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January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 26-50 of 1536

  • sonia Sciochetti

    01/08/2021 02:33 PM

    where were all these appalled citizens when BLM, anti facta groups, democrats, looting first, burning the stores after, killing citizens. destroying entire cities and lives. No one being arrested. Now they are crying crocodile tears and blaming Trump. By the way, Joe Biden, will never be my president.

  • Ruth Egan

    01/08/2021 02:24 PM

    Hopefully, some moderate liberals in all parties will find some shock value in these events that will lead them to the right, to separate them from the determined left that has sold out entirely to those who would "not only eat our lunch but breakfast and supper". The Marxist playbook says to do or say anything that will achieve power. Integrity is not a requirement. Beware of evil in high places. By their fruits shall you know them, not just their words. Love, which is of God, is stronger than death. We need to "Trust Jesus".

  • Ruth Egan

    01/08/2021 01:54 PM

    I am aghast at the invasion of the Capitol, as well. The video of scaling of the walls and entering through a window bespeaks "professionals". It is consistent with Antifa that I have seen on videos from Portland. In addition, the method of face-to-face encounter violence has a recognizable pattern uniquely Antifa (you know the thing that is a myth, says Joe Biden). Again, from the Capitol "independent press" video, the crowd is a mix of "civilians" and "professional violence Antifa". Their modus operandi includes mixing with peaceful demonstrators and other activists managing the direction of events and escalating the actions. I studied "mob action" at Ball State University in their School of Social Psychology when I got my BSA in Education. This is my take on what I have seen. Antifa is truly a sad and dangerous nihilistic philosophy that we find within this age. Their method of worship and recreation is violence, intolerance, aggression, coercion, and intimidation. The left is allowing it, using it as a political tool. George Soros's installations of Prosecuting Attorneys who won't charge them exacerbates the impact of this Neo-Nazi organization. To say the least, it is a force for evil. We must pray for our nation. This is evidence of evil in high places. This is spiritual warfare. "God's arm is not shortened nor is his ear deafened." God bless America. He always has, but we must confess our sins and turn to him.

  • Wendell Hurst

    01/08/2021 01:44 PM

    If our financial institutions were as sloppy as I've heard some polling organizations were in the 2020 election, would people accept it? All bank deposits and payments are meticulously documented and verified, and audits are conducted, with paper trails always being preserved to make sure that can happen. Our elections need the same rigor. Each ballot must be observed by at least two observers, and not from six or twenty feet away. And each observer must be able to clearly see the tabulation. Observers must also be carefully vetted to be sure that each really represents the interest of the party they claim to support. There must also be a paper trail created. Multiple recounts of the same group of ballots with a different result each time must not continue. We need reproducible results. Democratic election officials wouldn't let their personal bank statements be so capriciously dismissed as they seem to think election results can be. We need auditable elections held to the highest standards. Nothing less will do.

  • Lynne K Acker

    01/08/2021 01:13 PM

    You have covered all of feelings about this situation and said it far more eloquently than.
    Our three grown children went to Washington for the rally which they said peaceful and “full of love.” People everywhere were friendly, kind to each other and enjoying themselves. People from everywhere I might add.
    There some dressed in black from head to toe that concerned them but at that point weren’t troublesome, but they felt were not part of the supporters.
    They are so angry with the media for reporting it was a riotous mob. It was not. The mob that rushed the Capital were a small group compared to the thousands of supporters. They must be found and prosecuted to the fullest.
    Our government has a double standard for Conservatives and Democrats and people are frustrated. Reading comments on different websites tells the whole story. Those of that have stopped listening to MSM have known about the corruption in our government. Spy gate, operation crossfire hurricane,
    the awful treatment of Michael Flynn, the Biden’s involvements in the Ukraine, China, etc. Everyone knows this will be swept under the rug and are frustrated and angry, ourselves included.
    We are 85, and 84 years old, with four grown children, grown grandchildren and great grandchildren. It appears that our legacy will not be the America we know and love. Our children are conservatives by choice as are most of our grandchildren. The ones with college degrees have moved left so conversations with them are useless.
    Sadly, that relates to our situation in our country.

  • Joyce Jackson

    01/08/2021 12:38 PM

    Pence should have let the process go further so it could finish. I am disappointed in his decision. Gov. Huckabee, I enjoy your notices each evening, and I always respect your opinion. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  • Kathy Derusha

    01/08/2021 12:36 PM

    This is so very interesting...the far left has literally broken every rule known to man, actually encouraging abuse of anyone involved with our President, including your daughter. They are fine with beating and mocking and traumatizing anyone who dares to wear a Trump hat, while backing protests that turn into burning and demolition parties on the innocent businesses. We must shut down our churches and small businesses because of Covid while they encourage thousands in the street. It is small wonder that a few frustrated people jump the gun in anger at the capitol. While this has been condemned over and over again....where is the condemnation for the atrocities dealt to "the people" during all the looting and rioting? The truth continues to be squashed and no one dares to stand up. Now we are supposed to let these far left crazies get rid of Cruz and dare these courageous men question anything that reflects on the left's integrity? Will anyone even LOOK at the proof of a jacked election, NO, instead they sue Sidney Powell! Wow! And we keep apologizing....but never mind the injustice of the last 4 years. The left's next smooth move of trying to impeach our President again in his supposed last two weeks, is insanity. Will the Nation continue to back this kind of contemptuous aggression? Threats and brutality work for the Left; no wonder republicans are afraid to stand up, they are beat into submission, and heaven forbid what will happen to anyone who dares to come to their rescue?

