
Latest News

November 4, 2021


Good morning! Here are some stories from me that I think you will want to read.


Photo credit: Reuters


Winsome Sears is a name we’ll be hearing a lot more in the coming days and years, now that she’s won the 2021 race for Lt. Governor in Virginia and shown herself to be the most refreshing spokesperson in America on the issue of race. Leftists, better sit down: she did it by saying we need to think a lot LESS about race. You folks at CNN and MSNBC who talk compulsively in terms of “dog whistles” (which only you hear) and “code” (which only you recognize) will probably not have her as a guest very often, as she will good-naturedly wipe the floor with you every time.

Sears is black and makes it clear she “identifies” as black, having immigrated legally to the U.S. from Jamaica at age 6, in 1963 when the Civil Rights Movement was still raging. But today, she clearly sees the damage caused by the relentless emphasis on race. “We’re framing too many issues in terms of race and it just continues to divide us,” she told FOX NEWS’ Martha MacCallum on Wednesday. “And, unfortunately, politicians are using it as a tool because of the things that have happened to us historically to advance, I would think, their nefarious purposes.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I am black,” she said in her speech to introduce Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin early Wednesday. “And I have been black all my life, but that’s not what this is about.” Yes, she's the first black woman to win statewide office in Virginia, but that’s not the way she wants to think of this achievement. “I didn’t run to make history,” she said. “I just wanted to make it better than I found it. And with your help, I’m going to do that.”

Stop looking at race, she says, and start looking at people. “I didn’t do anything special to get here except stay in school and study,” she told MacCallum. She's right; that’s the best advice any young person could get. Success is just being in America and taking advantage of the opportunities here.

One way she did that was to join the U.S. Marine Corps. “When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican,” she said. (She was 19 then and became a U.S. citizen one year later.) “But this country had done so much for me I was willing to die for tis country.”

Later, when she wanted to attend college but had three children under age 5, she was just determined, even putting one of her kids on the back of her bicycle with her to get to class, and she earned a masters degree in organizational leadership from Regent University. Before she got into politics, winning a term from 2002 to 2004 in Virginia’s House of Delegates --- the first black Republican woman and first naturalized citizen to do so, and the first Republican to win a majority-black district since 1865 --- she was the director of a Salvation Army homeless shelter. She also led a men’s prison ministry.

After leaving politics, she became the owner of an appliance and plumbing repair store in Virginia –- having learned electronics in the Marines –- and also served as vice president of the Virginia Board of Education. Her run for lieutenant governor this year marks her return to politics after almost two decades.

“America allowed me to come and do for myself and my family,” she said. “No one can say to me I don’t know what it is to be poor. You’re looking at the American Dream.”

“We’re always going to have problems,” she said. “I understand that. I’m not saying we’re perfect. But you can see those people at the border right now trying to get in. They’re dying to get in because they know if they can put a foot on American soil, the trajectory of their lives will change just as it did for my father.”

She noted that times have changed since her father arrived here with $1.75 in his pocket. “There are some who want to divide us and we must not let that happen,” she said in her speech. “They would like us to believe that we are back in 1963 when my father came.” But we’re not. “I’m living proof,” she said.

On “FOX & Friends” early Wednesday morning, before her win was official, she showed herself to be a good spokesperson for those of faith as well, calling her projected win “a God thing.” She said she had little money, a ragtag staff, and was outspent and “outgunned, if you will.” And yet it happened.

Speaking of guns, we linked yesterday to a picture of Sears looking every bit the Marine, confidently carrying her AR-15 at a target range last April. If you missed it, here it is.

Gun-control activists in Virginia have been trying since 2019 to put in place new restrictions on “assault” weapons, but the win by this strong 2nd Amendment advocate does not reflect positively on their chances.

During her campaign, she advocated for increasing pay for teachers and law enforcement, cutting taxes and expanding veteran care centers. And even though she de-emphasizes race in our political dialogue, she also said she’d push for the creation of a Black Virginians Advisory Cabinet for the governor and for a “once-in-a generation investment” in historically black colleges and universities.

Here are a few more details about this rising star, from her campaign website.

One of the best profiles we’ve found of her was written by Eleanor Vaughn for AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, in September, as the campaign was in full swing.

Here’s another good one, which mentions that Sears actually is dismayed by the dismantling of Confederate statues. “The curious thing,” she said, “is that I have spoken to enough black people, and what they’re telling me is they wanted the statues up, so that they could talk to their children about who this person was, what they did, what they didn’t do.” (See, it’s as Trump said: there ARE “fine people” on both sides of the statues argument.)

Incidentally, the Squad completely ignored the win by THIS black female. Surprised?

At this writing, Sean Hannity’s Wednesday TV interview of Sears had not yet been posted, but I hope you'll check it out. Her words to Democrats not telling her how to vote because she’s black are magnificent.

Sears definitely has a sassy side. Here she is in a tweet spoofing Kamala Harris shortly she and Joe Biden were elected. And yes, “based” is a compliment, and it fits. It means to have some swagger, to not care much what others think.

This one is a hoot as well.

No, Sears is not a natural-born U.S. citizen, but perhaps someday we’ll be considering the repeal of that one qualification for President. Hey, she wasn’t born here, but she got here as fast as she could. Congratulations, Winsome Sears.




2.  SERIOUS QUESTION: Is “Build Back Better” “Dead On Arrival”? Tuesday’s election results could spell the end for President Biden’s shrinking but still massive social spending bill. Judging from Speaker Pelosi’s foul mood, it’s looking likely that we could actually dodge this bullet.

