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July 27, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Luke 6:31
  • Politicizing COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Biden Priorities
  • Coming To A Town Near You
  • The Left Targets Brett Kavanaugh Again
  • Biles Is Out
  • RIP Senator Mike Enzi


Mike Huckabee


And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Luke 6:31

Politicizing COVID-19 vaccinations

By Mike Huckabee

The politicizing of COVID-19 vaccinations is ramping up, with Josh Marshall at the liberal Talking Points Memo asking, “Is Vaxed America Running Out of Patience?” I don’t want to give clicks to the original, so here’s Jazz Shaw at giving it a good dismantling.

As Shaw points out, the left has a problem: they want to score political points by demonizing people who are reluctant to be vaccinated as a bunch of dumb, white Trump supporters who listen to crazy “disinformation” on the Internet and are to blame for all COVID deaths. Problem is, the most hesitant groups are blacks and Latinos, and they can’t call them dumb and crazy because they’d risk losing their votes. So they’re coming up with nonsensical distinctions, like that minorities are understandably “vaccine hesitant” while white Trump voters are stupidly “vaccine resistant,” as if those are actually different things.

(I should note here before it goes down the memory hole: the vaccines were developed under Trump, thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed; Trump took one himself [as have I]; and Biden, Harris and other Democrats ginned up fears of them because they were developed under Trump -- until they took office and started falsely taking credit for them and demonizing people who are afraid of them.)

Shaw also points out the economic and political side effects that would be caused by mandating vaccinations to hold a job, which would mean firing 40% of the workforce, many of them black and Latino.

Here’s another story, from the liberal Atlantic magazine, admitting that radical anti-vaxxers are a tiny, almost irrelevant segment of the unvaccinated, and that demonizing the unvaccinated is just generating more distrust and making matters worse.

Many people are also hesitant to be vaccinated because they had COVID already, got over it and believe they have natural immunity that’s as good as the vaccine or better. The CDC insists they should get vaccinated anyway, but studies are piling up showing that these people do have longterm resistance. A recent study in Israel found that out of about 7,000 new cases, there were far fewer among the recovered than the vaccinated. And here’s the latest, from Italy.

These people tend to be concerned about possible side effects, and it’s understandable that in weighing the risk of, say, a blood clot against the small chance of re-catching a disease they’ve already easily survived, that they might go with the latter. That’s just the basic kind of risk assessment everyone makes all the time, like deciding whether avoiding the risk of dying in a traffic accident is worth never leaving the house.

Here’s some more information, from reliable sources, that casts doubt on the push to vaccinate all children for COVID-19.

The CDC claims that 335 children who tested positive for COVID have died, but Johns Hopkins University medical Prof. Marty Makary says there was no research to determine whether they actually died of COVID or simply were carrying it when they died of something else. His own research team studied 48,000 cases of COVID in children under 18 and found zero deaths among those who didn’t have other conditions, such as leukemia. Meanwhile, the CDC found 56 to 69 cases of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in 12- to 17-year-old boys per 1 million vaccine doses over a 120-day period. That’s rare, but it’s still a concern for parents, who have to balance the rare risk of serious heart problems against the very low risk of the disease to children. Again: PARENTS have to do that.

Bottom line: if the CDC wants to convince people to get vaccinated, it needs to work on regaining its credibility. Consider all the medical research, not just studies that confirm what they're telling us today. Address the concerns of Americans honestly instead of calling them names. And respect their right to make decisions about their own bodies. It’s odd how the leftist mantra, “My body, my choice,” gives you the right to kill a child in the womb that isn’t actually part of your own body, but it doesn’t cover making decisions about things that are actually injected into your body.

In the meantime, my daughter Sarah has a suggestion that might help overcome vaccine hesitancy among Trump supporters.

Biden Priorities

By Mike Huckabee

Demonstrating the priorities of our “intelligence” and “justice” agencies, just as actual violent, anarchist rioters are being released without charges, Biden’s DOJ has dropped the investigation into Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s part in putting COVID patients in nursing homes with deadly results.

The DOJ has also dropped charges against five Chinese scientists who hid their involvement with the Chinese military to obtain work visas at American universities.

Meanwhile, they are focusing hard on investigating and prosecuting the daylights out of the real threat to America: everyone who entered the Capitol on January 6th, even if they just stepped through the open door to take a selfie or use the bathroom.

