
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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    01/07/2021 09:59 AM

    I am not condoning yesterday's behaviour, but I am sure the king of England felt the same way on July 4th, 1776, as the leaders of this country did yesterday. We were never supposed to have leaders, but rather representatives of we the people. And, if almost half of the people believe that they are not being represented, or that the representation is a falsehood, this country is in danger.

    I continue to hear congress talk about the constitution. But there are 3 documents of freedom that must be examined: The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

    With congress believing they are leaders of this country, that would make them the controlling "body" as the king was the controlling body of England.

    Could by chance The People say that the charges to the king in the declaration be applied to congress?

    The difference between what happened yesterday and what happened over the summer is....
    Over the summer riots were on individual people and/or their personal businesses.
    Yesterday it was on a controlling government.

  • Steve Alarid

    01/07/2021 09:59 AM

    Governor, I agree with you - Mob invasion of the Capitol is unacceptable for any reason! Whether it is rightist thugs or leftist thugs perpetrating it, violence of this nature must not be allowed. I am a life-long registered Republican and a Trump supporter - and keenly aghast at current Swamp activities, as well - but this lawless behavior certainly does not speak for me!

  • David Bradley

    01/07/2021 09:58 AM

    What happened was senseless and counterproductive, and I pray for the families of those caught up in the emotion of it all! But we mustn't fail to remember that the Democratic party is responsible for all of this. When people are continually lied to, suppressed, belittled, and then robbed, emotions can easily take over good sense. Trump was angry at how this all played out, and justifiably so! The election was clearly stolen and covered up by the media. The insurrection has been played out over 4 years as they've run our nation down with one powerplay after another. I hold the Democratic leadership completely and totally responsible!!! Not that it matters, because now we have Biden controlling the Executive Branch, Harris and Pelosi controlling the Legislative Branch, and a spineless Judicial Branch. I don't think the USA can survive this.

  • Les Bledsoe

    01/07/2021 09:58 AM

    Governor, I must respectfully disagree with you re "he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this". It's obvious there was WIDESPREAD fraud in this election of both the president and senate seats in GA. We the people are fed up with the lack of accountability in seeing justice served. And the media has declared most, if not all, Trump supporters to be rioters while Antifa & other groups probably caused what violence there was. The Republican Party is dead, no one will ever trust them again. Like Franklin said, "a republic, if you can keep it" We have failed in that because of corruption and an unwillingness to find out truth.

  • william sanders

    01/07/2021 09:58 AM


  • Alice Landolt

    01/07/2021 09:56 AM

    Yes, a forceful condemnation of violence was needed and I was disappointed that President Trump lashed out at Vice-President Pence and didn't accept that Pence needed to follow what his legal advice thought was the interpretation of the law. (However, I have heard conflicting opinions concerning the interpretation of the Constitution and law the last few days.)
    Before jumping to conclusions, the media needs to find out who these people were that broke into the Capitol building. I saw a picture of someone in the Capitol building who claimed to be Antifa on his photo. The media has a double standard and is gleefully claiming that they are all Trump supporters when they're ignoring tens of thousands of peaceful Trump supports in the streets.
    The MSM ignored the many peaceful demonstrations, and Antifa and Black Lives matter inciting conflict. For Biden to claim that Antifa is just an idea, not an organization, is scary to me. I have seen video and Veritas undercover which supports that Antifa is a very dangerous organization.
    Where is the MSM when rioting and killing has occurred this since May, and yet they support Black Lives Matter. Obvious double standard. No in depth reporting about their leaders.
    I think it is wrong to blame what happened on President Trump. He never called for violence or a coup as the mainstream media keeps saying. He wanted legal votes only to be counted. I am from Michigan and feel that my vote was disenfranchised by what happened in the Detroit County Center. I have listened to days and days of live stream witnesses and think it is a travesty that no senator stood up in Georgia.
    Even in the recent Senate race, votes were deleted from Perdue. Follow the count, I think it was 32, 400 less from one report to a few minutes later. What is the point of voting if it's going to be manipulated?
    Antrim County, MI, Dominion machines were forensically audited and data was missing from 2020, but not earlier years, and the report that came out had parts that were redacted.
    Somehow, legislatures need to enforce their rules and there needs to be stricter in person voting. If that is not changed then I am very despondent concerning the future of our elections.
    I am 74 and stood in line 2 hours with my walker to vote in person. If I can do that, then other people can vote in person.

  • Theresa Iacone

    01/07/2021 09:56 AM

    I did leave you a comment, but I guess it wasn’t acceptable! It was a heartfelt comment and I guess our freedom of speech is being trampled on more than ever??

