Latest News

April 8, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Very disturbing story out of China
  • New South Carolina mass shooting
  • U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E
  • Jobless claims up
  • The "60 Minutes" story that keeps on giving
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


Very disturbing story out of China

By Mike Huckabee

There’s a very disturbing report from Radio Free Asia that communist Chinese officials are detaining Christians in windowless “transformation facilities” with no ventilation or time allowed outdoors, and brainwashing them to renounce their faith.

One of the anonymous victims who says he was held for nearly 10 months claimed that most of his fellow detainees had committed no offenses but were put under criminal detention for taking part in church-related activities. Sadly, this is shocking but not surprising. Please read the whole story, as hard as it may be.

This is exactly the kind of outrage I was talking about when I criticized China in a recent tweet which some deliberately obtuse people pretended to be offended by, branding it as racist and trying to “cancel” me over it. For the record: I would never insult the Chinese people, but I refuse to stop speaking out against the Chinese government’s oppression, torture and genocide. And I will not apologize for calling out the hypocrisy of giant corporations and media companies that happily do business with the CCP while climbing on their high horses and boycotting American states like Georgia just for trying to insure that their elections are honest.

New South Carolina mass shooting

By Mike Huckabee

Six people are dead in a bizarre mass shooting in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The shooter’s victims were a prominent doctor and his wife, their two small grandchildren, and a man who was working at their home. The shooter then turned the gun on himself and died. He’s now been identified as former NFL cornerback Phillip Adams, who played pro football for six seasons with six different teams. He suffered multiple injuries, including concussions, and had been treated by the doctor at one point.

There are more details at the link, but this is a developing story, so expect more to come.


By Mike Huckabee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who no doubt thinks she’s doing a bang-up job of handling the national budget, also insists that things at the border were “very bad” under Trump, but they’re on a “good path” under Biden. Well, a well-worn path, at least, what with so many people trampling over it.

Things are on such a “good path” that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has just ordered the Texas Rangers to investigate claims of sex crimes against children in the now-packed detention centers for unaccompanied minors.

Jobless claims up

By Mike Huckabee

Economists expected this week’s jobless claims to drop to 680,000. Instead, they unexpectedly shot up from last week’s 719,000 to 744,000.

There are various possible explanations at the link. Having a President who came into office actively working to eliminate thousands of jobs and destroy entire industries is oddly not among them.

The "60 Minutes" story that keeps on giving

By Mike Huckabee

Just when you think the “60 Minutes” hit piece on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can’t get any worse, another aftershock goes off in their faces.

In their scramble to defend their bogus scandal story, “60 Minutes” wrote that they “spoke to State Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz twice, but he declined to be interviewed on camera for our story until well after our deadline.”

Moskowitz (a Democrat) responded on Twitter that he was too busy dealing with a 100-year health emergency to appear on camera, but he did speak with “60 Minutes.” He said, “They were very nice, but I told them that (their Publix story) was bull(BLEEP!) Walked them through the whole process.”

It’s obvious that heads should roll over this story, if not for it being fake partisan propaganda than at least for it being such incompetently created, easily debunked fake partisan propaganda.

Unfortunately, I’m inclined to agree with Beckett Adams, who writes at the Washington Examiner that “60 Minutes” is “standing by” this contemptible lie, and there will be no firings and no accountability, apologies or repercussions.

He cites numerous other examples of big news media pushing similar false accusations against Republicans and conservative organizations and facing no blowback. Some of the perpetrators, like Katie Couric and Dan Rather, who gave us the concept of “fake but accurate news,” are still treated as beloved celebrity journalists. Rather even has a journalism award named after him and a standing invitation to participate in any Biden White House press briefing of his choosing.

I guess he and Biden could spend the time swapping pointers on how to tell lies about Republican Presidents.

A Reader Writes Back...

