
Latest News

June 18, 2021

Rep. Eric Swalwell filed a ridiculous nuisance lawsuit against President Trump, his son Don Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, claiming that they incited violent rioters to attack the Capitol on January 6th. Since then, Swalwell has repeatedly claimed that Brooks is hiding from process servers to avoid his subpoena.

This has led to some funny tweets from Brooks, pointing out that he’s shared the House floor with Swalwell over a hundred times since January. He’s posted photos of himself “hiding out” in public places, including one at his granddaughter’s birthday party where he’s wearing a sign on his cap reading, “I am not Mo.”

But the story turned serious when Swalwell actually sent an aide to serve a subpoena, and the man trespassed on Brooks’ property and chased his frightened wife into their house. Now, she’s filed a lawsuit and the Brooks family has made an arrest complaint. Swalwell’s camp tried to deny the claim, but it was all captured on security video. Brooks says he is putting anyone who would threaten his family “on notice that we will pursue illegal actions to the fullest extent of the law.”

So to sum up: because Swalwell tried to score publicity points by filing a bogus lawsuit falsely accusing Brooks of threatening his security, Swalwell's aide is now facing charges and a real lawsuit for actually threatening Brooks’ security.

On my TBN TV show recently, I had a story about how Australia’s oldest man credited his longevity to eating chicken brains, and I joked that they were about as small as Eric Swalwell’s brain. I might have to take that back. After reading this story, it doesn’t seem like a joke anymore. It just seems like an insult to chickens.

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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • william p appelt

    06/21/2021 10:08 PM

    Read up on Eric, even on Wiki.
    Came from Midwest to Dublin, CA, a nice town in Alameda County.
    Wormed his way up just so he can do what he is doing now. This is happening way too much in California..... but not all of it. Only in the SF bay area and LA basin, way too much power.....

  • Donna Delaney

    06/21/2021 06:42 PM

    Hey Mike. Love all your info sites. I try to catch them all or go back and watch them. I would like your opinion on something that has me extremely worried-or should I say one more thing that has me worried- yes we definitely need to take the house and senate back and hopefully the presidency. But won’t we go through the same extremism with the fbi the doj the irs and all the other departments if we can’t get rid of those embedded and sabotaging conservative views and ideas. How can we change what Biden is doing if the same people are there leaking info and again sabotaging everything!! Thank you again for your scripture - gets me through most days - and your words of wisdom! I hope you know that you are leading a lot of us to hopefulness instead of helplessness!! God bless you!

  • Nagi Mato

    06/21/2021 06:21 PM

    In these days and times, it's a wonder that Swalwell's aide didn't get himself shot! I don't have a gun (yet), but if this were to happen in my front yard, I have a sizeable sword and ax hanging up in my living room just looking to be used.

  • Suzanne B. Graves

    06/21/2021 05:16 PM

    I've owned a flock or two of really smart chickens. Your apology for insulting them is certainly right on and deeply appreciated. They forgave you immediately.

  • Dale Johnson

    06/21/2021 05:10 PM

    Swalwell, Schumer, Pelosi, Harris,& Biden are Total Failures as plain as day!!!!!

  • Susan Sarsfield

    06/21/2021 05:07 PM

    Governor, you write the most entertaining articles but this one about Eric Swalwell is absolutely hysterical; chicken brains. I cannot stop laughing.
    Thanks for all you do for us.

  • Raymond Lengel

    06/21/2021 03:48 PM

    What is the penalty for a US congressman sleeping with a Red Chinese agent? Should be a firing squad!