
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 451-475 of 1536

  • John Godsey

    01/07/2021 08:39 AM

    While I don't accept violence, I think the demostration was good and would have been there if I were younger. Ms. Pelosi's office raid was good, these people who created these crooked machines should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the should all be removed from voting service in this country.

  • Linda Piper

    01/07/2021 08:39 AM

    I believe Antifa posed as TRUMP supporters and led the raid on the capital. Look for the Viking's his "trademark"! I condemn all violence and I pray we don't have a civil war....but to protect the America our forefathers dedicated to GOD, I WILL FIGHT TO MY DEATH!!

  • Gladys J Edakattil

    01/07/2021 08:38 AM

    §First of all, looking at those who resorted to violence this afternoon I was almost certain that they are ANTIFA or similar domestic terrorist groups. Later on YouTube I saw this file photo confirming my (“Word of knowledge”) “instinct” and here’s the link to it - Antifa JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C. - YouTube or Antifa JUST CAUGHT POSING As Supporters in D.C. ( – that is, if YouTube hasn’t blocked it. I’m sure this breech was planned and executed to make President Trump and his supporters very bad in the face of America and the whole world and to block any support he has left from the Republican Senators and Congressmen. And it worked!! Just about every Republican Trump campaigned for and won election, like Romney – McConnell, Rick Scott, Kemp, Lindsey Graham, Crenshaw – back-stabbed him.
    §In the video aired through Twitter President looked tired. I can understand why. He’s been betrayed by people called themselves to be his friends. They were just shameless pretenders and are hypocrites! I don’t know how much firmer he has to be or how he should tell the violators that what they’re doing is wrong and people to go home peaceably. To anyone with commonsense and sensibility what he said would suffice. To the lawless and those with dead conscience it doesn’t matter. They’ll do what they feel like doing!!
    §President is right about voter frauds and unconstitutional/ illegal last minute rules formulated by governors, secretary of states, judges by-passing the Constitution – and we’ve proofs of blatant voter frauds using various methods (by persons and voting machine data) that were brought out into the open by witnesses and whistle-blowers who were present in one capacity or another working voluntarily at the polling stations by risking their jobs, safety, relationships and threat of imprisonment. They didn’t come forward for fun, but because they had a conscience and because they loved their country and honoured our Constitution. Unjustly, the courts/judges, governors, secretary of states refuse to look at the evidence and the media suppressed them being made public so Americans will be ignorant of the truth and know how unjust, deceptive and evil 2020 election process has been especially in the key states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. As a Christian deeply grounded in the Bible, I feel betrayed, defrauded and I’m appalled, horrified, disgusted, disappointed, not only in the way Elections and the counting is done, but also by the way those who claim to be born-again Bible believing Christians including even Pastors dare to call truth a lie and a lie the truth and also making a mockery of democracy, our elections. If this is the way, we don’t need elections – but rather a dictatorship or a tyrannical government falsely acquired power for Biden and the Democrats did not rightly win an election but have stolen the votes that belong to Trump. Just and Righteous God does not stand for this chicanery and stealing! Supreme Court and the Justices there are a mockery as well. We don’t need a Supreme Court and Justices like this. They should all resign and go home if they can’t do the job for which God called them to do.
    §Biden is a Pseudo-President. I can never accept him as legitimate President. He has come to power just like king David’s son Adonijah, Gideon’s son Abimelech and the Anti-Christ in Daniel and Revelation. VP Pence has shown himself to be a coward in the guise of being very Constitutional! He disappoints me. I can never trust him.

  • Susan Anderson

    01/07/2021 08:38 AM

    I appreciate your thoughts and violence is not the way and should be condemned. Many feel the election was stolen though and just flat statistics show you it true. First, this is being ignored and we want to do something. Would love your thoughts on appropriate ways we the people can do something!! Second, I feel this is way more than just "an election" and we'll get em in 4 years. With full control the dems will make sure control is never gotten back- abolishing the electoral college, making dc and Porto rico states, further fraud..... I would again love to hear leadership and thoughts on what we can do in an appropriate and constructive way. I would almost advocate for succession over letting fraud and evil win. It just feels like this is a permanent will will full control as I described. Thank you so much for listening and reading comments. God Bless you richly!!!

