
Latest News

February 24, 2022

Say what you will about Sen. Mitt Romney, but he was right when he warned during the 2012 presidential campaign that Russia would be America’s biggest security threat. The media laughed, and Obama mockingly said that “the ‘80s called, and they want their foreign policy back.” Well, Romney just responded to the Ukraine invasion by saying, “The ‘80s called, and we didn’t answer.”

He also rightly pointed out how predictable this was because Putin pulled similar assaults against Georgia and Crimea while Obama was in office, not that the media spent much time telling you about that.

Oh, but wait: Mitt just couldn’t get through his statement without taking a slam at Trump and trying to blame Putin’s aggression on Trump’s policy of putting “America First.” So close, Mitt…

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Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Corey Sedgwick

    02/25/2022 10:41 PM

    I have not seen a comment anywhere comparing what happened in the Cuba crisis in the 60's. Only that time it was USSR putting missles on our doorstep and we could not allow that but we expect Russia to accept NATO doing the same thing in Ukraine. Pretty Hipocritical. Let's not forget Kennedy almost put us to war and it was Soviet submarine commanders refusing launch orders that save us then.

  • William Jakovac

    02/25/2022 09:18 AM

    I remember that debate and how he was mocked. It took awhile to be proven correct, but there were signs along the way.

  • Barbara Graham

    02/24/2022 08:52 PM

    Romney can never leave President Trump alone because he is green with envy that Trump did such a great job as our President. Romney wants to be in the
    white House so bad. Sorry Mitt, we don't want you there.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    02/24/2022 04:12 PM

    Mike. If snit Romney were in office, Putin would be doing exactly what he's doing now . It's one thing for Romney to say he knew he would do it if he got the chance. Trump knew it. The difference is if Trump was in office Putin wouldn't be doing it. Period.


    02/24/2022 03:25 PM

    Mitt Romney speaks out of both sides of his mouth! He is a liar and a cheat and I pay no more attention to him than I do my family pets.