
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 376-400 of 1536

  • Ed Thompson

    01/07/2021 09:38 AM

    Isn’t it interesting when Maxine Waters tells everyone to go get in their faces and get them out of their comfort zone attack them wherever they are and NO ONE ON THE LEFT says a damn thing about it— Al Sharpton on a regular basis promoting his own brand of racism against anyone white, again not a peep from the left side in the government. How many ways can you spell hypocrite? These people have stayed silent all year long, actually longer, but now they jump up and down like little kids having a fit because one time the people don’t act like they expect! I don’t condone the entrance of OUR HOUSE but everyone now understands how we feel about getting this election stolen by crooked bastards in public office. The left brought this on themselves and now they cry for us to behave when they said nothing about their own side doing horrible things— “summer of love”???? Remember that one!!!! Sorry but not so much!

  • Katherine Willliams

    01/07/2021 09:36 AM

    Not there so don't know much. What I have heard is Antifa was there and in Pelosi's office.
    I have heard the 14 yr. Air Force Vet who was shot and killed did not have a weapon in hand.
    I doubt the Government bodies will try to sort it all out; they will just blame Trump.

  • Robert Horn

    01/07/2021 09:36 AM

    I have supported President Trump since he announced his run for President.
    But he is tarnishing his legend and harming our country by not gracefully
    retreating (reTREAT, not reTWEET) and leading us in our country's upcoming
    darkest days.

  • Darrell W. Chilson

    01/07/2021 09:34 AM

    Yes, we totally condemn the mob action yesterday in WDC. Yet, honesty compels me to link that condemnation to the lawlessness of the political left in the stealing of the presidency. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness. The political left bears deep responsibility for yesterday's mob action. In no way does that excuse the mob action, but condemnation of it without equal and linked condemnation of the lawlessness of the left only deepens our frustration that unequal standards are being applied. Peace and unity can not come until that problem is meaningfully addressed.

  • Barbara White

    01/07/2021 09:31 AM

    I read that bus loads of Antifa dressed as Trump supporters were the ones who assaulted the Capitol. Anything to blame Trump again!!

  • William Taylor

    01/07/2021 09:29 AM

    Please stop saying “...the Democrat side ...and the media (but I repeat myself)”. It is getting old for one thing and ‘media’ is very broad and should include Fox, OAN, NEWMAX, EPOCH TIMES as well as NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES, etc.

  • Dottie Allen

    01/07/2021 09:29 AM

    Our President was on point. His supporters are peaceful, God fearing, police supporters. We have been patient. We have followed the law. Our Republic is being stolen right before our eyes. The electoral votes in at least 6 states were certified illegally. It seems we have no recourse. Sot down, shut up and let process play out. A fraudulent election, Illegal electors, and we the people have no way out. This IS Tyranny. I pray for our nation everyday. Satan has a hold. Our officials are corrupt. Our medical "experts" are corrupt. Our nation is a communist state run by money grabbing criminals. Please make no mistake Antifa and BLM we involved to a great degree yesterday. Their behavior and that of our corrupt officials gas been overlooked and applauded fir the past several years. Lack of accountability has emboldened them. This is NOT on Donald Trump. It is on the corrupt officials who refused to stop violence all summer and encouraged election fraud.

  • Nancy McNeely

    01/07/2021 09:28 AM

    I just finished listening to Jericho Green on You Tube. He can say it exactly as it is.

  • RinehartAnnette

    01/07/2021 09:27 AM

    It is hard for me to believe what happened yesterday. Republicans have a black eye now. I have been a republican all my life and a strong Trump supporter. I think when he lost, and I know there was cheating and he really won. We had no way to prove it and just needed to accept that. I know it was hard for him and as far as how good a president he was, there is no question he was the best we ever had. I hope from this day forward he is at peace and will not let the events of the last few months tear him up. We still love him and support him.

  • Dot Whitley

    01/07/2021 09:27 AM

    The republicans, which are fewer than we thought, let those of us down who want our country back like it once was. Democrats fight as dirty as they want to, and they get what they want. I have nothing to say against those who broke in to the U S Capital. Think of the babies who will keep being killed. Think of the same sex, so called , marriages that will influence our family members who are being exposed to this filth. Trying to look good by showing what some would think are good manners doesn't count in times like this. Our Republicans are cowards who seem to stand for nothing, so we lose. Doesn't the U S Capital belong to we the people? It has a lot of folks there who are playing at the job,make the ones who can't stand to think about our loss look like good hard working people.

