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February 13, 2021

Trump’s attorneys did exactly what they needed to do in their argument on Friday, and it was astonishingly good. As Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said, they “legally eviscerated” the House managers’ case and “blew [it] out of the water.” Sean Hannity had a great segment Friday evening showing how it went down.

The defense accomplished this in about an hour –- dramatically less time than the House impeachment managers had taken to repeatedly present fake "evidence" and shamefully manipulate the emotions of those inside the Senate chamber. It conclusively debunked some classic lies told about Trump, such as the fake “fine people on both sides” quote. It featured an attorney we hadn’t seen before, the magnificent Michael van der Veen, who chastised House managers for having the nerve to claim the First Amendment didn’t apply in an impeachment proceeding.

And what better way to counter the Democrats’ deceptively-edited “movie” --- which I have labeled falsified evidence --- than with their own video, accurately depicting rhetoric much harsher and more violent than anything Trump has ever come close to saying.

Game, set, match. On CNN, they tried to dismiss it as a partisan stunt, “a Sean Hannity mix tape.” But what else could they say? No, it was breathtaking in the way it made its point.

THE EPOCH TIMES has a good summary of the proceedings. Note the description of Democrat senators’ response, rolling their eyes and “finding” reasons to excuse their own behavior while still condemning Trump.

The defense was able to show that a tweet used by the House managers had been deceptively photoshopped. Another choice moment was when Republican senators questioned an impeachment manager about Kamala Harris’s promotion of a fund, the Minnesota Freedom Fund, that bailed out rioters.

As reported in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, the “trial” was poised to conclude on Saturday. (I had thought it was supposed to be in recess on Saturday, to accommodate the request by a Jewish participant for a recess from 5PM Friday until Sunday.)

But late Friday night, after the spectacular presentation from Trump’s attorneys that made them all look like fools, Democrats must have decided they’d seen too much of their own blood on the Senate floor, and they started talking about bringing in witnesses after all. I guess if I were an attorney and the last day of arguments had gone that badly for me, I would be thinking of something –- anything –- else to try as well.

After seeing a helpful report on CNN, Democrats started thinking they might have something to be gained by examining a phone call between Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy the day of the riot. Democrat Sen. Chris Van Hollen said Friday on MSNBC that “if they made the decision to call witnesses, we would welcome that.”

Recall that legal analyst Jonathan Turley had questioned the Democrats’ odd lack of interest in calling witnesses. Over and over, they referred to media reports instead of calling the people directly involved. On Thursday, according to USA TODAY, the Democrat managers were saying they had made their case.

If Democrats want to start calling witnesses now, they’ll have to get at least a 50-50 vote for that (with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie). Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said it would be up to the House managers to decide if they want to pursue it, implying that all the Senate Democrats would go along. One catch: if they do this, Trump's defense gets to call witnesses, too.

What some Democrats apparently want to do, after Trump’s attorneys slapped them down hard on Thursday by revealing their lies and falsification of evidence, is to dig into the phone call President Trump had with Rep. McCarthy on the day of the riot. Numerous Republicans were reportedly briefed on this call. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican who voted “yes” to impeach Trump, says he was told about the call by Rep. McCarthy. (Note: in a real trial, this would be called “hearsay.”)

Beautler has tweeted that McCarthy told him he’d called the President after the riot had begun and asked him to “publicly and forcefully” call it off. The President had told McCarthy that it was antifa doing the rioting. McCarthy had told the President that, no, these were Trump supporters. And the President had said, “Well, Kevin, I guess those people are more upset about the election than you are.”

It is true that Trump could have been more forceful in calling off the protesters; he appears in this secondhand description of the call to have blown it off with a quip. But did he even realize how serious it was when he said that? At some entrances to the Capitol, protesters apparently were waved in by Capitol Police as if they were expected. In other locations, the breach grew extremely contentious and even led to a woman being shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. It sounds as if Trump had no idea it was this bad when he made that comment.