  • Lisa Ballance

    01/07/2021 08:36 AM

    Thank you ??. A clear condemnation of violence and perhaps a confirmation that a peaceful transition of power does not mean that the swamp fills back up... our eyes have been opened to the ways that those with power manipulate the very process of democracy in order to retain power. We, the party of law & order MUST NOT respond in kind.

  • Judith Disantis

    01/07/2021 08:36 AM

    My comment no one will like. First of all I wanted Trump long before he announced his candidacy. When he didn't run, I frankly gave up! And then he ran. I agree with President Trump...the election was taken by fraud. But remember when the Lord said to Samuel, "Israel is not rejecting you, but me." The divided states have rejected Jesus, who died for them. The stage is being set for the man with all the answers-the antichrist-to come on the scene. With Biden the devil is taking over. There is no future. People are not straddling the fence: they are going one way or the other with God. There is not enough salt on earth to save. Israel will feel vulnerable; European Common Market (10 toes in scripture) will take shape. Yesterday...were those in Congress afraid? How afraid are we going to be when they raise taxes, shut down our churches because we teach truth in the Bible, make us live a police state. I'm for orderly conduct, but I loved the picture of that man sitting in Pelosi's chair. I'm sorry about Pence. Did he shirk his duty? I still want President Trump and VP Pence to be friends. My heart is breaking about the young woman who died. Did someone pray with her? Was she ready to meet the Lord? That's the ultimate question!

  • Nancy McNeely

    01/07/2021 08:35 AM

    I am just saddened by everything that is taking place in our nation.

  • Karen Einarson

    01/07/2021 08:35 AM

    I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But, where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon. Main Stream Media is biased, we all see it. At least those of us paying attention...2 Weeks to Slow the Curve...How did THAT Farce turn out for us? Voter Fraud happening blatantly in front of our very eyes, yet it was the most secure and accurate election in HISTORY? Jovan Pulitzer showed, in a Georgia Senate hearing just how " secure" this election was! Yet Main Stream Media remains silent. All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win, we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

  • Wendell Roquemore

    01/07/2021 08:35 AM

    The action of these people is not who we are as conservative Republicans. However it does send a message that we the people are fed up with the leftist/socialist/communist/elitist junk that is sending this great country down the toilet. I have yet to see an unbiased news report. If the antifa and BLM mobs lay siege to a city, extort the neighborhood, and cause death and injury, the Democrats blow it off and coddle these criminals. My perception is that our country must stand up and stop the direction we are headed.

  • Nancy Newcomb

    01/07/2021 08:33 AM

    I too am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.


    01/07/2021 08:33 AM

    We are the party of law and order but many Conservatives no longer have the patience with what the Democrat Party has done to us for the last 4 years. We are tired and many are no longer going to put up with it. They are also frightened to think that someone can become President by cheating and bringing about the most fraudulent election in the history of this country and that law and order is doing absolutely nothing to right this wrong and jail these treasonous individuals.

  • Norma Landis

    01/07/2021 08:32 AM

    Now just how DO we actually know they WERE Trump supporters? Have you sold your birthright for the bowl of stew also Mike? And so the corruption of the other side is not only swept under the rug but is quietly washed away on Pilot’s porch. Is Trump Christ? Of course NOT!!! But the other alternative is the Beast. Absolutely. No question. For sure. Let them who have eyes see. Let them who have eyes hear. And THAT comes from higher than i for sure.

  • Doug Arndt

    01/07/2021 08:32 AM

    All real investigative reporters need to jump on this super quick, and verify if "Trump supporters" were really involved or (more likely) this was a deliberate assault perpetrated by the left just to make Trump look bad and (note the timing) sway the Congress in their deliberation. This and worse should be expected (no, not by "Trump supporters")

  • Stephanie Palyo

    01/07/2021 08:32 AM

    Govenor, I don't know if we'll ever get to the truth, but I refuse to believe that Trump supporters caused the violence. I believe Antifa was behind it. Which means the Democrats. God help us save this country.

