
Latest News

January 24, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • The 46th President
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Bill Maher On Trump Supporters
  • Calling it as they see it
  • Note To Women Who Voted For Biden
  • Twitter Suspensions Update
  • Interesting Keystone Pipeline Item
  • Bible Verse Of The Day


Mike Huckabee

The 46th President

By Mike Huckabee

Joe Biden became the 46th President on Wednesday and he said he wanted to fight as hard for the people who didn’t vote for him to promote unity, but then he proceeded to imply that anyone who voted for President Trump was a racist, a white nationalist, or an imbecile who needs to be de-programmed and re-educated. Boy, that really warmed the hearts of 74 million people! I will not spend the next 4 years screaming that “Biden is NOT MY PRESIDENT!” I honestly can’t fault Joe Biden for issuing a stack of executive orders that undid pretty much everything Donald Trump did by executive orders in 4 years. As we should all know, elections have consequences. With the stroke of a pen, Joe Biden opened the borders to illegal immigrants who are now rushing to get in so we can educate them, give them health care, let them vote, and compete with your kids for jobs. He stopped the Keystone Pipeline which means fuel prices in the US will jump up, we’ll tick off Canada, kill 11,000 jobs immediately, and return us from our being energy independent to once again having to beg the Saudis for oil. This really helps the Russians, who’ve been all but bankrupted by the Trump energy policies of putting America first. So for all the lies told about Donald Trump colluding with Russia, it turns out that Russia’s real friend is Joe Biden. In all, in his first hours as President, Joe Biden signed about 17 executive orders to undo policies of Donald Trump. And that’s what happens in an election. You don’t just lose power; you change direction. And if you just liked Joe Biden’s personality more than Donald Trump’s, then hopefully you won’t mind paying for it. And you will pay for it. But it’s not the Big Government economic policies that will disturb me most. It’s endangering our ally Israel by getting back into the deal with Iran, the world’s largest sponsor of state-owned terrorism. It’s pushing a pro-abortion agenda that believes it’s normal and okay to take the life of a baby right up until the moment of birth and force you to pay for that horrific procedure with your tax dollars. It’s forcing institutions and schools to play along with the fiction that a person’s gender can be decided by “imagining it to be” regardless of the science of biology as well as the Bible that says there are 2 genders, male and female. But don’t expect to be given the truth about what Joe Biden does or doesn’t do from the media. Their hate of Trump was so intense that even after mocking him for saying we’d get a vaccine before the end of the year when he launched Operation Warp Speed, he delivered, and they dived into their arrogance and never admitted that they were wrong or have they or will they ever give him credit. Our country is truly divided and while I hope President Biden will try to bring the nation together, he can’t if he doesn’t recognize that 74 million of us see the world differently, but we are not racists, white supremacists, or nativists. We love God, our families, and our country. And we think America is good. Not perfect, but good and better than it was. And I guess even the leftists are starting to agree with us because when Lady Gaga sang the National Anthem at the inauguration, not one person took a knee!


"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

After a week like this, I know you could use a new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN, and we have a great one for you tonight. I’ll discuss the latest DC developments with an endangered species: rational, Constitution-respecting Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard. We’ll get some thoughts on the coming Senate impeachment farce from Rudy Giuliani. Author and viral video star Carlos Whitaker will talk about his inspiring new book. Actor/country star John Schneider will give us a sneak peek at his great new movie inspired by his love of one of my all-time favorites, “Smokey and the Bandit.” And we’ll have music, and a very special salute to a heroic US military veteran, from country star Tim Atwood.

We get eastbound and down, starting tonight at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Bill Maher On Trump Supporters

By Mike Huckabee

Fellow conservatives often ask how I can defend Bill Maher when our views are mostly diametrically opposed. It’s because, even though I may disagree with him, he’s one of the few people on the left who still respect free speech and freedom of thought enough to have conservatives on his show. And once in a blue moon, he’s right about an issue, and when he is, he is practically the only person left on the left who still has the guts to speak the truth out loud.

Calling it as they see it

By Mike Huckabee

Proving that there still are a tiny handful of honest liberal reporters who are willing to call out partisan gaslighting, censorship and propaganda when they see it, here are some comments you really should see, by Michael Tracy

And Glenn Greenwald


Note To Women Who Voted For Biden

By Mike Huckabee

Hope you are okay with the fact that on day one, he signed an executive order that tramples women’s rights and will destroy girls’ and women’s sports and athletic scholarships. As Michael Brown explains, Biden just imposed a brand new glass ceiling on females. Sorry: “cis-gendered females.”

Twitter Suspensions Update

By Mike Huckabee

For a brief shining moment, it appeared that Twitter finally showed some integrity and suspended an account owned by Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenai that threatened President Trump’s life. But it turned out to be a fake account. The Ayatollah’s real account that’s threatened Trump and others is apparently still up and running.