  • Ed Henry

    01/07/2021 09:26 AM

    Me again....

    But I also believe that President Trump should have been in front of the cameras EVERY HOUR to condemn the violence that was happening right them -- and tell them to STOP IT!

  • GuyDell Hill

    01/07/2021 09:26 AM

    I completely agree with you, Mr. Huckabee. I am heartbroken that this happened, beyond saddened that a person lost their life, and am unexplainably disappointed in President Trump. I've been a staunch supporter, defended him to most of my friends, and really have no words to express what I'm feeling this morning. I will be on my knees in prayer for our nation, we are now in need more than ever before in my lifetime.

  • Ed Henry

    01/07/2021 09:24 AM

    Mike, I do not believe for one millisecond that the evil people that did these inexcusable acts of violence were your everyday, average President Trump supporters. They were either the "fringe radical element" of the right or (more likely, I think) Soros-funded radicals. And of course the media is portraying them as just "Trump supporters". It was a sad day for our country. And places like China, Russia, and Iran are CELEBRATING!!

  • Donna M. Burt

    01/07/2021 09:23 AM

    We must remember "God is still in control"!! Instead of violence we need to drop to our knees and start praying! Everyone in quick to say "God Bless America", but do they do God's will, do they say it out of habit, or because it's the thing everyone is saying? We need to get back to God and start living for Him and ask His will to be done.

  • Kathy Myers

    01/07/2021 09:22 AM

    I wish more of the lawmakers would follow your example and common sense. This time brings to mind of chaos and a leader to step in make peace. Sound familiar?

  • Timmy Shaffer

    01/07/2021 09:22 AM

    There were many early signs that Antifa had planned to infiltrate the peaceful march on DC and create havoc and make patriots look like domestic terrorists. Video evidence and investigations will prove this to be true. All the media and crooked party of hate needed was a little fuel to toss on the fire of division to further their agenda to install their puppet regime and "change" America.
    MSM will play this card as their ace in the hole while being complicit to all of this evil.
    The swamp runs deep with many players pulling strings.
    "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".
    (Ephesins 6:12).
    All evil will be revealed very soon.
    God bless America and the whole world.
    Thank you,
    Tim Shaffer

  • Ed Thompson

    01/07/2021 09:21 AM

    For almost FOUR YEARS, crickets — not a peep out of the left over anything done by the so called “peaceful” “protesters” all over America but let the one time our side, you know who we are, our people get angry enough to make a “noise” loud enough for everyone to finely hear we are fed up with feckless elected officials who are supposed to work for—FOR Americans, wow—everyone on both sides go crazy and isn’t it interesting that you can attack cops and burn down innocent people’s businesses and not get shot if you are BLM or Antifa but if you are a supporter of Trump then get ready to die if you are causing something the left has been doing all year long! I don’t like what they did to OUR HOUSE— but I totally understand WHY PEOPLE DID IT! God help us all. God Bless America. God Bless Donald Trump.

  • Paulette Gill

    01/07/2021 09:21 AM

    Some think it was posers who did this. I hope so. Politicians and Washington are not the answer. We need revival. ...we will trust in the Lord our God!

  • Diane Burris

    01/07/2021 09:20 AM

    I live in Arkansas. When you were governor of my state I disagreed with some of the things you tried to do here. I am a retired teacher from a small school district. We fought to keep our small schools open. I watched as small schools that did shut down lost their communities. We were scared that by loosing our small schools we would loose those precious children that we loved in the shuffle of the big schools. We were scared, that our small community that was more like a family, would disappear. I am scared again. I’m scared that the America that I live in and love is going to disappear. Just as our small communities disappeared when small schools were forced to consolidate. America, as we know it, will disappear as we are forced to accept what the Democrats have done. And now everyone is saying “follow the constitution”. The problem is the Democrats have shredded the constitution and so many Republicans are standing there watching and don’t care! When we fought Germany and Japan no one said “follow the constitution” because Germany and Japan didn’t believe in our constitution, and that was the problem. Now we face a government that only uses the constitution when it fits their agenda. I am scared that what we saw Wednesday is just the beginning. You can only push true Americans so far before they fight back! Yes, I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and I love my church, my family and my country!