Related: Cuomo dismissed the now-dropped DOJ investigation of his nursing home policies as “toxic politics” (funny, I reserve the word “toxic” for things that actually kill people, like forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients.) He’s now showing his COVID-fighting bona fides by declaring that government reps should knock on doors, put unvaccinated people in cars and drive them to get vaccines. If they were forced into a car with a driver who had COVID, that would sound like an Andrew Cuomo plan.

Coming To A Town Near You

By Mike Huckabee

This story was so absurd that I held off from commenting on it until I was fairly certain it wasn't a hoax or a prank. But apparently, the leftist BLM group Dallas Justice Now really did circulate a letter to parents in the wealthy neighborhoods of Highland Park and University Park, telling them that if they wanted to prove they’re allies of BLM and not racists, they should pledge not to send their kids to Ivy League schools to leave more spots open for minority students.

My writers live in Dallas, and they assure me that’s about as likely to happen as them being able to afford a house in Highland Park. This came about because, even though those neighborhoods are heavily old-money Republican, their kids have been indoctrinated and were virtue-signaling their BLM support. That gave the DJN group an opening to accuse them of being racist hypocrites if they don’t really make sacrifices to atone for the wealth they’ve accumulated by oppressing minorities (they seem to think that’s how wealth is accumulated; not by providing goods and services that people want to pay for – sounds like they’ve been indoctrinated with dumb ideas, too.)

While everyone is having a good laugh over this, I think the parents should take it seriously. Look at how your kids are already acting. Can you imagine what insufferable, useless little socialists they’ll become if you send them to an Ivy League university? This group may have done you the biggest favor imaginable by scaring you into sending them to Liberty University or military school before it’s too late.

The Left Targets Brett Kavanaugh Again

By Mike Huckabee

Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse must be really desperate to change the subject from Democrat failures and his longtime membership in a tony, all-white beach club because he’s demanding a revival of the investigation into ridiculous, partisan accusations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who has been on the Supreme Court for coming up on four years now.

I don’t why he didn’t pick something more timely, like a new investigation of the crash of the Hindenburg. For those who think that’s insensitive because we must “believe all women,” please note that that’s also an outdated relic of the Kavanaugh brouhaha. That had a stake driven through it by the liberal media’s burial of a rape accusation against Joe Biden that actually came with some corroborating evidence.

Whitehouse and fellow Democrat Sen. Chris Coons are questioning whether the FBI fully investigated the most credible of 4500 tips that came into their tip phone line. First of all, if you open up any forum about any political figure, you’ll get a bare minimum of 4500 replies of questionable value (see “Twitter.”) Secondly, their claim that they didn’t get this information is belied by the fact that the FBI printed out a summary of all 4500 “tips” and made it available to every Senator to read at the time.

Did Sen. Whitehouse not know that? Or was he too busy at the regatta to read it?

Biles Is Out

By Mike Huckabee

Sad to report that Team USA gymnast Simone Biles appeared to have injured herself during a vault attempt and has pulled out of the rest of the women’s team finals events. It’s unclear whether she’ll compete in the rest of the games.

Although she came in as a heavy favorite, Biles admitted it was hard to cope with the pressure and she sometimes feels as if she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. I’m sorry to hear that, but I hope she knows that the millions of Americans who are rooting for her also want her to be happy and healthy, and we appreciate that she takes representing the USA so seriously.

Last weekend, my guests on “Huckabee” on TBN included Shannon Miller, who for 25 years has held the record for most Olympic medals ever won by a gymnast. She is such a gracious person, she expected Shannon to break her record this week and was looking forward to seeing it. But it now looks as if Shannon’s record may stand for another 25 years.

If you’d like to see that terrific interview with Shannon Miller, it’s right here on YouTube:

RIP Senator Mike Enzi

By Mike Huckabee

Our prayers and condolences today to the family of former four-term Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi, who has died at 77 after sustaining serious injuries in a bicycle accident.

Enzi was a former mayor, state legislator and shoe store owner who ended his Senate career with a speech calling on politicians to turn down the vitriol and stay true to their beliefs without treating others badly. To quote Don McLean, “They did not listen, they’re not listening still.”

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Comments 11-20 of 32

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:48 AM

    May He Rest In Peace.????