So, there are different ways this hearsay account can be interpreted, and none of them have to do with “incitement.” Of course, Democrats always assume the worst motives on Trump’s part, but it could simply be that he really did think antifa was doing it –- indeed, some antifa were involved –- and also that he didn’t yet know how much it had escalated.

The way to find this out would be to call Trump. Maybe if they hadn’t thrown the Constitution down the toilet and insisted on “trying” him as a private citizen, he would've been more cooperative.

According to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, the “trial” will resume at 10AM ET on Saturday (so much for the request to honor the Sabbath), with up to four hours devoted to the question of whether or not to call witnesses and documents. If there is no successful vote to do that, they’ll go to closing arguments and could even hold a final vote as soon as Saturday afternoon.

Alan Dershowitz, who thought the Trump defense was lackluster on its first day, in which they argued against the constitutionality of the proceedings, gave them an “A+” for Friday. In his words, “they did a masterful job on narrowing the issues, making the senators focus on it, and I think it was a winning argument. I think they redeemed themselves.” Dershowitz believed as I do, that the key words were those the Democrats fraudulently cut out of Trump’s video, the “peacefully and patriotically” part.

"This is gonna go down in history as a terrible, terrible abuse of the Constitution,” he said. “Democrats put themselves above the law, putting a private citizen on trial...for making speeches protected by the First Amendment.” An acquittal will minimize the damage, he said but “already there’s been a lot of damage done to our Constitution and to the divisions in our country.”


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Comments 26-50 of 79

  • Elizabeth N. Mayer

    02/13/2021 04:43 PM

    I loved your article on the canceling of Gina Carano.
    "The Twitter mobs screeched that it was OUTRAGEOUS that she would evoke Nazis to describe their treatment of conservatives (even though these same leftists often post about wanting to execute or round up Trump voters and put them in concentration camps…because THEY’RE Nazis. History is not their strong suit.)"
    What an understatement: "History is not their strong suit." I laughed out loud.
    You are a gifted speaker and writer. Never stop. I forward so many of your essays to friends. You not only are writing the truth, you frame it in an easy to understand and often entertaining way.

  • Cheryl Sunderland

    02/13/2021 04:28 PM

    This is finally put to rest and low and behold McConnell finally came on board to aquit our fine former President. I am SO PLEASED ????.

  • Steve Maley

    02/13/2021 04:20 PM

    M. Mcconnell is no leader. He shows his true color today, a worthless piece of excrumement.
    He is not a Republican or a leader in any way.

  • Josephine Patten

    02/13/2021 03:49 PM

    I am from the UK and I think President Trump is one of the best presidents in years. The Dems are out of order. It’s amazing what Jealousy and fear is doing to them. I wish he was our prime minister I would be over the moon. You need a Business man not career politician in the White House.
    They are reversing everything President Trump did just out of Spite.
    If you look at the Democrats they look angry, mean haters only out for there selves especially the females they have no class at all and don’t get me started about Schumer and Schiff.
    Now if you look at the women in Trumps party they had class and made sure they weren’t obnoxious and rude. I think the American people are going to regret Biden presidency big time. If something isn’t done about your voting system from now on there will always be Dems in the White House. I have family in American and I feel sorry for them and what effects America eventually effects us in England. God Bless America and please help stop this steal.

  • Emily R. Bath

    02/13/2021 03:47 PM

    What really makes me angry is all the fake news that is on the internet and they won't let you comment. What a joke! This country still loves our President, Donald James Trump even if the election was stolen from him.

  • Jbtx

    02/13/2021 03:47 PM

    I enjoy your insights and your links to other site's stories, most of which I also follow.
    Can you tell us how you feel about an Article V convention? If you have covered that, and I missed it, I apologize. I would love to hear your opinion. I think it should happen, but I can also see there could be pitfalls, if it fails to keep the same spirit of freedom and liberty our forefathers intended for the country.
    God Bless you, your family and loved ones, and God Bless our country.

  • Marti Campbell

    02/13/2021 02:34 PM

    Thanks for keeping Americans abreast of the truth, Mike! I trust no one else with any news about MY President! From one Arkansan to another!!!! You give me hope that America will see the light of day again soon!