  • Jean B. Palmer

    01/08/2021 12:33 PM

    I am aghast at the behavior of so many Americans both at the Capitol and across the nation.
    Is anybody being taught civility and American government/history. Once again, it is the few
    spoiling our country for the vast majority

  • Bernadette Dillon

    01/08/2021 10:42 AM

    Dear Governor Huckabee, we have lost the white house, the house and the senate. there are many Americans across this country who believe that in every city and county the Democrats stole America's voice and they decided for us who would be our leaders. The anger is only provoked by Pelosi's words yesterday to once again Impeach Trump. Where was her outrage previously at Maxine Waters, Black Lives Matter protests destroying banks and the rest of their communities. The only person who should be impeached is herself for her double standards. How many other Democrats have encouraged protesting and the destruction of those who do not believe the same as they do? The anger is growing and their focus should not be on Trump. there are a lot of Americans who are super angry and all this talk of banning Trump from social media and throwing him out of office 12 days before he is supposed to leave is just fueling the fire.

  • Rita Barker

    01/08/2021 09:51 AM

    I’m so sorry about what happened at the capitol Wednesday. I’m sorry all the amazing things President Trump accomplished is tarnished now forever and all this will be used against anyone who supported the President. I do believe the President did incite riot and he should have been so much more condemning immediately if that wasn’t his intention. It’s amazing how the President has had such a rough road even when he started campaigning and anyone less tough would have absolutely caved in. As was said before, he has accomplished more in four years than any other President in our history, but now he will not be remembered for that, even by many supporters. It’s a sad day and we really don’t have a lot of good to look forward to and I don’t believe for one second there wasn’t fraudulent voting But we must remember God will use this to wake believers up. Most importantly is that what happens inside our hearts which is much more important than what happens inside this great country. We need to respond like Jesus did. He committed no sin, no deceit was found in His mouth. When they hurled insults at Him, He did not retaliate and when He suffered He made no threats. Instead He committed Himself to Him who judges justly. So now we as Christians, whoever we are, must trust God. The days ahead will not be easy but it’s more important than ever to try to live our lives in a way that pleases God. I surely believe we need to stand up for truth. But we need to do it in a way that brings peace, not division. I’m sorry for the President and I’m sorry for our country. I still appreciate all the good he’s done, but I will also remember January 6.

  • randall sheets

    01/08/2021 09:28 AM

    There is increasing evidence coming out that the violence was the act of Obama's Raiders, or as they are commonly know as ANTIFA, disguised as Trump supporters to give the appearance of Republicans are also violent. Many of those that were in attendance, were shocked as the buses dropped these people off and as they pushed their way to the front of the line. Notice, there was not mention of arrests. Same thing in all the cities they have infected, as the democratic controlled cities, conveniently look the other way. It was a deliberate photo opp designed to embarrass the Republican faithful watching.

  • Robert Heimbach

    01/08/2021 07:53 AM

    You are on target. RNC needs to distance from Trump and quickly find a party leader that continues Trump policy but with a strong moral compass. Pence, Rubio, Ivanna, Haley, Rice, Huckabee?

  • Greg Heller

    01/08/2021 07:48 AM

    Let's not pre judge. Trump rallies have always been peaceful. It is the nature of his supporters. Now after this rally(which was peaceful up to this point) we have a hundred or so trying to assult the Capitol? Looks like a set up to me.

  • [email protected]

    01/08/2021 07:23 AM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    I agree what happened was wrong and I wish the President had been stronger in his stance about it. I also don’t agree with his treatment of VP Pence. His response to people who he feels haven’t lived up to his expectations has often left me shaking my head in disbelief and disappointment.
    That being said, what happened at the capitol was, in my belief, orchestrated and supported by the left. People on the ground have video of what looked to be Antifa clearly using methods we have seen throughout the past months. Were there conservatives mixed in the mila? Probably. But pictures, videos and personal accounts dispute that Trump supporters stormed the capitol.
    I am a believer, a senior patriot and a human being in conflict with what needs to be done, who on this earth I can believe for truthful information and a total lack of trust in our government as it stands today. One of Trump’s greatest accomplishments, of which there are many, is showing the American working class the corruption and the blatant disdain most occupiers of Washington DC have for us. I refer to them as “occupiers “ because they do not represent the people of this great country.
    In prayer for God’s mercy.


