There is nothing so delightful as watching the current contretemps over the sluggish performance of the Biden White House defending its doltish record cleaning up after Hurricane Helene.
I was raised in New England where nor’easters were normally our greatest natural hazard – except of course for Harvard and the region’s well-known penchant for regularly electing Democrats.
Despite the fast-moving news cycle, can you remember when we had an actual Secretary of State? By any measure, SECSTATE is a highly responsible job, the most senior Cabinet official and fourth in line for the presidency should that ever become an issue.
One of my favorite Jim Croce classics is an old R&B hit, especially with its timeless chorus warning the unwary:
To anyone who really knows debate, it quickly became obvious that Donald Trump was in over his head Tuesday night. For one thing, Kamala Harris had clearly been well-coached and probably had the benefit of inside help, either by sophisticated electronics or prior familiarity with the questions.
We may well have entered a media environment where facts no longer matter, our national megaphones tuned reflexively to exclude anything but fulsome praise of Kamala, the Evita Peron of the 21st century.
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen (a term which may shortly be banned by at least one anxiously inclusive airline) but I didn’t watch any events that may or may not have emanated from Chicago over the last five days.
If last week is any indicator, this may be dumbest vice-presidential election campaign since the late, unlamented Spiro T. Agnew threw in the towel rather than face federal prosecutors.
When Charles Dickens penned those immortal lines, “It was the best of times., it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,…” he had Paris in mind.
Monday’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee investigating the near-assassination of Donald Trump yielded only one useful benchmark.
With a trained historian’s eye, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was right last night when he described Donald Trump's narrow escape from assassination as “providential.” The nation today should echo those sentiments because, by mere millimeters, America escaped the secondary explosions that certainly would have followed Trump’s murder.
Our president admits to being an old man who has slowed down a step or two. Ever since last week’s debate, most people understand that a Tele-prompter and fawning press munchkins are typical components of the Biden family repertoire. But does it really make any difference?