
Latest News

January 15, 2023


Sunday Standard

Here are the top stories from this week that I think you will want to read.

And after you read my Sunday Standard, please leave me a comment.


Mike Huckabee

Biden praised for doing nothing

By Mike Huckabee

This story was originally published on January 11, 2023.

Just two days after posing for a photo op at a wall at the border in El Paso, President Biden met with the leaders of Canada and Mexico. Mexico’s President praised him for being the first US President in a long time who hasn’t built “even one meter of wall” on the border. How telling is that?

There’s a lot more about this summit at the link if you’re interested, but here’s the problem in a nutshell: Biden dismantled our border security and has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the US, many bringing with them crime, human trafficking, disease and deadly drugs such as fentanyl. (NOTE: Of course, they’re not ALL criminals, other than breaking our immigration laws. It’s ridiculous even to have to say that, but you know that will be the left’s response, since it’s the only one they have.) Rather than do his constitutional duty to enforce our immigration laws, Biden is blaming the problem on Republicans for not agreeing to “comprehensive immigration reform,” which means solving out-of-control illegal immigration by making all illegal immigrants legal. It’s the same tactic the left has used to claim crime is down in blue cities: you just stop arresting criminals, and voila! Police crime reports plummet!  

If anyone would like to dispute that, feel free. But first, you have to explain why the President of Mexico is openly praising Biden for being the first US President to do nothing at all about keeping illegal immigrants out of America.

Updates On President Biden’s Classified Documents Problem

By Mike Huckabee

This story was originally published on January 11, 2023.

Biden finally responded to the news that there were mishandled classified documents from his VP tenure in the office of a Biden-associated think tank in DC. But if you thought he was going to provide an actual explanation for how they got there, then you don’t know Joe.

Also, according to CNN (surprisingly), we now know that some of those documents include intelligence memos and briefings dealing with the UK, Iran and (wait for it)…Ukraine.

I’d suggest that we should investigate Joe’s (and Hunter’s) dealings with Ukraine, but I don’t want anyone impeaching me.

Finally, while Biden accused Trump of being “irresponsible” in the handling of documents (even though Trump’s documents were under lock and key with armed guards at his home while Biden’s were reportedly in an unguarded think tank closet), the next question is: Was there anyone in this Administration who wasn’t within easy reach of those unsecured classified documents? )


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Stacey Abrams is thinking of running again

By Mike Huckabee

This was originally published on January 12, 2023.

Stacey Abrams somehow managed to blow over $100 million on a second failed race for Governor of Georgia and lose worse than the first time. She was criticized for poor spending decisions and ending $1 million in debt, forcing loyal staffers to be cut off from pay just before Christmas. Now, a new problem for her: a federal court has ordered “Fair Fight Action,” a group founded by Abrams, to pay over $231,000 in legal fees due to their groundless lawsuit against the state, falsely claiming voter suppression (FYI: historic numbers of Georgians voted, just not for her.

Despite this record of lies, waste and failure, Abrams was on Drew Barrymore’s TV show Monday, where she declared that she’s already thinking of running again. That drew wild cheers from the no-doubt heavily-Democrat studio audience.

Now, I’m going to ask a question of Democrats, and I swear, it’s not meant to be provocative. I honestly don’t understand and want to know what you’re thinking. My question is this:

“Why are you so wildly enthusiastic about backing a candidate who has been rejected multiple times by voters, doing worse in each successive run, and who draws vast amounts of money away from other races where it might do some good and simply blows it?” 

I get that Abrams fits several identity group boxes that are weirdly important to you, but you have this same bizarre enthusiasm for “Beto” O’Rourke, too. Why is doubling down on incredibly expensive failure so appealing to you?

Yes, I know I had two failed runs for President myself. But I didn’t waste hundreds of millions of dollars, and I also went into another line of work after the second loss. And unlike Stacey Abrams, I didn’t mysteriously become a millionaire by losing elections. Those runs cost me money. 

Don't get me wrong, if you want to throw away money that might otherwise fund electable Democrats, far be it from me to stop you. But I am curious to know why you continue backing these professional losers. Is it the cult of celebrity? I’ve long suspected that many liberals, having turned their backs on God, are trying to fill the spiritual void with worship of charismatic political figures (“Obama the Lightbringer,” etc.) Is that it? If so, I can assure you that you’d be much better off going back to church. It’s not only far better for your soul, but even with tithing, it will be a lot less expensive than continuing to fund the political pipe dreams of delusional egomaniacs like Abrams and O’Rourke.

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Brownies are racist

By Mike Huckabee

This story was originally published on January 13, 2023

Time once again to spin the Big Wheel of Random Racism and see what’s racist today! There it goes!  And it comes to a stop…on…..”Brownies!” Mark it down, Brownies are now racist!

To be clear, they mean the name given to the youngest members of girl groups like the Girl Scouts, not the delicious chocolatey baked goods, although I’m sure we’ll also soon learn that those are racist, too. The Canadian Girl Guides group is doing away with the name “Brownies” because they claim it was somehow causing girls to experience racism, and don’t be surprised if today’s ultra-woke Girl Scouts USA follows suit.

For the record, the term “Brownies” has been used for over a century and has zero to do with race or skin color. Indeed, girls of all races and skin colors are called “Brownies.” The name was taken from English folklore and refers to fairies who secretly help people do household chores. 

There’s also a term from folklore for people who spend all their time hunting for innocuous things to complain about so they can feed their addiction to power and attention by getting people to knuckle under to their ridiculous complaints. They’re called “trolls.” The proper response to them is to laugh in their faces and ignore them. Anyone who does that deserves brownie points.

Now, if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to go eat a chocolate brownie before those are banned, too.

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Epic Day

By Mike Huckabee

This story was originally published on January 10, 2023.

Today is a pretty epic day for the Huckabee family.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders, youngest of our 3 children, becomes the 47th Governor of Arkansas today at noon in a swearing in ceremony on the steps of the Arkansas State Capitol.  There is no way to fully express the range of emotions I’m personally feeling watching her enter her service in an office that I had the privilege of working in for just short of 11 years.  Her move with her family to the Arkansas Governor's Mansion will mark a return to the home in which she spent a lot of her adolescent years learning places to hide.  Her 3 children will try the same stunts, no doubt, but they don’t have a chance!  She already knows where all the great hiding places are!  

Her becoming Governor is historic in that it marks the first time in American history that a daughter has followed her father in a Governor’s Office.  She is the first woman to be elected Governor in our state.  But I believe the real history is yet to be written as she will bring vision, bold ideas, and a great team of quality people to the office.  Above all, it’s my fervent prayer that she takes one piece of advice from her Dad:  “Never forget who your boss is!”  It’s not the donors who helped get you there.  It’s not the lobbyists, the legislators, the staff, or the press (certainly not!).  It’s the citizens of the state who maybe didn’t vote for you, couldn’t afford to contribute to your campaign, or have a thing they can do for you.  No matter how they dress, what they do for a living, where they live, or how much education they have or don’t have, THEY are your bosses.  Serve them.  Love them.  Pray for them daily.”

She enters with a servant’s heart and the heart of a Mom.  I’m proud of all 3 of my children, but today, it’s her special day to celebrate with her incredible husband Bryan, their 3 children Scarlett, Huck, and George, and thousands of friends from across the nation.  And her parents celebrate with her!

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I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Sunday Standard.

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  • Nathan Sefton

    01/15/2023 11:06 AM

    Good morning Sir. Congratulations to our new Governor. My question is? Where did the 50B set aside by Bush 2006 for border wall end up?