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June 23, 2021

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Republicans Block Attempt To Nationalize Election Laws
  • Remember The Name: Brad Taylor
  • Iowa School: MAGA Means This...
  • More On School Board Meetings
  • A Necessary Lesson For Congressman Huffman


Mike Huckabee

P.S. Texas poll results tomorrow!

Republicans Block Attempt To Nationalize Election Laws

By Mike Huckabee

Congratulations to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans for sticking together Tuesday and blocking the Democrats’ attempt to nationalize election laws under the guide of “vote reform.”

The “For the People Act” (aka the “Legalize Vote Fraud Act”) tied 50-50, and it needed 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster. I hope this is the last we’ll hear of this attempt to violate the rights of states and cement Democrats in power forever, but judging from Chuck Schumer’s overheated hyperbole about the tragedy of this garbage bill failing, he’ll pull out all the stops to try to resurrect it in some form, including trying to end the Senate filibuster.

Schumer knows this has to get passed before the 2022 elections, when the Democrats fear their reign of error will come to a screeching halt. Does anyone else find it ironic that while Schumer, Pelosi, et al, claim to be championing democracy, “the people” and the right to vote, they’re trying to cram through as much of their unpopular legislation as possible by hook or by crook before the next election because they fear that the people will use their democratic right to vote to throw the lot of them out of office?

Related: Don Surber points out that while the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) keep telling us that the Democrats being in power proves America wants leftist policies, the fact is that Republicans did better in Congressional races in 2020 than Democrats and are likely to do much better in 2022. The Democrats have no mandate, they’re on the opposite side of most Americans on their major issues, and party leaders privately know it. That's why they’re so desperate to seize control of the election system. Surber has some numbers that might give you encouragement to keep up the good fight.

And here's more proof that the Democrats are “on the wrong side of history,” as well as civics and biology.

Remember The Name: Brad Taylor

By Mike Huckabee

Remember the name Brad Taylor. He’s only 15, but I predict that you’ll see some big things from him someday. In fact, he may have already helped strike a blow that could help spell the beginning of the end of pernicious Critical Race Theory in schools.

Brad was a student at Rosemont High School in Rosemont, Minnesota, but he’s now taking classes from an online Christian school. Before he left, he decided to attend a school board meeting to let the officials know why. His eloquent evisceration of their racist “anti-racist” policies was caught on video and at last check, had been viewed over half a million times on YouTube.

There have thankfully been a rising number of parents, and even teachers, daring to speak out against CRT, but leftists who are trying to force this “divide and conquer” strategy onto our children are attempting to dismiss the backlash by claiming those parents are just “misinformed” by “right-wing media” and don’t understand what CRT is. Well, Brad understands, because he and his classmates were the targets of this attempted brainwashing. This is one of the first retaliatory strikes by a student who has firsthand knowledge of what they’re trying to do to kids, and it’s a bombshell.

This is a must-read/view. Brad describes how the school preached “inclusion,” then deliberately excluded white students, and how they tried to make kids feel like victims or oppressors, based on nothing but their skin color. He also describes how uncomfortable it made the kids feel to be pitted against each other (they’re obviously wiser than the school administrators) and for white kids to be made to feel “guilty for just existing.” He says some teachers privately told him they agreed with his views but were afraid to speak up (so much for “tolerating diversity.”) And I love how he challenged the board members to “look at yourselves in the mirror tonight and ask, are you really standing up for the equality of all people, or are you just pushing a damaging political ideology on our students?”

It's not surprising to me that Brad chose to attend an online Christian school instead. People of faith understand that racism is a vile sin against God, who made us all in His image. We believe, like the Rev. Martin Luther King, that people should be judged by the content of their characters, not the color of their skin. Proponents of CRT claim to be fighting racism, but they’re actually trying to divide the races, sow distrust and hatred, and teach children to judge each other solely by their skin color. They may not wear white robes, but they’re doing a better job of accomplishing the KKK’s goals than the KKK ever did.

Iowa School: MAGA Means This...

By Mike Huckabee

And speaking of schools being turned into racist leftist indoctrination centers, were you aware that if you want to Make America Great Again, it means you’re a white supremacist? That’s what a school district in Iowa is telling its teachers to impart to students.

