Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:
- Daily Bible Verse
- Breaking News: The "Justice" Department conducts FBI raid on...WHO??
- Fact-Check
- Revised CDC Guidelines
- A How-To Guide For The Democrats And The Media
- Reader Writes...
- America The Beautiful
Mike Huckabee
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.
Psalms 19:1
Breaking News: The "Justice" Department conducts FBI raid on...WHO??
By Mike Huckabee
Guess whose residence and office were raided by seven FBI agents early Wednesday morning as part of an investigation into, we’re told, possible violations of the FARA Act? (That’s the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which prohibits working on behalf of another country without registering as a foreign agent.)
No, it’s not John Kerry, even though former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says of him and his activities concerning Iran and Israel, “If you are out actively trying to undermine America’s foreign policy, you’ve committed the gravest of offenses.” As I told Martha MacCallum on FOX NEWS Wednesday afternoon, Kerry’s rogue talks could undermine our relationship with Israel and even endanger that country
But no, the target of this raid was Rudy Giuliani.
Most of the media have simply let the Kerry controversy go; the denials are enough for them. But just as Kerry deserves the presumption of innocence as Congress conducts a classified hearing with him –- will there even be one? –- so does the former New York mayor and current adviser to President Trump. This unnecessary raid on the always-cooperative Giuliani was designed to make him look guilty of...something. Giuliani’ attorney called it “legal thuggery.” (Recall that they took the same approach with Mike Flynn, and, in an especially disgusting display of power, with Roger Stone.) It was also a way to grab all his electronics and do a deep-dive fishing expedition.
What are they looking for?
One key might be that on the same day, they also compelled attorney Victoria Toensing to turn over her phone, though we’re told she isn’t a target. Toensing did have connections to Ukraine, but she and husband/partner Joe diGenova have also been working on Giuliani’s team to investigate the results of the 2020 election. We speculate that in addition to conversations on activities in Ukraine, the devices of both Giuliani and Toensing might be rich sources of information concerning the state of their investigation into election fraud.
Another possibility is that this has to do with Hunter Biden and his father, the President. According to an insightful commentary at, it likely involves allegations of lobbying for Ukrainian officials who were helping Giuliani look into questions regarding Joe, Hunter and Ukraine. Uh-oh, gotta put a stop to THAT. It appears that since Merrick Garland because attorney general, the weaponization of the “Justice” Department has gone back up to full speed.
Megan Fox at PJ MEDIA points out the “Justice” Department’s huge double standard. They can be lightning-fast and aggressive when coming after someone inconvenient like Giuliani, but will slow-walk investigations of their political friends till the end of time.
Much more on this tomorrow.
By Mike Huckabee
No, that’s not a couple of pretzels. It’s two Politifact “fact-checkers” tying themselves in knots to brand Sen. Ted Cruz’s 100% accurate statement about court-packing as “False” by redefining “rigging the game” from “Changing the rules to benefit yourself” to “Following the rules that always apply when you hold the Senate majority.”
Incidentally, I’d like to point out that by going to the original article to affirm that it took two “fact-checkers” to cook up this drivel, my staffers did more actual fact-checking than the “fact-checkers" did.
Revised CDC Guidelines
By Mike Huckabee
The CDC has changed its COVID-19 facemask guidelines, saying it’s no longer necessary for fully-vaccinated people to wear masks in most outdoors situations, such as “when they walk, bike or run alone or with members of their household.”
Some might wonder why it was ever necessary for anyone to wear masks outdoors while walking, biking or running alone. Or why fully-vaccinated people should have to continue wearing masks at all.
One outdoor situation where nobody should have been forced to wear masks is athletic events where participants need to be able to take in oxygen. That’s a point that authorities seem to have belatedly received from the outraged blowback they got after a girls’ high school track member who was forced to wear a mask while running the 880 collapsed at the finish line. The infinitesimal risk of COVID to a healthy teenager was deemed greater than the risk of oxygen deprivation.
Thank God, the girl came to after being allowed to breathe freely and seems okay, although she’s still under observation in case she got a concussion from her fall.
