
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 326-350 of 1536

  • Linda Baker

    01/07/2021 10:26 AM

    I was disappointed by this mess, Trump thinks these stunts he pulls are wonderful publicity. This time he gave the Dems a lot of fodder. We know the election was not right and all we can hope is that this system of mail in's is stopped(that's where it happened) I have supported Trump with $$, comments, and votes now he needs to lead for 2 weeks and show some dignity, leave in peace. He shot himself in the foot for another run!

  • David Altopp

    01/07/2021 10:26 AM

    I am sickened by what happened at the Capitol yesterday in Washington, D.C. However, where was the same outrage following the riots in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, etc., etc. It should all be condemned but the double standard and hypocrisy is blatant!

  • mike prather

    01/07/2021 10:25 AM

    Thanks Gov. for standing up for Pres. Trump and for us....As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, waiting on His return......

  • Paula KSmith

    01/07/2021 10:25 AM

    I am broken hearted that those in judicial authority blew off all evidences presented that showed, without a doubt, voter fraud. Apparently big money bought a lot of blinders.
    I am sick to my core at what has taken place in my country.
    I have prayed and wept for Donald J Trump and marvel at his stamina, his will, to stand for America and her people. I am proud that he does not concede the election. In my mind, he is the greatest president America has aver had. I will continue to pray for justice, knowing that our Triune God is on the throne, never to be removed or defeated.

  • Carol Mitchell

    01/07/2021 10:25 AM

    I am in utter dismay of all the events that have happened over the last four years. Relentless attacks on a fairly elected President in 2016, undermining every good accomplishment he made, and now lies and deceit to an unfair corrupt presidential election. Words cannot express the disgust I those congressmen, government officials, elections officials, and any other individuals who participated and caved into lies and deception of this fraudulent election. There seems to be NO right or wrong. No absolute truth. And quickly moving to NO “One nation under God”. The vast majority of the people were not heard, only herded like sheep into a planned and well orchestrated deceptive movement of control of the left agenda. I know God has a plan in all of this, but it’s hard to watch the country that you grew up in becoming a broken down nation of weak spineless leaders of democracy. Will God keep blessing America? I pray so.

  • Sandra Myers Olson

    01/07/2021 10:25 AM

    Yes, the media once again leaped to the conclusion that this was strictly Trump supporters breaching the Capital. On ground sources and subsequent photos reveal MANY recognizable ANTIFA instigators. But that didn’t advance the media’s narrative so it is not reported. If someone wants to make a ton of money, start a news media source that just reports actual news without bias and allows the viewer to make up their own informed mind. Oh wait, Walter Cronkite is dead.

  • DianneDroscoski

    01/07/2021 10:22 AM

    There were 5 loaded buses from my area that were TRUE TRUMP supporters and claim they were overwhelmed by a very violent group pushing them aside as they tried to peacefully demonstrate their support of our president. This violent group were not TRUMP PROTESTERS at all. Our local Trump Supporters noticed there were some wearing gas masks and horn hats representing the pedophile movement. These people were not TRUMP supporters at all. And as usual the media has followed through with their aggressive communications of distorting these anti Trump perpetrators actions to discredit our president and all the TRUE supporters efforts. The woman was shot and killed by a cop not a Trump supporter. And this was inspired by the violent group that invaded the peaceful demonstration. Yes, there were a lot of them paid by the vicious George Soros clan I am sure. Obviously they are desperate.

  • Lucinda Joens

    01/07/2021 10:21 AM

    Trump is not responsible for this. The courts should have acted...Supreme Court as well. The US Constitution HAS BEEN VIOLATED, as well as some state constitutions. The rot in Washington knew his rally was taking place, so THEY took action trying to punctuate his presidency with violence. The same violence they IGNORED in many cities. The radical left factions in our Congress are to blame!!

  • Joan Meznarich

    01/07/2021 10:19 AM

    Why do people place personal blame on Trump for the violent protesters?After millions of peaceful rallies and marches? I believe the violence was orchestrated to discredit Trump, get the certification, show power of the Left, frighten and villainize all Trump’s supporters. Now it’s all kumbaya.

