT the same as attacking them.

It’s funny how the ACLU has been at the forefront of using lawsuits to ban the expression of religious faith in schools, claiming that the majority shouldn’t be able to force its views on the atheist minority. Yet they’ll fight for the right of a political minority to inflict its views on the majority. You’d think they would be able to grasp the hypocrisy, since politics is the religion of the left.

Say, here’s an idea: instead of filling classrooms with leftwing cause flags and having teachers talk about their preferred pronouns, how about putting an American flag back in the classrooms and just have teachers teach the students how to use correct pronouns?

Here’s a hint: If you do a headcount of yourself and the total is one, then your pronouns are not “they/them.”


About the latest polls

For years now, I’ve warned my listeners and readers not to put any stock in polls taken months before an election. If they’re good for you, they can make you complacent. If they’re bad, they can depress turnout and become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And all over something that’s totally unreliable anyway because the election is still months away.

All this is just a prelude to the latest NBC poll. We’ve heard for a couple of weeks that the “red wave” was dissipating, Democrats were roaring back, they had regained the lead in generic polling, etc. Apparently, Americans are really lovin’ all those violent criminals, empty store shelves, high prices, higher taxes, and battalions of illegal immigrants and new IRS agents. What’s not to love, right?

As is often the case, that appears to be more of an example of the “It’s August, it’s hot, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, and I’m not paying attention to politics” phenomenon. The bad news for Democrats: they’re already starting to pay attention again. Maybe it was all the back-to-school shopping (or that some of them can’t believe they STILL have to buy masks.) Or more likely it was the raid on Mar-A-Lago and the shock of realizing what happens when you give absolute power to people who are absolutely corrupt.

The Dems had convinced themselves that abortion being returned to the states was going to enflame the electorate and propel them back into power, but I’ve always suspected that a lot more people will be alarmed by the idea of 87,000 new IRS agents than the possibility that they might not be able to obtain a third trimester abortion. Besides, what have the Democrats done to turn around the public’s opinion of them? They promised that they were no longer the old “tax and spend” party, then proved that when given even the most microscopic majority, they’d launch into “tax and spend” on steroids.

Or maybe voters just felt that their intelligence is being insulted by tactics like the White House taking bows for the price of gas inching back a bit from the all-time highs it recently hit under them. A CNN Business editor sparked outrage by claiming that since the average price of gas is down by $1.10 from $5.02 to $3.92, that’s nearly a $100-a-month savings for the typical US household. He suggested we think of it as an “unexpected form of economic stimulus,” a “$100-a-month tax cut,” or even a “$100-a-month raise.”

As the link shows, people gave this gaslighting the raspberry it deserved. Gas was $2.39 a gallon when Biden took office, so it’s still costing the average household nearly $138 a month more than when Trump left. Apparently they think we’re supposed to be grateful and reelect them because we’re not paying $238 a month more, only $138 a month more, so it’s like we got a $100 raise! It’s like someone who’s holding his foot on your throat letting up the pressure just enough so that you can breathe a little, then demanding a medal for giving you CPR.

For more on the latest polling, including the public’s real feelings about the laughably misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” here’s the always entertaining writer Bonchie from

In the meantime, ignore the polls and keep working. The only poll that matters won’t be taken until November, and it’s vital for America that we win that one.


Still attacking Trump

Soon-to-be-former Rep. Liz Cheney was (of course) on the Sunday talk shows, still attacking Trump and his supporters and blaming her General Custer-like primary defeat on Republicans being under the hypnotic spell of Donald Trump. Actually, Wyoming Republicans were fed up with her ignoring their pressing concerns while she did nothing but attack Trump and shred the Constitution and the rules of due process on her January 6th kangaroo committee. She responded to their rebuke by attacking Trump again, which pretty much proved their point.

She also is now naming all the other Republicans that she declares “unfit for office” because they’re “election deniers” (an offensive term derived from “Holocaust denier.”) Interestingly, she doesn’t include any of the Democrats, from Hillary Clinton to the chairman of her own committee, who refused to accept or outright tried to block the results of the 2016 election of Trump or even the 2000 election of Bush.

Cheney also revealed that she’s converted her campaign fund that so many Democrats foolishly stuffed into a PAC that will work to defeat Republicans who aren’t up to her lofty standards in the midterm elections.

So once again, the definition of a “principled Republican” is one who solicits money to elect Democrats. Not exactly reflective of my Republican principles, but it does explain why she compared herself to Lincoln. She meant she wants to be like the fake Republican grifters at the Lincoln Project.