  • Barry Mulder

    02/13/2021 02:28 PM

    hate to say it but "go down in history" democrats do not believe in history otherwise they would stop using Adolf Hitlers play book to turn this country 3rd world communist, and stop destroying all rememberances of history so we do not repreat them. Go Trump legal team get them with the truth.

  • Mary harden

    02/13/2021 02:19 PM

    Always love to read your clarity of the daily “who said what” untruths of trump! One thing for sure they will not change my vote! Always a Republican,

  • Kathy Mastel

    02/13/2021 01:58 PM

    “Trial”- This sounds like a judgement on Trumps “evil” character and his presidency overall. Can’t we just admit that BOTH SIDES have been Evil in their rhetoric and shown despicable character traits. They’ve played political games to forward their agendas and gain power. IT’S DISGUSTING!! This “trial” is a waste of time and $$$$$. The DEMONCRATS should be ashamed of themselves for making this a priority. ????. Really makes me sick

  • Deborah Hafer

    02/13/2021 01:55 PM

    Yay at last! Go team! Why can't these demon Dems leave Trump & his family alone! Exactly what part of hell do these liars & manipulators come from! Please God, let there be more of us than them. The USA needs restoration. Thanks Gov. always for your wisdom & input.????

  • Malone Mitchell

    02/13/2021 01:43 PM

    Did it not be against the law to fire persons you don’t agree with because of religion or sex and etc.
    Need to get the so-called Republicans to quit talking or hiding and start doing. That’s what we elected them to do. Not sit on their duffs.

  • Marian Lynn VanderVort

    02/13/2021 01:40 PM

    I live in southwest Washington State, and Jaime Herrera Beutler is my representative. Jaime is a female, a mother of two young children, not a male. I guess with Nancy Pelosi's ruling about gender, it is not relevant, but I thought you would want to know this as you referred to "her" as "him". I was very disappointed in her vote to impeach Trump, as I have supported and voted for her. I voiced this disappointment in a letter to her, let her know I will not vote for her again.

  • Janet Witmer

    02/13/2021 01:33 PM

    Please continue to fight for the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. What can an average citizen do to help. Is there any organization I can join to preserve our wonderful Country. So many people are seriously concerned. We are loosing our democracy.
    Thank you

  • Rick Teague

    02/13/2021 01:23 PM

    Hello Mike, Wow all this fraudulent activity from the Democrats and in Congress! It should be made known far and wide the criminality, the perjury, the fraud they are committing and all thrown out of court. In fact the perpetrators should be charged with falsifying evidence and brought up on charges. Isn't this contempt of Congress? Remember they brought in false witnesses to condemn Jesus and so really could we expect anything less from the Left? Evil expresses itself through lawlessness and there is no doubt that the election was rigged by lawless Democrats who also committed fraud. They have no conscience or character and it will be by this evil they might bring America down unless we can stop them. In a manner of speaking we do realize that at some loint this will happen biblically. Before Christ returns there will be a one world government and we can easily see how America will be brought down and no doubt by the Left. God bless you sir.
    Rick Teague

  • John French

    02/13/2021 01:23 PM

    This impeachment fiasco is all fine and good for the Dems, but how about producing the real evidence involving the Dems in their treasonous acts against Trump and our country. It's time to issue the subpoenas and start the trials, preferably Military.

  • Andy Shannon

    02/13/2021 01:21 PM

    As I watch our country crumble, I see prophecy being fulfilled. I didn’t think it would excell at this speed. I truly believe Jesus’s return is very close. Unless GOD intervenes to give us more time?

  • Charlotte Rush

    02/13/2021 01:16 PM

    I only watch weather on tv. Definitely not someone’s opinion of events. I do read news articles. The last article I read stated that Democrats were going to call witnesses. Angry. Only thing I see is a grudge held against President Trump. Biden could have stopped this if he was really interested and sincere to try and unify the country.
    Your daughter is running for Governor. I remember you stated how difficult it is to beat the machine in Arkansas. I plan to vote for Sarah. I’m hopping she will be a better Governor than the ones we’ve had after you left office. Have a blessed day. I do enjoy reading your newsletter.

