
Latest News

October 6, 2021

I’m very glad to see that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s plan to engage federal, state and local law enforcement to intimidate parents who protest the actions of leftist schools boards is being met with the overwhelming furious backlash it deserves. One commentator said this might be the straw that broke the camel’s back (sorry for triggering any animal lovers) for the Democrats’ dwindling hopes in the midterm elections. This is such an outrageous assault on the most basic rights of all citizens to engage in free speech and protest, and of all parents to have a say in how their children are educated, that the outrage cuts across all political and racial lines.

To be clear: I'm not defending anyone who makes actual physical threats against school board members. But Garland cited no examples of actual threats to justify this. Instead, his statement included vague and overly broad terms such as “harassment” and “intimidation,” which signals that this is really an abuse of power designed to chill free speech. He also offered no justification for literally making a federal case out of these hypothetical threats, which are already covered by laws and police on the local level. The only reasons to federalize this are to assert more control in picking targets and to ramp up the intimidation factor (ironically, Garland is the one who seems to be guilty of attempting to harass and intimidate people.)

Here’s a round-up of just some of the reactions to this Orwellian abuse of power:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted Garland for “weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation,” adding, “Florida will defend the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent.” His spokeswoman also called it “despicable and un-American,” saying, “Florida law enforcement is perfectly capable of responding to crimes in Florida, and we have never heard the FBI suggest otherwise. However, disagreement is not harassment. Protest is not terrorism, unless it involves rioting, looting, and assault, like some of the left-wing protests of summer 2020.”

Speaking of that, while the DOJ and FBI busy themselves with surveilling Trump voters and intimidating concerned parents, murders took the biggest spike in history in 2020, nearly 30 percent (thanks, all you police-defunding blue state Governors, mayors and city councils!)…

And while the FBI is ignoring that, they’re also doing virtually nothing about actual violent terrorists and anarchists like Antifa, as long as they’re on the left.

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Comments 11-20 of 20

  • Paul Guerin

    10/10/2021 04:47 PM

    "Democrat" Party and not "Democratic" Party. Spread the word. Thanks, Paul

  • Sandra Thompson

    10/10/2021 04:42 PM

    I predicted many weeks ago that Biden's Waterloo would be when he went for the children. I predicted, like any mother, you touch her babies, she will fight you to the death. Biden's downfall or perhaps a spark to awakening and revolution would occur when Biden tries to remove children from the homes of parents who refuse to get their youngest children vaccinated on the grounds (I thought at first neglect) but with recent events, it would be on the grounds of "domestic terrorism." All Biden has to do is to call for that and the game is over. Americans who have been complacent or even indifferent to the vaccines would see red if this happened. I believe he would have a true revolution on his hands. I believe that the powers that be, promoted this pandemic to embroil the Earth and test their tolerance for obedience to them. I think it backfired. Now they believe that the "climate crisis" will bring the world together under one ruler (I guarantee it will not be Joe Biden), and when this leader steps forward, you will have your AntiChrist of biblical renown, and then we test the real mettle of mankind.

  • carroll stevens

    10/10/2021 04:13 PM

    Why haven't I heard anything about the illegal entry of the bathroom
    stalkers of the Senator getting into the College; I'm sure they didn't
    have authorization. If I missed anything of this forgive me.

  • Kevin Beck

    10/10/2021 04:08 PM

    What do those guys think the local police are for?

    Oh, wait: They defunded them over the past two years.

    Maybe the Attorney General can re-read (or maybe it would be his first read) the United States Constitution. Specifically the First Amendment. You know, the one that says that people should have the right to redress their government about their grievances.

    Or does that one only work one way, like when a Democrat is protesting their government?

  • Tom Qualman

    10/10/2021 04:02 PM

    Hussein Obama weaponized the fbi, it's, doj and other agencies. This is a basic MO for demonrat regimes. It's time for the maga movement to fight back-no holds barred starting in 2022.

  • Beverly Marlin

    10/08/2021 11:31 AM

    So glad parents are standing up against this outrageous COMMUNISTS TAKEOVER!!

  • Eleanor Patricia Allert

    10/07/2021 08:05 PM

    Shame on Mr. Merrick Garland!

  • philo hio

    10/07/2021 03:26 PM

    Stop paying the taxes strictly for education if your demands are not met. This is simply a matter of taxation without representation. They don't educate parents' way? Why pay? Hit em where it hurts.

  • Dawn Bader

    10/07/2021 11:04 AM

    Parents are labeled as domestic terrorists for “harassment” and “intimidation,” but activists harassing and intimidating Senators Sinema and Manchin are heros. What a screwed up country we have become.

  • Becky Langston

    10/06/2021 06:15 PM

    Our rights are being eroded every day.....Until the populace takes a stand, it will continue; leading us to a path of socialism and the communism. It is time to stand up for what is right....