While national authorities seem to want pandemic restrictions to drag on forever, as of Tuesday, 24 states have ended mask mandates, and except for rare hotspots such as Michigan, new cases continue to drop, despite the CDC head’s very scientific feeling of “impending doom” about another wave. In fact, one might think we’d be getting close to herd immunity, when you combine all the people who’ve had the virus and recovered, plus that 50% of the population have had at least one of the two vaccination shots (one-third are now fully vaccinated.)
Again, I do not take this disease lightly and urge you to take all reasonable precautions. But at what point do some precautions become unreasonable, and cause more harm than good? The mixed messages are also confusing the public. You can’t urge people to get vaccinated while sending the message that vaccination barely makes a difference in all the hardships you’ll have to keep enduring.
Instapundit offered a round-up of some of the conflicting messages. They also included a handy CDC chart complete with cartoons, to try to explain who should wear a mask in which situations. To entice you to look at it, I’ll mention that they also included a Babylon Bee parody of the chart (just to be clear, the parody is the one at the bottom.)
It was almost surreal to see President Biden speaking outdoors Tuesday without a mask on. I was pretty certain he’d be wearing one in his official presidential portrait. But I’m glad to see him without one for a change. Maybe oxygen deprivation to the brain was the reason for the policies he’s been backing since taking office.
Fox News’ Peter Doocy actually asked his spokesperson Jen Psaki why he was the only world leader wearing a mask during a recent Zoom summit. Her answer suggests that even the White House doesn’t understand the current government mask guidelines.
It’s this kind of confusing and contradictory advice and never-ending restrictions that are really to blame for many frustrated Americans taking Robert Downey’s lead by saying to heck with it, ripping off their masks and just declaring, “I’m Iron Man.” Let’s just hope they got vaccinated first.
A How-To Guide For The Democrats And The Media
By Mike Huckabee
It’s become clear that today’s Democratic Party and its media handmaidens see George Orwell’s novel “1984” not as a cautionary tale but as a how-to guide. Unfortunately for their efforts to rewrite history, the Internet is forever, or at least it will be as long as we can keep total control of it out of the hands of the Silicon Valley socialist billionaires.
Case in point: USA Today’s attempt to sneak one past the public by letting Stacey Abrams alter an op-ed that ran on March 31st, condemning Georgia’s new election integrity law. In the original, she wrote, “I have no doubt that voters of color, particularly Black voters, are willing to endure the hardships of boycotts. But I don’t think that’s necessary — yet.”
But then, the MLB Commissioner announced on April 2nd that the All-Star Game was being moved out of Atlanta (to the much-whiter city of Denver), costing local workers and business owners, most of them black, $100 million in lost revenues. Needless to say, that would not make someone who promoted boycotts very popular with voters, particularly not someone with dreams of running for Governor.
And so…Abracadabra! Abrams’ archived column has magically changed! Now, it includes an attack on Republicans, accusing them of not caring about the monetary loss from boycotts as long as they can suppress the minority vote. And that quote above now reads, “Instead of a boycott, I strongly urge other events and productions to do business in Georgia and speak out against our law and similar proposals in other states.” Congrats, USA Today: Winston Smith himself couldn’t have done a better job.
USA Today claims that Abrams updated the column two weeks earlier and the delay in acknowledging the rewrite was an “oversight.” That sounds suspiciously like the excuse Facebook and Twitter use whenever they ban a conservative for no good reason and get called out for it publically. Besides, two weeks earlier was still AFTER the MLB boycott was announced.
USA Today’s excuse doesn’t answer the question of why Abrams or anyone else should be allowed to rewrite an op-ed that’s already been published to make themselves look better in light of subsequent events. If papers started rewriting all their old editorials to fix everything they ever got wrong, the New York Times editors would be spending more time rewriting old op-eds than writing new ones. Which, come to think of it, might be a better use of their time.
A Reader Writes Back...
Thank you for speaking the truth.
Inspirational Americans
America's history is full of inspirational people. Our "Inspirational Americans" series will profile 32 of them. Today's inspirational American is Abigail Adams.
“We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them.”
“Great learning and superior abilities…will be of little value and small estimation unless virtue, honor, truth, and integrity are added to them.”
“I hope some future day will bring me the happiness of seeing my family again collected under our own roof, happy in ourselves and blessed in each other.”
- Abigail Adams
To learn more about Abigail Adams on Wikipedia, go here>>>
Or on the White House website here>>>
Or the National Park Service website here>>>
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