
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 301-325 of 1536

  • Karen Rains

    01/07/2021 10:52 AM

    Yes, wrong is wrong, no matter who is behind it. I am not happy about Biden being President, but I hope to rise above and be better than all the ones who trashed our President for the last 4 years. Prayers for this country and all Americans. We all need to look inward at our hearts and get right with the Lord. He isn’t surprised by any of this and in the end, we win!

  • Rick Wilkins

    01/07/2021 10:50 AM

    It is my understanding that the violence that erupted at our nation's capital was the result of ANTIFA and not the Trump protesters. Do you find this to be true? Thank you beforehand, Gov. Mike.

  • Joyce Zepp

    01/07/2021 10:49 AM

    I have been a Republican for the last 40 years. I am ashamed of what my party became yesterday. There is no fixing this.

  • David Dickeyf

    01/07/2021 10:49 AM

    Regarding the storming of the capitol building: I smelled a rat. Old commie play book to discredit the opposition,tantamount to burning the Reichstagg which decptively helped solidify Hitler's power base back on the 30's. Why was there not more security on hand with a Rally in town ?
    It was a very dad moment,but I have to believe it was a dirty trick to discredit Trump and the movement which is not known for violence.

  • Tom Longeway

    01/07/2021 10:47 AM

    Shame on them for breaking the law, find them try them and jail them if found guilty, BUT do it on both sides not just the Trumpers but from Antifa also. Time to heal but lets see if the left will keep their words or start to wrek the country. We are not Venezuela YET BUT we can head there if the Ds do not heal the wounds. Let us be on guard but do it under the law.

  • Mary Jo Lincoln

    01/07/2021 10:47 AM

    Like most of America, I am appalled at what transpired yesterday in our nation’s capitol — from numerous standpoints. And like many others, I have shed copious tears as I grieve for our country. I am left with countless questions, a few of which are listed here below. But I find few answers.

    My opinion, however, of President Trump’s message, urging calm and condemning the violence, differs somewhat from many. My conclusion is that he softened his tone to express empathy with what we are feeling — an important strategy to getting people to listen and one that the Democrats fail at immeasurably. He repeatedly condemned the violence, urged calm and for the behavior to cease and for them to leave.

    Unfortunately, there were a handful of people (who they were is yet to be determined as of my current knowledge) who disregarded his urgings and caused the damage.

    Where the faults lie in all that transpired are numerous. And they did not begin on January 6, 2021.

    I am left with more questions than answers and a profound sense of grief.

    Why was such a heap of evidence of at least questionable proceedings in the elections ignored by all when sufficient evidence was readily available? People who should have addressed these matters decided to ignore them and brush them aside. Every decision has consequences. Bad decisions have bad consequences.

    Our Vice President’s decision to proceed with counting the electors mystifies me. He stated that “the Constitution constrained [him].” As much as I liked Mike Pence and still believe he thought he was doing the right thing, I feel he relied on some very bad advice and has not fulfilled his oath to “protect and defend the Constitution” because, as I read it, January 6 is not set in the Constitution as the date on which they MUST be counted. He had at least 2 other options presented to him that he could have exercised: delay for 10 days as requested by Georgia (and perhaps other states) so they could meet in their state legislature(s) to determine their electors as stated in the Constitution or form the commission requested by Senator Cruz and others. There was time. With the gathering outside, he could surely predict that things were likely to get out of hand. Why proceed? Now we face a future with leaders, the legitimacy of whom is questioned by more than half of the country. Every decision has consequences. Bad decisions have bad consequences.

    Why was lethal force used inside the Capitol building? The protesters were unarmed. Indeed the unarmed status of the woman who died has been verified. Why was she shot? Who shot her?

    There is no question in my mind that the protesters should NOT have entered the building. I, along with many others, vehemently condemn their actions. They have no more right to destroy property and mistreat law enforcement than do Antifa and BLM. Yes, Americans have been wronged and evidence indicates that the wrongs will likely continue and become more egregious. But we must seek other ways before resorting to violence and destruction. Again, every decision has consequences. Bad decisions have bad consequences. It was a bad decision to enter the building and a worse decision to use lethal force. We have now seen in a death the consequences of those decisions.

