
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 401-425 of 1536

  • Debbie Jude

    01/07/2021 09:15 AM

    I definitely condemn the violence that happened yesterday, but I can't believe the double standard of the media, Democrats, JOE BIDEN, & Kamala Harris. I guess I can believe it, because that has what has been going on for the last 4 years. In saying that, I am not justifying the violence, but I can see how upset it makes me because of that, but since I am a Christian I would never react that way. However, people who are not Christians, are usually going to react in that way, because everyone is tired of it and enough is enough. I don't agree with it, but I can see why and how something like that can happen. I just don't understand how the democrats always get away with everything single thing, and how even some (like Kamala Harris) bailed people out of jail. So right now, also with the 2 democrats winning in Georgia, I don't doubt one bit that there was some election fraud going on there as well. It is just so disheartening and I feel like it is only going to get worse. My ONLY hope is in Jesus, and I am glad HE is in control not matter what.

  • Dale Baker

    01/07/2021 09:14 AM

    The guy that was in the capital bldg. wearing a buffalo hat was no Trump supporter. I saw him in an interview days before. He was asked if he supported Trump. His answer was that he was a Shaman. No direct answer. Those protesters were wolves in trump clothing except for Buffalo man.

  • Meenakshi Mallahan

    01/07/2021 09:14 AM

    I am shocked to see that so many members of the GOP are against the President. The people that voted for POTUS may never vote again or support the GOP. What happened on 01/06/2021 was so painful to watch! I know you are a staunch supporter of the President, I don’t expect you to write me personally to tell me your opinion, but I do know after I have voted in this country since 1968, I have never viewed a spectacle like this, and neither have I seen a man, except for the few that have supported him, stab him in the back!!! Is the SWAMP so full of rats and so lucrative??? Has American politics become totally unethical and dishonest????

  • Valery Yeramianchuk

    01/07/2021 09:14 AM

    Trump refused to be a COWARD and a TRAITOR just like he described others. He will be remembered as a COWARD and a TRAITOR OF AMERICA !! SCOM must rot in PRISON !!!! PREDE ALL !!!

  • Stephen Russell

    01/07/2021 09:11 AM

    Post Riot wish:
    Now that riotters filled DC streets etc I sense a Covid spread could HIT DC
    Yes DC is under lockdown due to past riotters superspread vs other cities in May
    Send 500K bureaucrats home?
    ALL Govt federal, local state, city.

  • carl muller

    01/07/2021 09:10 AM

    we have been deserted by the rebubs and i think it is now time for us to desert them and forma new one!!

  • C. Michael Roberson

    01/07/2021 09:09 AM

    I too am dismayed about this. Both the event and President' s week condemnation and his negative comments about VP Pence. Mike Pence has been loyal to him from day one. He deserves more respect than that.
    On another note, here is a link to something you may have already seen, but I would love for you to research and weigh in on it
    Press Release: Votes Switched throughout U.S. Presidential Race - Institute for Good Governance

  • Ann Ross

    01/07/2021 09:08 AM

    Why do you quickly report without getting all the facts. The people who broke into the Capitol was ANTIFA and BLM. They arrived by bus just as Trump supporters got to the Capitol. The Biden criminals then mixed with supports and lead the way over the barrier and up on the steps. They were wearing Trump hats and carrying Trump flags. However, they busted the window and entered the building. What unfolded inside was no surprise to Polosie or Biden. Please do your research. Trump did the best he could with the info he had up to that moment. He did not know who all was involved. Please do your research and report accurately. Thank you.

  • Steven Lechtenberg

    01/07/2021 09:08 AM

    What we saw yesterday was 5 years of frustration boiling over. Our dully elected President Donald Trump was drug through every mud hole in Washington DC, the most corrupt city in the world, and his followers along with him. What are we supposed to do?? The little bit of violence was out of character for us and the death was definitely over the line. The election was stolen from the people. Now all of a sudden we are the villans, what just happened over the last year with BLM and antifa, they were portrayed as peaceful protesters???? The republicants have turned their back on President Trump and his followers so that they keep their cushy over paid jobs and gain favor with the dumbocrats. I think the republicant party will be the big losers because of that. Two things I hope happen 1- President Trump will start his own network, he doesn’t need to try hiring any of mouth pieces masquerading as reporters, he will be able to attract plenty of honest reporters without the baggage the other’s would bring, 2- I hope he can help get another viable party started. With 74 million followers I think he could get it done. I am registered as an independent, but would join a party that he is involved with. Our two party system in this country is broken beyond repair. We no longer have a constitutional republic, we have a political monarchy. And I’m tired of our elected royalty talking down to me and castigating me like a teenager who doesn’t know anything

  • Valerie saenz

    01/07/2021 09:08 AM

    I agree with you. We are disappointed with election outcome but this is not the answer. I do not believe that this happened because the President told people to do it. Democracy has been under attack for over four years based on the lefts shenanigans. The time and money they (schiff, pelosi, et al) wasted is shameful.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/07/2021 09:05 AM

    Protest outcomes:
    More security for CH area
    Better train CH police.
    Police State
    Federalize NG Units ahead?
    Unless Biden Admin does other?
    & Yes Cong did certify Biden"win".

    Future ahead:
    More Taxes
    Watch 401K & IRA.
    Police State?
    Nanny State.
    Fund Blue States.
    Civil War 2
    Depression 2

  • Brenda OToole

    01/07/2021 09:04 AM

    How do we know all the people were Trump supporters and not Antifa posing as them to make the republicans look bad?