On the plus side, Twitter finally suspended several Antifa accounts with over 71,000 followers, after the Inauguration Day riots. Interesting that some of them have been around since 2012 and weren’t suspended during all the other riots in 2020 that caused up to $2 billion in damages, but only after Biden became President. I have a feeling this is less about Twitter suddenly developing integrity and more about my theory that Antifa has outlived its usefulness to the Democrats.

Interesting Keystone Pipeline Item

By Mike Huckabee

Stephen Green’s daily “Insanity Wrap” feature at PJ Media contains several interesting items, including an explanation of how President Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline will destroy 14,000 union jobs but benefit Biden-supporting billionaire Warren Buffet, whose trains will have to move the oil instead. Proving again that Democrats hate billionaires...except THEIR billionaires.

Also, note the Twitter tweet that points out that under the Democrats’ own standard that the President is personally responsible for every COVID-19 death that happens in America, after just one day in office, Biden has killed more Americans than 9/11, the Parkland Shootings and the Gulf War combined.




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Comments 26-46 of 46

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/24/2021 02:35 PM

    There is NO 46 th president !!! Loco joe DID NOT WIN IT LEGALY !! Just because they went through the motions does not make it something we 70 + voters should accept. The crooked judges in the so called supreme court refused to hear the case. TO SEE EVIL AND NOT CALL IT EVIL IS EVIL. NOT TO SPEAK IS TO SPEAK. I am asking for GOD'S JUDGEMENT TO FALL ON EVERY evil person closing churches, every evil person killing children, every crooked politician both elephant & democrat and the whatch ma call its (half elephant & half donkey ), on every crooked judge and every abortion clinic !! IT IS TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK !!

  • Anne Eagle

    01/24/2021 02:31 PM

    Governor Huckabee, Thank you so much for bringing us factual news in such a humerus manner.
    Problem: though Dish network lists TBN on channel 260, when you go there, it's actually something else which you don't want to watch. Any ideas?

  • Floyd Unger

    01/24/2021 02:29 PM

    Thank you

    I’m not sure that our country can survive.

  • Paul Russ

    01/24/2021 02:29 PM

    The other evening Tucker Carlson was wondering why there were still many thousands of National Guard troops still in Washington, DC.
    It occurs to me that the most likely reason is for protection during the upcoming impeachment trial in the Senate.
    What, of course, the Democrats and RINOs do not realize is that it reveals their despotism. If they felt secure that their power was legitimate and a mandate from the electorate, then protection would not be necessary. However, their illegitimacy makes them fearful of the majority and therefore requires the threat of military oppression for their own reassurance. Hence, thousands of troops in the Nation's Capital, just like an other totalitarian regime.

  • Linda Olds

    01/24/2021 01:48 PM

    1) I cannot call Biden "president". He is illegitimate. He "won" the primaries by other candidates being told to drop out, and the democommies stole the November 3rd election for him.
    2) To all of the Republicans who refused to support President Trump and now want money so they can bring us honest elections: you have to be kidding!

  • Michael Demers

    01/24/2021 01:48 PM

    Dear Fellow Mike,

    If the trump team has the election evidence and if the Q message is non sense so all we are talking about is voter fraud. Why not have a Media stream give them however much time they need to make the argument? At that point wouldn’t SCOTUS have to pick it up. I am exhausted from the Q analysis, Lin Wood, and all others. TBN, NEWSMAX, OANN, What’s left of FOX could all pick it up. 80 million Americans could share via messenger or text.

  • John David Wildfong

    01/24/2021 01:44 PM

    So, what now? Do we all just hunker down? Are we just to wait and submit to the "re-education" camps? Does anyone really read or respond to these comments?

  • Eugene Staudinger

    01/24/2021 01:18 PM

    Why wasn't Julian Assange pardoned. Kinda odd but knowing Trump he had good reasons

  • James K Mills

    01/24/2021 01:08 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee:
    You said "... he [O'Biden] doesn’t recognize that 74 million of us see the world differently, but we are not racists, white supremacists, or nativists. We love God, our families, and our country. And we think America is good."
    The problem is that O'Biden and the Left see us ALL as "deplorable chumps" who need to be dragged out of our homes, thrown into reeducation camps and deprogrammed (AKA Brainwashed to blindly follow the Left's ideals and NOT think for ourselves. Saying that we love God is an absolute No-No for those people who view religion as a form of mental illness. And if we love our families, they will raid our homes and take our children for "reeducation." And their latest rhetoric seems to say that if you're white you're a white supremacist and a racist who MUST by definition HATE blacks, browns, Asians, Hispanics, American Indians and more. Wait a second... what race is Pelosi? Shumer? O'Biden? Does Biden still say "if you don't vote for me you ain't black?" While they're sending SWAT to do 2AM raids on our homes to drag us out in cuffs and throw us into reeducation camps, are they going to do the same to blacks and latinos who are listed in the voter polls as registered Republicans? Or Libertarians? Or any other non-Democrat-Socialist-Marxist-Communist denomination? Because anyone who isn't Democrat is obviously mentally defective and needs to be committed, right? Maybe we should reverse that when deciding who needs to be committed. Hmm?