  • Kay DeWitt

    01/07/2021 10:17 AM

    Mike, if you recognize my name because, for this past year, I have submitted so many comments, then, perhaps, you will know the many times I have stated what is my AGAPE love for President Trump...and I always clarified THAT my love FOR him WAS Christ's...AGAPE brand because, by definition, AGAPE
    love is, simply, "the desire for the loved one's ultimate best" ...which is WHY Christ's (agape) love LOVES the sinner, and HATES the sinner's sin because one cannot sin and not suffer the consequences OF sin which works counter TO the loved one's ultimate best.

    AND, because AGAPE love IS Christ's love it is unconditional...and BECAUSE it is unconditional it loves EVERYONE...even one's "enemy"...and because human love is incapable OF loving one's enemies is why Jesus said, "by their 'fruit' (OF agape love) you will KNOW them".....(know who is My disciple...who is truly "born again").....See, one can know all ABOUT Jesus and, yet, not BE "born again"....And since Jesus said, "unless a man BE 'born again ' he cannot inherit the kingdom of God", one's AGAPE love FOR someone first, and foremost, desires that the loved one BE born again because there is no greater "ultimate best" THAN one's spending all of eternity WITH Christ, IN the "kingdom of God" known as "heaven" ..Since one's EARTHLY life is but a snap of the fingers compared TO one's ETERNAL life, how can there be any doubt, in anyone's mind, THAT, first and foremost, one's AGAPE love CARES more about the loved one's ETERNAL destiny than he does his EARTHLY destiny....ya know like Trump winning an earthly political election...what good would it have been for Trump, personally, to have "won" spending four more years in the White House, if he winds up spending all of eternity in hell.....

    Mike, if I were God there would BE no hell because I cannot bare the thought of ANYONE spending all of eternity in hell, but neither could God which is WHY He sent His Son to give us a chance to CHOOSE one's eternal destiny...BY being "born again" from above ....and what He chose would be the PROOF that one IS born again, is whether or not one CAN love as He loves because one CANNOT love as He loves unless one IS born again....And because when one is able TO love one's enemies, when one IS born again...(because, concomitantly, he becomes a vessel OF Christ's love) WHY Christ commanded we who claim to BE a born again Christian TO love our enemies!!!!!......THEREFORE...I WILL SAY IT AGAIN...

    When, last year, at the National Prayer Breakfast, after Arthur Brooks stated that, because Christ commanded us TO love our enemies, THE only answer to unifying this country was to answer HATRED with LOVE, and President Trump's response TO Arthur (to JESUS) was to tell him (HIM) he did not agree with him was when I knew that Trump was NOT born again....and, UPON my knowing that, my AGAPE love for Trump, personally, cared more about his ETERNAL destiny than I did about his POLITICAL destiny.....HOWEVER, that did not NEGATE the fact OF my caring about his political destiny because I knew that his political destiny was now contingent UPON his blindness TO his eternal destiny!....WHICH IS WHY....

    When I learned OF this National Prayer Breakfast saga it CONFIRMED the written material I presented to Mark Harris, on Sunday, February 2nd (the Sunday he first stepped behind a church pulpit again), where I stated that God was about to bring judgment down on this country (and this was BEFORE I'd even heard about the coronavirus)....and the REASON I say that the National Prayer Breakfast saga CONFIRMED my posture OF the fact of God's judgment on America... in the material I presented to Mark... is because my spontaneous response TO Trump's response to Arthur Brooks was, "dear God, Trump, do you ever tempt God's hand of judgment!
    ...AND, for ME, yesterday's tragic happening, at our capitol building, was the culmination of all the prior happenings this past year (INCLUDING the election) of the Lord saying TO Trump, "let me show you what happens when you DON'T answer hatred WITH love, but, instead choose to answer hatred with hatred!

