
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 251-275 of 1536

  • Arlene

    01/07/2021 11:59 AM

    I never leave comments anymore because they are never posted. Why????

  • Daniel Settle

    01/07/2021 11:59 AM

    I'm a retired Southern Baptist pastor who is a conservative. I appreciate your stand and common sense approach to our nation and government. I too condemn all violence, and we don't know who yet, nor where it came from. The republican majority are law abiding citizens, and these actions by some are not the feelings of the majority. That being said, the Republican concerns over integrity have been ignored, refused to be heard by authorities, and double standards have been forced upon Republicans. We are crying for honesty, morality, and freedom to express our position. Without this we are no more a democracy.

  • Martha W Shuping

    01/07/2021 11:58 AM

    It is reported that the crowd was all Trump supporters, but that is not actually known. My first thought was that anyone could have been in that crowd including Antifa - the same way Antifa hijacked "peaceful protests" many times last year. A NC Congressional rep stated yesterday that police told him, for days before the events there were rumors of Antifa inflitrating the planned rally. Some who were there have reported that there were people dressed in all black interspersed among others - many of whom came to pray not to riot - and those in black appeared to be trying to incite others to illegal actions, and "leading the charge." It's entirely possible that some people were there specifically to make Trump supporters look bad while at the same time perhaps making it less likely that the election issues would be addressed seriously. Very likely the men in black escaped arrest and we'll never know the truth of what happened, but it's obviously quite convenient for the media to say this was all Trump supporters. It would be helpful to be able to investigate this aspect more fully, but when rioters slither away after evading arrest, it seems it is never possible to interview them. Perhaps since this was viewed as "Trump supporters" arrests were made but I don't know that the truth will ever be known. Meanwhile, I understand that some states have been busily destroying election records, and with the courts and the Congress seemingly having no curiosity about what happened in the election, most likely, we'll never know all of it. I did see a CBS video in which it was reported that the Director of National Intelligence had said that there was evidence of foreign interference in the election including China, Iran, and Russia, and I have seen affidavits from witnesses to fraud (from some of the contested states, not NC), so I know there IS evidence that could be considered, just that ALL of those who might have addressed it have chosen to look the other way and pretend there is "no evidence." Now, some of our Congressional reps are saying that Trump tried to steal the election - but it was already stolen in the wee hours of the morning after election day, and not by Trump.

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/07/2021 11:55 AM

    Without a doubt, President Trump wanted to remain president for another 4 years! No doubt, he should be president for another 4 years. He was such a warrior for this country. More than likely the people who voted for Biden will be wishing Trump was president again within less than a year. When they don't receive their "free" stuff promised by the DIMS, they will be squalling to high heaven. You miss someone/something more once you no longer have them/it!

    God had something else for President Trump to do. More than likely, in a far greater capacity than being US president!

    Be optimistic, President Trump. You still have a purpose on this earth! Look to the LORD for his guidance and direction! HE is in control.

    The DIMS trying to bring in the 25th Amendment or possibly trying to impeach the man, they need to let it go! Give President Trump his last 2 weeks in office! Why are they trying to completely destroy him? Their tactics are just making them look like the fools in the whole situation!!! Are they so saturated with hatred of him that they have to have the final word? Once again, the president was set up by bringing in the terrorist mobs to attack the capital on Wednesday! Totally disgusting!

  • Manske

    01/07/2021 11:49 AM

    For the first time in my life I am terrified. God says he'll never leave us. Why do I feel skeptical?

  • Gertrude Van Horn

    01/07/2021 11:48 AM

    This violence was too well orchestrated to be spontaneous. It was done to obstruct the congressmen and senators that were against certifying the electoral votes in contested states. Obviously the republicans who loved Trump and were there to support him would never do anything to hurt the process. They have always protested peacefully. This group were infiltrated by agitators on the left who pretended to be lovers of Trump. This is a sad day in America when the socialists take over our country. Goodbye America. I say this with tears in my eyes!!

  • Joseph Hedrick

    01/07/2021 11:42 AM

    Governor Huckabee:
    This is what I sent to a few of my friends yesterday so here it is for your read! And if you can please let me know personally what you think of my opinion because I as a 26 year military veteran do not understand what is happening to my country!

