
Latest News

August 24, 2021


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Comments 131-140 of 212

  • Linda M Crowley

    08/24/2021 02:42 PM

    Happy Birthday, Gov. Huckabee! Have a wonderful day!!

  • Charles & Karen Vance

    08/24/2021 02:35 PM

    Happy birthday! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

    Charles & Karen Vance!

  • Lisa Carruthers

    08/24/2021 02:30 PM

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for your voice of reason and for being a news source that we can trust. I enjoy reading your newsletters every day and I recommend it to others.

  • Susa Stolsig

    08/24/2021 02:24 PM

    Happy Birthday, Governor Huckabee! Enjoy your day!!!

  • Debra Gotzon

    08/24/2021 02:23 PM

    Happy Birthday!! Thank you for your honest conservative analysis!!

  • Kathryn Blue

    08/24/2021 02:21 PM

    Happy Birthday Governor. Wishing you a day filled with happy and a year of special moments to treasure.

  • Linda Nowell

    08/24/2021 02:18 PM

    Wishing you a very happy birthday.
    Thank you for letting us know the truth when there is so much Fake News. Also, thank you for the daily Bible reading. I always look forward to your emails.

  • Jim Tucker

    08/24/2021 02:16 PM

    Happy birthday, sir, and may God bless!

  • David Lee Johnson Sr

    08/24/2021 02:07 PM

    Greetings Governor Huckabee, Praying God will bless you with a very Happy Birthday. My wife and I pray for you and your family daily. Sincerely, David Lee Johnson Sr

  • Robert and Denise A Wright

    08/24/2021 02:06 PM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Huckabee!! We love you, your family and the TBN show, plus every newsletter that comes out! I wait for it in eager anticipation even more than the US mail.
    I have one concern that I would like to share with you, please try to eat as healthy, drink lots of water, and drop some weight for your overall health and for your immune system!! We want to keep you around as long as the Lord wants you here, but in good health! My husband has lost 42 pounds at age 71...a huge accomplishment! He's now off cholesterol medicine, blood pressure medicine etc. No prescription drugs at all. Praise the Lord. Just by prayer, and changing his diet and increasing his exercise. God bless you and thank you for all you do for our country!! THE WRIGHTS - INDIANA