    Before I make the cry in my heart to you, FOR Trump....which is what is authoring this "comment" to you. ..I want to quote what Trump said yesterday when he stated: "while this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it's only the beginning of OUR FIGHT TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

    Beloved Mike Huckabee, I beg you to now take off your POLITICIAN'S hat and put on your PASTOR'S hat when it comes to how you can now BEST love a man to whom you have given hours and hours and hours of your time to support him, politically....and BECAUSE you HAVE given Trump so many of your precious life hours there is no one on planet earth who has a better chance of being used by God to REACH Trump and make him aware of his need to KNOW the Great Physician who can heal the pain he is suffering because he "feels like" a loser.

    Because Trump's pain is the result of his "sick" perspective OF what it means to BE a loser (because he feels like a loser even if he is just disagreed with) he is in need of the Great Physician because he is sick...but, because it is his ego that is sick, he cannot be told that he is emotionally sick without the risk of his not being able to RECEIVE being told that..So this is what I suggest....that you tell Trump that he can STILL be a "winner" ....and that THE greatest kind of winner one can be is how CHRIST so defines what makes for being a "winner" ...which is about one's loving one's enemies...answering one's enemy's hatred with His love.....AND THAT....

    The way God can use him TO "make America great again" is if he can.....via his becoming born again and the change it has wrought in his personality....witness TO America that what MADE America great was the great God she was founded on, enabling her to CLAIM that she was "one nation UNDER God". So if Trump can be Holy Ghost convicted of his sin OF answering hatred with hatred...and be willing to ADMIT his having answered the hatred expressed toward him WITH hatred as BEING sinful, he could also THEN go on to say how the Democrats' hatred toward HIM was also sinful...BUT NOW he can say TO the Democrats that, because he IS now a vessel of Christ's love, he can tell the Democrats that, while Christ's love in him can now love them...because Christ's love loves ALL sinners...
    he, concomitantly, hates their sin OF hatred toward him, because God hates their sin of hatred toward him......AND THEN.....

    If Trump could bring out, in his message to America, that our Lord so hates the hatred that BOTH political parties have been guilty of because it is this very hatred that is sending our kids to early graves (because it is a kid's hatred...
    authored by his anger when another kid displeases him...that moves him to pick up a gun and shoot, and kill, the kid who has displeased him), he could win back the hearts of the many Americans he "lost!"

    I cannot NOT claim to love Donald Trump and NOT make this cry to you to try and love him to where he KNOWS Jesus, rather than just knowing ABOUT Jesus!...and, dear Mike, here in Charlotte, my heart is broken over the number of kids who are shot, and killed, practically every day....and if there were more pastors here in Charlotte who KNEW Christ, rather than just knowing ABOUT Christ, so many of our kids would not now BE in an early grave....BUT AS I HAVE EXPRESSED TO YOU BEFORE...

    There IS one pastor who KNOWS Mark Harris ...and, besides yourself, if I had to choose one other Christian who I saw as having the greatest potential of being used by God to REACH Trump it would BE Mark Harris. On Sunday, March 8, because I saw Trump's need to BE reached...and BECAUSE I felt that Mark had the kind of agape love...and anointing...that the Lord COULD use to "convict" Trump ...I TOLD Mark that he needed to get to Trump, but he said he had no way of doing that....AND because the pandemic became an issue AFTER March 8, it was months before I saw Mark again to try and pursue this conversation any further.

    I know that the pandemic is STILL an I am not suggesting that you and Mark go and talk to Trump, personally...but, perhaps, you could phone Trump...or phone see how the Lord might be able to use the two of you, together, to MAKE A DIFFERENCE to Trump so that he does not suffer another tragedy in his life....

    I don't know if THIS cry for Trump is going to make a difference, but I could not NOT make it so that, if, God forbid, Trump suffers another tragedy...or even loses his life...I can, at least, have the comfort of knowing that I cared enough to MAKE this cry to you FOR him!