  • Jennifer Broadus

    01/07/2021 08:30 AM

    Democracy is dead in the US.
    The RNC has no plan and didn’t see the election results coming. How come they are best at doing nothing while our country spins out of control at the hand of the DNC and their leaders. When will we learn? It’s not in our DNA to do the corruption and disruption that the Trump administration has seen. These are sad times.

  • Gladys J Edakattil

    01/07/2021 08:29 AM

    §First of all, looking at those who resorted to violence this afternoon I was almost certain that they are ANTIFA or similar domestic terrorist groups. Later on YouTube I saw this file photo confirming my (“Word of knowledge”) “instinct” and here’s the link to it - Antifa JUST CAUGHT POSING As Trump Supporters in D.C. - YouTube or Antifa JUST CAUGHT POSING As Supporters in D.C. ( – that is, if YouTube hasn’t blocked it. I’m sure this breech was planned and executed to make President Trump and his supporters very bad in the face of America and the whole world and to block any support he has left from the Republican Senators and Congressmen. And it worked!! Just about every Republican Trump campaigned for and won election, like Romney – McConnell, Rick Scott, Kemp, Lindsey Graham, Crenshaw – back-stabbed him.
    §In the video aired through Twitter President looked tired. I can understand why. He’s been betrayed by people called themselves to be his friends. They were just shameless pretenders and are hypocrites! I don’t know how much firmer he has to be or how he should tell the violators that what they’re doing is wrong and people to go home peaceably. To anyone with commonsense and sensibility what he said would suffice. To the lawless and those with dead conscience it doesn’t matter. They’ll do what they feel like doing!!
    §President is right about voter frauds and unconstitutional/ illegal last minute rules formulated by governors, secretary of states, judges by-passing the Constitution – and we’ve proofs of blatant voter frauds using various methods (by persons and voting machine data) that were brought out into the open by witnesses and whistle-blowers who were present in one capacity or another working voluntarily at the polling stations by risking their jobs, safety, relationships and threat of imprisonment. They didn’t come forward for fun, but because they had a conscience and because they loved their country and honoured our Constitution. Unjustly, the courts/judges, governors, secretary of states refuse to look at the evidence and the media suppressed them being made public so Americans will be ignorant of the truth and know how unjust, deceptive and evil 2020 election process has been especially in the key states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. As a Christian deeply grounded in the Bible, I feel betrayed, defrauded and I’m appalled, horrified, disgusted, disappointed, not only in the way Elections and the counting is done, but also by the way those who claim to be born-again Bible believing Christians including even Pastors dare to call truth a lie and a lie the truth and also making a mockery of democracy, our elections. If this is the way, we don’t need elections – but rather a dictatorship or a tyrannical government falsely acquired power for Biden and the Democrats did not rightly win an election but have stolen the votes that belong to Trump. Just and Righteous God does not stand for this chicanery and stealing! Supreme Court and the Justices there are a mockery as well. We don’t need a Supreme Court and Justices like this. They should all resign and go home if they can’t do the job for which God called them to do.
    §Biden is a Pseudo-President. I can never accept him as legitimate President. He has come to power just like king David’s son Adonijah, Gideon’s son Abimelech and the Anti-Christ in Daniel and Revelation.

  • Donald Lively

    01/07/2021 08:28 AM

    Well I will never vote again since it did not count for anything and will not count for anything again.

    The left stole the election so easily and will keep doing it to get their way.

    Now we must pray to God that he saves us from this evil. I feel America is doomed.

    God Bless America!

  • Robert Neumuller

    01/07/2021 08:25 AM

    Why do assume that the violence was Trump supporters? Ever think that ANTIFA could be posing as Trump supporters and led the assault on the Capitol? You may be assuming the wrong thing. Republicans are the party of fools. Remember the British soldiers standing in nice lines so that the Americans could hide behind trees and shoot at them like in a shooting gallery? Fools!!!