    01/08/2021 06:03 AM

    There is a lie in the comments above. Yes they stormed the steps but didn't break anything. If you look closely at the video you can see a man wearing a MAGA hat stop the ANTIFA thug from breaking the window. It was ANTIFA who mixed themselves in the crowd and caused all the havoc. There is plenty of photo evidence of this, ie. photos of people in the crowd with photos of ANTIFA groups showing the same person. The Democrats are truely very good at this business so they have obviously had a long history of doing this or they have had help from the CCP who have a long history of being devious. When they opened thing up to let the CCP in I said they will regret that back then. Well maybe the Dems don't, they have had good teachers.

  • Betty Thayer

    01/08/2021 04:53 AM

    Having watched and listened for the last 4 years to the Democrats blatant disrespect and horrible treatment of a sitting president, it is hard to get all up in arms about the events of January 6, when we have been practically desensitized by the "tepid" response of the opposing party and almost outright encouragement by their leaders of events that have brought devastation to other areas of the country this past year, burning cities, occupying city blocks, looting, intimidating people, kicking them in their heads, blocking highways, mistreatment of law enforcement, etc.... I did not want to see this happen, but I'm not surprised. Was it Peter Finch in Network that screamed "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" I think we are there.

  • Dan Hilty

    01/08/2021 03:38 AM

    I think we are truly finding out about the level that the left will go to in discrediting pres trump. It saddens me to see you pile on.

  • Dennis A Ellis

    01/08/2021 03:30 AM

    I feel that a very small fraction of the protesters participated and were extremists. The Democrats and the media are hell-bent on blaming this on the President because they hate him. We watched all summer as people were hurt and businesses and government property and statues were destroyed. They couldn't blame Trump because he offered to help they just ignored it mostly. My son lives in Indianapolis and he was totally unaware of most of it because he never watches fox news. I think President Trump is egotistical and brash but he has helped and protected our country immensely and all people should acknowledge this. And his accomplishments were achieved despite being treated badly for his entire term.

  • Elizabeth Young

    01/08/2021 01:40 AM

    Mr. Huckabee, unfortunately the crowd was instigated by people placed in between Trump supporters disguised as Trump supporters. Everything was executed as planned. Numerous known BLM & Antifa members were in the midst. Not justifying the fact that people followed them as sheep but I wish there was an investigation. However, we already know that honest investigations are NOT what politicians want. The radical left gets away with murder no consequences yet conservatives are being labeled and persecuted by the "holy inquisition" Republicans and Democrats alike, are two wings of the same bird. The system is corrupt and mostly every politician is owned and tied to the strings they have ade deals with, NEVER TO THE PEOPLE!

  • Bruce Burman

    01/08/2021 01:29 AM

    What has happened to all the "verified" cheating with the suddenly swing in votes? The differences on the ballots that would flip votes according to the inventor of scanning technology. The 7000#s of ballots taken late at night to a special expensive shredder that made tiny balls of the paper. All the people that observed cheating. BY NOT CHALLENGING, NOT ONLY CHANGED THE OUTCOME, BUT SETS A FUTURE STANDARD TO WIN AT CITY, STATE, & FED LEVEL. Crime pays???

  • Will Tent

    01/08/2021 12:57 AM

    So let me get this straight during the summer people died, homes and businesses were burned / looted no biggie yet when the elite political theater is violated by the same Antifa / BLM folks it is important. Got it. Blame it on Trump supporters and try to destroy MAGA supporters for a bonus. Hate to tell you but it won't work since MAGA folks are the decent LOYAL ones.

  • Arlene

    01/08/2021 12:43 AM

    Congressman Louis Gohmert said he spoke to the Capitol police and they said they were briefed that Antifa were going to infiltrate the Conservative protesters dressed in Trump gear and MAGA hats. They said that they were going to use facial recognition to find out who they were. Antifa are a liberal Democrat group. Why were Pelosi and McConnell having a meeting last week? To pull this surprise they probably planned.

  • Jani Hatch

    01/08/2021 12:40 AM

    Thank you for this information, Mr. Huckabee! I only saw bits and pieces on the news and was shocked and horrified! Most were there just to protest peacefully but those rabble rousers really got out of control. And I am really grieved that Trump was not more forceful in condemning the violence and was not more urgent in his requests for everyone to leave. I felt like it was too little, too late. Please continue to keep us informed on Parler as the mainstream media is useless.

  • Walt Redding

    01/08/2021 12:38 AM

    Go to the Victory channel to hear the truth about who is responsible for the violence in DC

  • Susan Hoppe

    01/08/2021 12:18 AM

    I love our president but feel he can do nothing right according to MSM. Where can we go to get true investigational journalism. I feel all I can do is pray