The red wave spooked moderate Democrats who were thinking of supporting it and gave Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema plenty of ammo to defend their positions that the American people don’t want more expensive, socialist bills.

And take this for what it’s worth, but Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec said he’s hearing that Pelosi is telling people she won’t run for reelection because she doesn’t want to be tied to the impending 2022 Democratic wipeout.

Whoever thought that by casting your vote for Glenn Youngkin, you might also be ridding America of Nancy Pelosi? That would be the best two-fer deal since “Pizza! Pizza!” at Little Caesar’s.

3. MUST-READ: Breitbart has an exclusive interview with Edward Durr, the truck driver who has apparently defeated one of New Jersey’s most powerful Democrats, State Senate President Steve Sweeney. Durr talks about what’s wrong in New Jersey, why he ran and why he won. And he corrects a false media report: his campaign didn’t cost only $153. That’s what he spent prior to the primary. Defeating Sweeney actually cost him upwards of $9,000. Still quite a bargain.

Durr also reveals that as he was walking the district to talk to voters, he encountered Sweeney and challenged him to a debate. He says Sweeney “blew me off, he laughed at me.” Maybe he’d like to debate now. He’s going to have a lot more free time on his hands.

America the Beautiful

This feature returns with images of America's cities, landscapes and people.

4. THEY LEARNED NOTHING: Since Tuesday’s election, liberal news channel talking heads have been more like exploding heads. Just as I predicted, they learned N-O-T-H-I-N-G from the voters’ repudiation of leftist policies and instead are playing to their tiny radical Twitter mob viewership by depicting every Democrat loss as misinformed/racist voters turning out to defend white supremacy. That also goes for far-left politicians such as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who refused to tie the Virginia wipeout to anything Democrats did in DC. Nope, it’s just straight-up racism.

I guess this applies even to ultra-liberal cities like Seattle and Minneapolis and to black Republicans, such as Virginia Lt. Gov.-Elect Winsome Sears. All they’ve got is “If you don’t vote for our terrible policies, you’re a racist!” They’re like bad carpenters who only know how to hammer, so every problem looks like a nail to them.

A few on their side are figuring it out, but will any of those blinded by wokeness listen? Sen. Joe Manchin is trying to make his colleagues realize that they’re misreading the mood of the public with their massive spending plans. If he needs more evidence, a new Harvard Caps/Harris Poll found that 58% of Americans oppose Biden’s big spending bill, with 56% agreeing it would increase inflation.

On CNN, Van Jones, David Axelrod and Anderson Cooper came to the stunning realization that Democrats are coming across as annoying, offensive, out-of-touch, moralizing and self-righteous (No! What was your first clue?)

Old school Democrat strategist James Carville was even more blunt, and for once, he’s right:

"What went wrong is stupid wokeness. Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Washington. I mean this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools, people see that. And it really has a suppressive effect on all across the country on Democrats. Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something."

I wonder if, under the Biden social spending plan, stays at woke detox centers will be paid for by the government?

5.  ELECTION DAY UPDATES: Some votes are still being counted from Tuesday’s election, and here are the latest updates:

The Associated Press called the New Jersey Governor’s race for incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy, but Republican Jack Ciattarelli’s campaign called it “irresponsible” to declare a winner when the candidates are separated by a fraction of a percent out of 2.4 million votes cast. Votes remaining to be counted are from a heavily Democratic county and from mail-in votes where Murphy was previously leading (maybe they were mailed before his campaign revealed that he was secretly planning a vaccine mandate, yet another reason not to vote too early.)

The squeaker result has some conservatives blasting national Republican campaign officials for failing to see how unpopular Murphy was and do more to help Ciattarelli. And Selwyn Duke at American Thinker wants Republicans to cite the close vote to demand audits and full investigations of possible vote fraud.

To be clear to all the "fact-checkers": there are no specific accusations of vote fraud, but Duke claims it’s highly likely considering...well, New Jersey. He points out previous documented cases, as well as an interview in the New York Post last August with an unnamed New Jersey Democratic operative who admitted to committing mail-in vote fraud “on a grand scale for decades,” enough “to flip states.”

But something tells me Gov. Murphy will not be following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lead on aggressively pursuing election cheaters.

On the bright side, New Jersey voters who stunned pollsters by turning out in droves to vote against Murphy have now learned that they need to turn out in even bigger droves in 2022. And even if Murphy is declared the winner, Ciattarelli could be like Stacy Abrams and call himself the “real Governor” of New Jersey, only with more justification.

In other races guaranteed to make MSNBC anchors chug-a-lug Maalox, Republicans won back control of the Virginia House of Delegates. And voters in Seattle (SEATTLE!), perhaps tired of having their city run by anarchists and criminals, elected a law-and-order Republican as city attorney over her police abolitionist opponent.

Republicans even scored major wins in New York and across usually liberal Long Island:

And school board candidates who oppose Critical Race Theory and COVID mandates scored wins across deep blue Minnesota.



1 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide;

the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.

When other helpers fail and comforts flee,

Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;

earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away.

Change and decay in all around I see.

O thou who changest not, abide with me.

3 I need thy presence every passing hour.

What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power?

Who like thyself my guide and strength can be?

Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.

4 I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless,

ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.

Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?

I triumph still, if thou abide with me.

5 Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes.

Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.

Heaven's morning breaks and earth's vain shadows flee;

in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

By Henry Francis Lyte

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  • Jan Wall

    11/04/2021 01:56 PM

    I enjoy your news articles and love the hymn's at the end!! Thank you and God Bless!!

  • Mr. Richard Gremillion

    11/04/2021 01:15 PM

    Regarding “They Learned Nothing.” Napoleon Bonaparte said, “When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interrupt him.”