  • Msrchetta Beevers

    01/07/2021 09:56 AM

    In my lifetime I have NEVER seen anyone able to “storm” the capital. They are shot on the grounds. These people not only “stormed”, but made it inside to the DOORS of the congressional chambers!!!!! Does THIS not raise a red flag to you????? WHO are these people? Are they Mitt Romnies.... paid Sonora’s democrats/ATIFA in red caps???? Follow the money of how they got to Washington!!! This is no time to be “politically correct”!!!!

    BLM/ANTIFA is called “peaceful protest while burning and looting and attacking police. THIS is called an “insurrection” by the man who is selling our country to the world!

    Doesn’t it seem STRANGE to you there was not better security? Doesn’t it seem STRANGE to you that the national guard was called in DAYS before the protest?

    WAKE UP PEOPLE.... our country is being sold and we ... in the name of political correctness....are paying these incompetent traitors to sell it!!


    This is the most disgraceful election in American history and the American hating, traitors who are lining their pockets have taken office!!! God save us all!!!!!

  • Navene Rains

    01/07/2021 09:55 AM

    I condemn the violence, but am concerned that it was just Trump supporters. It doesn’t make sense that security was so easily breached, and obviously Antifa was there. The news people need to get more facts before they blame Trump supporters only.

  • Denise Jackson

    01/07/2021 09:54 AM

    Victory channel has pictures of the ones who raided the Capitol that match one on one pictures of Antifa thugs who were causing violence at other Antifia 'demonstrations'. This country has been oventaken by demonic hypocracy and lies. Listening to the demonic lies will not lead to peace.

  • Mona Kramer

    01/07/2021 09:54 AM

    I feel deeply the election was a fraud. If I understand, this group came to Washington not because Trump asked them to. Trump choose to speak to them and the media said all his facts were eroneous. I don't believe that, but wish he had said "This is a peaceful march, be respectful of the laws of our country." His influence would have gone a long way and the legislatures would have taken them seriously. No one takes a bully seriously!

  • Jan Burton

    01/07/2021 09:53 AM

    I am embarrassed by the behavior of our president. I voted for him twice, but now feel betrayed by his incitement of this mob. Although I believe there MIGHT have been fraud in some polling places, NOT enough proof was presented to convince any of the courts that were petitioned. To have encouraged this mob to march to the capitol was disgraceful! I am SO disappointed in him! And I do believe it was his personal conduct that led to his loss at the polls!!

  • Karen K

    01/07/2021 09:53 AM

    As usual, the majority of 'Republicans' have wimped out on us and let us down. Time for a new Patriot Party to take over and vote out all politicians who voted to certify this FRAUDULENT sham election.

  • Lawana Stewart

    01/07/2021 09:53 AM


  • Suzanne Bullock

    01/07/2021 09:53 AM

    If this fraudulent election is allowed to stand and the Democrats assume full control of the government, all of the good President Trump has done for this nation will be undone/eliminated within 6 months or less, there will be no investigations or prosecutions of any of the wrongdoers, and there will never be another free and fair election in this nation. We will have descended and submitted to the one world global government.
    Never forget - it is the victors who write the history books, and we've seen ample evidence this last year (4 years!) of the perverted history the communists have in store.
    Trump will die in the US equivalent of the Russian gulag, as will a great many of us.
    This is no longer about a fight for a political office.
    It is a fight for our very lives, and yes, that includes you & President Trump.
    Learn from the still available history of every socialist/communist revolution, or perish for lack of knowledge and understanding.
    Learn also from still available history when violence is unacceptable versus when it's essential.
    We are the hands of God on earth.
    The only times in the Bible when God fought battles for His people was when they were unable to fight themselves. There is a HUGE difference between being unable and unwilling.

  • Kathy on Winterburn

    01/07/2021 09:51 AM

    Violence never acceptable. I believe the 99% of people there were peacefully demonstrating thier frustrations and rightfully so. I had friends there. They texted back they strongly felt with what they saw that it was outside adgitators that started the trouble. Again violence is not the way EVER! Time for people to do thier jobs in Washington and follow the constitution! Thank youike for all you do!

  • Theresa Iacone

    01/07/2021 09:50 AM

    You are right Huckabee! We’ve had the greatest President ever..but he had so many unjust accusations and hate by our media and members of his own party for four miserable years! He stood alone and tried to clean up the putrid swamp in Washington and he failed! No man is an island, and yes he is rough around the edges...and he is not a politician, and he was or is transparent, and this is not acceptable in Washington! Now, everyone is piling up on him, the media has been his worst enemy, and I truly believe, Trump did not divide us..The media had lots to do with what happened in our country! Everything that’s happened proves “The pen is mightier than sword”,
    the media and the press destroyed the best President we’ve ever had! ??