Governor Huckabee, I look forward to your newsletters every day. With all the hype, hysteria & misinformation swirling around, I know that I can count on you to examine all sides of an issue & to be truthful. You are a calming influence & keep me focused on what is really important. I thank you & may God continue to bless you & your efforts.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Indiana Dunes National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 1-25 of 27

  • Rex Tidwell

    04/10/2021 09:02 AM

    I was very impressed with Bill O'Reilly's interview with Alexander Green. However, when I went back to review it and try to forward it to my children it was no longer attached to your evening missive? Could you send it to me again please?

  • Doug Miller

    04/09/2021 09:18 PM

    After the Texas Rangers prove the sex crimes against children will Joe and his administration be charged with trafficking children for sex? Maybe that is why they do not see this as a crisis.

  • Dennis Shock

    04/09/2021 04:36 PM

    Governor Huckabee, The left has gone too far this time. I watched an episode of Sesame Street where one of the muppets had a rainbow face mask on while the other muppets had plain masks. This was a nod to the LGBTQ community I suppose. The song they were singing was about racism. These kids are under 5 years old and don't know or care what racism is. My almost 2 nephew is starting to form words. He just wants to watch Elmo. Indoctrination is starting early and on every front. We must guard our children constantly.

  • Carmen Price

    04/09/2021 01:59 PM

    Governor Huckabee:
    Nasty Nancy needs to flip her thoughts, the boarder was great under Trump and are horrible under Biden. Or better yet, how about a field trip to see the disgusting conditions, OH but then she might blame Trump again, but she forgot the housing is the same Obama used, such an airhead!
    So glad you tell us about what is going on, many would never know because they are stuck on CNN!
    Carmen Price
    Reno, NV

  • John T Trotter

    04/09/2021 10:21 AM

    Blockchain technology secures ALL forms of voting. Republican answer to HR1 and SB1.

  • Jerry

    04/09/2021 10:17 AM

    The major embarrassments in this country is the Biden Administration and it's lack of enforcing the laws of this land and creating unlawful situations that puts America in harms way. The second coming of the Obama presidency is what we have today only on a hurry up destruction of American Value. Biden does not want America to Lead in Worldly affairs it wants China style of living to be the template.

  • Joyce F Birch

    04/09/2021 10:09 AM

    Unfortunately, we have more distorted news from the left, mostly, if not, all lies. I thank you for being the voice of honest opinions. How could this socialist government blame President Trump for the actions at our southern border? It's Comrade Biden's fault right out of the gate of his campaign. Well, it may hit my state, CT (blue) to house illegal immigrants. Is there no stopping this madness? At this point, I think "The Three Stooges" could run this country. At least we would be laughing again instead of crying inward and outward about our beautiful county.

  • Timothy Ward

    04/09/2021 09:43 AM

    How ironic is it that if you go to the consumer complaint department of coca-cola they require a lot if personal information. Age, date of birth, full name, email address etc.
    On another note in regards to coke, mlb, delta airlines, bashing poor Georgia, Atlanta has a 52% black population, Denver, is only 8.5 %!
    Under Georgia's new voting laws, you have 17 days of early voting, yet Colorado, has only 15.

    By the way, did you know that Old Spice, along with every other Proctor and Gamble, product, you buy, a portion of every purchase goes to support the terrorist group BLM? KIND OF STINKS, doesn't it...

  • Robin Rebhan

    04/09/2021 08:59 AM

    Regards to "U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E". How many times did President Trump ask the United States Congress for Comprehensive Immigration Reform? His requests were both to the Republicans and Democrats, that just fell short of begging for reform. Reform which is still desperately needed! Record Unemployment is climbing and the current President and Pelosi are still welcoming millions more unemployed coming across our border. And this in the middle of a health pandemic!

  • James Buxton

    04/09/2021 08:54 AM

    Every day, after deleting dozens of junk e-mails, I always stop and read Mike Huckabee’s column.
    I wouldn’t miss it.