    This is just my opinion but here it goes! Since the Democrats took the two Senate seats in Georgia that now gives them control of all three branches of government we as conservatives are going to be in for a rough ride from here on out. I believe things are going to get very ugly in the next year, 2021 is not going to be good. They are going to come after everything that is good in this country and heaven help anyone that stands in their way! God finally stepped back since we have ask Him to do for many years now and now look what is about to happen, Satin has taken over, he has a firm hold on this country now and I believe it is only a matter of time before it implodes.

    These liberals do not respect the Constitution the rule of law or life itself, just look at what the majority of them believe in, look at their records and tell me they are not anti-Christ, anti-American and anti-life. They are going to undue everything that the Trump administration has done for this country and you will not recognize it by this time next year. They are going to come after churches, guns, white people and anything else that they deem to be not of their liking. By the way I even envision them changing the flag and the National Anthem because they both stand for aggression in their minds, so hang on to your rear ends my friends for it is going to be a rough time in these coming United Socialist Sates of liberalism! We may even see civil war break out in this country ( I truly hope not) because of what is coming down the pike!!!

    Just my opinion
    God bless you

  • Barbara Hiatt

    01/07/2021 11:41 AM

    I would like to know just where were the National Guard,Dept. Of Justice and the Police this past summer when all hell was breaking loose in our cities.Apparently,at least with the Democrats,ANTIFA and BLM rioters and looters can get a free pass to do whatever they want while frustrated Republicans,standing up for our president,are being hauled off to jail.Where is the justice? There seems to be 2 sets of laws depending what political party a person is affiliated with.Also,cowardly Republicans, who can't run fast enough to leave the sinking ship like a bunch of rats,need to remember they were elected and can be UN elected! God Bless President Trump!!


    01/07/2021 11:40 AM

    My question is .... were these really Trump supporters or BLM/Antifa posing as Trump supporters. We may never know. For sure, the DMM (Democrat Media Mouthpiece) will never cover it that way. It sickens me to hear our representatives scold us before first scolding the Democrats for not standing up to and acknowledging all the mayhem Antifa and BLM caused last spring, summer and fall. They say any of these perpetrators should be arrested, but again - no one cares about arresting anyone associated with BLM or Antifa. Complete double standard on display for all to see; don't you think???

  • Claudia Stanton

    01/07/2021 11:40 AM

    I have been praying for the corruption to be exposed, and so sad that yesterday ended that way. I still believe it was Antifa that breached the Capital. There is no excuse for that violence. We are all responsible for our actions. It is God's will that the Democrats won, we ALL need to turn back to Him. Thank you Govenor Huckabee for your leadership and faithfulness. I will keep praying. No President should be treated like President Trump was, I also pray he will accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Thank you.

  • Judy Dulski

    01/07/2021 11:35 AM

    I believe there were some paid rioters in that group. Pray for all who lost their life. Strongly condemn this violence..Pray the Republicans can work on election reform and make changes in the States where it is greatly needed..

  • Susan Combee

    01/07/2021 11:34 AM

    This was a coup!

  • Crystal Courson

    01/07/2021 11:34 AM

    This is my 3rd attempt to write a response to yesterday's happenings at our "CAPITAL". I think it is very important why I have lost 2 attempts to put my thoughts down for the public to read. Somebody is trying to tell me something, my guess is a heavenly nudge may be at work here. So with a small prayer, I will try again. #1 what we were hearing wasn't what we were seeing. We were seeing two groups of people and Fox News was seeing just one group. If, you watch the breaking again, you see people who were dressed in totally different from the Marchers in the street. The group doing the damage where dressed totally for battle, covered top to bottom with heavy backpacks. Humm... have cw seen them before? Now look at the Marchers they are for the most part dressed in jeans and sweatshirts and caps and small mask. Their dress was actually for people coming to show support for their President, disbelief of election result, and rejection of some elected officials actions and words. LOOK CAREFULLY. #2 Fox News made a mistake in clumping all people into one category. #3 OUR PRESIDENT dropped the ball in his speech, I did not see his opening speech, but he was once again trying to convey his thoughts and his mouth was not improper sequence with his brain. Now these are my thoughts on yesterday events. I do think there are several high ranking elected officials who use gestures and words to infuriate the Republicans. The speaker of the house has used drama gestures to show her lack of respect for the President. The most obvious being tearing up of the State of the Union speech last Jan. Then the gender language change of this week is really an insult to majority of people of this country. Amen!!!!