    01/07/2021 09:20 AM

    After four years of being taunted and disregarded the citizens rose up in the only way that they could to be heard. The BLM and Antifa rioters always had the support of the media and Democrats. Why would the courts not hear the election fraud evidence and pass judgement in a timely manner ? To not review the evidence was a slap in the face to voters and confirmed the politicization of our courts and validated that the media is the propaganda arm of left. I fear that this is not over. I keep hearing the saying "Live free or die " in my mind.

  • Eileen McGinn Miller

    01/07/2021 09:18 AM

    Dear Mike:
    It saddens me that our country has come to this! Criminal behavior of any kind is wrong & condemned by those within this country whom love it.
    An article written by Conservative Daily Post would be worth your while to investigate. It states with evidence that Antifa infiltrated the peaceful protestors & incited the violence. This may or may not be the case but should be worth some investigative reporting...perhaps?
    I guess socialism is the future of our once great country...God help “we the people”!!
    Thank you for your time, your reporting, & your love of the USA by example!!

  • Linda Mitlyng

    01/07/2021 09:17 AM

    Words cannot express the feeling of emptiness regarding the breakdown of our country. God forbid if we riot and cry in the streets or want a “safe place” because we feel “triggered”. Our candidate didn’t cheat. Our party didn’t riot and loot and burn this country over the summer. Yet if we even attempted to do any of that we would be condemned by the
    party that did. We are expected to quietly fade away and let the communist left take over. Hand over all our rights and accept a cheater.

  • Bobbie Porter

    01/07/2021 09:17 AM

    What was done yesterday to our Capital Building was wrong. There is no way around that. But, I do understand how it happened. I saw and felt the the disillusion of many of folks like myself. We saw our country being "taken over" by a group of people who have tried for 12 years to change what we believe in. We saw the fraud right before our eyes and being turned down by every legal possibility to stop the cheating. Then we saw it happen in Georgia...again! It was more than some people could take and they rose up. Unfortunately, they did what they should not have done. I think the people protesting outside the building was what needed to happen (without the violence) to let those inside realize there are millions of people who disagree with their agenda. But violence is not the way to solve this. Maybe, just maybe our Republicans who are running for office should go into the neighborhoods where the Democrats have such a stronghold and talk to the people and let them know what we can do for THEM. This might be he only way to turn this whole thing around.

  • Cynthia McCormick

    01/07/2021 09:16 AM

    Everyone is asking too much from Trump supporters when they tell us to just be peaceful and go home. We are sooooo angry! We have been attacked, literally and figuratively, every day for 4 yrs. the left has gotten away with violence beyond belief and antifa/ blm are held up as heroes, while the true heroes in blue are jailed and destroyed for trying to maintain law and order. We no longer have fair and open elections- our vote no longer counts. The courts no longer stand up for the constitution and the people of the United States. What do we have left other than to fight for our lives, our Constituton, and our nation?

  • Tim Dunagan

    01/07/2021 09:16 AM

    Mr. Huckabee, first of all, let me state here that the thugs that did this WERE NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS! People that were Trump supporters that was at the protest have stated that these were not Trump supporters but were members of Antifa and this was all staged. I also believe that the Democrats were behind this and supported what Antifa wanted to do so that the Democrats could do this certification late at night. We know that at least four buses of Antifa members were escorted in by the Police. These thugs were disguised as Trump supporters and did this horrible thing. I also saw a video when these thugs were going into the Capitol and it appears that the Capitol Police Officer was actually letting them in and motioning them to follow him. Anyone in their right mind should be able to see that it was planned. With this many people in DC to protest, the Capitol would have already been locked down and police would have been everywhere but it wasn't and they weren't. It's another rigged job, just like the election. All rigged against Trump. One day the truth will all be known so that all can see and that will be at the Great White Throne Judgement. Trump and the American people that voted for him got robbed, plain and simple! Pence became a Benedict Arnold and failed Trump in his greatest time of need. Pence had the authority to do what Trump said he should, send it back to the states because the several State legislators wrote letters and demanded it. Arizona being one of them. Pence could have sent it back but he didn't. No, he didn't do his job, he failed. His political career is over. The Republican Party is dead! They are the party of Cowards, and the Democrat party is the Communist Party. America is done, the great country is being destroyed before our very eyes. It is a very sad day in America and Trump has exposed all the massive corruption that is in our country and in our government. He is a Great President but the election was stolen, and we all know it! The days ahead are going to be bad, really bad for all Americans. Remember what I have stated here because the nation and the freedoms that we have had, and many have fought for and died for, are about to all be gone!