  • Linda Kelly

    04/09/2021 08:29 AM

    I was in Lancaster, PA this week for an overnight visit. I was surprised that many of the restaurants were closed at 3 pm. Found out that they cannot get the staff they need to open for dinner. This is a real problem for business owners. One owner said that they held a job fair and no one came. Where i live, there are help wanted signs everywhere. when you are paid more money by the government to stay home, why would you work?

  • Stephen Russell

    04/09/2021 08:23 AM

    60 Min:
    Maybe 60 Min lied since 1968??
    Day 1 to date?

  • Stephen Russell

    04/09/2021 08:21 AM

    China story: Reason to boycott 2022 Games
    OK for our team to play & send kin,friends to see Game
    Otherwise NO
    Let the athletes compete for the Honor after years of training
    Same applies to next Games?

  • Stephen Russell

    04/09/2021 08:19 AM

    Mike Lindells social media site Frank due 4-12.

  • JC Holland

    04/09/2021 07:27 AM

    Whatever happened to Epstein's girlfriend and all the politicians and celebrity morons she has dirt on?

    What is Wray hiding?

  • James Drury Jr

    04/09/2021 07:12 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • William Fuhrer

    04/09/2021 06:58 AM


  • Mike Manoogian

    04/09/2021 06:23 AM

    Christians are in peril in China as are Uyghurs, Tibetans and other minority groups. I am concerned in our country about the growing anti-Christian and already widespread anti-Semitic sentiments. Is the US becoming intolerant too?

  • Janice L Knoll

    04/09/2021 05:57 AM

    I just want to take a moment to say Thank You! I enjoy your show and your newsletter, and mostly I enjoy your unapologetic Christian values! God bless!

  • cindy johnson

    04/09/2021 05:25 AM

    Governor Huckabee;
    I look forward to seeing which Bible verse you'll put in your letter each day and how you summarize the day's political happenings. Thanks for doing that! I am in complete awe of the misinformation out there and hesitate to watch any news anymore. I'm glad you're doing little pieces of the news each day!

  • Judy Radley

    04/09/2021 02:03 AM

    So it seems that the Democrats are actively trying to really anger the wise and patriotic Americans into another war, maybe so they (The Dims.), can make up more fake news. There will be a revolt but not by the Dims. but by the true Americans who love this country and will fight for its continued existence. More and more unbelievable insanity is coming from the Dims daily if not hourly. And it hasn't even been 6 mos. yet.

    Wouldn't it be perfect timing for Jesus to have His second coming NOW? Additionally, Jesus was 21 yrs. old, 2000 years ago, and this year is the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 in September. Are we witnessing preparations for Jesus Christ's 2nd coming presently? If so, I pray he will come to us and safe us NOW. Like what it says in "The Lord's Prayer, ...thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, On Earth as it IS in Heaven....." What Jesus did to the money-changers in the temple is Nothing compared to what his Second Coming will do for us, to save us, his Followers, the true Christians. WE MUST keep the Faith and stay Faithful to him.

  • Diane Rowlands

    04/09/2021 01:20 AM

    Thank you.

  • John Paul McDaniel

    04/08/2021 11:57 PM

    To learn MORE about what is REALLY happening in today's world, go to .............also ...........a lot is known by those who are WATCHING.............

  • Carl T Smith

    04/08/2021 11:20 PM

    Its obvious to this old man that the media is not interested in Journalism any longer and are content to be the Propaganda arm for the Socialist Party aka Democratic Party.

  • Paul Kern

    04/08/2021 11:07 PM

    I wish my pastor would read yours and other honest resources. Even the very church heads are telling people to accept what the government heads say. I had to leave the Anglican Church of North America because of them.
    They would make good ministers for the CCP state controlled churches

Monday, the government issued this long-overdue announcement: by Mike Huckabee

HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, “Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most...

Read on Substack


Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Newsom moderates on trans activism by Mike Huckabee

He sparked controversy when conservative guest Charlie Kirk got Newsom to admit that he agrees that letting men compete in women’s sports is unfair.

Read on Substack