  • Roger Davenport

    01/07/2021 11:33 AM

    Agree 100 percent prayers for our nation and all our leaders 1Timothy 2:1-4???????? for my faith is in God alone he is in control and still on the throne ????

  • Frances J Fairbairn

    01/07/2021 11:33 AM

    I became physicall ill watching the attack yesterday. Today I'm seeing articles pointing to a planned attack by Antifa disguised as Trump supporters. I agree no matter what side attacked it is wrong and should be punished. However I see it as yet another Dem ploy to discredit Trump. And lost in the chaos are all the riots throughout our country for the past 2 years. Where was the outrage then? Law enforcement was condemned and defunded by Dem cities. Our brave officers deserve respect and defending.

  • Henrietta Caseltine

    01/07/2021 11:31 AM

    I don't believe the ones entering the building were Trump supporters. Just like last summer, BLM and ANTIFA entered the peaceful protests to cause violence. God is our only hope. We are in for a disasterous Biden presidency!

  • Gary R. Heitz

    01/07/2021 11:31 AM

    I think all of us, including the President, were shocked by the violence at the Capital Building, and all of us utterly condemn it in the harshest terms. In my mind there is a real question as to whether or not these people were Trump supporters as it fits more with ANTIFA. It is true that President Trump could have been stronger in his condemnation, but I am also sure that he had a sense of shock as did all of us. When he attempted to address the situation the social media shut him down, so any condemnation of him by the Dems and social media, but I repeat myself, is ingenious. I, also, can understand his disappointment with Vice-president Pence as I feel that any way to get the courts to actually look at this is beneficial. If there was the slightest chance to force the Supreme Court to look at the fraud, then that action should have been taken. To do less than this is cowardice at worst and submission to tyranny at best. I note that many supposed Republicans say they are changing their opposition to the rubber stamping, my term, of the election fraud due to the violence in the Capital Building, and this, in my opinion, is also cowardice. They are there to represent the people and we have a right to know that our elections are run in a fair and transparent fashion. The violence in the Capital Building does not change this fact, rather, it highlights it. If these were Trump supporters they must have been driven insane by the repeated mantra of the Dems and the media, but I repeat myself, that there is nothing that was fraudulent about this election. Ours eyes looking at supposed evidence, our ears hearing supposed witnesses and our minds, putting 2 plus 2 together to arrive at 4, are simply delusions based upon our great disappointment. It is all innocent and coincidental that in the battle ground states rules were put in place by people who had no authority to do so in violation of the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions and clear language in state laws that expressly said the opposite. Ballots were accepted and cast after legal deadlines, machines were manipulated to change votes, pens were issued which invalidated ballots in Republican areas, uncontrolled and unwatched drop boxes were set-up that violate requirements for control of ballots, errors were corrected or cured in Democrat areas and not in Republican areas so that Democrat votes were increased and Republican votes decreased, vote totals exceeded total number of voters and even residents in some voting areas in Democrat strong holds, etc. No FRAUD! That is so clear a lie that even a child could see this is wrong. Pence had the opportunity to see that these issues were at least re-considered by the legislatures in the battle ground states and failed to do so. As someone who has supported and contributed to his past and present election efforts I feel that he violated the trust relationship we had and no simple statement of conscience can explain this away. He had the opportunity to do something for the people of the country and he chose not to do so. It seems that the idea set forward in scripture indicating that to know to do something that is right and to not do it is sin fits here, for when good men fail to act evil triumphs and evil has surely triumphed here.

  • Ray Barker

    01/07/2021 11:29 AM

    I fully agree that the situation in DC was not what should have happened. If all had been peaceful, it would have sent a better message to everyone that a majority of citizens did not agree with the election outcome. Many thought there was fraud, and I truly believe there was. Whether or not it would have changed the outcome of the election is not the central point. The fact that it happened is absolutely unacceptable and should be investigated. This sort of action by some of the states should never happen in this country. We must get to the bottom of this so that it never happens again.

