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April 2, 2021

Just as Democrats clammed up about Trump “putting kids in cages” now that President Biden is cramming kids into those same cages like some people pack their carry-on bags, they’ve also gone from screaming that Trump is a “lying liar who lies” to not caring a whit that Biden is turning out Whoppers faster than the Times Square Burger King.

Anyone who really knows Joe Biden would be flabbergasted at his claim of bringing truth and honesty back to the White House (his career highlights stretch from plagiarizing another pol’s speeches and life story to claiming he decided to run for President when he heard Trump say there were “very fine people” among neo-Nazis, a repeatedly debunked piece of fake news.) But his jihad against the new Georgia election integrity laws has resulted in a flurry of falsehoods that’s stunning even for him.

Then he compounded his unpresidential rhetoric by promoting a boycott of Georgia based on those falsehoods (FYI: Georgia is not only a state he’s supposed to be the President of, it’s one where a majority of voters reportedly backed him – unless he knows something we don’t.) Remember when he also claimed he’d be a “unity” President who wouldn’t misuse his position to attack his political opponents? I guess that was another lie.

Wednesday, Biden declared that he would “strongly support” moving the Major League All-Star Game out of Atlanta in retaliation for the election law, which he has branded as “sick” and “Jim Crow in the 21st century.” (Another lie: some of the bills’ provisions merely return to norms in place before the 2020 pandemic, not the Jim Crow era.)

Okay, since he’s actively trying to destroy Georgia’s economy (and not in the usual way Democrats destroy economies), let’s break down his problems with the Georgia election law and show that they are one lie after another.

* Biden claimed that the law will make it hard for working people to vote by shutting down polls at 5 p.m. Except it doesn’t do that. It only allows early voting sites to close by 5, but they don’t have to, while it actually expands early voting. That lie (or possibly in Biden’s case, brain glitch) was so egregious that even the Washington Post fact-checker gave it “Four Pinocchios.”

* He claimed that the law bans providing water to people standing in voting lines. False. It bans campaign workers from giving money or gifts such as food or beverages to voters inside or near polling places. But voters can bring their own food and beverages, or order them delivered, or poll workers can set up self-service water dispensaries. This is virtually identical to laws in multiple states that ban electioneering at the polls and that Democrats have never challenged.

* The biggest lie that’s being used as the basis for attacking all voter ID laws is that they suppress minority voting. I told you already that a new Rasmussen survey of likely voters found that 75% of likely voters approve of requiring voters to show ID, and that includes 74% of whites, 69% of blacks and 82% of all other minorities.

Maybe that’s because an eight-year study of voter ID laws between 2008 and 2016 by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that they had “no negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any specific group defined by race, gender, age or party affiliation.”

The study found that this was not due to anti-voter ID law campaigns boosting turnout. In fact, “no statistically observable change in voting behavior could be attributable to voter ID laws.” They also found no significant drop in registration rates in states that imposed voter ID laws or that purged ineligible voters from the rolls (I admit that surprised even me: I assumed that removing dead people would reduce Democratic turnout.)

Voter ID laws also had no significant impact on campaign contact, frequency of campaign signs, volunteering for campaigns or levels of donations to campaigns, which were all nearly identical in states with or without voter ID laws.

That leaves only the Democrats’ specious claim that such laws are unnecessary because they catch so few people who are voting fraudulently. But the study said that’s difficult to verify, since election fraud often goes undetected, and when it is detected, prosecutors often opt to take no action (tell me about it!) Meanwhile, voter ID laws deter people from even trying to vote illegally, so there is no fraud to record.

And with that last sentence, I think we’ve finally hit on the real truth about why Biden is so adamantly opposed to election integrity laws that he’s willing to lie his facemask off to block them.

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Comments 26-31 of 31

  • Beverly DeForde

    04/02/2021 01:39 PM

    The real truth is that without Gods direct intervention America is no more. I pray for that to happen daily.

  • Robert Kellock

    04/02/2021 01:38 PM

    It's all lies! Etymology of "woke" is false perception or lie. "Narrative" is altered perception or lie. Biden Ga lies are based in the politician's permission to say anything without fear of accountability or threat that the oath of office will be challenged if in office. The antidote is objective, factual truth if that can be presented and accepted. This is usually done in a court of law, but even that is in question at this time.

  • Thomas Saneford

    04/02/2021 01:30 PM

    Governor, Several years ago while a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee, I recall an election riddled with voter fraud. If memory serves me, a funeral home owner/ operator used dead people’s votes to sway an election. Not really sure of all the facts though, just saying. I considered myself a good Democrat at that time, but using a line from my favorite movie, “ Sorry boss, that was before I knew better!” I am much wiser now, you might want to research that election for ammo you can use at a later date. Keep up the great work, best news program ever, can’t stomach any network broadcast of news, all of them.

  • Stephen Russell

    04/02/2021 11:23 AM

    Even giving voters water could be implied for Vote for me X.
    Very scary
    IE who supplied water or snacks to polling place.
    See the abuse.
    Despite Indie poll workers serving voters.
    Bad optics

  • Lew Culpepper

    04/02/2021 11:07 AM

    Are you aware that Biden’s home state of Delaware does not even allow early voting? A bill was passed in 2019 that will allow it starting in 2022. He needs to address his own state’s “voter suppression “.

  • Peggy Ann Simon

    04/02/2021 10:43 AM

    This is proof that Georgia did NOT go with Biden in the election. The Dems condemned them over their abortion stand a few years ago asking for boycotts of Georgia and now they're doing it again over Election reform. Reform? Asking voters to show identification that they are eligible to vote??? That's how Biden won.