  • Paul Stewart

    01/07/2021 10:14 AM

    Given the numbers of people involved, offenders versus those who were not guilty of anything but lawfully assembling, and what was a tually done (invading the Capitol building without trying to destroy it or injure people, as far as I know), this is truly a mountain, a very large mountain, being made out of a very small molehill. Going beyond that to base issues, have you read the Declaration of Independence lately? Would not allowing an election to be stolen fit into the reasons why this nation was formed in the first place? Given how this nation was founded, politically / legally, why is violence inexcusable? To go along with the Declaration of Independence, when we go to the courts and they do not deal with the issue, why should that be the end of it? Have we lost so much backbone that we allow this to happen and just roll over and accept the coup that has just happened? I guess so.

  • kathleen overkamp

    01/07/2021 10:14 AM

    I certainly hope the truth comes out about who is behind the actual breach of the of the White House. I can't believe the supporters themselves were the ones that caused the damage.
    But can the information be trusted as being truth. It's becoming harder to be able to know who and what to trust.

  • Gary

    01/07/2021 10:12 AM

    Am wondering about how all the self-proclaimed patriot apologists felt about the riotous behavior that was employed by our founding fathers (and their followers) that led to the creation of this country in the first place. Does anyone think that King George III would have capitulated, and simply "let the colonies go," if peaceful protests had been the :order of the day?" Just exactly, how should conservatives restore this wonderful country to it's former glory, when our votes are of little, or no significance any longer ?

  • Gordon A Young

    01/07/2021 10:09 AM

    I voted for Donald Trump and I think he has done a great job relative to his policies, BUT I THINK HE HAS FAILED TO REALIZE THAT HIS CRITICIZIMS AND NAME CALLING ARE CHILDISH. He could have gained much greater support country wide if he had acted during the last four years as if he was above his critics. He should have let the results of his policies speak for themselves instead of claiming to be the best in everything.

  • jim muse

    01/07/2021 10:07 AM

    how many of these protesters were put there by soros to instigate the trump protesters?

  • Donna Beckstein

    01/07/2021 10:06 AM

    I hate for people to be injured. Citizens are angry that the courts and every legitimate Avenue of dissent has failed them. When wrong is not redressed, patriots will rise. This wrong could create a war. Not by me, but I feel my country has been stolen by cheaters and liars who are determined to destroy us. This is BAD. There is such a thing as righteous indignation.

  • Karen K

    01/07/2021 10:06 AM

    Carol J Kellum
    01/07/2021 08:52 AM
    There have been many Christians praying for God's will be done and also for a righteous leader. I have to in my blind faith believe that what is happening is either God's will or God is telling us; we didn't heed him as we should as a countCry, therefore, he shall let us reep our rewards. I did not vote for Trump, however, I felt he was trying his best to help our country in the face of great adversity daily, constantly. I pray we can again have peace in our country. I also am praying that our country shall be saved from Socialism & Communism, which I fear this party voted in is going to bring in. God's will be done. Carol - You didn't vote for President Trump, but you say that you are against socialism and communism? Have you been living under a rock? Don't you understand that it is President Trump who has been fighting for our freedom?

  • Merle D Nelson

    01/07/2021 10:03 AM

    Dear Mr. Huckabee, I love reading your articles and I agree with you. I however was quite impresses with the folks who seized the Capitol building. Maybe this will wake up THE CONGRESS. These folks in the 116th congress have been the most unproductive lot in my lifetime. Pelosi house speaker won by one vote I hear. She got 30% of the vote and she was running by herself. She had to get a COVID infected person to come to the chambers and vote for her to get that one vote. She let million suffer and got away with finally admitting she did it for political gain. WE THE PEOPLE are angry and it is not going away soon.