  • Jacqueline Ceccorulli

    01/07/2021 09:48 AM

    Mike, I Cannot believe what is happening to my country. How have we gone from the greatest generation of the 40's to this? Why has the Republican Party remained mum on all the horrific things that led up to this night of terror? They never backed their president until the 11th hour and then it was too late. Yes, Trump went off the rails, maybe everything finally got to him. Having said that, it is time for him to go. He has in his own way tried to make a mockery of the Constitution just as the violent left wingers have. Now, God forbid, the left may just get their own way. Let us pray that the next congress may become more bipartisan and come together after realizing finally, just how bad things have become. Let us pray that the Democratic presidency, congress and senate along with the liberal media do not lead us into that socialistic hell. By the way, I think Biden will do a good job as long as he is allowed to - Harris on the other hand is an unknown and frankly scares the life out of me. Let's hope I'm wrong about her.

  • Kathryn A Allen

    01/07/2021 09:47 AM

    Gov. Huckabee
    I watch your show almost every week and agree with you quite often.
    I do not support riots, looting, breaking and entering any building. I have been very upset with everything going on but never to the extent that I would want to be a part of a riot. My anger is not because of Trump but because of Biden. When Biden says that words mean something. What is he talking about? He has not to my recollection said anything nice about Trump and he has told more lies than I can count. My opinion is that he is as much to blame for the riot as is Trump. When people point finger three are pointing at themselves. I wish someone would hold up a mirror in front of Biden when he begins to talk. Another statement he has made is he is going to work together with Republicans. Really?? Why doesn't he start with Trump? Why doesn't he take ownership of the Russian collusion? Why would any American believe anything Biden says?
    To change the subject - If we are now a genderless society does that mean that congress is going to start meeting in the nude???? Just asking.
    Won't that be nauseating.
    Another subject is what about the convention of States. Wouldn't this be a good time to push other States to join. Who knows about the convention? Not too many people I talk to.
    Thanks for caring and praying .
    God Bless You.
    Kathy Allen

  • James Robinson Alexander

    01/07/2021 09:47 AM

    How about getting all the facts before you go condeming the the president.
    I am suprised that you did not even consider that it was antifa that started the violence.

  • T Cooper

    01/07/2021 09:46 AM

    Ultimate responsibility for the death of Ashli Babbitt, 14-year Air Force veteran and strong Trump supporter, lies on the head of every criminal Democrat responsible for the ballot frauds that occurred across the nation in November -- frauds such as creating and transporting hundreds of thousands of ballots from NY to PA, unregistered voters, dead voters, Dominion Voting Systems changing votes, etc., etc. Either this criminality gets exposed and dealt with legally, or those who are disenfranchised will feel compelled to take matters into their own hands since they will have no electoral recourse. The Dems are playing with fire, and it will end badly for everyone if this travesty is swept under the rug.

  • Karen E Banks

    01/07/2021 09:45 AM

    Process????? Are you kidding..... you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what is happening. allow the swing states a review everything. Pence FAILED me and our country. God knows all things. No one will escape that. All cheating and all who are sleeping with the enemy will meet our maker. Repentance!! I too repent and ask G-d help us. 2020 was the perfect vision is perfect (20 20). Trump was right! the right bands together & we have many jumping ship! God help us all

  • Janet Mahoney

    01/07/2021 09:41 AM

    It appears from your wording, you are angry. This is understandable but
    putting yourself in President Trumps shoes , I think you would be a bit
    lackluster in your strength of a reprimand. Also is not the perception in the
    eyes and ears of the beholder?

  • Nola Thomas

    01/07/2021 09:40 AM

    We shouldn’t jump to conclusions and condemn the very one that is standing up for the people and the constitutional right of free and fair election. We are definitely seeing who is really for America, who supports our Constitution and who just wanted to ride President Trump’s coat tail..those that turn on him are vipers being exposed!! He did NOT incite the violence, he only speaks what the people are saying!! Every one of the Congressmen/women that did not object to the electors, demanding answers for a FRAUDULENT election, ignored our Constitutional rights, turned their backs on America and the American people, cowered to the corruption and are traitors... and THAT is what incited the protest and anger of the people!!

  • James R Reim

    01/07/2021 09:38 AM

    I was all about the election fraud. Now the media is free to hate Trump and half of Americans. Will we be able to correct the elections or are we done for?