  • Mary Gentry

    01/24/2021 12:53 PM

    We know "elections have consequences". That's why we voted for Donald Trump. This phrase, first uttered by Obama, is being endlessly used by several conservatives, Lou Dobbs says it multiple times per show, and it is getting threadbare, tiresome, and irritating. And now I found it in your morning newsletter. I think conservatives are well aware of the consequences we all face.

  • Laura Hudson

    01/24/2021 12:12 PM

    Very well said !! Thank you for speaking for us who don’t have a platform .

  • Emily Yeatts

    01/24/2021 12:09 PM

    So governor Huckabee if congress can unconstitutionally impeach a private citizen why does it stop with trump why not impeach Barack for Bengali for 1B to Iran no treaty not legal no congressional approval for illegal guns that killed one of ours in fast and furious for spying on a rival candidate and what about senator and Secretary of State hilary for her role in election interference why is no accountable except trump there is no provision in constitution to impeach a former president private citizen the clause states impeached and removal from office congress is not the judicial branch no matter how much they want to control it and so far they have very good in affecting their rulings how can they do this?

  • Gary Hornbuckle

    01/24/2021 11:54 AM

    Yes Mike, while elections have consequences, those whose process has been totally corrupted (and in effect amount to a election coup) should not, and so I will not accept Biden as my legitimate president ever following this highly fraudulent vote. Doing so would be to accept living in a Banana Republic, in which your vote doesn't count anymore. I can't accept that. If enough people do, our Republic is gone.
    As for uniting, that is all a pretense and his only intention is to get us to totally capitulate to a globalist New World Order agenda, which he supports. Every one of his executive orders are designed to help effectuate that agenda, destroying our country in the process. No, if this fraudulent election isn't corrected there is no hope to ever have another free and legitimate election. In my opinion the military should intervene.

  • Arrie A. Sims

    01/24/2021 11:44 AM

    Your asking ( in a poll ) if Joe Biden should be investigated. My question is, investigated by who? Every branch of government closed ranks against Donald Trump. Blatantly overturning an election in front of everyone's eyes. Maybe it should be the Republicans? What a laugh.

  • gregory weinman

    01/24/2021 11:36 AM

    Thank you Governor,
    In addition to the jobs lost due to shutting the Keystone XL pipeline the American petroleum reports another 100,000 going away soon They report federal land accounts large portions of oil and natural gas production in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. If the 60 day halt becomes a federal leasing ban the cost would be about 18,000 jobs lost in Colorado, 62,000 in New Mexico, and 33,000 in Wyoming over the next 2 years. They would not be the only jobs lost. Downstream suppliers like fracking sand mines in Wisconsin and steel manufacturers in Pennsylvania would also suffer.
    Thanks Biden!

  • Ann Bennett

    01/24/2021 11:16 AM

    You finally fixed the Bible verse of the day so that it is readable! Please keep up the good work and quit superimposing the words on top of a picture so that the verse is now easily readable.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/24/2021 10:49 AM

    Dont call him President call him Biden
    President= Don Trump
    Rigged election .

  • Sharon J. Smith

    01/24/2021 10:48 AM

    When America turns its back on Israel again, God's revenge will be great. When we kill even more babies, God's revenge will be great. As long as evil reigns in the hearts of people in this country, God's revenge will be great. The truth must prevail. I am so thankful I know Jesus.

  • Sydne Ora

    01/24/2021 10:45 AM

    It is a known fact with many states coming forward that the 2020 and 2021 Georgia elections were mail in ballots, dumped ballots and machine fraudulent, with foreign interference! FACTS stop ignoring truth. The devil is father of deception and lies. Shame on you Huckabee!
    We must get on our states attorney general's, governors, reps immediately! The ONLY WAY TO election Integrity is to show EVIDENCE of 2020 fraud and demand justice!
    States must continue or initiate investigations into 2020 fraudulent election. Evidence must be used to revoke electoral votes, revoking biden democrat STOLEN win. This must also be used to clean up states election laws back to CONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION INTEGRITY.

  • Sydne Ora

    01/24/2021 10:43 AM

    It is a known fact with many states coming forward that the 2020 and 2021 Georgia elections were mail in ballots, dumped ballots and machine fraudulent, with foreign interference! FACTS stop ignoring truth. The devil is father of deception and lies. Shame on you Huckabee!
    We must get on our states attorney general's, governors, reps immediately! The ONLY WAY TO election Integrity is to show EVIDENCE of 2020 fraud and demand justice!
    States must continue or initiate investigations into 2020 fraudulent election. Evidence must be used to revoke electoral votes, revoking biden democrat STOLEN win. This must also be used to clean up states election laws back to CONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION INTEGRITY.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/24/2021 10:38 AM

    Keystone cancellation:
    Add more pollutants since have to use trucks & barges to move oil?
    & they want Green New Deal?