  • Beverly Emmett

    01/07/2021 08:22 AM

    Before everyone is so quick to say that the Trump supporters caused the problem, they might need to check into who those people were and they could very well have been antifa disguised as Trump supporters I don’t put anything past them.

  • Ric Glenn

    01/07/2021 08:21 AM

    Governor - I am appalled at the violence as well, but after the failure of the courts to even hear a lot of the evidence (and there were volumes of it) and the minimal cowardice efforts of the so-called "Conservative representatives" in Congress, did you not see this coming? Now that the voter fraud as essentially gone unchecked and certified, in your wildest dreams do you really believe that we will regain any power again to put these Liberals and Socialists (I like to use to the term idiots)in check? Will this country ever be the same again? I think not. I for one have lost faith in our system of voting and based on what we have witnessed the vote will forever be stolen, bought and paid for just as this election has shown. Hillary, Obama, the democratic party and the press (but as you like to say I repeat myself) set the stage with four years of trumpeting "illegitimate President". Resent Antifa, BLM riots ( I mean mostly peaceful protests), defunding of police departments, etc. have created an atmosphere of violent behavior that may never be able to contain. People being attacked on the street just because they are there, businesses burned because someone might have uttered something offensive to someone 10 years ago. These things have to stop. How? I don't know, but I do know that God does. I believe his wrath is beginning to be poured out upon the very people he loves. How many times did the Israelites get placed into captivity because the disobeyed God? I believe the same is happening to us today! How long will we go into captivity? How long will we wait to repent and turn back to God? This nation has lost its moral compass and until we regain it, things will never be the same. Thank you for listening - keep up the good fight. At least you are familiar with how the system really works and can educate us along the way.

  • Dave Smith

    01/07/2021 08:20 AM

    I am really fed up with the election fraud investigations being ignored by courts, public officials (of course many of them are the masterminds), news media and many in our federal elected ‘service’. To use the excuse as the Atty. General did, there was not enough to sway the election is like saying if you shoot someone it is ok if he does not die. Election fraud is illegal whether or not an election result was impacted just as shooting someone is illegal no matter the outcome. Prosecutors, lawyers courts that use the excuse that the results would not be different should be impeached on charges of dereliction of duty and oath of office. If we have a civil war it will be because we did not follow the principles of our founding documents, and no wonder, they are not taught in school any more.

    I am really mad about where we are and to add fuel to the incendiary situation, I got a form letter back from my senator that only remotely related to the subject. he is not listening! I honestly do not know what to do other than pray. I hate what we are leaving to our kids and grand kids.

  • Kaye Pullen

    01/07/2021 08:19 AM

    We have watched the leftists get by with anything without consequence. Patriots are tired of being ignored, stomped on, lied about, censored, condemned and misrepresented. Congress has failed us. Fraud is abundant and ignored. Patriots will not quietly accept globalism. While the violence at the capital was wrong, it is just a taste of what we have been enduring from leftists. Our only consolation is the knowledge that God is still in control and everything has a purpose to fulfill His plan. May God bless the remnant and reach the lost.

  • Mary Vaughn

    01/07/2021 08:19 AM

    As one of 74 million Americans that over the past four years, has supported my imperfect President, I can now say I am finished, I-am beat, I am tired!! Ian no longer Republican, Democrat or independent!! I am through!! I will never vote again or acknowledge any party!!

  • Thomas Roper

    01/07/2021 08:18 AM

    I don't know exactly who the people are who stormed the capital and did the shooting. Some say yhey were antifa 8nfiltrators. I do know unfortunately there's extremist and even radicals on both sides.
    This has to be condemned.

  • Jim O'Dowd

    01/07/2021 08:16 AM

    Mike, I have fought the Trump-haters for the last four years, but yesterday's chaos has about done me in. There is no doubt in my mind that he fomented this act of civil disobedience. And even in his tepid attempt to quell it, he insists that the election was stolen from him. I simply do not believe that sufficient evidence was produced to support that claim. He needs to move on as gracefully as he can to wrest some dignity for his legacy. Given a good alternative to vote for in 2024, President Trump would not get my vote.