
Latest News

May 16, 2022

In other Russia Hoax-related litigation, former Trump National Security Advisor (for two whole weeks!) Michael Flynn has filed a $50 million claim against the FBI and the “Justice” Department under the Federal Tort Claims Act, for malicious prosecution in their so-called investigation of the Russia Hoax.

Investigative reporter John Solomon has obtained a copy of the filing, known as a Form 95 Civil Claim. Filed quietly on February 22, it claims that Flynn can prove political interference inside the FBI.

The career of this three-star Army general was arguably ruined. Thus, the $50 million represents “compensatory damages including but not limited to lost past and future earnings/revenue, emotional distress, lost opportunity to be President’s National Security Advisor, significant restraints of personal liberty, attorney’s fees/expenses and court costs in defending against malicious prosecution, abuse of process, false arrest.”

One strong piece of evidence of his political prosecution is that now-infamous meeting in the Oval Office attended by then-President Obama, Vice President Biden, and FBI officials. Flynn’s filing mentions that this meeting was held just weeks after Obama pointedly urged Trump not to choose Flynn as national security adviser. Flynn also alleges that former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe had a personal vendetta against him.

“Flynn was the target of a politically motivated investigation and prosecution that had no merit when it began, no merit during its course, and no merit in the end when the charges were withdrawn by the DOJ and ultimately dismissed by the Court after Flynn received a full pardon,” the filing reads. They called him a traitor, it says, acting in concert with a foreign power.

They even threatened to prosecute his son unless he pleaded guilty. (Recall that he did, then withdrew the plea after getting new legal representation.) The filing says, “The federal government’s targeting of a citizen for baseless criminal prosecution and eliciting a plea bargain through threatening of family members is outrageous conduct of the highest order.”

We wish Michael Flynn all the best in his pursuit of this suit. No punishment that could be levied is too great. The government cannot be allowed to get away with this banana-republic-style political intimidation and ruination.

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  • Robert E Walton sr

    05/22/2022 07:15 PM

    General Flynn is an American Hero.
    As a retired member of the U.S. military he is the kind of leader that troops willingly follow to the gates of hell and back. I wish him well and pray that God will intervene to stop the destruction of our nation and turn the hearts of our people back to our Lord Jesus. I fought to preserve the liberties past down to us from our fathers. It sickens me to see what this illegal administration has done and his doing to our nation. May they all receive justice for their treason.

  • Cheryll Bouzek

    05/22/2022 06:32 PM

    Michael Flynn deserves a huge settlement from our government for the treatment he received and the impact it had on his life. In my USA this would never happen to a man who served his country honorably and broke no laws. I am appalled at what is happening to our country!

  • Lisa

    05/22/2022 05:09 PM

    Thank you Gov Huckabee for this update on Gen Flynn. I hope he gets all $50 million! He was so terribly mistreated along with his family. He's an honorable man who proudly served his country. It's a shame that we have such Godless people in this country who are only out for their own power and the power of the Democrat Party and will do anything to preserve both. God bless you! I love your newsletter. BTW, I sure hope Sarah wins the Governors race. She will be an excellent Governor...just like her Dad ??

  • Patricia Raduziner

    05/22/2022 03:50 PM

    I love reading your daily newsletters but I wish we could share some of your articles to Facebook or to friends. In my case, I would like to share some with my granddaughter who has become a liberal despite growing up in a conservative home. Some of your points of view and your concise answers I want to share with her. You say it better than me. Thanks

  • stephen russell

    05/22/2022 02:29 PM

    Id sue for 8-10B for psych damages etc alone from Govt
    No mickey mouse millions

  • Elizabeth N. Mayer

    05/16/2022 03:51 PM

    I was so glad to see that Mike Flynn is suing!!! They tried to destroy him, his reputation and his career. He had to sell his house to pay legal fees. They should all rot. If only he could sue the actual people who did this to him.