    To these and all my other questions I have only one answer:
    Just as Christ said, his followers will be persecuted. We must be prepared to experience what he foretold. God has given all of us freedom to choose whom we will serve. NO ONE — even the CCP, if they overtake us — can take that freedom to choose away. Our choice to serve God and follow him may end in death, as it did for the early Christians and for many since then.

    God has “allowed” many bad things to happen as consequences for bad decisions (our own and those of others). That is the “responsibility” that accompanies “freedom.”

    This is only a battle — albeit a very disastrous one. But it is not the final outcome. The war continues. But followers of Christ have in their suffering the joy of hope for the day when Christ returns and when he will have the final victory. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.

  • Mark smith

    01/07/2021 10:46 AM

    Sir, I must agree, now is not the time for violence and what occured yesterday should not have.... but now I believe that it will be required in our future to prevent socialism becoming our new way of life. How can we overcome the cheat? History is filled with the road map the left is following to socialisim.... we have passed the point of no return... our last hope was that we could depend on the judiciary to uphold the constitution, to prevent each state from randomly changing their rules to support their preferred candidate... we lost our last peaceful means to keep our Republic. The judiciary would not even look at evidence but dismissed suits with single paragraphs... America is gone....

  • Amadeo Lazatin

    01/07/2021 10:46 AM

    There is now evidence Antifa involved

  • Patricia Talbert

    01/07/2021 10:44 AM

    Watch Triumph News Network, man has oc HHS’s cell phone pictures of Anitifia breaking in to Congress.Should send to the FBI and Fox News

  • Jean Mills

    01/07/2021 10:44 AM

    I believe we no longer have a democracy. The Democrats will allow no partisan input. God give us wise leaders.

  • Dusty

    01/07/2021 10:42 AM

    VP Pence just is that type of person and had to follow what he felt was the right procedure and the Constitution and what he was not allowed to do? Even thought so much out here on the fraud and what went on. I see in Fulton Cty the counting and majority sorry are blacks doing the work and majority said for Biden 90% voted? So can I trust a possible few who would do anything wrong? I hope not. Who owned these Dominion machines the co said well know Democrats was this true or not? Experts on hacking did not give total clearance on these machines not being hacked. Not saying they were but ck the absentee votes. I was one had to sign the outside of my envelop forgot got a call to come in to my polling in Ga. I did. Cannot sign the ballot and no number to go with the envelop said many envelops thrown out so how to ck the ballot to who? Told by the polling person cannot sign the ballot per privacy act WHAT? She had to open the envelop know me and could see my vote? So why not sign or number the ballot to the envelop . Go to a polling place and see the many ballots all over in piles etc? Then some of the polling like in Phila and a few others would not let in observers WHY NOT? What is wrong? For one person this President to endure the attacks of the libs in this country was beyond what most could have ever endured. Why he wanted to run again I would not have done this. All look up this Warnock and see how wonderful it will be in our Congress to have this hateful man. Ask why money poured in here. Yes Kelly is very rich and she gave a few bucks to Kemp and to TRUMP. That is a whole other story also. If you think it cannot happen to your state take a look at Georgia and all that have flowed in here and WHY? Stop this on the President and look at what was not done for months and the shut downs that went on and people lost their livelihoods and most who would die over 65 I am an RN? No no vaccine never got the flu one ? Yes get it if you can many health dept are ready ?

  • Chuck Sheppard

    01/07/2021 10:41 AM

    Sir, I stopped watching the news media many years ago. Up into about 3 years ago I would check Fox News on the web. That too stopped, as I realized the deception and lies that were coming through most of the opinions. That said I did not see all that took place, I waited for your email or another conservative email I get to hear and know what took place. Sorry to say I still did not get the truth. I got your very upset opinion of President Trump. I am upset that this happened yes sir I am. We are to stand for truth not tear it down by, actions of the left, coming out of a few! I am praying for what’s left of our Nation. And sir I ask that you not become one of those “talking heads” but report the truth. Good bad or ugly, but truth. You are the only way for some to get that truth.