  • Jack Eckman

    01/07/2021 09:04 AM


    While yesterday's violence is inexcusable, it was totally predictable. Half of the country believes to one extent or another they were disenfranchised by voter fraud. The Dems are doing everything in their power to prevent investigations and Republicans are giving little more than "lip-service" to do whatever they could do to try to get to the facts whatever they might be. Thus, those who voted Republican feel betrayed and there are likely some who feel violence is acceptable. This is especially true after they have seen violence, rioting, and looting to advance a political agendas that was not only not condemned by the Left but in many cases the Dems supported those advancing that agenda.
    Add to that, we have been subjected to Draconian and hypocritical restrictions that greatly damaged the country purportedly to "control" a pandemic but increasingly appear to be for purely political reasons. Plus, we are repeatedly told we are too ignorant, stupid or unenlightened enough to determine how to live our lives on our own. Any wonder why the level of frustration and anger is so high?
    Additionally, it is very likely that some Antifa and other Leftists infiltrated the crowd in D.C. yesterday to foment violence for their own ends. While President Trump's comments could have been chosen better, they were not the cause of what transpired.
    I'm 70 years old and may not be the wisest person, but, it seems to me, we are rapidly approaching circumstances that are not unlike those that lead to the American Revolution. When half the country feels they have no representation in government, we have a serious problem. If a majority of those are the "producers" and not those who depend upon the government, it makes the situation even more dire.

  • Vickie Fiorentino

    01/07/2021 09:01 AM

    It is over....I am FEARFULL for my family and my country. I do not know if we will be able to support ourselves during another shutdown. My Husband is a Veteran over 65 with Stage 3 COPD and they will not give him a vaccine.
    What happens to those who lost their jobs and still have to pay child and spousal support? They can't. They children have to do without. Do they go to jail where this virus runs rampant...
    And yet we are about to open the border with Mexico where deseases from the 1900's will resurface. They get healthcare and I still cannot afford it.

    I had to quit my job because my work at home was harder. Taking care of my husband was a priority under and under TRUMP I could do it. NOW, who is going to take care of me, and him?
    I am still praying....

  • JoAnn Levy

    01/07/2021 09:01 AM

    So now we get higher taxes. Rewarding bad behavior is NEVER the right thing to do!! Right now I have very serious doubts there will ever be elections again. The little dictators will ban then with all of our other rights. For the sake of my blood pressure I need to calm down.

  • Janice Stuckmeyer

    01/07/2021 09:01 AM

    I still believe God is going to move through all of this. Trump is his own worst enemy.

  • Carlton Clark

    01/07/2021 09:00 AM

    This 23 year retired, who served in Desert Storm and OIF, and is a service connected disabled veteran is tired of the lack of leadership in this government. The Victory Channel reported that a group of Anti Trump protesters were a head of the rally members. I saw Epoch Times interview a man that was were the person who got shot was. HE did not fit the profile of a Trump supporter. There was another one they interview who said he was a combat veteran and needed his kit to save his friend, he was masked up in red. Interesting thing about these interviews is that they were both far away from from the capital steps. I am a Christian who served. It seems the news is fake, there are only a few channels that are trying to report the truth. How can you lead and get info when you are being censored so much. As a military leader, I see the responsibility would be on the organizers of the event but that is hard when Antifa/BLM operatives are creating havoc. We need leaders! May God help the USA!
    Thank you

  • sandra kay curry

    01/07/2021 08:59 AM

    Why are Rudy G. and Sidney Powell so quiet. Was it all "fluff hype"? Thought they "had the goods". And the gentlemen in GA who said his firm could review 500,000 ballots in 2 hrs and pull out the fraudulent ones?

    I sincerely feel scared for the USA; afraid we will never see prosperity again!

  • Walter Vickers

    01/07/2021 08:58 AM

    The frustration level of the true supporters of America is beginning to rise. The tepid response of the Republican party to the obvious coup by theft of the presidency has infuriated every supporter of President Trump and unfortunately this is only the beginning of the resistance. Anybody that gives a modicum of legitimacy to Quid pro Joe is a traitor to America.

  • Mona Harvey

    01/07/2021 08:58 AM

    What can I do as "Mrs. Citizen" to NOT participate in the socialist Biden/Harris regeime ?? I know this is Biblical - but I do not fell I have to support these new ideas.

  • john ehlers

    01/07/2021 08:58 AM

    Mike, the absolute best summation of the situation, yet. Thank you.

  • Warren Salvesen

    01/07/2021 08:58 AM

    I believe Trump has finally lost my support. His actions with the 20K statement is the reason we lost the senate in Georgia and I fear will tremendously hurt this country. His tweets have hurt the Republican Party and conservative movement. The actions by a few have stained us all. I pray we will somehow hold on to our founding fathers vision of a great nation.

  • Kenneth Agee

    01/07/2021 08:57 AM

    In general I agree. The only problem is that there may never be another election. Did we really have an election in November. If election laws are just suggestions that the left can ignore and no one stops them we are done as a Republic. It is just a matter of time and we fade as the speed bump in the globalist way. As a law abiding citizen that voted for Trump who stands for my rights? The SCOTUS? The FBI? The Justice Dept? The VP? Congress? They all failed. Looks like game/set/match. Very depressing and I don't believe in violence but I don't want to forget the millions that died for our freedoms and just set in boiling water. What's a patriot to do?

  • Mary W Danos

    01/07/2021 08:57 AM

    I am just heart broken that God could let this happen to all the people that love and trust him?? What will become of our great nation?? Sure makes you do a lot of questioning and wonder if God has forsaken his people.

  • Bob Giebelhaus

    01/07/2021 08:56 AM

    Agree that the violence yesterday gave Trump supporters a bad name. Unfortunately,if qualified sources find the bad guys were not trump supporters, the media will not report it as they already have their narrative dictated to us.
    It is now confirmed that the liberal/radical democratic party & "mainstream" press will be running the country. Hopefully, this may bring more people to "go" to Jesus which may be the only good to come from this situation -which would be wonderful.