  • Nancy Larson

    02/13/2021 01:11 PM

    My comment is about the nazi story. Growing up and actually to this ripe old age of 62 I have wondered how hitler was able to do what he did with almost no one fighting back. I just couldn't understand why the majority didn't fight. Until now that is. As I watch and live in California I see so many going along with and approving the lock down. And each time the governor adds more restrictions more people resign and follow his dictator rules. I now understand how hitler was able to get people to walk into gas chambers. I am horrified to see the United States of America following hitlers playbook. History is definitely repeating itself , this time conservatives are the target. It is so scary but I will not bow down to any human! On a lighter note love you show!

  • Michelle Ferrer

    02/13/2021 01:08 PM

    Good recap, thank you. But, I'd like to see you comment on today's surprising vote by the Senate to hear from witnesses. Other than prolonging this charade, what is up with that!

    I was surprised that Lindsey graham changed his vote to a yes, and that tells me he has something up his sleeve to bring this to a speedy close. But, I am sick of all of this. The democrats have Trump rolling around in their heads and can't move forward. Enough. We the taxpayers are paying the members of Congress a large sum of money to actually do something positive for the country rather than don KKK hoods and set fire to crosses. I expect Congress to get their act together and earn the paycheck. I also want the walls of Washington taken down and the National Guard dispersed.

    Thank you for listening to my rant this morning. Disgusted with Congress.

  • Larry Ricks

    02/13/2021 01:02 PM

    Governor, it really doesn't matter. Our President will be impeached again, regardless of the truth. Democrats have lost all sense of integrity and respect, not only for the Country or for themselves. All are on the take from somebody. The rhinos are worthless and hopefully those states will through them out, but again, I seriously doubt it. It is bad, very bad, and I fear it will get much worse for the Nation. I just don't see anyone with a backbone or love of country out there. Sad.

  • Aaron Woien

    02/13/2021 01:02 PM

    Yes, let's call witnesses for both sides to the clown show "impeachment!" The longer this nonsense takes, the less time the left-wing House of Representatives and Senate have to enact their pernicious agenda. I heard that attorney David Schoen had requested pausing for the Sabbath, but withdrew his request, expecting a quick decision. If this is true, it amounts to caving in to the leftists, and Mr. Schoen should request forgiveness for this act during Yom Kippur services on September 16, 2021.

    About the Rock Hall of Shame, why is there no Middle of the Road Music Hall of Fame? Perry Como has to be the first inductee, followed by Peggy Lee, Andy Williams, Dionne Warwick, the Carpenters, Barry Manilow, Dean Martin, and of course, Frank Sinatra. I could go on, but that is a start.

    Don't hold your breath, folks, Cuomo will NOT be impeached, recalled, or prosecuted. There is hope he will be voted out of office in 2022. After all, his corrupt father was voted out on that glorious day, November 8, 1994. As they say, like father, like son.

  • Laura Wensek

    02/13/2021 12:47 PM

    The impeachment is a sham, just like the first one was, now they voted to call witnesses, how long will this farce go on. Instead focusing on delivering the COVId vaccine to people, congress is spending their time and our money on this sham! Congress needs to have term limits because they no longer represent their constituents!

  • Nelda Hays

    02/13/2021 12:40 PM

    I think this trial is an one of the most assisine things I have ever seen by elected officials in my life time.

  • Sharon Knutson-Felix

    02/13/2021 12:15 PM

    The problem with facts is the Democrats don't care about facts. You can't win with facts. You can't win with the constitution. It's like using scripture to provide truth and understanding but they don't believe in the Bible or God. We speak different languages. You can't think all is well because truth is revealed. There is no truth because right is wrong and wrong is right.

    Thank you for holding on to faith. I can't sit and listen to the news. It's not good for my mental health. I have to study the scripture and focus on God.... otherwise I'm depressed and feel hopeless.