Wednesday, September 11th, marks 23 years since radical Islamic terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and would have flown a 4th plane into the Capitol or White House if it weren’t for passengers on that plane wrestling the controls away from the hijackers and bringing the plane down in Shanksville, PA.
Memorial Day has become known as the unofficial start of summer, and Americans are more than ready to hit the beaches and parks to celebrate. But let’s not forget that Memorial Day means far more than that.
The great pipedream of socialists like Bernie Sanders is that the government will take over medical care and it will be “free” to everyone.
As a rock music fan, I enjoy Pink Floyd. But “We don’t need no education” is bad advice for life.
Aside from letting leftist indoctrination take over our public school system, the biggest mistake we conservatives made in education over the years was in thinking that art and music classes were expendable luxuries...
The first school in which we enroll, and the most important in shaping our future, is our home.
How can we all be so connected, and our government be so disconnected?
When and where I grew up, a clothesline in the yard was as much a given as a roof on the house or gravy on the potatoes.
I often write about the necessity to have immutable standards. If a society’s standards shift with the winds, or its leaders hold others to standards that they don’t apply to themselves or their allies, then it’s as bad as having no standards at all.
There's an old Japanese proverb that says, "It is easier to rule a kingdom than to regulate a family." I don't know who said this, but as someone who's done both (though I'd hardly call Arkansas a kingdom), I can say with absolute certainty that he was right.
When I was growing up, my bedtime ritual always included a fairy tale that started with “Once upon a time...” and ended with the comforting words we all remember...
You’ve heard the saying, "Two things you should never watch being made -- a law and sausage." I don't agree with half of that.
The 1929 song “Happy Days Are Here Again” has been the unofficial theme song of the Democratic Party since FDR used it as a campaign song in 1932.
The government has to have money to pay for the military, cover the cost of obligations we’ve made like Medicare and Social Security, and build roads, bridges, and airports.
I got a comment from a reader arguing that one reason young people fall prey to socialism (aside from being brainwashed by their teachers) is that they feel the capitalist system is failing them.
Once a year, on the last Monday in May, we set aside a day to honor our fellow Americans who made the greatest of all sacrifices so that the rest of us could continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty and security.
After suffering through the last few years of lockdowns and record high gas prices and the cold winter months, many Americans are more than ready to get out of the house and hit the beaches and parks to celebrate Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial start of summer.
Happy Presidents’ Day! Americans used to celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as holidays, but they were lumped into this three-day weekend holiday, ostensibly to celebrate all US Presidents and give a little honor to some of the lesser lights.
We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything.
There are a lot of things people like to believe that are patently absurd if you think about it.
Let's be fair in acknowledging that government grows because the people demand it.
Happy Thanksgiving, America! This is a uniquely American holiday that dates back to the earliest American settlements.
Thanksgiving is not only a time when we give thanks for our many blessings as Americans, it’s also a time when we gather together as families and get reacquainted with relatives we don’t see any other time of year.
This weekend marks 21 years since Islamic radical terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon...
Today is Labor Day, which is sometimes jokingly described as the day when Americans honor work by taking the day off work.
We hear a lot of talk from politicians about values…but do we truly value work and the people who do it? Labor Day seems like a good time to think about that question...