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September 11, 2022

This weekend marks 21 years since Islamic radical terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and would have flown a 4th plane into the Capitol or White House except that passengers on that plane wrestled the controls away from the hijackers and the plane went down in Shanksville, PA. 3000 innocent people were murdered in the space of a few minutes in a cowardly attack that shook the nation more powerfully than anything since Pearl Harbor. One of the reasons the events of that day are seared into the deepest recesses of our souls is that we saw it play out on live television. Some of the images, especially of desperate people jumping from the Towers to escape the fireball of the airliners exploding or the soot-covered people in business attire stumbling away from the collapsing buildings are images we can’t unsee.

We all remember exactly where we were that day and what we were doing when we saw the planes hit. Like the JFK assassination for those of us old enough to remember it, or the Challenger explosion, there are moments in our lives where an event so stunned us that time seemed to stand still and we had to catch our breath from the sheer shock of what our eyes had told us.

In the hours, days, and weeks following 9-11, America was united like I had never witnessed. Flags flew everywhere—on office buildings, residences, and cars. And no one took a knee. Members of Congress from both parties stood together on the Capitol steps and sang a hymn. Churches were filled with people praying. Young men and women put aside their studies or their lives to enlist in the military. America was at war. And we were united.

Here’s what didn’t happen. People didn’t divide among lines of race, gender, political party, or sexual identity. No sane person blamed America or systemic racism or white rage. If we really were a racist, imperialistic, evil country, surely we would have been told that by members of Congress. But we weren’t told that. Because we weren’t an evil country. And let me tell you, we aren’t an evil country now. Imperfect? Sure, but still the best place on God’s green earth.

We’ve allowed America-hating academics and outright Marxists to tell us we’re all racists. We’ve had frightened CEO’s down on their knees apologizing to total strangers for some symbolic repentance of sins they can’t even recall or name. And we’ve watched otherwise responsible corporate boards pretend to be “woke” and demand their employees get instruction in some nutty nonsense called Critical Race Theory that only serves to divide people when there is so much to unite us as people blessed by God to live in a nation where color isn’t what we’re about—character is. That’s the beautiful message from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and it’s never been more needed.

9-11 was a slap in our face and it was a rude awakening to the real evil in our world. An ideology that hates America, hates freedom, hates equality for women or people of color is the ideology that attacked us. It remains a threat to our freedom and our way of life. Ultimately, the battle we faced then and the one we still face now is a spiritual battle. Will the Judeo-Christian framework we were built upon remain our foundation, or will we surrender to a fanatic world-view that believes women are property who don’t deserve an education or identity and that killing innocent people for a political cause is okay? Instead of apologizing for America, we ought to unapologetically affirm our love for America. And no better day to do that than a day which reminds us who we really are.

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Comments 91-97 of 97

  • Audrey Dalton

    09/14/2021 01:25 PM

    Thank you Mike.....I greatly appreciate your commentaries. You are measured and thoughtful and project how so many of us feel. You give us a voice. Thank you!

  • A. Ryan

    09/14/2021 01:24 PM

    Watch her video interview within the article…
    “The connections of what it means to be an American means so much more than the differences between us.”

  • Sally Jones

    09/14/2021 12:54 PM

    In regards to the earlier part of your information. My husband and I moved from Boise to Grand Junction CO when the pandemic began. We are both in our 70’s and healthy. We got Covid. Mine was mild, needing no attention just a good nights rest. My hubby’s was a little longer. I’ll take it any day over the flu. Our doc here recommended we not get the shots. He has our medical records and knows our history and felt it was best not to get it. I was good with that. Yes, there are many who will have to struggle with that decision and I’m sorry they have to. The fear factor is what is most sad to me. People are hiding from life and it will only make them worse. The enemy of our souls is out to destroy us. Stay strong everybody, get honest info from your docs and be wise in getting enough rest, avoiding stress situations, not buying into fear. It destroys. But God! He is our hope and strength. Lean into His grace and mercy, praying for wisdom to make the right decision.

  • Kevin Cook

    09/14/2021 12:14 PM

    Dear Governor
    I greatly appreciate your mentioning natural immunity from time to time. I think it’s worth repeating everyday about natural immunity and the fact from Dr Malone (inventor of mRNA technology) that the natural immunity is superior to the jab and we have a 99% survival rate maybe we should promote natural immunity for the 99% who are at less risk to natural exposure than the experimental mRNA. Need to repeat that there is NO FDA approved vaccine available. Pfizer’s vaccine is NOT APPROVED. Only BioNTec’s Comararty is approved and NOT available because they don’t want the lawsuits. Also he stated that yhe vaccine is maybe 40% effective against infection, wanes after 6 to 9 months, that the vaccinated most likely created the delta variant, when infected have 200 times the viral load as the unvaccinated (which makes the vaccinated super spreaders) and the jab is the most deadly and adverse vaccine ever released.
    I’m not anti vax, but 99% of us should not get vaxed because of the experimental mRNA risks, that we have very effective treatments (ivermectin- see Utter Predesh India success) and the natural immunity is superior and longer lasting than the experimental jab.
    Keep pushing the information and hopefully the democrat tyranny will slow down.

  • John Hawkins

    09/14/2021 12:13 PM

    Please watch this -------

  • Richard E Lochner

    09/14/2021 12:04 PM

    All these deaths pale to the COVID deaths and the CDC and hospitals’ malfeasance deaths. We haven’t even seen the start of all the deaths yet to come.

  • John Russell Houseman

    09/14/2021 12:01 PM

    If we truly want accountability for Afghanistan: Someone needs to ask Blinken - did you advise President Biden on the procedures to follow for the withdrawal? Yes or No. Did he follow your advice? If No, it's on Biden. If Yes, it's on Blinken. And on down the line for all advisors.

    Do we have different advisors in place for each Country or area from which we have been accepting immigrants/refugees? Why is it that anyone coming thru the Southern border is allowed in, anyone who managed to get to the airport in Kabul seems to be allowed in, but someone from Cuba on a boat is told Hell No? I can't comprehend the difference. How can the same person/principals be used to make opposite decisions?

    How can Hunter Biden not be arrested for, at least, his gun application felony - while January 6th protestors can be held without charges for more than 6 months? Or an unarmed veteran being shot declared as justified simply because she was there? They say she posed a threat; to who? If that's truly the case, they could have justifiably shot and killed every individual present that day.

    I am trying to find a voice out there to speak up for those of us watching everything unfold and feeling helpless. The right questions just aren't being asked. Some get close, but run short of time. Instead of making speeches, Congress needs short, quick, to the point Questions. Who made that decision? Who do we hold responsible for what is or isn't done?