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February 27, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 

With gratitude,



A new COVID lab-leak report

I hope I won’t get banned from Facebook for telling you this (I do love posting photos of my lunch), but – brace yourselves – the Wall Street Journal reported that the Energy Department concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic likely started with a leak from a virus lab in Wuhan, China. I know, I’m as shocked as you are!

This reportedly comes from a classified intelligence report issued to the White House and key members of Congress. The Energy Department’s shift is attributed to “new intelligence” (they could just attribute it to "intelligence"), and according to the WSJ, “is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.” The paper said the Energy Department and the FBI now believe COVID most likely came from a Chinese lab leak, four other agencies still think it was due to “natural transmission,” and two more are undecided.

As expected, Congressional Republicans had a furious reaction and are demanding more information and accountability from China. They should also demand accountability from the media and social media for branding the idea of a lab leak as a “debunked theory” and censoring anyone who even tried to discuss the possibility of it.

There are also calls for investigations of Dr. Fauci for allegedly spreading misinformation about other people spreading misinformation when they suggested the virus came out of a lab in China.

The Biden White House is trying to downplay the report, with White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan doing an amazing impression of a fog machine by spewing this epic cloud of vaporous Washington verbiage:

"One of the things in that Wall Street Journal's report, which I can't confirm or deny, but I will say the reference to the Department of Energy, President Biden specifically requested that the National Labs, which are part of the Department of Energy, be brought into this assessment because he wants to put every tool at use to be able to figure out what happened here. And if we gain any further insight or information, we will share it with Congress, and we will share it with the American people. But, right now, there is not a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on this question."

I’d guess there is as little chance of ever getting a “definitive answer” about China's culpability from this Administration as there is of getting a decipherable statement from Jake Sullivan.

AZ testimony alleges longstanding election anomalies, fraud

When a story is this explosive, we on the Huckabee team usually apply “the 48-Hour Rule,” or sometimes even “the 72-Hour Rule,” just to see if it’s revealed as a hoax. (Hoaxes have been known to happen, you know.) And that’s what we did in this case.

On February 24, a huge story broke in THE GATEWAY PUNDIT about shocking testimony before the Arizona Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Committee by witness Jacqueline Breger, who identified herself as a longtime Arizona resident and a highly credentialed forensic investigator with the Harris/Thaler Law Corporation. To quote the story, “Breger claims that attorney John Thaler investigated money laundering and racketeering in Maricopa County and reviewed over 120,000 documents which include ‘fake notarizations, fake deeds of trust, fraudulent buyers and/or sellers of the real property transactions, as well as other companies used in real estate transactions, such as real estate brokers, mortgage companies, title and escrow companies, real estate inspection companies, service companies.”

Berger’s conclusion: there was massive corruption and collusion among American politicians, appointed government officials and the Sinaloa Cartels --- a huge money laundering and racketeering scheme that allegedly uses fraudulent mortgages, real estate transactions and insurance claims in Maricopa County to hide money made through human trafficking, drug smuggling, and bribery, and to rig elections and intimidate or even murder those who get in the way.

We’re talking “narcotic sales, money laundering, tax evasion, payroll, theft, bankruptcy fraud, life insurance fraud, automobile insurance fraud, bribing of elected and appointed officials, creating and modifying public record, falsifying professional licenses and related credentials,” and more, including, “last but not least, election fraud.”

She testified that their primary findings had been reported to then-Gov. Ducey in 2022.

In their original report, the GATEWAY PUNDIT stated they weren’t able to verify this testimony and were awaiting receipt of the documentation that allegedly had been presented to the state legislature. But they did have the video of the testimony itself, if you’d like to see it.

In an update two days later, they said they still “cannot confirm or deny these charges at this time.” So we’re thinking the “72-Hour Rule” might have to be upgraded to the “96-Hour Rule,” at least for now. And has anyone asked former Gov. Ducey, Katie Hobbs’ predecessor, about this?