  • Beverly Tedder

    01/07/2021 10:41 AM

    You want a comment? I'll give you one. For months we watched our history destroyed and our past destroyed AND NOT ONE DEMOCRAT SAID A WORD. Our VP set up bail funds. I'm through. I say let China in. You just gave them the Presidency.

  • Michael R Brannick

    01/07/2021 10:41 AM

    Trump told his supporters to be peaceful and to go home. His reminder was more than sufficient. Don't be overly critical. As you well know he has frequently condemned violence. Don't turn into leftist media on us.

  • Robert & Frances Rockey

    01/07/2021 10:40 AM

    Praying again for our country. Aghast that this happened. It shouldn't have. Especially sad at the loss of life. Praying for all Americans.

  • John Martin

    01/07/2021 10:39 AM

    Why are they aghast? Anyone had to realize the group was going to be infiltrated by antifa and blm. Their mark was easily seen. Brought ropes to scale the walls of the Capitol. Typical of their knowing exactly what they were going to do. How did they actually get into the building? Had some person or persons on the police force working for them on the inside. So obvious, it's ridiculous. They're pros at the evil they do. They wanted to put the blame on the Trump supporters and the President, and they accomplished their purpose....unless you really think about it. Biden came out with a speech demanding that they leave. The speech was so well prepared and articulate in blaming Trump, it had to have been prepared in advance. In Joes demented condition, he could never have spoken like that off the cuff. He can't even put two sentences together without stumbling over his words without a prepared speech. Come on, man! LOL

  • Paul L Chase

    01/07/2021 10:39 AM

    I am 66 years old. I came of age during the tumultuous 1960's - the decade of race riots, anti war riots, political assassinations, and the so called sexual revolution. My father fought in the Pacific in World War II and was very concerned about the spread of communist power around the world and the growing communist/subversive influence in the US. Because of this fact he became a member of the John Birch Society (JBS) and I did as well. Like so many organizations that tried to raise the alarm about the Godlessness of the radical left the JBS and it's members were mocked, ridiculed, belittled as conspiracy theorists and so on. But at that young age I was exposed to a great deal of information about communists and their tactics. One of their tactics is to infiltrate their opposition and then commit some heinous act that could then be blamed upon their opponents as a tool for smearing and marginalizing them.

    I have never attended a Trump rally, either during the 2016 campaign or the 2020 campaign. I have observed many of these rallies on television and social media however. The 1 consistent thing about all of the rallies before yesterday was that, although the people at the rallies frequently numbered in the 10's of thousands, there was no violence, rioting or destruction of property on the part of the Trump people. There were no confrontations with police officers. The only violence that occurred at Trump rallies was when Antifa thugs would attack Trump supporters when they were leaving.

    So when I heard about the storming of the capital yesterday it did not take me long to begin to wonder if the people responsible for the assault were Antifa plants. Call me suspicious but that behavior is not consistent with the normal behavior of Trump supporters. I have not yet seen any reports about Antifa plants so I do not know if my suspicions are justified or not. But to say that I don't trust much of anything these days is an understatement.

    If there was no Antifa presence and these were indeed Trump supporters all that I can say is that the rage felt by so many of us who supported Trump is palpable and with good reason. For 4 years the corporate, globalist main stream news media unfairly attacked Trump 24-7. They suppressed all negative news about Democrats, including Joe Biden, and blew out of proportion everything about Trump. They attacked Bret Kavanaugh mercilessly with preposterous claims of sexual misconduct when he was a teenager while remaining silent about the woman who accused Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked as a Senatorial aide for him. As you know an entire book could be written about the hypocrisy of the news media, the Democrats, and the radical left. And the rage felt by we Trump supporters has only intensified as a result of what we absolutely believe was a stolen election. The fact that the news media and the entire political establishment has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the mountain of evidence pointing to this fraud only serves to increase our outrage to an even higher level.

    So if this rage reached the boiling point yesterday it should not be surprising to anyone. Of course the mainstream news media will not report on this violence like they reported on the race riots this past summer. They will not describe the Trump demonstration as "mostly peaceful".