  • Fay brittingham

    01/07/2021 10:03 AM

    Yes..violence is inexcusable however, it does seem that the do-nothing we elected to those chambers are directly and solely responsible. I think the audacity and complete disregard for their constituents demonstrated in the Bills which allocate billions to other countries IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC on our own shores leaving millions in lock down and uncertainty while seemingly turning a blind eye to an obviously faulty election fueled the passion. The voices raised while destroying cities and lives in the name of social injustice certainly seemed to have gotten their way with no punishment. This seems to be the only way for "regular hard working americans" to get some attention. History proves that violence en mass works i.e. the French and American Revolutions.

  • Glenda K Parrott

    01/07/2021 10:02 AM

    Please tell President Trump that he is the best President we have ever had! May God Bless the Trump and his family. God Bless you and your family

  • Karen Brian

    01/07/2021 10:02 AM

    There are videos out there of antifa being escorted in vans to the event. There’s also a video of the police stepping back and letting antifa walk through the line and they walked in with them. I believe that some patriots may have followed, but I have zero confirmation on that. This was the last ditch effort by the left to shake up the Republicans and change their vote. As the legislature resumed, Chuck Schumer gave a speech Suggesting that we don’t let radicals control the narrative. That’s exactly what happened

  • Deb Granrath

    01/07/2021 10:01 AM

    I am an avid Trump supporter. As a honest, openminded citizen though, I do believe there is a great deal of finger pointing to go around on all sides. The main stream media is CORRUPT,
    not looking for the truth but happy to lie to its viewers. I believe this, especially, has divided us as a Nation.
    President Trump has a hand in this too, his comments about his detractors, and more recently, his comments about the Governor and other authorities in Georgia is wrong.
    I watched his speech to his supporters Jan. 6th - I felt he spent too much time talking about the election fraud - I was upset with him - saying to myself "enough already". Putting VP Pence in the position he did is wrong. Thank goodness Mr. Pence is the man he is.
    President Trump has done great things for our country - I believe he loves this country and only want the best for its people - after yesterday, I felt "it is time for him to move on". Any fair minded citizen knows there was voter and election fraud, I had high hopes with Mayor Giuliani and Sydney Powell looking into the investigation - again the MSM played a role. The Supreme Court should have looked at the issues BEFORE the election when State Courts were changing the voting rules set out by State Legislatures. After the election, the courts knew this country would be torn apart if the election was overturned.
    I believe the incident at the Capitol yesterday was incited by outsiders who only want to make Trump and his supporters look bad. I pray the people seeking truth are able to get to the bottom of this and expose, what I believe, are the outside forces who want to take down this Country.
    With the Senate in the hands of the Democrats our only recourse is to Pray to our Lord and put our faith and trust in God.
    The States need to step up to the plate, fix their election laws and clear voter roles. Voter ID is also imperative. I can only pray the State Legislatures do what is best for our Country.
    The country as a whole must return to our Judeo-Christian values, we are fast becoming a secular society - God has become lost in the shuffle.
    Thank you for what you do for our great Country!!
    Deb Granrath
    168 Sergeantsville Road
    Flemington, NJ 08822

  • Corinne Crawford

    01/07/2021 10:01 AM

    What happened yesterday was awful ! It was embarrassing for this country. But don't believe they were those that did the damage part of the patriot group !! But that being said I do get angry when we were all put into the same deplorable basket ! Thousands were there to be heard and they should be !! But the republicans cut and ran to side with democrats immediately ! People are angry with good reason ! I believe everyone should heard without harm to anyone or anything ! The people who stood up are pushed aside. We just want to be a free people live our own life ! But never should what happened yesterday ever happen again left or right .

  • Ed Thompson

    01/07/2021 10:01 AM

    My third and final comment— reading the other comments I too am wondering of ANTIFA infiltrating the group. But if they did it still has to be understood the outrage by the left is laughable given everything done by the other people all summer long and longer. And seriously what can anyone expect when an entire election has been proven to be anything but fare and legal. People have been sent to prison for less evidence than what’s been exposed on the phony ballots and counting.

  • Daniel Snobeck

    01/07/2021 09:59 AM

    All I can say is a couple nights in jail would be totally worth it if I could get a photo of me with my boots resting on pelosi’s desk. Amen!