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:47 AM

    Biles, wishing you a speedy recovery & may God continue to bless keep&guide you in all that you do. God Bless you!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:44 AM

    Brett again. Brett, sue that piece of poop for SLANDER, take him to the cleaners for undo harassment! America demand IF the crooked, bought&sold FBI want work to do, INVESTIGATE the 4-5 Months last summer of domestic terrorism in Minneapolis Chicago Kenosha Portland NY,California with torching destroying looting rioting,murdering innocent citizens! Investigate every Mayor, Governor Senator who stood by sipping their Long Island iced teas as democrats run down, rat, roach infested filthy unsafe high crime sanctuary cities are destroyed! Sound Off Patriots!!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:39 AM

    Coming to a town…first, there isn’t a law against that bologna? Letters like that, really? Secondly, college is no longer in my humble opinion worth the time or money unless you’re a doctor a specialist of some sort. For everyone else, JOIN the Military, get training, get educated, books& hands on! Attend college on your time off, GO TO TRADE SCHOOL! What do you want to do? Is it offered in a trade school? Can you go and get certified? Is your profession allowed to just have certification? There is NO need to spend so much money into indoctrination when you can be EDUCATED! Don’t forget jr, Colleges too!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:32 AM

    Biden’s priority. IS anyone hearing what you’re saying? Is anyone alarmed that the dictatorship on the left is PLOWING THROUGH our lives? Our Freedoms? Shredding our Constitution? They literally are killing, Stealing& Destroying as their ??father of lies! WE the people are NOT defenseless little pathetic sheep! We must not act like wimps going off to slaughter! FORCED lock downs, forced mask up, loss of speaking your opinion, your thoughts with the left, name calling you for NOT following their way, their thought! Come on! Open boarders, covid carry Illegals pouring in, inflation, Rape& murder rates UP, buying people’s “dependency” on corrupt government! Inciting violence, constant day in, day out ????!! Come on America! Now is NOT the time to roll over & play poor me, what can I do? Stand Up, Be Courageous! Be a part of the solution!! Fight FOR our life, liberty&the pursuit of happiness!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/28/2021 01:22 AM

    COVID 19 vaccine. My humble opinion is simply, GET OUT OF OUR LIVES! For crying out loud already, where was all this hoopla with the Swine flu, bird, Spanish, (Kansas) flu, BIDENS disastrous H1N1? Just get out & shut up! These alleged “experts”, speak your peace, then BACK OFF already! We are more than capable & competent to make an informed decision!

  • Cheryl Breon

    07/28/2021 12:51 AM

    When people find out soon what's really in this "vaccine" (bioweapon) or do the simplest search of the VAERS report or one of many doctors who tell the truth, they will be singing the "Song of Angry Men" all over the world!! When they realize the goal was genocide, and those on Fox also, and so, so many other evil goals and how close they came to accomplishing them, they will be so ashamed at calling Trump names. He is and will be a hero, used by God. Only by His mercy, did we escape becoming slaves.

  • Stephanie Staker

    07/28/2021 12:12 AM

    Hi, Mike! After a day of moving, I had to come read both your morning and evening newsletters. I can't miss them! My comment is really a question: why are the Democrats and the Biden administration pushing the vaccine so hard? I have never seen anything like it and, frankly, it troubles me. The deaths from the vaccine are not reported and years ago when they came up with a vaccine for the Swine flu (I think?) and 50 people died, they shut it down. Now there are reported over 11,000 deaths and many people who are vaccinated are coming down with Covid. I understand there is a variant out there but even before the Delta variant hit the U.S. (and other nations), many of the vaccinated still got the virus. No one is talking about some of the severe side effects reported either. If it IS reported on social media, a person reporting risks being banned for life. Why? Why is there the push and why is dissenting opinions squelched? It really is scary to me like there is a hidden agenda here that I can't figure out. I have drug allergies particularly to new medications so my doctor agrees that I need to wait before I get the so-called vaccine. He wants there to be more information for people like me. I know because I call Jesus my Savior that if I am forced to have the vaccine (and I see that coming), He will protect me but it shouldn't forced at all! Do any of your readers ask these questions?

  • Beth Mitchell

    07/27/2021 10:55 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for all your work and comments in your articles. I enjoy reading them dailey and really appreciate the Bible verses.
    I have not received the Covid vaccine due to high blood pressure and not being comfortable getting it. I really do not have issues with normal vaccinations. But I am not comfortable with this issue. I, also, was recently notified that my aunt died from complications after getting the Moderna vaccine. Also, the grandmother of one of the employees from the Funeral Home died from the Moderna vaccine. So I need prayers for this issue. Thank you.

  • Jerry

    07/27/2021 10:36 PM

    Incompetent people in the cabinet the president and Vice President the speaker of the house the rinos the senate’s majority leader the minority leaders are the reason our country is now on a foundation of quick sand. Not only are these people evil they are the worst actors on the planet the parts they portrayed are absolutely perfect complete Buffons