This will come as quite a surprise to all the black people I saw wearing MAGA caps and T-shirts at Trump rallies.

More On School Board Meetings

By Mike Huckabee

While we’re on the subject of school board meetings, remember when those were considered boring, and you could get through one without anyone being arrested? But then, that was back when schools concerned themselves with things like reading, writing and arithmetic instead of far-left politics and social issues.

At another school board meeting, parents made so much noise, it sent a wake-up call to the woke board members, and they woke up, smelled the egg nog, and returned “Christmas” and other holidays to the calendar.

A Necessary Lesson For Congressman Huffman

By Mike Huckabee

California Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman tweeted that if Catholic bishops “politically weaponize religion” by denying Communion to politicians who violate the church’s beliefs, such as by promoting abortion, then “a ‘rebuke’ of their tax-exempt status may be in order.”

I realize that Rep. Huffman is no religious scholar (he makes that abundantly clear), so let me attempt to explain some things to him in simple terms. First, the church doesn’t take orders on who deserves to receive Communion from Washington. Second, Rep. Huffman seems to think this stance is something new that they just dreamed up to target the President. The Catholic Church has condemned abortion as immoral since the first century A.D. Believe it or not, that was even before Joe Biden was born. Individual Catholics may disagree, but the Church’s position has always been that life begins at conception and is to be respected and protected as sacred. Throughout the church’s history, you could be excommunicated over abortion.

The people who are causing this controversy are not the bishops, who are only affirming the longtime view of the church. It’s the politicians who want to be able to proclaim themselves good Catholics while endorsing policies that are strongly condemned by the Church. Threatening a religious group if it doesn’t change its sacred beliefs to accommodate political leaders is the very reason the Founders gave us the First Amendment.

The bishops may yet decide to compromise their beliefs, but that’s, as they say, between them and God. Rep. Huffman seems to be laboring under the delusion that the government is God. He should bone up on both the Bible and the Constitution before tweeting again. The same goes for his Twitter followers who enthusiastically endorsed his asinine idea. But then, we know that over 90% of tweets are written by fewer than 10% of users, most of them heavily liberal, so I assume they have only a nodding acquaintance with both the Bible and the Constitution.

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Comments 11-16 of 16

  • Judy Radley

    06/24/2021 01:23 AM

    With this crazy cancel culture BS, maybe we could use it for good by telling television networks that in order to fully cancel culture, they need to cancel all TV commercials, media news, social media, and anything that is a part of American culture, in order to fully 'cancel culture' in America. If that was put out there, I bet the whole cancel culture BS would become extinct.

  • Beth Mitchell

    06/24/2021 12:53 AM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for your newsletter. I am very thankful you take the time to keep us informed of important happenings. God bless Brad Taylor! That article was incredible. It is wonderful that there is common sense out there. Would like to see Congress and the Executive branch get common sense. Thank you again and God bless!

  • Paul Kern

    06/23/2021 11:53 PM

    So now the government is clearly "dethroning" God and putting Satan in His place. Surely these are the last of the last days. We must persevere physically and spiritually. Only God knows the time or the hour of His return!

  • Roy E. Wuthier

    06/23/2021 11:38 PM

    I am thankful that there are still sites on the internet where honest, forthright and Biblically correct views are continuing to be expressed. It is important to contrast these sound, true and reliable positions with the dishonest, false and demonic views of the 'woke' cliental. These evil individuals have inserted themselves into our school boards and various other key positions. Sadly, they are damaging our young and vulnerable kids, but your highlighting of courageous young students who have stood up to these monsters and forced them to back down has bee most refreshing. Thanks, Mike, keep up this important work. May GOD Bless you!

  • William Fuhrer

    06/23/2021 11:33 PM

    Coach Mike Tomlin recently wrote about whose values were most important in forming his moral values and how important his father always being around was.

  • Rich Marek

    06/23/2021 10:46 PM

    I live fairly close to Rosemount, and all I can say is that Brad Taylor has uttered some of the sanest words to be heard in Minnesota in a long time. Heck, I may not wait for him to finish high school to vote him into office!