Media narrative

There are no legitimate objections to mail-in ballots. That’s just racism and voter suppression.

Reality: Meet the Lodi, California, Democrat city council member accused of running a voter fraud scam involving the mass mail-in ballots that the state used during the pandemic. Authorities might never have caught him if they hadn’t stumbled on this while investigating him for other things, like allegedly running numbers out of his business, a smoke shop that sells cigarettes and glass pipes for smoking…something…and ripping off the state for $191,000 in COVID relief funds and laundering the money so he didn’t pay taxes on it.

This is California, so I’m sure that some of that stuff he’s accused of, like selling cigarettes and not paying taxes, must actually be illegal.

Bizarre Behavior

The Forsyth County, Georgia, school district was ordered to pay over $107,500 (mostly in legal fees) to a group of moms called the Mama Bears for violating their First Amendment free speech rights by banning them from reading pornographic school materials given to their children at school board meetings.

To be fair, the board was right: nobody should be reading that stuff at a school board meeting. There might be children present.

Important message

Here's an important message to people who raised their approval rating of Joe Biden following his State of the Union Speech: Did you realize that all that banana oil about the IRS going after the wealthy and big corporations to make them pay their “fair share” actually meant the IRS was going to crack down on underpaid service workers like waiters, waitresses and bartenders to ensure they’re paying the maximum tax on all their tips?

To put the cherry on top of this bait-and-switch sundae, this is part of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” That’s Joe Biden: reducing inflation by having the IRS shake down waitresses for their tip money.

Here’s the difference between having a Soros-backed Democrat D.A. and having a real District Attorney

A real D.A. would think that accusations of molesting a little girl, beating a man to death with a rock, and lying about being transgender to get off easy were worse than referring to said child-molesting murderer by masculine pronouns and his actual name. Oh, and another difference: a real D.A. would want to punish criminals for committing horrific crimes more than his own prosecutors for not being woke enough.

Now, guess which kind of D.A. Los Angeles has. As one of the commenters at the link so aptly put it, “You get what you vote for.” Or fail to recall when you have the chance.

Note to the President’s press office

If you’re going to retweet defenses of Joe Biden, first make sure that the source isn’t an account with a name like “Joe Biden Showered With His Daughter.”

Is the IRS auditing through a racial equity lens?

Earlier, I wrote a message specifically to anyone who had raised their approval rating of President Biden based on his vow to make “the wealthy and corporations” pay their “fair share” of taxes. That message was that the IRS was actually cracking down on underpaid service workers to make sure they reported every last penny of their tip money so that Uncle Joe could seize his “fair share.”

Well, if that wasn’t enough to convince you that the IRS is not the friend of the working person, try this: Following Biden’s unconstitutional order to inject “equity,” or race-based practices, into the federal government, the America First Legal Foundation has launched an investigation into the IRS because they suspect the agency has illegally altered its audit algorithm to include race and ethnicity data, “for the purpose of ensuring that more white, Asian, and mixed-race Americans are audited based solely on their race or national origin.”

For the record, they point out that “Congress has prohibited the IRS from collecting race and ethnicity data from American taxpayers. But since President Biden took office, the Treasury Department has been using ‘racial equity’ as a ‘key factor in the design of tax compliance,’ and illegally ‘examining the tax system through a racial equity lens.'”

Who guessed that when Biden vowed to go after wealthy tax cheats and make them pay, he was talking about waiters in Chinese restaurants?


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  • JC Holland

    02/27/2023 02:18 PM

    Governor: You know all about the censorship by AT&T. I wonder if you'd comment about the huge silence of the PGA Tour and their superstar Jordan Speith about this censorship. AT&T is a huge sponsor of Jordan and the Tour. Most tour players appear to be patriotic people, but their silence on this is deafening. Sad! Shouldn't they be loudly condemning AT&T and demanding they put Newsmax back on? The Tour and players take lots of stances on social issues, why the silence?