    Furthermore, I have to ask when is it time to fight? If stealing an election is not a reason to fight, what will be the reason to finally fight? Will we fight when they try to force us to give up our guns? Will we fight when they force our churches to pay for abortions and birth control? When our churches are forced to higher gays, lesbians, and transgenders? Will parents stand up and fight when the state attempts to force them to allow their young children, who claim they want to be the opposite sex, to under go hormone and sex change operations? When will we stand up and fight? When will we stop apologizing for the occasional misbehavior of some on our side when the left never apologizes for the misconduct on their side?

    This is a war. Ultimately a war between God and Satan. And Christians need to recognize that fact. I believe that we are living in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelations where it says that the Beast shall "cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark of the beast, or the number of his name." The technology is already available to enable this to happen. I am surprised that I never hear anyone in the Christian community talking about this.

  • George F Harrison Jr

    01/07/2021 10:38 AM

    As I watched the ABC News coverage of yesterday's demonstration, I was amazed that what the commentators were saying did not match up with the pictures they were showing. It brought back to me when during the summer rioting and looting, reporters were on TV saying that there were mostly peaceful protests, and yet, in the background, buildings were burning and rioters were out of control Yesterday, what I saw were mostly peaceful protestors. But in today's media, when you are white, Conservative, Republican, and A Trump supporter, your First Amendment rights aren't permitted. When you exercise those rights, you are rioting, or you are out of control, or you are a whacko. But, if you are with BLM or ANTIFA, when you riot and loot, you are peacefully protesting. That is our world today in the USA, which is no longer United, it is and will remain Divided. WE cannot accept what has happened and hope that things will change, because they will not. They probably will only get worse.

  • Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger

    01/07/2021 10:35 AM

    Definitely condemn the Antifa violence. Yep, quite a few of those alleged "Trump supporters" have been ID'd as Antifa/BLM.

  • Martha Bausch

    01/07/2021 10:34 AM

    Can you explain to me why yesterday's incident was an embarrassment to the United States and considered a terrorist attack. And during the summer, all the protests, looting of stores, burning of buildings, tearing down statutes, taking over cities were considered peaceful protests?

  • Nancy Jackson

    01/07/2021 10:34 AM

    Is there no one who will stand and fight tyranny besides President Trump! Where is the outrage for election fraud, oppression, media bias and stealing our freedom? Democrats and the media have declared war on freedom and the american people! Who will stand and fight with courage? I pray that God will have mercy on us all and give us strength to resist the evil among us!

  • Betty H MULL

    01/07/2021 10:33 AM

    This volience was a setup by the left. People who were there saw Blm and Antifa at the door
    It worked the loser Senators refused to allow the objections to go thru. If this election was so honest what are they afraid of??? Review the votes let the states decide...What about the Supreme Court hearing date after the inaugration??? What will that accomplish.....Nothing. We are doomed to have to go thru 4 years of undoing all the good the President did in the last 4 years.

  • Nancy Burleson

    01/07/2021 10:30 AM

    Wish we could all go back to those calmer days of fishing Lake Ouachita for strippers! I’m almost glad Joe isn’t around to see what is happening in our country today. Praying cooler heads will prevail, but also nervous about how the next few years will affect the safety and financial security of those of us in our retirement years. PS I still think you would have been the best president ever!

  • Gregory A. Smith

    01/07/2021 10:28 AM

    Did you wave “goodby” to our Democratic Republic? You should have while there was still time. The combination of crooked politicians, a complicit Congress, a fraudulent election and a corrupted Judiciary all supported by a (rotted from within) mass media have virtually guaranteed the demise of a free people. Add to the complexity a virus, the threat of which is being milked for all it’s worth, manipulating people out of the freedom of assembly, destroying the greatest economy the world has ever seen, bankrupting hundreds of thousands and transforming an entire population into a hoard of masked lemmings.

    Beyond regrettable,

  • Constance Simpson

    01/07/2021 10:27 AM

    After four years of the left hammering President Trump and without much backing from his own party OR FROM THE LAZY CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY, I am watching to see which strong men and women will continue to stand with Donald Trump. The Capitol Hill disobedience was started by insidious outsiders and many Patriots were foolishly swept into the emotional fray. This does not diminish what President Trump has done for America. We need to have voter transparency!