    As an afterthought, where were all the radical left who didn't do anything to stop the violence during President Tr ump's tenure in office? Where were the Democrats who are now so concerned with a peaceful transition who tormented Trump for four years, including the farce impeachment?

    I want to have the America I grew up in. This situation now is unacceptable and I don't know what to do about it. Vote?? Well, that might not be the answer anymore. I can only pray to God that this nation will begin to follow Him and allow us to turn the tide to become a notion uner God again. If God is for us who can be against us? But will this country ever let God back into their lives again? If not, then He will treat us as he treated the people of Israel long ago, until they repented and retuorned to Him.

    God help us. And God Bless us. Amen.

    I also wonder if there might have been some paid agitators in the crowd at the protest. That should be investigated thoroughly.

  • Dolores Miltenberger

    01/07/2021 11:29 AM

    Husband Gordon and I appealed atvthe destruction towards the USA Capital - carbon copy of destruction to places like Zpirtland - pictures are being posted of people in President Trump gear, holding UssA flags- tattoos on their bodies are the Antifa / is this true?!?!?!

  • Mary Smith

    01/07/2021 11:28 AM

    I'm totally against "storming" the capital building, but at the same time, I too am fed up with two sets of rules - one seemingly "make up as you go for our convenience" for the Democrats and the other stricter set for Republicans. When 70+M Americans feel an election was rigged and stolen, something needs to be done and SOON. An IMMEDIATE bi-partisan committee should be set up to ensure that fair voter regulations (for both in-person and mail-in ballots) are updated in EVERY state. Much of the frustration needs to also be "blamed" on the media for not doing their job instead of continual putting their political thumbs on the scales. Yesterday, Trump supporters were immediately broad-brushed and classified as a "mob" and they along with President Trump were shamed on television stations. What about the burning, looting, injuries and even killing that occurred in our cities? News media covered that as though there was a true reason for the rioters - unbelievable! Not one word came from any Democrats to stop the violence until they feared their poll numbers were being affected. Violence has escalated ever since Maxine Waters shouted for "protesters" to get in Republican faces. Social media platforms also need long overdue regulations so they too operate in a fair, balanced way. There's a lot that the average American is upset about - especially the double standards!


    01/07/2021 11:26 AM


  • Kayla Pfeffer

    01/07/2021 11:26 AM

    I am not convinced the violent actors were actual Patriots. If so, I do not condone anything that would place our good names with the criminal democrats. How quickly came his (the big guy biden) condemnation on the Republicans/Conservatives/Patriots in comparison to no condemnation to date on the domestic terrorism committed by the Left leadership, blm/antifa that began in the Summer of 2020 and ongoing acts of terrorism into this new year of 2021. It's proven that this is the way with democrats/leftists: "The law applies to you not to me", it is their national anthem. So no, I do not agree with any action that would make us comparable with the democratic/leftist thugs. Last, Biden is not my President.

  • Nancy Stucky

    01/07/2021 11:25 AM

    This was inexcusable. I love Trump and my heart is broken over this loss. However, violence is never the answer. I hope after investigation, it is proved that professional rioters were involved in this mess. Republicans just don’t act like that. This has ruined any chance he had of election in 2024. It is a sad day.

  • Phyllis Shelton

    01/07/2021 11:20 AM

    The violence that happened at the Capital building yesterday is yes repugnant and I don’t believe for a minute that these were true Trump supporters I believe that regardless Mr Trump will have ALL blame thrown at him.
    I certainly understand the hurt and the frustration as I feel it too. If you haven’t already Americans get on your knees. God help us

  • Denise Skjerven

    01/07/2021 11:17 AM

    Violence of any kind should not be tolerated or needed. Republicans/Conservatives are SOOO fed up, though, of being made fools of, taken advantage of, censored, lied to, etc., etc. We HAVE to start standing up for ourselves. BUT, if NO ONE at the top of government or our judicial systems seriously takes time to listen to us, we are then left to revert to our own measures...which will likely be extreme as that is the only thing people will allow us to get attention. I agree it should NEVER revert to violence of any kind. But, WHY IS NO ONE GIVING US ANY AMOUNT OF RESPECT AND ATTENTION THAT IS LAWFUL???