If being “trans” is completely normal and not a mental condition, as we’ve been lectured and as doctors have been browbeaten into accepting, then why is it considered a victory for trans rights when a judge orders more men who identify as women to be housed in women’s prisons because discriminating against them for suffering gender dysphoria would be a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act?



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Comments 1-10 of 12

  • larry rippere

    08/22/2022 08:29 PM

    4-year-old mask mandate... We ride bikes past Theuerkauf school several times/week. What you need to know: Supposedly the school board met that same night and made masks optional... not having anything to do with this incident, of course.... simply because "it was time to revisit the policy"!

  • Samuel L. Smith Sr.

    08/22/2022 06:07 PM

    Personally I hate polls and I think we should not have them! Polls are used to control how people should think and vote. Lefties News polls will always make the left look good. They know how to conduct and how to ask the questions so they can get the answer they want. Like how can 30% of the people believe Biden is doing a good job? They must have asked those in the nut house. HA HA And just think how much work any one who is running for office will half to do if they do not have any poll numbers to work with, they will need to get out among the people and "face them" about the issues and what they would do!

  • Stephen Russell

    08/22/2022 04:25 PM

    Can we lose the Senate??
    Or more Dem polling lies

  • Timothy E Mika

    08/22/2022 04:16 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee-
    I have been a fan of yours since you ran for president, and have always thought you were intellectually and honest above the rest of the national level politicians. (still do) But I am concerned when one of our Country's most principled and truly caring patriots is ignored, and almost shadow banned, by the conservative media, ie, Fox News, Newsmax, and seemingly the Huckabee Newsletter. If we survive as a nation, I believe History will show that Mike Lindell was one of the Pillars of Democratic Republic renewal. I'm surprised that you have ignored the "Moment of Truth Summit". Even if the information that Lindell has turned up (under grave financial and emotional demands) proves to be overrated, his behavior and devotion to this country demands your cognizance of his efforts and selfless work. It really surprises me......

  • Timothy E Mika

    08/22/2022 04:15 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee-
    I have been a fan of yours since you ran for president, and have always thought you were intellectually and honest above the rest of the national level politicians. (still do) But I am concerned when one of our Country's most principled and truly caring patriots is ignored, and almost shadow banned, by the conservative media, ie, Fox News, Newsmax, and seemingly the Huckabee Newsletter. If we survive as a nation, I believe History will show that Mike Lindell was one of the Pillars of Democratic Republic renewal. I'm surprised that you have ignored the "Moment of Truth Summit". Even if the information that Lindell has turned up (under grave financial and emotional demands) proves to be overrated, his behavior and devotion to this country demands your cognizance of his efforts and selfless work. It really surprises me......

  • Jerry

    08/22/2022 03:38 PM

    Why have I disliked the ACLU most decades of my life this includes At least the last 5 decades I have been on the other side of this organization

  • Pamela Junk

    08/22/2022 02:52 PM

    You said, "Cheney also revealed that she’s converted her campaign fund that so many Democrats foolishly stuffed into a PAC that will work to defeat Republicans who aren’t up to her lofty standards in the midterm elections." Is that actually legal, to take funds donated for one purpose and use them for another?

  • Chelsea Martin

    08/22/2022 02:46 PM

    "Likewise, no Republican I know blames rank-and-file FBI agents who deal with actual criminals for the unprecedented and unconstitutional actions of a group of corrupt swamp dwellers in the top reaches of the agency."

    I do, for one. How many of these supposed "good apple" run of the mill FBI agents have turned in their badges? How many are goose-stepping right along to a tune of "just following orders, please don't take my pension?"

    No sir - no longer will I make excuses for an unelected, unaccountable cabal of DC autocrats with badges. If there's corruption in the local PD, one can elect a new Sherriff, petition one's local government, or in the case of provable corruption of malfeasance file a complaint and/or lawsuit. The FBI? Forget it. They do whatsoever they please, whenever they please, to whomever they please, with no oversight, transparency or accountability. It's high time for the entirety of the "State Security / Federal Alphabet Soup Enforcement Apparatuses" to be disbanded and taken down to brick and mortar. "Joe Average FBI" does NOT get to silently and compliantly rub shoulders with Stasi jackboots and expect not to be tarred with the same brush. Not anymore. No excuses from "conservatives" for the abuse of the people by those in power any more!

  • ken moore

    08/22/2022 02:42 PM

    i am fed up with agency's being used as weapons ageist citizens
    defund fbi doj and irs send trail loads of illegals to Delaware and DC

  • JC Holland

    08/22/2022 01:40 PM

    Just curious: If all the rank and file employees of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, are so dedicated and patriotic, why are only a few whistle-blowers coming forward? I think they are all complicit by their silence. Everyone of them who keeps quiet should be fired.

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