
Latest News

January 4, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Quote of the day
  • A pay raise in Massachusetts
  • Election update
  • She's back
  • Tone-deaf in NY


Mike Huckabee

Quote of the day

By Mike Huckabee

From Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media, on Nancy Pelosi’s reelection as House Speaker: “The Party of Youth and Diversity demonstrated its bold vision for the future by sticking with the 80-year-old white lady.”

(Scroll down at that link for the story about the police officer who was called to arrest a family for shoplifting groceries, saw that they were in need, and paid for their food himself. Good thing he hadn’t been “defunded.”)

A pay raise in Massachusetts

By Mike Huckabee

While many Massachusetts residents are struggling to survive with the lockdowns costing them their jobs and businesses, January 1st brought a big, fat, 6.46% raise for state legislators.

This would be a good time to remind Massachusetts residents (and everyone else) of my proposal that as long as lockdowns are in effect so that citizens can’t earn a paycheck, no politician should collect a paycheck, either.

Election update

By Mike Huckabee

Another whistleblower told a story that will no doubt be dismissed by the media. He claims that two weeks before the election, he drove a truck for the postal service filled with thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. When it dawned on him that that didn’t make sense, he couldn’t get anyone to explain why thousands of ballots were being trucked from New York to Pennsylvania, so he says he decided to speak up.

She's back

By Mike Huckabee

After an election, the news channels usually find themselves facing a lot of holiday dead air, so they often resort to one of the biggest sucker bait stories of them all: “Nancy Pelosi is in danger of losing the Speaker’s vote!” They always tell us about the far-left Democrats who plan to revolt and the principled centrists who will form a coalition with Republicans to elect someone who’d actually prefer to find common ground and get the people’s business done rather than play hardball political games.

And every time, I warn people not to fall for it. Precisely because she’s all about hardball political games, Pelosi always twists enough arms to get reelected. Her losing that vote is about as likely as cockroaches going extinct or Keith Richards dying. These are all things that will never happen.

So, right on schedule, I’m sorry but not the least bit surprised to report that Nancy Pelosi was reelected Speaker over the weekend. The “Squad” members who weren’t going to fall in line did (they like having committee memberships that give them a forum to spout their socialist idiocy), and five Democrats took principled stands and didn’t vote for her, which, as always, wasn’t quite enough to keep her from being reelected. Imagine that!

And with more of a sense of déjà vu, I’ll report that Speaker Pelosi’s first move wasn’t to do anything to advance the people’s business or help struggling Americans and small business owners, or to tighten border security or defense. It was a ridiculous piece of pandering to the Democrats’ identity politics base, with a proposal to eliminate “gendered terms” on the House floor.

For instance, House members would be required to say “spouse” instead of “husband” or “wife;” “sibling” instead of “brother” or “sister;” “parent” instead of “father” or “mother,” etc. That’s not only less precise and more confusing, but wait until you see all the baffling permutations required by today’s multiple blended/divorced families.

Naturally, it gets worse. Members won’t even be allowed to say “chairman” or “chairwoman,” just “chair” (we are empowering furniture now), and “seamen” will be referred to as “seafarers.” These are the people we send to Washington to protect and defend the US Constitution, and they aren’t even allowed the right to free speech in their own chamber now. Still, it’s nice to know in these troubling times that the leader of the House of Representatives has such a firm grip on what’s really important.

Taking this to its illogical extreme, Missouri Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a United Methodist pastor, gave the invocation for opening the new Congress and ended the prayer with “Amen…and a woman!”

Granted, I’ve never been the pastor of a Methodist church, but I do have a degree in theology, and I respectfully suggest that Rep. Cleaver may be a little fuzzy on what the word “amen” means.

Tone-deaf in NY

By Mike Huckabee

New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio once again infuriated his long-suffering constituents by dancing with his wife on TV on New Year’s Eve in a nearly-deserted Times Square where everyone else was banned from congregating.

He was branded as a “tone-deaf” hypocrite with no self-awareness. A spokesman for DeBlasio brushed it off as “drunk persons” criticizing someone’s dance moves, which sounds like tone-deaf hypocrisy with no self-awareness to me. That criticism also sounded like a pretty sober assessment of DeBlasio’s entire reign as Mayor.

Here’s the amazing part to me: Surely, DeBlasio has a number of self-styled political and media “experts” on staff and retainer. Did none of them realize what a spit-in-the-eye this would look like to the public? Too people in New York lost their jobs in 2020, but obviously, it happened to the wrong people.



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Comments 26-29 of 29

  • Marc Eisenstein

    01/04/2021 06:47 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee, I think the newsletter following January 6th, should our hopes be dashed for a real investigation of election fraud, your bible verse should be the entire Chapter 24 of Matthew. It would be at least some solace to those of us who believe in the Savior.

  • Anne Turner

    01/04/2021 06:31 PM

    Little Bobby and his sister were talking to mommy. I’m confused Mommy said .Bobby. Me,too, said his sister. What’s the problem says mom, kindly. She is always glad when the children as questions. Well, says Bobby we were over playing at Joan’s house an she said when her daddy was little he was a girl and mommy was a boy. Joan used to be John but he likes to wear dresses and says it’s fun to use the girls bathroom. Also, in gym she can beat all the other girls at games and push-ups and stuff. Now you told me the ladies are mommies and that they have babies. But mommy, if Mr. Smith was a girl and Mrs Smith was a boy, who had the babies? His little sister spoke up and said that she was kinda scared in the ladies room at the store when she went with daddy to shop. She said she did all the things you told her to do, use seat covers and wash hands, but there was the very big lady at the sink. She had all this pictures on her arms. She had long curly hair and painted nails, and earrings but it looked like maybe she shaved like daddy does, she told me what a pretty little girl I am. She said she really likes little girls and wondered what kind of panties I was wearing. I got scared and ran out to Daddy.

  • Lawrence Foster

    01/04/2021 06:22 PM

    I hate to tar an entire city of 8 million people as "dumb", but if they re-elect mayor Da Blow-hard it will be hard to call them anything else.

    Ditto for the State of New York if they re-elect Fredo Cuomo's brother Fraudo as governor.

  • Jerry

    01/04/2021 06:01 PM

    Never a doubt that Pelosi would lose the position the dirtiest and most corrupt part of Congress was not about to chop off the head of the snake the head holds the most venom and the American public will not be be served and protected by Pelosi or its members; what has it done for 2 years this snake may shed its skin but it is still a venous snake. Nothing changes America comes last after all funds are depleted to foreign interest. More kickbacks for this Congress from foreign countries that's Biden and his continued ways